Cyber Jaw Breaker's blog

After my last three fights, I was feeling my oats in a major way. I mean, I had put down Eric, NHBcyber, and Javi with my fists. When Dustin issued his challenge, I knew I couldn't say no. Would I KO him with an uppercut and watch him drop to the canvas? Would I break his jaws like NHBcyber? Or did I bite off more than I could chew? 👊🏼👊🏼

Dustin: I hear from my buddy Ben that there is a new brawler in town, so of course I gotta go check him out, show him who the real Alpha fighter is in town. So I throw out a challenge to him, figuring that he will punk out. But sure enough, you stroll into the bar on a Saturday afternoon, not many guys around, and see me standing ringside in jeans, boots, and a wifebeater. I know exactly who you are, but I still say, "Can I help you with something?" as you walk up. 

Rex: I take the bait and walk up to you. Jesus, this guy is big… and hot as fuck… I can feel the adrenaline pumping through as I get to you. “I’m looking for Dustin.”

Dustin: I just smirk, "That's me. What can I do for you?"

Rex: “I got word that you’re the fighter to beat. The best in town.” 

Dustin: "You heard right. Oh are you Rex?" I look at you as if you are some punk. "OK man, sure, let's go. Get into the ring and let's see what you got!" I kick off my boots, then peel off my jeans and shirt. "You don't mind brawling naked do ya?" 

Rex: “Fuck no. Only way to fight.” I peel off my shirt, revealing my hairy chest and strip down, standing naked in front of you. I walk up to you, my chest pressing against your hairy pecs. “Show me where that ring is. I’m ready to knuckle up with you.” 

Dustin: OK, so this dude ain't no joke, and when you step up to me and press your hairy pecs into mine, we both feel my cock throb a little between us. I take a step back and chuckle,, "Follow me." We head to the back room, followed by ten guys who know there is going to be a fight. It is a crappy ring, rough ropes, and I hop over the top rope and flex for the locals who all cheer.. 

Rex: Electricity shoots through me as I feel your cock throb. Fuck, I need to concentrate on fighting this hairy slab of man meat… “lead the way, man” and I follow you to the back room. The ring that is there is worn down and used, with only a dim bulb overhead. I look at the other men who came to watch the fight. Not used to an audience, but I will give it everything I’ve got. I check you out as you as you flex to the local yokels.

Dustin: I turn to my corner and do a little shadow boxing, quick lefts rights to loosen up. Then I crack my knuckles and my neck, and put my fists up, eyeing you up and down, bouncing on the balls of my feet, looking for an opening 

Rex: I slip off my red speedo and kick it to the side, my semi hard cock flopping out and jumping. I climb into the ring, watching as you warm up and prepare for the fight. I roll out my neck and shoulders and stretch out my chest. As you put your fists up I do the the same, guard high and tight as I watch you circle in. The light overhead highlights your perfect frame… that hairy body, your thick cock as you move in…

Dustin: I can tell from your stance that you aren't just some sloppy fisted local, and it makes me just want to beat on you more. I feign a left hook to your head, then immediately go low with a hard left right combo to your hairy lower abs.

Rex: I have my eyes locked on you as we size each other up.. I go to block the left as it comes for me only to get hit in the gut THUNK THUNK… I bounce back wincing from the blows … fucking meat books on you will do some serious damage if I’m not careful…. I bounce back on my feet.. send out a right jab for your jaw… 

Dustin: I smirk at ya as my fists pound into your hard abs...gonna enjoy breaking those down...then POW solid right jab right into my jaw snaps my head back, and I shake my head to clear the cobwebs. Damn, this man can hit. Warier now, circling ya, guys yelling for me to hit ya. I step in and send my own right jab, aimed directly at your left eye 

Rex: I can see the effect my punch had on you… can hear the crowd cheering you on.. clearly this is your venue and you have your fans. Gonna give them a good show no matter what… as you step in to swing out the right, I step to the side, dodging your blow as it comes straight at me … I swing a right into your side, hooking under your ribs… 

Dustin: My fist sails over your head as you use your shorter height to duck under my punch and OOOOOF my core twists sideways as your knuckles slam into my ribs. I grimace but keep my fists up and send a quick left right punch towards your bearded chin

Rex: I hear you grunt from that hit… before I can bounce back you swing out your fists in quick succession… my head snaps to the side from each hit… i bounce back to put some space between us I clear my head … fuck.. . Wipe the sweat off my forehead, starting to get hit in here.. I put my guard back up and swoop on, sending a right hook to your hairy gut… 

Dustin: I smile as the sweat sprays off your body as I knock your head around, had the heat turned up since I arrived this morning. I come at you hard, not giving you time to recover, but you are a fast fucker and you launch a big hook into my fur covered abs, air and spit exploding from my mouth as I stagger back a bit from the punch, gasping for air 

Rex: As you stagger back I go on offensive, swing a right left right for your jaw 

Dustin: You come at me and I am able to block your first right, but the left comes right in behind it, knocking my head to one side enough for me to drop my fists and POW you pound the right one into my jaw, staggering me to the side. Give my head another shake, pissed that you are getting shots in, then bull rush ya, driving my shoulder into your hairy abs and slamming you back first into far corner. Machine gun lefts and rights into those hard abs, determined to break them. 

Rex: Your head snaps back and forth under my fists in a spray of sweat, your cock shuddering and bouncing from the impact of my fists… makes me get rock hard as I watch you stagger to the side.. you quickly recover and come charging at me… your shoulder hits me hard and I bend over you, feeling the heat of your body against mine, the scent of your sweat… I wince and grunt out as we hit the corner, my back slamming into the post… I cough and sputter a moment and just as I recover your fists start to drill my abs, striking hard, taking at least four or five, trying to tighten my gut as you pound it.. I push out of the corner and grasp you on a clinch, trying to push you back… 

Dustin: You grab ahold of me, and you can feel my cock throb against yours as the smell of your body hits my nose and your bearded face scrapes against my sensitive nips. We push back and forth, and I send a few fists up towards your face but we are too close for them to hit. So I abruptly push back and send a hard uppercut towards your chin 

Rex: We struggle against each other… grunting.. I feel your hard cock pressing against mine and I gush pre cum on your hairy abs… you try to strike at me but can't… then I feel your hands on my pecs as you shove me back and just as I regain my balance CRAAACKKK your uppercut sends my head rocking back… I see the ceiling as I stumble back, hitting the ropes and grabbing on to the top rope to get my balance… I see stars for a moment as I catch my breath, sweat running down my back, my cock throbbing… 

Dustin: The arc of sweat that flies from your head from the punch makes my cock throb, and when you fall back, holding onto the rope for support, I see my opening, and come in hard with another left right combo aimed directly at your nose

Rex: GNNGH! GNNNH!! each hit strikes hard, my head jolting back with each hit… i wildly swing out a back handed fist at your head, hoping to make contact… 

Dustin: Thinking I got you on the ropes (literally) I am totally unprepared for your back fist, SLAMMING into my head and staggering me back, teetering me on my heels, before I catch myself, stunned, head pounding, my rock hard cock spewing precum like a leaky faucet 

Rex: I move toward the center of the ring, catching my breath, holding my face for a moment… taking advantage of the distance between us to gather my strength… I can see that my fist caught you off guard as you stagger back… the light picking up the pre cum as it leaks between your cock and the ring floor… I come back at you, pushing your hairy chest against the ropes as I get behind you.. my hard presses against you as I send my right fist into the small of your back… 1..2…3 times

Dustin: You shove me back and spin me around so I am facing the crowd, stunned by your ferocious style and OOOOF OOOF OOOOF the guys watch up close as you drive the air from my lungs. Got to get back into this, so I push off the ropes into you, making you stumble back, then pivot and drop to one knee, sending a massive uppercut towards your hairy nut sac and thick cock 

Rex: I can hear the men cheering for you and encouraging you on as I hit you… you push off the ropes and shove me back, taking me off balance as I stumble away from you. I go to swing out a right hook when you drop to one knee, my hook zooming over your head… GGGNNNNNHHHH!! 
... Your fist connects with my junk… I moan out and drop down to one knee, the pain shooting through me … god damn… I grunt, trying to stay together, waves of pain and slight nausea rippling inside me 

Dustin: You drop to your knees across from me, and I can tell by the look of surprise and agony on your face that you ain't used to fighting dirty. I pull my head back and SLAM a headbutt right between your eyes, sending you back, then scramble to my feet and STOMP my size 13 bare foot into your cock and balls. "Welcome to the big leagues!" and the guys all laugh, some of them stroking to the action. 

Rex: I barely have time to completely register your punch to my nuts when my head slams back from the force of your head butt.. I grunt loudly and fall back, landing on my ass and falling back onto the canvas... I move groggily on the floor until your foot slams into my junk... I moan out loud, wincing in pain and doubling up before falling back onto the canvas... fuckkkk... I can hear the men in the audience laughing, cheering you on ... my chest heaves i suck in air, trying to stay together ... 

Dustin: I grab your head with both hands and drag you back to your feet, making sure my rock hard cock slaps you in the face on the ride up, then push your back and start sending hard punches to your pecs, left right left right, driving you back towards the corner 

Rex: I can resist very little as you pull me up... the girth of your cock brushing against my face and the scent of your maleness filling my nose for a moment... I stumble momentarily on my feet as you push me back... UNGH!!! UNGHH! your punches to my hairy pecs knock me back... each blow pushing me toward the corner... I tighten my chest as your fists hit, trying to absorb as much of the impact as I can... I finally hit the corner, grabbing onto the top ropes with both hands... feet planted squarely on the canvas... eyes staring right at you, sweat running down my face, my body drenched... taking in your every move.. 

Dustin: Your hands go the ropes, leaving your body and head wide open, and I take a second to look at you----fuck you look good, fur drenched in sweat, dazed, hard. Lick my lips and I pull back my right fist and aim it directly at your nose. 

Rex: As you swing out at me with your fist, I duck under your punch, and I am down on my haunches, send a right left into your hairy gut...

Dustin: Once again, underestimating the stud's ability to take punishment, I stagger as my fist flying over your head. You are down low and I barely have time to flex my core before your fist slams into my abs, still hurting from your previous shots. I absorb the shot and stagger back, mouth breathing hard, getting some distance between us. The guys watching all murmur their grudging approval of your speed and power. 

Rex: As you stagger back I bounce back up to my feet... my body is aching like a bitch right now.. I force myself to continue on, moving in on you and sending a right hook for your jaw.. 

Dustin: You get back to your feet and come at me, and I can tell that you are hurting but that doesn't stop you from sending a serious right hook to my jaw which snaps my head violently to the side, and I stagger back faster, have to plant my feet to keep from falling on my ass

Rex: I watch as your head snaps back, the sweat and spit flying from your face as you take the punch, the sound of your grunting filling the air... as you stagger back I rush at you, driving my shoulder into your gut and pushing you back to the opposite corner... 

Dustin: OOOOOF air and spit explode from my lungs as your shoulder PLOWS into my hairy abs, sending both of us flying backwards, not stopping until my back slams into the ring post, knocking the wind out of me. You take a step back to deliver more punishment when my right foot snaps up and catching you square in your hairy orbs, and as you double over, I stagger out of the corner and NAIL the side of your head with a right hook before staggering away, holding my abs, trying to suck in air 

Rex: As I am ready to slug on your hot hairy body I feel your foot again slamming into my junk... I grunt in pain as I double over, vision blurred for a moment... just as I am clearing my brain your fist slams into my head like a ton of bricks, your meat hook pounding into me... GNNNNNGHHH!!! I drop to one knee... then down to all fours, my body seizing slightly as I fight to stay conscious.. my cock throbs and gushes precum onto the canvas... I cough and sputter... fuckkk... 

Dustin: I take a few seconds to catch my breath, but you aren't going anywhere for a bit, cuz I can tell by the look on your face that my punch rocked you pretty bad. I stagger over to you and grab your hair and YANK your head up, forcing you to look me in the eye. "You got game, man, and on a different day you just might have beaten me. But that day is not today. Don't worry, by the time you wake up, I will already be in your ass, so you won't have to suffer the pain of my ripping your hole open. Sweet dream." I pull back my left fist, kiss it, then POUND it into your face. 

Rex: GGGNNNNGHHHHH!!!! your left hits my jaw and sends my head flying to the side.... my body is carried by the force of the punch and twists, following my head and in a moment I am on my back, spread eagle, arms to the side, my dick rock hard and leaking precum on my hairy abs... my body seizes for a moment, twitching slightly, and then I go limp, completely knocked unconscious by your vicious punch.... 

Dustin: I stand over you, fists up in case you decide to try to get back up, but everyone (including me), knows that you are out. Sweat dripping off me, I put my foot on your pecs and strike a double bicep pose, as the few guys watching all cheer, and I try to pretend that you are just another piece of beaten meat under my foot. But damn you are the toughest, hottest fighter that I have tangled with in a long time, and a rush of adrenaline rushes through me. I take my foot off your pecs, kick your legs apart, and drop between them, then throw your legs over my shoulders and shamelessly grope at your hairy body, doing whatever I want to your KOed body. I finally end with a few strokes of your spitting cock, feeling it throb in my fist in time with your heartbeat. I wipe up some of your copious precum and use it as lube, stroking my cock a few times before lining the head up against your pucker and SKEWERING your tight hole, tip to nuts, in one agonizing thrust. 

Rex: I slowly come to as you stroke my dick, the sensation of your hand on my meat making my body tremble... I look at you, feeling your hands on my hairy chest, my abs, my legs over your broad shoulders... I see the look in your eyes and in one fell thrust I feel your thick fighter cock enter my ass... filling me up, pressing into me... your thick bush pressing against my nuts... I moan out in agony and ecstasy as your cock skewers me... taking a pounding from this big slab of hairy man meat... I moan out... I clench around your cock, throwing my head back in a silent moan..

Dustin: I let out a gasp as your tight chute clenches my cock, sucking it deep into your hot, vicing it in its strong velvety grip. Awwwww hell, and give you an evil grin, grab your bearded face with hands and pull your head off the canvas, kissing you hard while my cock pounds into your prostate over and over, both of us dripping with sweat. I look over at the reflection of us on the mirror on the far wall of the room. FUCK we look good. 

Rex: I wrap my arms around your shoulders as you press your lips to mine, pulling down to me, our hairy chests touching as you fuck me like the champ you are... I run my hands over your sweaty back, feeling the tense muscles, the strength, the masculinity of your body... I moan in your ear... fuckkk.... 

Dustin: I pull away from the kiss, but keep our sweaty foreheads pressed together hard, staring into your eyes as I start jackhammering your hole double time, licking the sweat from your face. I abruptly push your head back to the canvas and grab your throbbing dick and use it as a handle to pull you onto my cock, over and over, stroking our shaft in time with my fuck

Rex: I start to moan loudly, my breath coming in gasps as you stroke my dick... my balls start to tighten.... the tension is building, I can feel the electricity shooting through me as you pound my ass, harder and harder.. I can't take it much longer.... 

Dustin: I know you are close and I am too, but I want that load. I stroke you even faster and aim your pulsating shaft right at my sweaty pecs. With my free arm, I do a bicep pose, your leg trapped in the crux between my forearm and my pumped up muscle 

Rex: Watching you flex is sending me over the edge.... that muscle, the hair under your arms.. looking at that sexy burly chest... I grunt like an animal... my nuts churn... and with a serious of loud moans my cock erupts, shooting a volley of cum that lands on your hairy pecs, followed by two more, each one hitting your chest and nipples... I continue to shoot my load, five more ropes that hit your hairy gut, bush, and my abs... awwwww... FUCCCKKKKKK!!! 

Dustin: I have an evil grin on my face as your cock coats my hairy pecs and nips with your hot jizz, and I grab your
legs and move your feet to my pecs, using them to smear the cum all around as I throw my last few deep thrusts into you. And when your toes brush against my sensitive, cum covered nips, I howl and SEED your hairy ass, a half dozen thick ropes of cum deep in your hole, and I keep fucking you for a solid minute after I finish shooting before finally slumping down on top of you, exhuasted.

Rex: I collapse under you, beaten and fucked... I feeling the weight of your hot body on mine ... I close my eyes and black out, completely drained and exhausted, having been defeated by you... 

Dustin: I finally push myself off you, and flop down next to you on the canvas, my cock making an audible POP when it comes from your tight hole, dripping cum onto the canvas. I lay there heaving, endophins rushing over me, content to lay here until you come to. 


Última edição em 23/2/2023 02:12 por Cyber Jaw Breaker; 0 comentário(s)
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Javi is a big hunk of sculpted, latin man meat that liked to strut around the gym. Every time he came around me, I could sense his eyes burrowing into me. It had been a while since my last fight, and the eventual clash between us happened sooner than I expected, and I couldn't get enough. How does the fight turn out? Read on... 👊🏼👊🏼

Rex: We stand chest to chest, the tension between us mounting. I can feel my dick starting to jump in my gym shorts at the thought of fighting you... "Meet me at the back room of the gym and we'll get it on."

Javi: I walk into the back room of the old gym, never been in here before. I look around, it’s dark in here. I’m pretty sure this is where Josh told me to meet him..

Rex: I click on the light. It's just a single bulb hanging over the ring, casting a dull light, leaving the rest of the room in grey shadows. I check you out as you stand there. "Glad to see you made it, man" I say. "Ready to step up?" 

Javi: “You know it.” I shut the door behind me and make my way towards the ring. Slowly peeling off my t shirt and jeans.. 

Rex: I pull my shirt off, revealing my hairy chest. I slip off my shorts and stand there in my red speedo. it's tight and hugs my thick ass and firm bulge. I climb up in the ring. 

Javi: I strip down to a dark blue jock strap. Looking you up and down. I step through the ropes and into the ring.. 

Rex: My heart skips a beat as I see your toned body and how well you fill out the jock. I lick my lips and adjust my junk. "Let's do this, bro. Fight to KO." I knuckle up, keeping my guard high and tight... I circle out to meet you..

Javi: Both of us raise our fists as we begin to circle each other. Eyes locked on each other, like predators stalking their prey. I make the first move, stepping in quickly. I slam a hard right cross into your jaw followed by a left hook back into your body 

Rex: I stare you down as we circle.. in a flash you are at me.. my head snaps to the side as your right hits my jaw… I grunt as your fist digs into my body… I bounce back a step, keeping light on my toes… I move in and swing a right for your gut

Javi: You right connects hard to my body.. ughh.. I the impact makes me wince as I stumble back and away from you. growling as I close the gap between us. I slam a hard right hook into your gut 

Rex: UMMPH! the right hits hard… I grit my teeth and throw a right uppercut into your jaw..

Javi: Ughhhh… my head snaps back violently. The impacts sends me stumbling back into the ropes. I push off the ropes as I see you coming and slam another fist into your jaw… 

Rex: As you swing your fist I duck under, feeling the SWOOSH as your fist nearly takes off my head… the force of your punch takes you a step in front of me.. I turn around and slam a fist into your lower back.. THUNK!! 

Javi: I wince in pain as you fist connects to my lower back. The impact sends me stumbling and feeling away from you. My body beginning to drip sweaty as I turn and swing another wild fist into your gut 

Rex: Again I am taken by your hit, grunting and wincing as your fist swings in, hitting hard and deep… I sputter a moment, taking a few steps back to catch my breath… I wipe the sweat off my forehead and push my bangs back… I put up my fists and circle back to you … gonna have to be more careful this time …

Javi: Panting as I take this moment to catch my breath. A smile crosses my face, this stud is so fucking sexy and a challenge, I couldn’t ask for more. I raise my fists and we begin circling

Rex: We eye each other … I plant my foot and swing a right hook for your jaw.. 

Javi: I see you pull back and am able to duck under the wild punch at the last moment. I can feel the air pressure as you fist zooms past me. Before you can even recover I step into your and slam a 1-2 combo punches to your body…

Rex: GNNGH! GNNNGH! god damn! Each hit makes me fold a little… I put my hands on your sweaty chest and push you back, creating some space between us..

Javi: The shove catching me off guard. I stumble back into the ropes. Panting as sweat drills down my tatted body.. 

Rex: As you stumble back into the ropes I launch myself at you, swinging a right for your jaw…

Javi: Your right connects hard. My head snaps to the side and the impact forces me along the ropes into the corner. Panting I turn and slam my fist into the small of your back 

Rex: UMMPHH!! I grunt as your fist hits… I fold slightly… I turn and grab you by the shoulders… I drive my knee into your gut…

Javi: The knee definitely catching me off guard.!’y eyes go wide as I double over in pain. Ughh… I slumps back into the turnbuckles 

Rex: As you slump back into the turnbuckle I move in with a deep hook into your gut, hitting you under the ribs… THUNKKK!! 

Javi: I wince and cry out in pain as you drive your fist in deep. I put my hands on your hairy pecs and try and shove you off me… 

Rex: You push back… I catch my footing and come back at you… swing a left at your jaw..

Javi: I barely duck out of the way of the brutal hook of your. I pull back and slam an uppercut into your gut right below your belly button 

Rex: UMMPHHH!! Fuck! I stumble back… creating some space between us… my cock has pushed out of my red speedo, climbing against my abs, precum matting down the hair on my abs… I shake my head out… 

Javi: Panting as I push myself off the turnbuckles and out of the corner. My own cock has forced its way out of my speedo and as not leaking against my smooth abs. “Come on boy… I’m not done yet.” I wave you forward 

Rex: “Neither am I, man.” I smirk at you. I put up fists and move back at you… I feign a right to your head, then send a left to your side.. 

Javi: I fall off it, I go to defend from your right and get slammed by your left. I wince and double over. I stumble to the side. I growl as I come back at you hot. I feign my own left to your body and slam my right into your jaw 

Rex: I block the lest as it comes at me and send a straight right into your gut … THUNK!!! 

Javi: I gasp as you drive that fist deep into my gut. I slump forward, my face pressed against your sweaty hairy pecs. Ughhhh… I slam my fist weakly into your side 

Rex: We clinch… our sweaty bodies pressing against each other.. my bulge rubs against yours… my cock throbs.. I drive a sharp hook into your gut… 

Javi: I cry out in pain as I wince from your powerful hook. Our bulge grinding as our cocks meet for the first time. Leaking profusely against each other as I pull back and slam a hard left cross into your jaw 

Rex: GNNNGH!! My head snaps back hard… I bounce back a step.. I pace over to my corner for a moment.. my cock is throbbing hard… “I can’t fight in this anymore, man.” I grab at the side of my speedo and tear, ripping the seam.. my dick falls out and stand there naked… I put my fists up again, ready to fight you to the finish

Javi: “You’re right … it’s just holding me back.” I reach down and slowly rip the speedo off my body. My thick Cuban cock springs free. I throw the speedo at your face. As you react to it. I run up and slam my knee into your hairy gut 

Rex: Impressed with your body as you stand there naked.. I brush the speedo aside as it comes at me…UMPH! I fold over as you drive your knee into my gut… 
I wrap my arms around you, catching you in a clinch… we fall back against the ropes and I roll you around on your back… I send another fist to your side… 

Javi: I smirk as I sink my knee deep into your gut. But as you wrap your arms around me and we clinch I know this isn’t gonna be good. Our bare cocks grinding and leaking against each other again as you roll is and slam a hard fist into my side. I cry out in pain. I pull back and slam a hard punch into your side.

Rex: I wince and take your punch to the side.. I lean into you and hit you with a second fist, pounding on the same spot… 

Javi: I cry out again. We are locked against the ropes trading punches. Slug it out, I pull back and slam and punch into your body.. 

Rex: UMMPH!! I wince and grit my teeth… I send a right uppercut into your jaw… 

Javi: That vicious punch pulls us apart. I slump back in against the ropes. Stunned and dazed.. 

Rex: As you fall to the ropes I come at you, hitting you across the jaw with a solid right, your cock bouncing from the impact .. CRAAACCKK!! 

Javi: Your slam a hard right into my jaw, my head snaps to the side. Sweat spraying off me. My cock bouncing and slapping my abs. I growl as I spit blood into the canvas. Willing my mouth I push off the ropes and raise my fists..

Rex: As you get to your feet my cock throbs and gushes precum again..I stand there in front of you and throw a left at your jaw.. 

Javi: I barely dodge your left, this brawl as taken its toll on me. I duck under your left and slam and uppercut into your body, right under your ribs

Rex: As you duck under my left I fall against you, our chests pressing against archer …UUNGGH!! I return the hit with another blow to your side 

Javi: I cry out as you slam another brutal punch into my body. Chest to chest, I shove you off me. Trying to create some space to breath

Rex: You push me back a step, but your shove doesn’t have as much force behind it…. I refuse to back off, coming at you with another right to your jaw… 

Javi: Your punch connects. My head snaps to the side and my legs give out. I crumple to the canvas 

Rex: You drop to your knees on front of me… my cock jumps and precum shoots out and hits your tattooed chest… your bison looks blurry… I grab you under the arm, one hand on your hot chest and the other on your sweaty back, pulling your muscular frame to its feet… I line you up, then send an uppercut into your jaw….. CRAAACCCKK!!! 

Javi: Dazed and stunned, out on my feet. You slowly drag me up.. “No… no. “ then you pull back and hit me with the merciless uppercut. The impact knocks me off my feet and leaves me in a pile

Rex: I watch as the uppercut knocks your head back, lifts you off your feet, and knocks to the canvas… you hit hard, your legs flying up as your back lands… and in a moment you are lying spread eagle on your back, arms and legs limp at your side and your hard cock throbbing against your abs… 
My chest heaves as I catch my breath … body drenched in sweat, aching… my own cock shudders as I look down at you, completely unconscious... I plant a foot on your chest and double bi flex over you in victory. "Now you're done, punk." I turn and exit the ring, sliding under the bottom rope, leaving you beaten and unconscious in the middle of the ring. Let the morning crew clean up this mess, I think to myself, already looking forward to the rematch.

Última edição em 21/2/2023 16:17 por Cyber Jaw Breaker; 0 comentário(s)
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The third in a trilogy of fights with NHBcyber. He was defeated in the first two. Will he finally get his victory, or will he once again suffer a vicious beat down? 👊🏼👊🏼

NHBcyber: ring match small crowd.....basement of a bar dimly lit...... steel gate surrounding the outside of the ring to separate the crowd KO only . black squares and boots heading toward the ring

Rex: i enter the room from the opposite end wearing blue board shorts and boots... head toward the ring, climb in

NHBcyber: in my corner stretching flex my biceps to the crowd fists up and face ya.....on my toes

Rex: as i enter the ring i look over to you... see you flexing your cep... slip off my shorts to reveal a tight blue speedo stretch out, slapping my hairy pecs see you raise your fists... raise mine and circle out toward you...

NHBcyber: move toward the center circling you


NHBcyber: move in fast and shoot a left-right jab to your stomach then a forearm to your jaw

Rex: umph! feel your fists sinking into my gut.. hitting hard.. then my head snapping to the side as you crack against my jaw with your forearm... stumble to the side a moment... catch my balance.. look at you, a grin on my face... tug at my thick bulge, raise my fists and circle back toward you

NHBcyber: move back in....charge and dive low slamming a shoulder into your stomach

Rex: ummph! wind is almost knocked out of me as you connect... driving me back against the ropes.. i clasp my fists together and bring them down like a club onto your upper back, right between the shoulders... BAM!!

NHBcyber: aghhhh your fists slam me hard between the shoulder blades dropping me to my knees and then to all fours....i make a fist and slam a left to your right knee

Rex: unhh!! pain sears through my knee... drive a hard right down against your jaw, powering down with all my strength... CRACK!!

NHBcyber: see you coming down fast toward me and GNNGHHHHHH my head snaps violently sideways...spit flies and i drop to my side onto the canvas holding my jaw and rolling away...fuckkk

Rex: as you roll away I move a few steps away... shaking out my knee that still hurts from your punch.... tug at my bulge again, aggression churning in my nuts, and move toward you, fists raised

NHBcyber: i grab at the ropes pulling myself hand rubbing my jaw as i get up and put my fists back up

Rex: swoop in and drive a hard uppercut into your side, under your ribs, hooking hard and deep THUNK!!!

NHBcyber: UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i buck hard.....raising up from the shot then onto all fours with one arm around my side groaning damnnn

Rex: throw my leg over you and straddle your sweaty back...grab a handful of your hair and pull your head back...

NHBcyber: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Rex: CRACK!! strike you across the jaw from behind... knuckles connecting hard

NHBcyber: OWWWWW fuckkk body bucks under you....i drop down a bit as u straddle me hair still in your hand holdin my head up

Rex: keep a tight grip on your hair.... drive my other fist into your upper back..1..2..3 times... ramming down hard like a jackhammer

NHBcyber: AGHHH AGGHHH AGHHHHHHH my body shuddering under you.....bucking from the shots and struggling to keep you up...each time i drop down your fist tugs as my hair......gahhhhh

Rex: i get off your back... my hairy chest matted with sweat, heaving...pull you up to all fours by your hair...

NHBcyber: ahhhhhh rise up my body pouring sweat now, glistening head to toe

Rex: get in front of you....put your head between my legs... the bulge in my speedo straining....hook my fingers under the band of your trunks... with a loud grunt I hoist you up...

NHBcyber: oh shit whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Rex: legs in the air... head pressed against my bulge...

NHBcyber: aww fuckkk noooo hanging upside down trapped

Rex: i look at my buddy Jeremy who's watching the fight.. mouth, "This is for you!!" and drop you down in a piledriver... the ring shaking as you drive down.. BAAAM!!!

NHBcyber: GNNNGHHGHHHHHHHH head drills the canvas hard...the entire ring body drops to the canvas twitching

Rex: I throw my fists in the air.. pound my chest as I play to the crowd... my body glistening with sweat in the dim lights...speedo now way too tight...

NHBcyber: groaning on the mat....bucking every few seconds and rolling side to side holdin my head

Rex: i grab onto the top rope pulling on it... roaring at the crowd...

NHBcyber: i roll away to the ropes now....holdin my head and pulling myself up

Rex: turn around.. see you getting up thought that pile driver would have taken you out.... surprised as fuck to see you still have some fight in you... but after our other fights, i should have known you'd have been able to take it....

NHBcyber: i charge toward u hard iwth a clothesline

Rex: grrrk!! clothesline hit hard, blasting into my throat... i'm knocked off my feet and crash down on my back... grabbing at my throat and bucking... arching my back in pain...

NHBcyber: i shake out my head a bit more from the piledriver...i run off the opposite ropes...jump into the air and drive an elbow down onto your chest

Rex: UMPH!!! can feel my heart jarring as your elbow crashed down.. pain sears through my chest as i groan out...again arching my back as I moan...

NHBcyber: YEAAAA . i jump up.....grab you by the hair and pull you to your feet

Rex: get to my feet as you pull me... slightly dazed from the clothesline and the elbow...

NHBcyber: as u rise i drive a knee into your stomach HARD

Rex: UMPH!!! bend over you knee as you crash in... groaning in pain from the blow... oh fuccckkk....

NHBcyber: i grab your shoulders holding you down and bent over and bring up another knee slamming it into your mouth

Rex: FUUCCKKK!!! my head snaps back as your knee uppercuts into my jaw... spit and sweat fly as I reel back from the impact before falling chest and face first into the canvas... moaning and moving from side to side...

NHBcyber: CMON BITCH! i taunt as i walk around ya

Rex: i slowly move.. dazed.. blurry.. i get up on one arm, then the other and manage to drag myself to all fours, trying to clear out my head...

NHBcyber: i stand beside you as you start to get up grab ur head

Rex: struggling.. sweat pouring down my back and face...

NHBcyber: throw my leg over the back of ur neck as i steady ur head then drop...slamming ur face back into the canvas

Rex: BAMMM! my face hits hard... can feel my brain rattle from the impact... starting to go black.... try to crawl away...

NHBcyber: thats it! i grab ur hair

Rex: still moving.. not going out....

NHBcyber: and pull back hair..yanking you up

Rex: ackk!!

NHBcyber: grin at ya pull back and slam a fist to your right eye WHACKK!!

Rex: my head snaps violently to the side... punch so hard it spins me over and I land on my back...twitching... groaning...

NHBcyber: can dish it by ya can't take it!!!! taunting you

Rex: fuck... you... i mumble

NHBcyber: stomp ur gut as i walk around ya

Rex: umph!! pain searing through my gut...

NHBcyber: grab ya by the hair AGAIN . slowly pulling ya up

Rex: i move up with you.... weak...

NHBcyber: i backhand ya CMON!!

Rex: take you backhand knuckles stinging my face ... stay on my feet...

NHBcyber: i laugh and grin flex a bicep in front of ya . then i pull back my fist.....lining you up

Rex: watch you flexing.. wobbly on my feet... the crowd cheering for you as you beat me good...

NHBcyber: and fire a straight shot right to the nose

Rex: the impact from the punch snaps my head straight back....lifts me an inch or two off the mat... and i crash down on my back...hitting the canvas hard... dazed... barely conscious... slowly moving back and forth on the mat... trying to hold on....

NHBcyber: i raise my fist in the air and parade around the ring for the crowd

Rex: moan on the mat... coughing... gripping onto the canvas... trying to stay conscious...

NHBcyber: i stand in front of you as u lie on the mat we're not done yet bitch!

Rex: I hear you yelling at me... your voice ringing in my ears as I try to get to all fours....

NHBcyber: i reach down for ya again...pulling you up once more

Rex: get with you as you pull me up... can't resist...

NHBcyber: i pull ya to the center of the ring

Rex: stand there... wobbly.... trying to come back...

NHBcyber: i grin at ya again . then reach back and swing a left hook to your jaw

Rex: CRACK!!! my head snaps hard....and I fall back to the canvas.... smashing hard.... body barely twitching....

NHBcyber: i signal to the crowd that its over....i draw my thumb across my throat as i strut around the ring its over punk! i yell down ya then FLEXXX for the crowd

Rex: parading... flexing... giving me time...sucking in air...

NHBcyber: i strut over to ya....grabbin a handful of hair again

Rex: feel you grab my hair, twisting in your fingers... as you bring me to your feet i shoot out my fist and catch you in the gut, right below the navel.. THUNK!!

NHBcyber: ughhh doubles me over...i release ur hair

Rex: as you release me I stagger over... catching my breath... clearing my head.... need to get it together... see you doubled over... swing down a hard right to the side of your head, clubbing you hard.. BAM!!!

NHBcyber: gnnnghhh takes me down to one knee . shake out my head and start to get back up shocked by the comeback

Rex: stand back.. move into you and strike you with an uppercut as you try to get to your feet... slicing hard against your jaw... CRACK!!!

NHBcyber: gnnnghhhh spit flies and my head snaps back...i fall back against the corner holdin myself up on the ropes FUCKKK unbelievable power as your adrenaline pumps

Rex: my eyes are on fire... push you back into the corner...grab the top ropes for stability and drive my knee into your gut 1..2...3...4 times

NHBcyber: UGHHH UGHHH UGHHH UGHHHHH doubled over hard in teh corner....gasping for air grabbin at the middle rope to hold myself up

Rex: grab you by your hair.. hold your head steady... CRACK!! hit you across the jaw with a hard right...


Rex: steady your head again... CRACK!!! hit you with a second right

NHBcyber: head snaps sideways hard...spit flies into the crowd . GNNNGHHHH head snaps again...gettin wobbly now and knees weakening as u pound me relentlessly

Rex: see you stand there, wobbly on your feet... switch hands... steady you again.. CRACK!! CRACK!! hit you across the jaw with two lefts...

NHBcyber: OWWWWW head snaps sideways and as it returns to the front...GNNNGHHHHHHHHHH jaw flies sideways again.... spit some blood out onto the canvas

Rex: put my hand on your muscular, sweaty chest... steadying you... clench my fist and swing it up, hitting you with an uppercut...CRACK!!

NHBcyber: OWWWWWWWWWWWWW lifts me a few inches off my feet.......a tooth flies outta my mouth onto the floor outside the ring with spit and blood...i fall back to my feet and fall forward clutching you and spitting blood over ur sweaty shoulder my sweat soaked body sliding off yours as i clutch onto you to hold me up

Rex: i grab at you... keeping you on your feet... straighten you up...steady you again... and strike you again with another uppercut...CRACK!!!

NHBcyber: UNNNNNNNNNNNNGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH lifted off my feet a second time......spit and sweat fly....head wobbly as i stagger forward

Rex: you fall against my hairy meaty pecs... i push you back up...

NHBcyber: eyes startin to roll back a bit at this point staying conscious but wobbly

Rex: "TAKE IT, BITCH!" I taunt you... and hit you with a third upper cut... snapping your head back hard...CRACK!!

NHBcyber: GNNNNNNGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH . my body presses back into the ropes from the head reels back again...spit and blood fly.......teeth rattling in my mouth....fuckkkkkkkk weak in the knee...almost out on my feet

Rex: can see that you're still conscious... not sure how much more you can fucking take... slam you back onto the ropes unleash a torrent of brutal punches LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT six unanswered fists to your jaw grunting with each blow as I snap your head back and forth without mercy the room echoing with the sound of my knuckles battering your jaw

NHBcyber: GNNGHHH! GNNGHHH! GNNGHHH! my head and body jerk back and forth from the force of the beating .... then I slump down collapsing to the mat twitching as i lie there ... eyes rolled back out cold

Rex: i step back as you drop to the canvas I stand over your battered body ... tugging on the huge bulge in my speedo.. chest heaving.... fucking OUT ...

Última edição em 29/9/2021 02:11 por Cyber Jaw Breaker; 0 comentário(s)
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A sultry Kentucky afternoon, a hot, stuffy barn... Eric is a hot slab of country beef looking for a fight to KO and I was glad to provide one for him. 👊🏼👊🏼

Eric: It didn't take long after I connected with Rex to know we needed to throw down. I invited him out to my friends barn in rural Kentucky; where we wouldn't be interrupted or bothered by anyone. The weather is still hot inside and it's even hotter in the barn, I've already stripped down into a small red speedo, my semi hard cock already straining the material, as I grunt and climb over the chest high bales of hay that have been placed to form a 10x10 area for fights. My bare feet hit the dirt as I start to stretch and throw some shadow punches, sweat already on my pale skin, waiting for Rex to arrive.

Rex: I enter the barn and see you warming up in the make-shift ring. i'm immediately impressed by the big slab of country boy meat in front of me and I can feel the heat building up inside of me. I peel off my shirt and toss it to the side, then kick off my pants. I smirk at you as I stand there in a red speedo. "At least this guy's got good taste." i think to myself. I brush the bangs out of my face, sweat starting to bead on my forehead. Very hot in this barn as I climb over the bales of hay to face you. As I get closer to you I can feel my cock stirring, staring to stretch out my bulge.

Eric: I turn as as I see you drop down into the ring and I smirk. I stride forward, meeting you in the center of the dirt floor of the ring. "So, you ready to get pounded?" I ask, pressing up to you, pec to pec, bulge to bulge.

Rex: My hairy chest touches your smooth chest and our bulges meet. I can feel your hardness pressing against me as your bulge gets a little bigger from the tension between us. "I'm ready to pound your jaw to KO, punk."

Eric: I feel my own hardness grow as our bulges press; the scent of sweat already hanging in the air. "Well see about that soon enough..." I reply before I bring both hands up and shove you hard, backing off a few steps myself as I bring my right handed guard up.

Rex: I fall back a step or two as you push me. I quickly gain my footing. I see your speedo tenting even more and I have to adjust my bulge... I put up my fists, moving back toward you, "Let's do this, man."

Eric: I smirk as you bring up your own fists. It's on. No bells or any of that kind of bull shit. Just two men going to war. I approach, looking to test you early as I pop to fast, sharp right jabs at your face.

Rex: your test punches hit my jaw... I take them easily before swinging out a right and then a left at your jaw...

Eric: Your right swings in and pops me in the jaw, knocking my head to the side. I snarl and get my right arm up in time to block your left. Forcing your arm away, I step in and try to drill you with two right hooks to the ribs.

Rex: I wince and grunt as your hooks hit my ribs, slightly bending over your fists... swing up a second right for your jaw....

Eric: My head snaps roughly again as you pop me in the jaw. "Fuck" I mutter as my guard comes up, not wanting to keep taking those shots early as I throw a right jab at your mouth, followed by a left hook to the jaw.

Rex: I block the right as it comes at me... the left connects hard... my head jolts to the side and I let out a loud grunt... I spin back to hook a right into your side..

Eric: I come up on you, thinking you're reeling. "IUGHH" I grunt as your right digs into my ribs. The blow forces me to back off, throwing a straight right at your face to keep you back as I get some space.

Rex: GNNNNGHH!! The right hits hard and knocks me back... I see you across the ring, your chest heaving as you catch your breath from that opening clash... I again push my long bangs out of my face. Sweat is staring to mat down the hair on my chest... I wipe spit off my lips... I turn back to you. "Round two, man, let's do it."

Eric: The open salvo showed both of us that neither is going to be backing down here. I shake my sweaty shaggy red hair from my eyes and bring my fists back up. "Bring it." I say as I come in, throwing a hard left at your ribs and following it with a right uppercut to the chin.

Rex: Not expecting the hit to the ribs, taking the hit and thinking about my next attack when your uppercut slices through my jaw... GGGNNGH! my head snaps back hard and I fall back a few steps, my back hitting the haybales.. FUCKKK!!... I see stars for a moment as I try to focus on you... the bulge in my red speedo throbbing hard from your punch ...

Eric: "Gotcha you now" I spit out as I stride in, my speedo barely able to hold in my throbbing cock as I look to take advantage of you being stunned against the hay. I turn my ihps into a hard left to your body, followed by a right hook to the jaw.

Rex: UMMPHH!! I tense my abs as I see your fist coming in... I take your hit and immediately my head my head snaps to the side in a spray of spit and sweat... CRAACCCKKKK!! I grunt loudly as I grab at the hay bale to stay on my feet...
Eric: I reach in with my left hand, grabbing yoru arm and pulling you so that you are back to facing me again as I look to clobber your jaw with another right hook.

Rex: I manage to get it together just in time to dodge the right hook at it comes at me... your fist hits the hay bale just to the side of my jaw... I hook my fist under your ribs, hitting hard and deep..

Eric: My fist hits the hay, which doesn't hurt that much, but it has me off balance an open. "IUGHHH "I grunt, spittle flying from my mouth as I stagger back, doubled up slightly, not ready for that body blow.

Rex: I turn to face you, swinging out a back handed right fist at your jaw...

Eric: My head snaps violently, spit and sweat flying as your back fist slams into my jaw. The blow staggers me and I end up stumbling to one knee, guard up at my head as I try to shake my head clear.

Rex: I pull you back up, standing you in front of me.. I hit you with a right left right, backing you across the make-shift ring with each punch, rocking your head back and forth, the sound of my knuckles hitting your jaw echoing in the barn..

Eric: My head snaps from side to side as you take full advantage of my stunned state, punches driving me back into the hay. Hurting, I know I have to fight back, and as my guard tightens around my head, I try to pop out a sharp right jab to your nose in hopes of backing you off.

Rex: I go to swing out another left when your right slices through and hits me in the nose... UNGHHH!! your fist stops me from continuing to pummel you and I hold my nose, groaning... again there's a moment of space between us as we each collect ourselves, catching our breath.. my speedo barely contains my swelling cock, my body drenched in sweat... my eyes narrow as i check you out and stare you down..

Eric: It was what I needed, and I straighen up and shake my head clear. My cock is peaking from the waist of my speedo at this point as I stare you down as well. "Round three, fucker." I say as I bring my fists up and come in. I pop another right at the cetner of your face, trying to distract you from the left hook aimed at your lower body, looking t nail yo in the liver.

Rex: I circle back out to meet you, my fists raised high, my cock stretches past the waist band and points up, dripping in pre-cum... I block the right as it comes at me, protecting my already sore nose.. I wince as your fist hits my side, trying to attack my liver... I counter with a fist to your gut, hitting you just above the belly button ..

Eric: My liver shot doesn't hit flush but I flex my abs as you go low. I grunt out, the fist hitting my slab with a meaty thwack, but I keep in with you. I look to counter with a right hook to the jaw, followed quickly by a left to the other side.

Rex: GNNGHH!! GNNNGHH!! my head snaps back and forth as your fists connect hard... after I take your second punch I swing out another backhanded fist, aiming for you jaw, trying to knock you back and get you off me..

Eric: your backfist comes in and knocks my head sharpy to the left. "Fuck..." I grutn, but rather than back off, I push in. I clinch up with ou, our bulges grinding as I try to body you back up aginst the bales.

Rex: I grapple with you, my throbbing cock rubbing against yours... feeling the heat of your body against mine... I can smell your manly scent as my arms wrap around you to control you.. With a grunt I twist and shove your back against the bales.. I draw back and drive my fist deep into your gut.. THUNKKK!!

Eric: "UGH "I grunt out as your fist slams intom y gut as you take control of the clinch and push me back into the bales. Hurting and knowing I can't stay trapped here, I try to nail you with a quick, short right uppercut to the chin.

Rex: UNGHH!! uppercut hits hard... my head knocks back.. as I come back center, I swing a second right to your gut..

Eric: You push off the bale and am just able to side step your right, swinging around with a hard right of my own aimed at your jawline.

Rex: my fist punts a deep dent into the hay bale as you avoid another punch.. GNNGHH!!! the right hits me hard... I stumble back... I catch myself and regain my footing as I glare at you... I smirk at you as you lean against the hay bale to catch your breath, both of us beaten, hard, and not backing down...

Eric: I glare back, our bodies drenthec in sweat, cocks swollen and leaking pre openly. I reach down and with a few tugs, strip off my speedo, allowing my thick manhood to be free. "Strip down, finish this man to man."

Rex: "Fuck yeah, bro!" I say, and in a second the speedo is tossed to the side and I am naked, my throbbing dick stretching along my abs, thick and hard, my thick, dark pubes drenched in sweat.. can feel the heat on my naked body... I put up my fists.. "Let's go, dude!"

Eric: I look your hairier, naked body up and down and lick my lips. I then come in hard, dipping down at the last moment before trying to dig two hard rights low in the space between your navel and your cock.

Rex: Your hits are hard, making my cock bounce from the impact... I back up... my fists up, checking out the damp mop of red hair, that sexy body... a take a moment to notice that the curtains match the drapes... I swing a hard right at your jaw before you rise up to your feet..

Eric: They do, my big cock framed by sweaty red pubes. I grunt as your right smacks into my had as I straighen up, throwing me back a step as I twist into a right backfist of my own aimed at your jaw.

Rex: I block your right as it comes for my jaw.. I bring up my fist in an uppercut, slicing toward you jaw..

Eric: My head snaps up sharply, spittle and sweat flying as your uppercut nails me in the jaw. My body staggers back and I hit the hay, groaning, dazed.

Rex: I move in, working your gut with a right... left.. right... left.. slow, deliberate punches slamming hard and sharp

Eric: "UGh.....Ugh....Ugh....Ughh....' I groan out loudly as your blows dig into my absm breaking odwn the muscle and knocking the wind out ofme as my body dobles up, coughing.

Rex: I grab you by the chin and pull you back up, centering you... I hit you across the jaw with a right... a second right... and then a left, my fist bouncing off your jaw with fury...

Eric: My head snaps violently with each shot, my guard completley broken as I'm dazed badly and you're working me good. I finally fall foward, our hard cock smacking into eeach other as I try to clinch up, putting a lot of weight on you as I struggle to get my mind back.

Rex: I hold onto you as we clinch, feeling the heft and girth of your cock rubbing against mine.. I moan softly.. my cock throbs and gushes precum as I feel you against me... I grab your shoulders and push you back against the hay bales... I launch my fists at you, hitting you across the jaw with a right, left, right, left... rocking your head back and forth with each punch, my knuckles slamming hard..

Eric: You're able to shove me off before I can really get my wits back. My head onces again smask from side to side, sweat flying from my hair with each blow. Finally, your left smacks into my jaw and my body gives out, my legs going limp as my body falls along the hay and to the dirt floor with a THUD.

Rex: I watch as your head jerks hard to the side... then your eyes roll back as you slide down the bale until you hit the floor, rolling onto your back and laying there spread eagle, your cock jerking and throbbing... I look down at you.. KOd... I put my foot on your chest and double bi flex in triumph...

Eric: I groan, knocked out, head lulling around, cock throbbing and flexing.

Rex: I climb out of the ring, walking out of the barn naked... leaving you there on your back, knowing we will have a re-match very soon.

Última edição em 28/9/2021 12:21 por Cyber Jaw Breaker; 0 comentário(s)
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Rex and Denis agree to meet in the park for a naked bare knuckle brawl to KO. Who will be the victor? 👊🏼👊🏼

Denis: I hit you up to meet at the park after dark in the grass off the parking lot. Waiting for you in my shorts and t doing some shadow boxing as i warm up ... 5'9 170. My hard cock bouncing in my shorts waiting to see if this guy shows up for a nude brawl

Rex: I walk through the park until I find you, seeing you there in your shorts. Moe than excited to take you on in a naked bare knuckle fight.. I am wearing just a pair of gym shorts and a wife-beater, kind of hot outside. I watch you as you warm up, shadow boxing. Makes my cock jump. "Glad to see you made, man."

Denis: "Likewise bro." I look at you up and down before locking eyes with you and nodding my head. I peel off my shirt and shorts. My young trimmed body and short blond pubic hair not much body hair. Sweating from the muggy air. Cock at full attention dripping pre as my balls sag. My fists up ready to fight

Rex: I follow suit and take off my shirt, revealing my hairy chest and treasure trail that runs down my abs. I take off my shorts. My thick cock spring out, jumping on its own, a thick crown of dark pubic hair spreads across my crotch. I put up my fists as a gush of pre cum oozes out. "Let's do this!"

Denis: 8x6" cock pointing at you and slapping my abs as i move forward to you. I throw out a left hook and right uppercut with another left hook all aimed at your head.

Rex: I block the left hook as it comes for me... left open for the uppercut to hit me... GGNNNGGH! head bounces back hard from the hit... I barely have time to think as my head comes center before your fist hits me with the other left hook... I stumble a step or two to the side before catching my balance and turning around to face you.. I smirk at you, raising my fists... "That was good, bro." I move in and swing a right for your jaw...

Denis: My opening combo lands 2 out of three. You didn't go down like a lot of posers so i know you are legit. I smirk back at you with my guard up. I nod at your comment which puts a smile on my face. Itry to read your body but you come at me with a right that connects with my jaw making my head snap and I take a few steps. You know how to hit too. I bring my hands up and throw out a left jab to your head and a right uppercut to your gut

Rex: I dodge the left jab as it comes at me... UMPH! I moan out as your fist hits my gut... I fall against you for a moment... I strike you in the side with a sharp, hard right..

Denis: i nail your soft gut causing you to fall into me as our cock heads touch then BAM a sharp right hits my head and I let go but still on my feet. I step to my left and right hook into your gut

Rex: Can see that I wasn't able to get enough power behind that hit... distracted as my cock rubs up against yours... I grunt as your fist sinks into my gut again... my cock bouncing from the impact... I fall back a step, catching my breath. I push back my dark bangs, sweat beading on my forehead... I shake out my head and come back for you, eyes locked on your body... Guy knows how to fight, I think to myself... I feign a left and then swing out a right for your square jaw..

Denis: As you push back I too am dripping in sweat. A drop of pre falls from my cock to the ground then before slapping back up to my abs. My fists up both of us relying on strength over speed. You come at me and fainting a left a bring my head back only to be tricked and WHAM right hits my jaw just right and i fall to my knees as the crumple under me. FUCK! My bell rung as i struggle to get back to me feet with my guard up

Rex: as you get back to your feet, I hit you across the jaw with a back handed right fist, then a right hook, snapping your head back and forth... as each fist hits I can see your cock jump and gush pre cum.. mine does the same, throbbing hard...

Denis: fuck fuck fuck in trouble now as i am getting weaker on my feet with each concussive blow. I desperately reach in and clinch up with you. Our sweaty bodies against one another as our cock press and fight pushing out pre. I take my left fist and drive it into your jaw

Rex: Our bodies clash in a tight clinch, my hairy chest pressing against yours as we grapple, our cocks grinding against each other.. I grunt slightly as your fist hits into my jaw... I keep the clinch going... hitting into your sweaty back with my right fist..

Denis: You keeping me in my daze as i can't recover enough from the shots to throw a proper combo. I bring my waist back and drive two left uppercuts into your gut. Giving us some space as i try to get back on top of this fight

Rex: UMMPH!! UMMPH!! I take your hits into my sore gut... I put my hands on your chest and shove you back, creating some space between us to catch our breath.. sweat covers my body, matting down my body hair... I put up my fists again and move out to meet you..

Denis: My nearly smooth body getting pushed away from you as my head starts to clear up. My fists back up as i bob and weave my head with sweat dripping down. I come in close and fire a right cross to your gut and overhand left to your jaw

Rex: UGHHH!! another fist hits my gut and then the over head punch comes out of nowhere and as my head snaps to the side from your left, I am carried over and drop to one knee for a moment... fuckkk... my bangs hang over my face as I try to clear my head..

Denis: My punch lands hard on your jaw forcing you to take a knee. I come in over to you and slap my cock on your face. My pre leaving a mark on your cheek. I lift you back up to your feet and then take my fight fist and drive it below your naval, then a hard right uppercut to your chin as I grunt out with each punch

Rex: can feel the precum sticking to my beard... You pull me back up.. UMPPHHH!!! I fold over your fist as it sinks deep into my gut... I grab onto your shoulders to keep from falling over as I suck in air, sputtering and coughing from the gut push me back up, and your uppercut slices through my chin... GOD DAMN!!.... my head rocks back hard as I stumble back... half out on my feet as I finally get my balance, standing in front of you, my fists back up, slightly weaving..

Denis: Now I got him on the ropes so to speak. My head finally clear from the hits you gave me earlier. I come at you and fake a right to your head and instead go low with a nasty liver shot with my left and then come back up top with a follow up left hook to your jaw. My cock slaps my thighs with each punch putting my hips into the force behind the punch. Spraying spit with each breath out

Rex: I grunt loudly as your fist hits my liver, wincing in pain from the impact... and then the left hook hits... my head snaps to the side in a spray of spit and sweat... I come center, staring at you with glazed over eyes, my fists still up... not going down...

Denis: Grrrr you still standing. I drive a left jab to your face followed by a back handed right fist to your jaw and two left uppercuts into your gut, one into your solar plexus as I grunt out with each blow giving all my strength to knock you down and out

Rex: I stand there like a big slab of meat... the jab knocks my head back and the back hand hits hard against my jaw.. CRACCCKKKK!!!.. I stagger back a step and then your fists land into my gut... I hear your grunting as you pummel my body, my cock jumping hard... I fall against you, grabbing at your body to keep on my feet... starting to see double with my blurry vision... my hand reaches down and grabs at your dick, feeling the heft and thickness.. I am barely conscious on my feet..

Denis: I jump a bit as you reach down grabbing my dick. As you lean into me i reach and grab you by your hair with my left holding you upright for a heavy right uppercut to your upper gut, then i drive two straight rights into your face BAM BAM. Then I swing my arm back and haymaker right across your jaw with a vicious crack, again grunting with each punch as i knock sweat and spit from your head

Rex: you hold me still to land the final blows of this fight... My body shakes hard and crumples under your fist as you hit my gut again with your heavy right... my head jolts as the two rights hit hard.. can barely hang on.. and finally that haymaker makes contact... GGGNNNGHHH!!! my head snaps to the side, nearly taking my head off my shoulders.. the grip on my hair breaks, and the force of the punch twists my body and I fall to the ground, landing with a THUD!! on my back, spread eagle on the grass, my dick sticking straight up... finally knocked unconscious ...

Última edição em 28/9/2021 23:50 por Cyber Jaw Breaker; 0 comentário(s)
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