
A página de depoimentos é um fórum especial para dar feedbacks positivos ao proprietário do site. Conte por que você gosta do site, como ele afetou sua vida e como ajudou a tornar o mundo um lugar melhor!

Sim, é meio egocêntrico e não serve para nenhuma outra coisa que não para me fazer sentir bem comigo mesmo. :) Isso ajudará a neutralizar o efeito das páginas de suporte e de sugestões, que são, por natureza, sobre pessoas tendo que lidar com vários problemas. Além disso, alguns depoimentos serão publicados na página inicial para ajudar a atrair novos membros ao site.



wrestlme37 (22)

22/8/2024 03:03

I have been a member of MF for almost 12 years and have met some great guys here. I have to say how much I appreciate the admins here. I had a problem a few months ago where I lost complete access to my old email address. I had also lost my password here. The admins worked with me first and most importantly determine that it really was me then helped me change my email address and password here. Without their great assistance I would have lost my account and would have to have started fresh. Thanks guys for being so great to deal with!!!


ManhattanMaulers (47)

21/8/2024 06:21

I have had the pleasure of being a member on this site for almost 16 years and been involved in the wrestling community for over 40 years. Meetfighters is outstanding because the administrators who run it listen and respond to our suggestions and comments. They continually strive to improve the site! Thanks to everyone for making this site a true wrestling community. It’s a joy to see old friends here as well as meet new people here whenever I log on.


Wrestlekeith (32)

15/8/2024 15:51

I have wrestled growing up and was excited to find a site where I could continue wrestling as an Adult. MF is that site ! The Administration Staff is outstanding and always helpful with concerns. I have met so many people from all over the country and have gained many friends in the wrestling community from all walks of life. I have wrestled many matches and many return matches. And I look forward to many more matches. The Chat room is a daily text of greetings and subjects to chat about. A great place to meet new friends who share the passion in the greatest sport of Wrestling. MF , I look forward to your continuing of the site. And I thank you for a wrestling site for many of us to meet , gain friends & wrestle ! THANK YOU !!


Wrestlem88 (2)

05/8/2024 12:13

Dave45 from Cornwall has wrestled against me & loved the match


netsrak28 (33)

20/6/2024 19:03

Raufen DD ist ein sehr starker und technisch sehr versierter Gegner. Er ist ein gigantisches Kraftpaket, schnell, wendig und hat viele gute Techniken, die er geschickt einsetzen kann. Es hat großen Spaß gemacht, mit ihm auf seiner heimischen Matte zu kämpfen. Absolute Empfehlung! Raufen DD ist auch ein sehr netter Gastgeber und Gesprächspartner. Bei meinem nächsten Besuch in Dresden würde ich ihn gern wieder treffen.


netsrak28 (33)

20/6/2024 19:02

Raufen DD ist ein sehr starker und technisch sehr versierter Gegner. Er ist ein gigantisches Kraftpaket, schnell, wendig und hat viele gute Techniken, die er geschickt einsetzen kann. Es hat großen Spaß gemacht mit ihm auf seiner heimischen Matte zu kämpfen. Absolute Empfehlung! Raufen DD ist auch ein sehr netter Gastgeber und Gesprächspartner. Bei meinem nächsten Besuch in Dresden würde ich ihn gern wieder treffen.


SubmissionGrapple (82 )

23/4/2024 16:52

Modern, intuitive, fast, and constantly improving, MeetFighters is clearly a labor of love from some dedicated and talented engineers who love our sport. It is literally the best resource out there for finding like-minded opponents ANYWHERE in the world. This site is a real accomplishment.


Megawatt (8)

09/3/2024 23:21

I think many members - perhaps most - don't appreciate how sophisticated the backend programming must be to deliver such a great, interactive site. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to this group of wrestlers - all with many different interests and needs!


p luke (3 )

05/3/2024 03:59

What I like most about meetfighters is its effort to protect its users from scammers and catfishing.

The verification process may be a pain in the ass initially, but when you do get in touch with a verified member, you know that they are a real person with the body that is shown in their verified pic. Its not just some random shot of genitals or a butt – you know right away whether the other guy is a "match" for you.


mathieu0431 (3)

04/3/2024 18:34

Thanks for this well done site. I found an awesome partner very rapidly and could make my very first fight less than 3 weeks after creating my profile.


Tritonrising (35)

03/3/2024 19:49

MF site makes it easy to find and plan matches, but its biggest advantage is providing a forum for our community of wrestlers and fighters. I’m a fan!


fighter39 (6)

03/3/2024 18:58

Hab mich mit adri 1952 spontan in münchen in einen Hotelzimmer getroffen.
Es waren in Anbetracht unseres Größen und Gewichtsunterschieds sehr interessante und intensiven kämpfe.
War mein erstes ölwrestlingbing in singlets. Mal was anderes.
Aber sehr interessant. Wenn man ihm lässt, kann er dich sehr in Bedrängnis bringen. Kann ihm nur empfehlen


Speedo Ad (7)

04/2/2024 22:13

Well considering I joined last night I have 3 maybe 4 meet ups in the pipeline so very happy, easy to meet people and user friendly so happy days 👍👍👍


Roberto MDZ (0)

25/1/2024 21:32

“La Mayor pregunta… SOY YO MISMO!!!”
He ingresado/salido del sitio un par de veces… y el principal motivo es porque me sentía un ‘pajero…’; puesto que no se concretaban -la mayor de las veces- encuentros ‘reales… presenciales…’ y menos aún podía llegar a sostener un diálogo respecto al común denominador que nos convocaba: “la lucha con contacto físico”.
Hace un tiempo al ingresar a la página, encontré dos secciones que me motivaron a regresar:
Una de ellas se titulaba Fightpedia y la otra de los TESTIMONIOS…
Al ingresar en Fightpedia buscando pistas respecto a los distintos gustos en los que se concreta esta ‘pasión por la lucha’; me avisa el administrador que NO estaba en funcionamiento… Así que me ha quedado el anclaje con los TESTIMONIOS… y con éste escrito quiero sumar el mío:
Soy un miembro de la Tribu de los Gutpunchers… -lo que descubrí hace ya como veinte años gracias a la posibilidad que da el mundo ‘virtual’ de poder conectarnos con personas del mundo entero.
En mí apareció de muy pequeño -dos/tres años- la pulsión por agredir mi vientre/ombligo… y me ha acompañado a lo largo de mi vida… (hoy con 66 años cumplidos).
En la adolescencia -con la aparición de la ‘testosterona’ en mi cuerpo y los cambios que trae junto con la aparición de la ‘libido’… es cuando explícitamente al castigo a mi vientre/ombligo se suele sumar la descarga erótica llegando a la eyaculación… También es en esta época cuando ‘proyecto’ estas pulsiones en el vientre/ombligo de otro varón.
Desde los últimos años de mi adolescencia y hasta casi los treinta; opto por ‘reprimir’ estas pulsiones que me tenían ‘confundido… angustiado… perplejo…’.
Además, durante muchos años -casi hasta los cuarenta- lo viví sintiéndome el único tipo en el mundo que le pasaba… y sintiéndome ‘pervertido’ por ello… (son las etiquetas autoimpuestas… sé que he sido mi peor ‘carcelero’).
Con el mundo virtual y gracias a una de los primeros grupos de lucha -y estaba en español!- pude conectarme con quien fuera mi ‘sensei’ en este aspecto IMPORTANTE de mi persona y por medio de este escrito lo recuerdo y honro… y con quien más allá de muy buenas sesiones de Gutpunching pudimos cultivar una amistad que nos llevaba a COMPARTIR-NOS cuando podíamos encontrarnos.
GRACIAS a GH -pongo sus iniciales- supe que ‘éramos mucho más que dos…’ quienes compartíamos esta pulsión que sentimos arraigada y como un volcán que brota de nuestras ‘tripas’.
También pude darme cuenta que en esta ‘Tribu’ cada uno lo vive de forma peculiar y única… y que hay un menú variado de gustos: puñetazos al vientre; tortura al vientre/ombligo; apuñalar el vientre/ombligo y hasta ‘destriparse uno mismo’ al modo del Rito del Sepukku (también conocido como Harakiri).
En mis encuentros y diálogos con GH le preguntaba: ¿qué nos dice de nosotros y nuestra forma de ser esta pulsión tan fuerte que experimentamos… qué puedo aprender de mí mismo al respecto?.
Su respuesta era desde la clasificación dada por la Psicología/Psiquiatría como ‘parafilia’ y/o fetiche… hasta decirme que NO todo puede tener respuesta… y que tenía que ver cómo vivirlo…
Es verdad que tal como creo lo decía PASCAL: ‘el corazón -y en mi (nuestro) caso las tripas- tienen RAZONES que la RAZÓN NO entiende…’.
La búsqueda ha continuado a lo largo de los años… y no quiero abdicar de realizarla hasta el final (ya con 66 años soy consciente que hay un FINAL del tiempo que es la dimensión en la que nos movemos).
Les comparto lo que he encontrado más allá de las ‘clasificaciones’ ya planteadas:
En mi vientre… en mis tripas experimento un combate implacable entre las pulsiones más fuertes que tengo como humano:
EROS=pulsión de vida… placer… amor… y THANATOS=pulsión de muerte… agresividad… violencia…
Un texto que leí hace años ya: “Mishima, o el Placer de morir” del autor Juan VALLEJO-NÁJERA; me ayudó a darme cuenta que la ‘fascinación’ que me producía el Sepukku era porque en cierto modo se encontraba en él las dos pulsiones…
Mi ‘Sensei’ en Gutpunching & Afines también me puntualizó: ‘esta pulsión la experimentan varones de todas las orientaciones sexuales… y a lo largo de los años así lo corroborado; formamos un arco que va desde la ‘PREVIA’ a una relación sexual hasta quienes sólo buscamos otro varón como ‘partner’ y nada más…
‘Formateado’ en la mentalidad occidental ‘cartesiana’ -ya en mí es una opción- busco tener ‘ideas claras y distintas’… y en esta pulsión que atraviesa mi vida -y especialmente mis tripas- NO he cejado en este intento… y así lo quiero sostener hasta el final.
Cómo me encantan las definiciones y las busco (por más que sé lo ‘pobre… limitadas… y volátiles que son; les comparto a lo que he llegado hasta AHORA:
“Mi vientre es un campo de lucha… donde se enfrentan dos PULSIONES: ‘EROS & THANATOS’ (pulsión de VIDA & de MUERTE); lo que proyecto en el vientre de otros varones”.
Y tomando términos más usuales: “Fetiche sado/masoquista homoerótico”.
En cierto modo el llegar a poder expresarme a mí mismo y compartirlo me es sumamente valioso ya que me permite mirar ‘de frente mis demonios’ y ‘sombras’ y así por un lado evitar que se conviertan en ‘fantasmas’ que me habiten y asusten… y por otro en ir buscando respuesta a la pregunta QUE SOY YO MISMO… y poder ‘darme cuenta’ -siempre a través de una búsqueda constante y que muchas veces la realizo por el método ‘ensayo/error’.
1) El idioma ‘oficial’ de la página es inglés… pero SOLICITO al Administrador que coloque mi Testimonio en español (mi lengua materna y en la que me hago cargo de lo escrito). Puesto que por más que ahora tengamos Inteligencia Artificial para traducir; no dejo de considerar que tal como dice un dicho: “Traduttore… Traditore…”.
2) De mi parte NO tengo inconveniente en que mi Testimonio se use con fines de ‘Investigación’ respecto a las conductas humanas… Respeto opiniones de quienes lo PROHIBEN explícitamente y avisan que tomarán las respectivas medidas legales por haber violado su ámbito personal… Yo, estoy dispuesto a compartir mis búsquedas con quien con buena voluntad; ánimo de sumar y respeto quiera dar su aporte a esta búsqueda apasionada respecto a ¿Qué es la persona humana…? (pregunta con respuestas siempre provisionales y abiertas). Quien desee contactarme a fin de continuar este diálogo con respeto y búsqueda honesta de aprender más de uno mismo y de nuestra común humanidad; puede hacerlo por el servicio de correo de la página. GRACIAS!
3) Por último quiero AGRADECER de corazón a quienes llevan esta página adelante y ponen lo mejor de sí en este IMPOTANTE SERVICIO… y GRACIAS especialmente porque me han hecho posible el espacio en el que volcar y compartir mis vivencias… Lo valoro y aprecio en gran manera.


Steve (3)

02/12/2023 13:37

In my short time on this site, this enthusiastic but very inexperienced wrestler has made several new friends and received a warm welcome from members here... My lack of ability to host or travel too far- sometimes I experience foreign countries like Manchester and Lancashire, but only when my passport is renewed (!) - has proved something of a drawback, but the wrestles I have had have been sane, safe and fun and my more experienced opponents understanding. That is why we are all here- works for me anyway. Want to say a thank-you to those I have wrestled, to Admin for putting up with me and to those who I want to wrestle- our time will come.
Site layout is fine and easy to work with- very user friendly and any amendments are easily made. Chat mode is excellent and allows great banter and the opportunity to chat with like minded wrestlers, even when on a different continent or too far away to contemplate a wrestle.I am well aware it is never an easy task maintaining a site like this, and that overheads can sometimes get "silly". I appreciate the hard work that goes on behind the scenes to make this site a success. However, a great site and I will be renewing my Gold subscription.


boston kid (76)

12/10/2023 16:44

I really love and value your site. Everybody I’ve met for wrestling has come from your site for many years now. It’s the only site that’s reliable as far as I can tell. Also there are so many people on it. I don’t know now what I do to meet people without your side. So please continue!

I love many things about the site, but especially the fact that it’s well organised and has peoples recommendations which I find super useful. Also I like that you develop it in response to people’s needs and ideas.

I think you do a great job. I’m always happy to donate and I definitely get value for money from this!

Thank you for all you do. I know it’s not always easy.


Pinmeifyoucan (40)

11/10/2023 13:46

Great site guys! I was on another site previously but this is where the real fighters go. I got into wrestling and fitness in my forties and never looked back. Between lifting and wrestling I have lost 80lbs and built muscle and am in better shape now and stronger than when I was in high school. Thanks for providing this platform to make it all happen!


patrick la route (0)

01/8/2023 08:13

Bravo exceptionnel riche en informations, quel plaisir votre site est super !! MERCI



01/8/2023 03:08

I have always had good results from this page! No problems!


jeffjcao (132)

24/7/2023 19:35

It's so wild to think how long this site has been a part of my life and how many people I've met / wrestled with because of it. The world of Fetish Wrestling is such an interesting and niche subculture with a long history, and this site has helped the community not only stay alive, but really grow and develop. It's also important because of the safety that it facilitates with meeting up due to the past opponents / recommendations network. I'm very grateful to this site. Everybody say 'Thank you Meetfighters!'


JayPuncher (11)

05/4/2023 01:21

This site is so well run and the forums are fun and informative. It has connected me with friends and others interested in my gut punching fetish around the world. Thanks MEETFIGHTERS for a job well done!


slidellmauler (0)

11/3/2023 19:46

i have never wrestled professionally but always loved since i was a kid, love the ring love wrestling, at 75 i still love it absoutly


slidellmauler (0)

08/3/2023 14:22

i am 75 now, i grew up watching wrestling at the olympic auditoreun in the 60s, and fell in love with the ring and wrestling, i have wrestled on and off with friends and strangers, now with physicle problems i have slowed down and have to fight within my limits, more of play wrestling now, pro fantasy play wrestling. i have found that i love talking too male and female wrestlers, and love both female and male wrestling, real wrestling, not like it is now. its just hollywood. dont like football or other sports, i love the ring and wrestling.male or female


Reni bix (0)

02/2/2023 15:39

Hola... Interesante el sitio... Doy como recomendación en futuros planes hacer especies de intercambios a nivel mundial entre chicos en paises donde no halla la oportunidad de lucha como divertimento entre chicos por razones sociales como en Cuba. Saludos Hello... The site is interesting... I give as a recommendation in future plans to make kind of exchanges worldwide between boys in countries where there is no opportunity to fight as entertainment between boys for social reasons like in Cuba. Regards


luttefrance (35)

31/1/2023 19:21

Seeing readyforit's testimonial yesterday reminded me how much we all take this amazing site - and its dependant online community - for granted, but having wrestled since the 1980s i know first hand how extraordinary Meetfighters is, and having been active in social media since the 1990s i understand how well designed and user friendly our fantastic admins have made it.

It's so good that some grapplers and wrestlers who train regularly in clubs now use it to find recreational partrners from outside those clubs because it is the only effective resource for doing so - and pretty much the only global such resource, at all.

In response to the occasional gripes, i'd say Meetfighters and its satellite sites make up a brilliant toolset for all things wrestling, which will serve you well - if it's not working for you, you're probably not using it properly. And a community is only as strong as the effort its members put into it, so please treasure this one: we're so lucky to have it.


Pinmeifyoucan (40)

29/12/2022 13:45

Great site overall. I have wrestled quite a bit even more than my stats show on various other platforms but this site is certainly the best. My goals and type of matches may have changed slightly but getting back into it and getting to the gym 7 days a week.


Wrestling57 (0)

30/11/2022 16:13

I love this site, I was able to catch up with friends I haven't seen in awhile. Maybe I will get to wrestle someday. Thank you for everything. Blessings Woody


go2matwu (7)

16/11/2022 21:08

Met up with my wrestling buddy 'Slater' Tuesdsy night. We had not wrestled since pre covid. It was so much fun. He is a skilled wrestler with awesome holds and great gear. Had a full body lycra suit and is a great guy. We had so much fun. Picts coming soon.


Icarus Factor (3 )

06/11/2022 19:53

Today I met my first member Roll we had a good time on the mat and look toward to
getting together again.This site and the administration is well planned and is a benefit for the members in the group they have good advice whether you’re a beginner or more advanced their focus on safety is especially good they want to see everybody have a good time and enjoy doing what they like to do


Gettingon (0)

12/10/2022 18:42

Been on here a while now. Trying to get started but no luck as most opportunities have tended to fizzle out. I have however had several decent forum discussions.
Based near Manchester so hopefully should make progress soon. Covid has not helped.
Love the site


synxiec (75)

09/10/2022 19:39

Saw the new updates to the "Who Saw Your Profile" page on mobile. While there's a bit less info per page, all the info is much easier to read and has very useful quick actions for each person. Good job, admin!


HammerLock (1)

28/9/2022 21:35

Happy thus far.👍


HammerLock (1)

27/9/2022 18:32

A fairly good site so far..


Newbe61 (0)

19/9/2022 03:22

AgentPosiden is a very good teacher I just can't wait to have a third lesson with him,his caring and patience above all a very nice human.guys if you have the opportunity to wrest this man go for it I don't think you will be disappointed.


Ryan-Savage (50 )

11/9/2022 16:29

I joined Meetfighters a couple years ago, and instantly fell in love with it. The sense of community it gave me, when I thought I was all alone in my crazy addiction for wrestling.



17/7/2022 20:00

Been a member for a long time! Have met some wonderful guys and incredible matches-some more than that! Looking forward to more good times after this COVID mess is gone! GET YOUR VACCINES GUYS and show your cards!! HUGS & HEADLOCKS!


roughm2m (0 )

06/6/2022 03:15

Love your new format and layout. Much clearer and user friendly. Well done!


submissive (0)

23/4/2022 22:55

good site. well designed. easy to use.discreet


Jorgeler (9 )

03/2/2022 21:52

I like it, I have found many colleagues and men on this site who enjoy fighting and making good contacts. I live in Argentina and it's not close to many of my friends, but we continue to stay in touch until the opportunity can arise. Thank you guys!


bruiser the butcher (4 )

25/1/2022 17:46

Great way to meet wrestlers all over the world and it has worked well for me


hhmike2 (0)

22/12/2021 14:03

Hello Site Owner!

I'm fairly new to the site. I've been to about a handful of different meeting sites and I have to say, what you have created is absolutely, probably the best one I've ever used. The way it's designed and arranged makes it so easy to use. Functionally, it's laid out just with ease of use in mind. Kudos to you for a great job in planning, designing, and programming! Thanks!


Zoli1994 (0)

08/10/2021 07:23

Mivel járok sulyzóedzésre nincs lehetőségem birkozo edzésre járni de szívesen birkoznék bárkivel
Aki szívesen vállalná írjon ram
Köszi szépen


RossyRoss (13)

11/7/2021 06:59

This page is totally addictive. Members seem much friendlier and more responsive than on Grindr or scruff. As soon as my probationary period is up I plan to donate some money toward the site. It’s only been 3 days and I’ve already tentatively scheduled several meet-ups. I’m definitely hooked.
Keep up the great work!


bobster (33)

07/7/2021 00:22

I have never had any regrets joining Meet Fighters. The admin here does a superlative job of policing the site and they waste no time in replying to any inquiries. The act quickly removing "members" with either illegal material or just plain fake profiles.
I have met a number of men in here and have been able to foster friendships with them.
Keep up the great work guys a site like this is needed deeply.


ckingsafematches (0 )

01/7/2021 22:57

I joined MeetFighters with some trepidation. My interest in wrestling goes back to my teens and my weekly visits to the Boys Club in Richmond Hill Queens. As an adult, I wasn't sure there would be a legitimate site that would cater to those same interests. I couldn't have been more wrong. Not only is this a fantastic place to gather, every member that I've corresponded with is all about respect. I went from being a casual observer to a donating member and now I'm eager to get a match and some reviews. A huge thank you to the team behind all this.


SeanWrestle (32)

03/6/2021 21:35

This is an awesome community, and it keeps getting bigger everyday!

Huge thanks to the Admins and others who help make this site what it is.


gymrat (37)

12/5/2021 19:48

Hey - just a shout out to the people who spend their own time to make this place exist for all of us.

This is a great community with something for everyone, and tends to be more of a true community than just a meetup site.

let's all work to keep it that way and make it better; a little selflessness goes a long way.



lutteurmur (5 )

03/5/2021 09:00

Très bon site je vous souhaite longue vie


Daniel Scot (1)

30/3/2021 17:15

Adeptos das pegada forte medimos força até o fim. Foi prazeroso e repetiria com certeza e estéreo mais preparado.


edscissors (31 )

15/6/2020 22:50

This is a great site, run with energy, passion, humanity and good humour by a dedicated Admin team.

Most people, members of the site, seem to be polite and tolerant, displaying a level of mutual support and patience which is remarkable.

By and large this is a wonderfully friendly, safe community, run firmly but fairly by the humane and responsible owners of the site. Excellent!


Grounded (3)

25/3/2020 10:05

I love being part of this site. It certainly feels good to be part of this special community, where I have a true sense of belonging, and where I share my strong love of the classic pro wrestling scene with many others.


Boxe (5)

03/3/2020 20:00

I met this site a few years ago but couldn't say I was really into, until the last year where I meet a lot of people who helped me to improve and gave me confidence, confidence that due to unexpected experiences was drained. I do hope to get to meet a lot of fighters around the world and I expect to keep improving and being better as a person and as a fighter!


whitepine (1 )

09/2/2020 02:53

Meetfighters got me started in boxing. My first boxing experience was with a guy I met on Meetfighters, on January 13, 2019, just a year ago. Then I asked another Meetfighters guy to recommend a good boxing gym so I could actually learn how to box. He recommended a gym and I started going to boxing classes, getting individual lessons there too, and sparring. Now I've been boxing for a year and have 354 rounds of light sparring under my belt. I intend to continue my training and am trying to become a good boxer. And I can't tell you how much boxing has helped me psychologically and physically. It really does built confidence and fitness!


LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

26/1/2020 03:21

I’ve always had an attraction to wrestling, many, many years ago. At present, for a number of reasons, I’m not able to wrestle in-person, but I have formed so many nice friendships on MeetFighters! Not only locally in my state or country, but worldwide! So even if some of us can’t meet in person, it is so nice to chat and support each other in this forum. Everyone is very supportive, and we all appreciate the sport.


BillyTheKidUSA (4)

20/1/2020 17:58

MeetFighters is a great site and it is always a pleasure to donate. I have corresponded with and have met a lot of great fun loving guys here on this site. Having access to guys’ profiles and the Chat Room has given me the opportunity to hook up with a lot of interesting guys. I always enjoy making new friends, too.


a victor (48 )

04/1/2020 19:02

Maybe it's because of the new year and a new decade,
but I thought that it was time and felt like finally expressing my thoughts here.

I have a very niche interest, strangling/getting strangled,
so, when someone invited me over to MeetFighters, I did registered, but I left the portal since I thought it wasn't for me.

A couple of year later, I gave it another try, and I'm glad that I did!

True, the type of match that I like to do is quite unique and restrictive to certain point, but once that I started to reach out to people, others reached out to me, and explain the dynamic that I do, some of course, respectfully declined, but many more where curious, some eager, and most of them hands down (and around my neck :P) to try it.

We might look for strong, tough and ruthless opponents, and on the mats we all are like that,
but off the mats, I have met some of the most kind and likeable people here.

You find opponents, you face challenges, but you also make friends here.

Congrats and thanks to the MeetFighters Admin/Team, you have built something special and great here!

Just as myself, this site will only get better and stronger! ha!
There will be a victor, and that will be me!
Let's hit it!


H16111960 (14)

09/10/2019 00:14

Eine einzigartige Seite.....das muss ich sagen!
Da gibt es tausende von Kämpfern, die zumindest den Empfehlungen nach, die ich natürlich in keiner Weise in Zweifel zu ziehen wage, richtige Könner der diversen Kampfsportarten sind....und obendrein noch sehr sympathisch sind.
Fast schäme ich mich dafür, dass ich da nicht mithalten kann.
Aber gegen die enorme Praxis und Erfahrungen komme ich natürlich nicht an.
Schade, dass die meisten Kerle etwa 8000 km entfernt leben, aber für einen Kampf kann man schon mal ein paar Stunden fliegen.
Besonders toll finde ich, dass es soviele Profilaufrufe hier gibt. Fast jeden Tag habe ich einen Besucher!
Macht weiter so!


jason (27)

06/9/2019 22:38

What an excellent site-well run-safe!! Have met some wonderful people on here. Please support it with your donations. This is a First Class Site. Thanks


Karategi01 (17 )

20/8/2019 23:01

Je n'ai jamais rencontré de garçons aussi intéressants sur un autre site de rencontres. Ici, l'envie de connaître l'autre plus intimement par l'épreuve du combat crée une complicité formidable. Moi qui suis mal à l'aise dans mon goût pour les hommes peut me libérer parfaitement au contact de tous ces mecs dont le goût du combat n'égale que celui de l'étreinte virile! Pour moi qui m'entraîne régulièrement en dojo depuis 6 ans et qui ne peut y exprimer mon goût des étreintes viriles, c'est un vrai soulagement de rencontrer ici des artistes martiaux avec qui je peux partager pleinement mon amour des hommes. Merci Meetfighters


Roughmatch (127 )

01/8/2019 22:49

Five years on the site and having more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Meeting fantastic wrestlers for amazing matches. I think this is one of the better sites for wrestlers. The moderators do a good job about keeping users genuine. The camraderie is awesome and it's awesome to be able to make plans for future fights. Iam also looking for boxing matches. Keep up the good work.


H16111960 (14)

03/6/2019 17:13

Danke an die Macher dieser Seite.
Es ist interessant, die Profile anzusehen mit so ganz unterschiedlichen Vorlieben und Ansätzen.
Und vielleicht ist sogar ein geeigneter Gegner dabei.


es20042 (4 )

30/3/2019 07:52

De mon âge, si je suis plutôt bien dans mon corps et dans ma tête c’est bien pour beaucoup à Meetfighters que je le dois.
Une grande gratitude pour les motivations, les inspirations que chaque jour, que la visite des pages des membres de Meetfighters m’offrent, !
Ce que me comble le plus sont sans doute les pages de commentaires et de recommandations des uns sur les autres !

J’ai cru déceler dans les mots d’un lutteur, un homme que j’adore, sa sportivité, son cœur, son corps, sa virilité, à une inclination d’élitisme ; je sais qu’elle doit être éteinte en feuilletant le catalogue de ses partenaires leurs virilités, leurs sportivité, et la galerie de leurs beautés, de leurs loyautés, de leur superbe jeunesse souvent ;
la chance qu’il a et pour une si large par Meetfighters ;
d’autant plus avec la disponibilité de pouvoir s’affranchir de beaucoup de kilomètres de notre belle planète.

Et puis en il y a moins de faussetés, de fascismes que partout ailleurs sur le web ! Oh, bien sûr on va déceler des affronts désagréables et blessants d’irrespect, d’impolitesses, ceux qui (même voisins…) ne répondent pas à un message, ne font attention à un remerciement, eux qui préfèrent cela à un sympathique affrontement sportif; alors il faut simplement les laisser à leurs égos, à leurs orgueils, à leurs prétentions, aux déplaisirs de leur petit savoir-vivre.


Shorty (1)

16/2/2019 00:56

Thank u. I am new to this site where have u been. I hope that some how it will be even better like a WrestleMania type event on each coast where all the wrestlers go on that coast and have there wrestlemania bring us together if this site will through it and promote it it will be huge.


Kevin1984 (0 )

22/12/2018 04:02

this site is 100% the best! it doesnt crash like another site i frequent, i also think all of the guys on here are amazing! wish i was closer to some of the other guys on here though


scottimike (26 )

12/12/2018 19:14

Congratulations and thank you for the 10th birthday MF in Dec 2018 : to help us meet like-minded wrestlers and fighters, with integrity, good transparency , generosity and internationalism.
Now members can make it what they will , support it , hopefully a meaningful, network of safe and earnest fighting sport more than another social media.

Arohanui from Mike in New Zealand.


slick (43)

12/12/2018 17:20

10 years and going strong, congratulations. I joined this site in it's first year and have watched the growing pains and struggles as it has evolved. I have been a member of similar themed sites and still a member of one of them that will not be named here but has failed it's members with their lack of attentiveness and arrogance. I know this site takes a lot of time to maintain and is funded by donations only so I urge everyone to at least make the minimum donation to keep it going, no one is getting rich off of this site. They don't sell your photos or videos like the other unnamed site does and they do not produce and sell third rate porn like other sites do. they do not charge you to send messages or chat. They have tried to and I think have accomplished making a place where you can meet like minded people and engage in what ever type of combat sport or activity you are in to. They will never be able to please over 17,000+ members all of the time and with the very small staff and volunteers may not be able to give you a lightning fast response but they do sincerely try to accommodate and get back to everyone. For the members who are not donors please take this month watch the videos and familiarize yourself with the added features you receive by making a donation and consider making an annual donation of at least the minimum to keep this site strong and growing.


Kevin1984 (0 )

12/12/2018 03:47

Congrats on 10 years! love the site...wonderful people on here even if someone is far i love the site because the guys give great advice for wrestling! hope to meet more men that like Indy Pro Wrestling or even some indy pro wrestlers!


scottimike (26 )

12/12/2018 03:43

Gratulálunk és köszönjük a 10 éves születésnapot: hogy segítsen nekünk megfelelni mindazon gondolkodású birkózók és harcosok, az integritás, a nagylelkűség és az internacionalizmus. Arohanui Mike-ból Új-Zélandon.


mature jobber (30)

11/12/2018 22:58

Un grand bravo et un grand merci à meetfighters pour sa qualité, son efficacité et l esprit général du site.


DancerDC (3)

12/11/2018 22:46

I'm continually impressed with MeetFighters. The site is a great way to make connections with local guys, with guys traveling through my city, and when I'm visiting other cities with some time for meeting up. The community is very respectful, and super supportive of newbies. This site really facilitates healthy explorations in the m4m wrestling space. Here's to the admin crew!


punchpignyc (11 )

08/10/2018 17:26

As an unapologetic member of the bad boy camp - those of us who don’t aspire to being legit fighters but who actively fight in controlled erotic scenes - I can happily report that Meetfighters has been a great source of fun & instruction. Because of my fixation on punching (not wrestling) I’ve acquired a high degree of expertise in throwing, landing & taking punches which has made me the go-to guy for men who want to overcome their fear of getting hit in the face. I’ve learned how to do that with no permanent damage and marks kept or not kept to a minimum depending on what you want. This has acquainted me with legit boxers who’ve taught me some good stuff too - but who with me are able to explore bringing edgier brands of fantasy to life.

Meetfighters acknowledges the erotic element in fighting mostly thru special interest threads and therefore succeeds - worldwide (by the way) - in providing something for everyone - even bad boys like me... Bravi, meetfighter brawlers!


nonamemelb (0)

06/10/2018 11:53

Meetfighters is an excellent site. Very user friendly interface and the message system works well. A just a couple of minor things. On an otherwise excellent wrestling site. Far better than global fight or recon.

1. No where near enough guys are on it from Australia. Especially big hot strong guys.

2. No where near enough guys from europe or the USA that visit Australia for wrestling meets.


CoachSal (13 )

07/9/2018 15:18

I was part of the fight scene a while back, but sometimes life gets in the way....I have been out of it for a long time. After recently finding a jobber to work over on Recon, he told me about Meetfighters and said to try it. Best advice I ever got from a jobber as I stood on his throat :) . I've been on a month and I've not only met some great new guys, but have reconnected with people long gone from my contacts. Almost to a person, everyone I've spoken with is as real as I could hope, gotten some great matches in a short time, and my expectations for future matches and meetings is high. And the site is really well laid out, easy to use, chock full of great visuals and guys just simply rock!


the123champ (24)

05/9/2018 17:07

I have been part of Globalfight since it started, but then "branched" out to meetfighters as well. I used to be a paid subscriber on Global, but now I only have the "free" account. I'm now donate to Meetfighters because this sight is WAY more efficient and legitimate! I love the way it is laid out, and at a glance I can tell if someone really wants to wrestle, just play, or is using it as a dating sight. ALL of which is fine, but for me, wanting to REALLY wrestle, it makes sorting the competition so much easier! As a straight guy, who just really, really, really loves to wrestle, what I also appreciate is NOT having a penis thrown in my face when I'm browsing the sight looking for someone to wrestle. Globalfight has become a bit too much "soft-porn" for me. If you want the penis pics, then I'm not going to hate on you, but by the same token, I appreciate Meetfighter respects MY preferences. This is super-user-friendly sight and professionally maintained. Leaps and bounds ahead of ANY of the competitive sights.


jimbo110 (1)

12/8/2018 06:45

Meet fighters is a great site. I prefer "Meetgrappl;ers" to "Meetboxers" though.


Kevin1984 (0 )

04/4/2018 18:51

As someone who was and is on Globalfight, i must say that this site is much more organized, the guys on here are willing to teach and show the ropes(no pun intended) the guys ive spoken to on here are the best bunch of guys! i also love how the chat does not disconnect as often as it does on other the site owner! keep up the amazing work that your doing!


Shadow Knight (79 )

03/3/2018 00:35

Have tried other wrestling sites, but nothing compares to Meetfighters, not only have a chatted with some great guys, I have actually wrestled with them. I wouldn’t get that on any other sites. Keep up the good work for all the wrestlers

I am hoping to meet more wrestlers in the coming years and I can thank Meetfighters for that also


Spruceman (55 )

08/2/2018 17:49

I have been on this site for 25 months, had over 49 different opponents (49 reported and a few who preferred privacy) compared to only a few from several other sites COMBINED. One thing in common is that I enjoyed EVERY ONE of my opponents here on MeetFighters. From each, I either learned how to become a better wrestler/grappler, and/or help them to become better. I would be up to do encores with every one of them – including a small number, who probably out of newbie enthusiasm, became a bit unruly, but will not be so in the future – every one, no exceptions–they are welcome to come take me on again.

So this site is scoring 100 percent for me; and I'm hoping that this year will land me at least 50 more opponents, and to find a couple regular training partners. As for men from other sites – mostly who had never wrestled as adults, if they liked the experience, I do my utmost to recruit them to join MeetFighters and become supporting members.


calwrestler (139)

21/1/2018 16:46

A Godsend! I could never have met , for instance, all the really cool and hot men from UK that I have met and wrestled as a result of this site! Plus a list of future matches based on chats with guys from all over the world!
Compared to what there used to be....NO COMPARISON ! This site is amazing and it gives me tremendous pleasure just to be on it,,,,let alone to meet the guys on here and wrestle them.


DenverWrestler (883)

30/12/2017 18:49

New and Improved Statistics/Globalfight Games: I like the improvements, and the chart showing the excellent growth in members speaks for itself. This reminds me that I've been wanting to tell you about one of the games that globalfight is playing. They claim they have thousands of members, but it seems that when someone cancels their profile on globalfight, their profile STAYS on the site (and presumably is counted when they total up their members). Check out 'legstrong' to see what I mean. Of course we already knew that most of the globalfight profiles are inactive, but now we know that globalfight even keeps profiles on the site after someone leaves it!


Kevin1984 (0 )

29/12/2017 07:15

i am so happy this site exists! i love it, all the men here are great: to the new people be yourself and youll get matches!


Spruceman (55 )

22/12/2017 16:42

Re Matslam's most recent post on this thread: : Whenever you meet someone who has made a positive difference in your life here, it's always a good idea to "talk them up" to guys who might be headed to his part of the world. That can be just enuf of a nudge to facilitate a meeting.


matslam (197 )

22/12/2017 16:02

Words can't express the gratitude I feel when I think about the massive change you've brought to my life!
Because of you, I've made some great wrestling friends worldwide.I'm obliged and indebted to you.
May the New Year bring you all the Happiness in the world...


Kevin1984 (0 )

22/11/2017 23:00

the men on here are all amazing,super nice, love the community!


Triathlete68 (15 )

23/11/2017 09:31

(em resposta à...)

Hi ! I totally agree
I love being in the site
I entered in mars 2017 and have already met a few guys for very nice wrestling and intense moments ! I m in contact with very nice people ! Thank you - Berny


Tagos (30 )

24/8/2017 16:30

Beh che dire.... grazie all'ideatore del sito... grazie agli amministratori! Da quando mi sono iscritto oramai 4 anni fa mi si è aperto un mondo... la lotta mi è sempre piaciuta ma per un motivo o un'altro non sono mai riuscito a praticarla come si deve! Ho conosciuto tante persone fantastiche che oramai posso definire AMICI... e con la mia stessa passione. Mi hanno aiutato ad affinare la mia tecnica e mi hanno spinto ad iscrivermi nuovamente in una palestra di lotta anche se per poco tempo!
Grazie davvero a tutti! Continuate così!


wrestlersp (169 )

20/7/2017 01:43

The quest to fight beyond sports in multiple ways is not an easy thing to deal with. It can be both easy and difficult to adjust rules, styles, scams and even sexual limits between two opponents. Or even one who calls himself a fighter, but he stays here for years without displaying a combat, an opponent. I think this is global. Fighters from other countries told me that. But here, however, there is a pleasure. It's good to know that there are men with this same taste all over the planet. That something approaches us, as if all that are in this site were in a great arena and numerous fights happened. Meetfighters is a great nation. A new Sparta spread throughout all countries and places. The greater expression of the Fight Club and the certainty that being a fighter puts down all the prejudices about homosexuality. After all, the greater proof of masculinity (its brute force and its domineering agility) is common to any male and male body. As much as this one even hides it. In the fight, in the male versus the male, this prejudice, this fear, everything goes to the ground. That's the Meetfighters: Offer what two men, regardless of their values ​​and preferences, do well with each other. And they love it!


wanttowrestle (42 )

21/6/2017 06:26

When I decided do resume wrestling at age 70 after a 16 year hiatus, I joined four wrestling/fight sites. I very quickly quit two of the sites. There were not many men from my region and/or the sites were difficult to use. I still belong to one other site, but Meet Fighters is by far the easiest to use and navigate. It provides the best record of matches and recommendations. The messaging is so superior because it is easy to follow the message thread. And finally, nearly match I've had in the past 6 months was arranged through Meet Fighters. I've met many fine men and my best buddy through Meet Fighters for which I am so grateful.


Spruceman (55 )

17/6/2017 22:21

This site is as close to perfect as a site of this nature could ever hope to be. It seems to have more features to protect its members from those demons which lurk all over the Internet than the vast majority of similar enterprises. It is one of the very few sites of any nature for which I have actively recruited worthy men to check it out, join, and hopefully help support. And not toot my horn [but I do] I mention I recruited these men in my recommendations of them; to encourage the overall membership to check their profiles and try to ease them yet further into wrestling and related sport. I also really appreciate all the statistics you provide. I hope this site lives long and prospers.


marmoi (10)

06/6/2017 19:55

Thanks for running such a great site, meet so many great fighters on here and many new mates.

I have been looking for a site like this for years and glad I found it.


ScottT (1)

16/3/2017 02:57

This is a wonderful community-I always feel at home here, it is so easy and fun to find someone here that shares my interests, and I have made many ongoing and lasting friendships on this site- There is such a great variety of members who treat each other with respect..... Thanks for ALL the hard work you do to maintain a safe, fun and HOT outlet for all of our shared common subject- and the welcoming aspect in general...........MF's ROCKS!


Sean MacGowan (10 )

13/3/2017 19:37

Continually impressed with the varied services the site offers and the professionalism of those who volunteer to run it. In the age of hook-up culture, this site provides a thoughtful and safe way to meet guys for fighting and I for one am extremely grateful it exists. Meetfighters is awesome.


quam amoena (31)

05/3/2017 23:02

I'm so thankful for this site and the manner in which its managed. I've made some great friends through here and couldn't be more thankful for such a community hosted by great Admins.


Bikerguy516 (34 )

05/2/2017 22:27

Being a new member on the site, I can't believe the number of great guys I have spoken to and I'm amazed I was able to have 5 meets in my first two months. Sure, there are a couple of bullies and guys who never seem to fight, but the vast majority of my interactions have been great. Most of the guys have been very encouraging of me, as a new fighter. With my travel schedule for my job, I am able to meet guys from all over the world. That is awesome. The staff does an excellent job responding to questions, usually within a few hours. I am so happy I found meetfighters.


readyforit (96)

06/2/2017 16:15

(em resposta à...)

Yes, it is an amazing site. Like you and so many others I have met some brilliant guys and continues do do so. Have a great Meetfighters time.


the natureboy (16)

06/2/2017 00:22

(em resposta à...)

I cannot agree more.
Good luck with your contax


Kureitondesu (14 )

09/12/2016 09:46

I have to say I wouldn't have matches without this site. I've been on many that have gone away and some that are still around for 20+ years, whenever I got internet for the first time (dial up) and this is the only site I've met real people and had regular matches from. I've had 10-12 matches in the last 2 or 3 years vs maybe 4 in the previous 20 from other sites.
My only real complaint is if someone deletes their profile you lose that match, took me a while to get past 2 or 3 matches because of those who delete and rejoin on a regular basis.
Aside from that I have had some awesome meets and met some great guys, far fewer flakes and wank fantasy seekers on here too.
Keep it up!


the natureboy (16)

26/11/2016 00:36

New format is superb... great site even better.. well done guys...


PhoenixBigBear (19 )

24/10/2016 00:50

Getting into wrestling some years ago, and now becoming more interested in boxing, it's been a huge help being on MeetFighters–far and above the best wrestling/boxing/fighting website on the net.
MeetFighters has helped me connect with guys who are into the same things I am into, without wasting a lot of time. I've connected with guys from all over the globe, not just my backyard. That means a lot. This site is really easy to use, allows for each member to put out what s/he is most interested in, and saves time and money on other websites that too often ask for more than they provide.
The administrators of this site deserve a lot of credit, and our thanks, for the great service they provide to fighters of all kinds, and for keeping it free and open-ended. Let's hope this site keeps flourishing and connecting fighters globally.



25/10/2016 00:41

(em resposta à...)

The site will continue to flourish as long as we have volunteers to run it and members like you to use it!


CelticFire (25 )

15/10/2016 09:16

Without this site, I probably would have given up getting back into boxing and body conditioning a long time ago. Without this site I would never have met some pretty cool people who share my love of hitting things. So thank you meet fighter!


Tigerrific (127)

07/10/2016 15:30

I grew up when the internet started becoming popular in the 90's, and have seen many wrestling video websites + personals pages (ie. Grunts'n'Groan, Allfighters) come and go over the years. Meetfighters has consistently stood out as the best in many respects.

It is free; profile/gallery displays, site layout, and the World Map of Fighters are attractive and user-friendly; the admin is very responsive to issues, and there is a genuine passion to continually improve this site in any way. What I especially like is the Recommendations feature, where the descriptions you see can be indicative of whether you might have a good match with a fighter of interest, and if the person is reliable.

Heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this possible, and for connecting this global community together!


the natureboy (16)

08/10/2016 02:08

(em resposta à...)

I cannot agree more... 100% correct abt Meetfighters and since I came into the 'scene' in the days of magazines and snail mail can only say that the arrival of the web transformed this as so many things..


edscissors (31 )

08/10/2016 02:13

(em resposta à...)

Natureboy is right. What a difference the Internet has made. When we were boys, we could hardly have imagined what might be possible here in 2016. MeetFighters is surely the best site in the field. I am grateful for it daily and shall continue to support and praise whenever it seems appropriate.


Animal KingDom (19 )

06/9/2016 01:59

How great is The Administration here! When something goes wrong, they get right on it, and fix it as fast as they can. They even send out progress updates and instructions on alternatives while waiting for things to get back to normal. It feels like someone really cares and understands what it's like to use the interface here as well as members' frustrations. I hope others will join me in expressing some kind of appreciation for this site, including a donation.


readyforit (96)

05/8/2016 22:56

Ninov's testimonial really speaks to me as he expresses so clearly the astonishing transformative powers of this site and of course of its creator. An astonishing life enhancing place from which we all benefit immensely. Thank you Meetfighters.


ninov (21)

05/8/2016 21:09

When I discovered this website, I wasn't completely sure of joining it.. But I did, and I love every minute of being on here. Meetfighters contains the biggest amount of respectful people, adapting to eachothers level, there is a big amount of fun when fighting, and everyone has a good time.

I have learned about myself, about people, and there will be much more to come in the future. Since I am on here my self-esteem has been growing, and this little boy will be getting a big boy too.. Just like the ones im looking at with puppy eyes currently, which I'm hoping to meet & fight.

Can't wait to see where I will be in a year, and who else I have faced by then. And what my skill level will be... It will be a busy year 2016-17, but there will be time for some meetings for sure! Meanwhile I'll just look with big jealous eyes to all these big muscular handsome guys who are so far away that it's just a dream to meet them :)

Thank you for keeping this website alive guys and admins by all the effort you put into this.


surrey71 (21 )

01/8/2016 11:15

I'm really impressed with the ease of this site!
After relying on Globalfight and Gaydar for years, I remembered about this site and thought I would give it a month to see what happens!
A revelation to see so many decent UK based scrappers in here - have made some really decent connections and I'm sorting some matches (timings can be difficult!)
Really a case of keeping up the excellent work - and was more than happy to donate to keep such an excellent site going!!!


namazsk (59)

13/7/2016 21:30

Although it feels like yesterday - and it really does - I realized the other day that a year and half has passed since joining. I have nothing but praise for this excellent site that has allowed me to explore this interest I never really thought I would. Would anyone have told my teenage self, I would not have believed it! I've had some great fun and met some lovely people over the past eighteen months for which I'm very grateful. Hats off to Admin for enabling this!


Virgowrestler (165 )

19/6/2016 17:10

Meetfighters is the wrestling site that beats them all. Have meet great guys on this site and enjoy every match I get. None of the other sites can't even compare to Meetfighters! From the Chat room to the recommendations, it's all great! Keep up the great work!


sub-aqua (68)

27/4/2016 21:06

Undeniably the best site to MeetFighters™!

Very user friendly that even a disorganised mess like myself can set up a match helped on by a great community with a healthy variety of interests and skill levels. My technique and fitness have definitely improved thanks to this site. All core features are free and with an admin that listens to the community. What more could you ask for?


ctrwash (43 )

27/4/2016 21:08

(em resposta à...)

Yes, yes, yes! You got it.


benji123 (16)

12/4/2016 18:38

Meetfighters has enabled me to meet other like minded individuals for safe competitive fun matches, and has helped me learn new skills in submission and pro wrestling, and has helped build my confidence and self esteem. I've made many friends through here who I'll be keeping in touch with for a long time.

I've also met my significant other on here, for which I'm deeply thankful for and couldn't be happier.


RassleBrawl (18 )

01/4/2016 17:14

What I like about MeetFighters is that like minded men can actually chat in the chat room for over an hour, and send messages to opponents free.
This is what is lacking on the other so-called sites.
Well Done keep it up


Perseus (149)

03/3/2016 17:54

No 1 wrestling site for ease of use and more importantly making contact with like minded wrestlers. I've been on meet fighters since 2010 and I've met many wrestlers around the globe and made many friends. Keep up the good work and many many thanks.


Evangelleon (14)

22/2/2016 23:24

Fantastic website. There's a lot of guys on here. I used to be on Globalfight (, but it turns out they can use any picture you post on their site in their advertising. It took quite a bit of arguing to get them to take it down before I deleted my profile. Zero complaints in regards to Meetfighters though. Awesome.


BBWolfe (1)

15/2/2016 00:36

Very Nice to have a site dedicated to the fighters, that helps us find each other without trapping us behind subscription walls. Donations to obtain added functionality, not basic things that should be allowed by every website. Thank you for making a great community, I will be donating as soon as I am able.


Coach88 (0)

08/1/2016 22:02

this site is tremendous very user friendly with much to look at

extremely organized and easy to use

I have yet to receive a response from any of the guys in my area that I challenged but I am sure I need those first matches to give credibility. then after that I am sure my response rate will, well, skyrocket.

Thanks again !!!


Coach88 (0)

10/11/2016 10:00

(em resposta à...)

It has been awhile since I last left a message here but all I can say is that the site continues to thrive and flourish but it's the members that need to be congratulated. Far and above the largest population of this site are filled with generous and thoughtful men helping each other out and making sure that their experience is a positive and valued one. Outstanding guys like Turnbuckle, RiWrestlingBuddy, Cake,and AverageJoe continue to display their compassion and positive attitude. I would encourage every member to continue to rise above the few.


the natureboy (16)

09/1/2016 00:20

(em resposta à...)

100% correct both about the site and responses.... once you have recommendations you will find more opponents... then you just need to avoid injuries - like my back wrestling in Feb 2015 and breaking an ankle [not wrestling] in Sept 2015!
Also be aware that not all contactees are worth it. I wished one guy luck with his contacts and he proceeded to block me!
Anyway, good luck with yours...


plumtart (10 )

27/12/2015 08:07

i used to do a bit of website programming, and i think having an elegant site like this is not easy especially if you're offering it for free. i wish to know how pieces of this site was done. such as the horizontal banner, the transparent menus, etc. i must say my skills are a little outdated because i was at the age of internet development years ago when cgi, perl, html was involved. now this site can have a mobile version, i really wish i can be enlightened how it was done too.


readyforit (96)

10/12/2015 00:14

I had already written a comment two years ago praising this truly astonishing site.
Not only does it allow us to meet and fight other wrestlers and help us improve our technique as we meet new challengers but as I serendipitously discovered this evening clicking on the flag on the top right corner and choosing the Magyar one that everything comes up in Hungarian (doh!).( I know I'm very slow in the brain functions department) which is great as I can now improve my rudimentary knowledge of that language and lust after and try and meet wrestlers as well.
Oh what a wonderful site allowing me to work both brawn and brain.
Koszonom szepen.


gures (50 )

01/10/2015 06:09

This is by far the best wrestling and combat hookup website and community on the web!!! Hands down!

It doesn't play stupid games like Globalfight where you can't even send messages to members. What is the point???

Not only does Meetfighters enable its members to actually connect with each other and not require monthly fees to do so, it engages with its members and asks them how they want the site to operate and gets their involvement in how best the site should function.

Meetfighters does an amazing job on the website allowing members to have an effortless and seamless experience with the website.

Their continuous upgrades and increasing features makes the site feature rich and easy to use.

Thank you guys for the excellent work.

Very much appreciated by our community.

Members, if you have the means please consider donating, however big or small. It probably goes a long way for the upkeep of the site.



sczrbill (1)

05/9/2015 05:03

I would like to say that I am really happy I found this site... It's well-managed, it is functional beyond my wildest dreams, and the owners and admin support team deserve the very best for their undaunting commitment to this job.

I have found several friends through this site, and the community atmosphere in this site is better than many many similar sites out here in cyber-land!!

My thanks for a job well done!


Brickfit2016 (1)

06/8/2015 18:23

Just turned onto this site. Been struggling to find quality wrestlers since I started wrestling 15 years ago. Already found three quality matches. Great site!


Roughmatch (127 )

23/7/2015 13:33

My serious wrestling "career" began in the fall of 1996. AOL was charging 25 cents per minute to be online. Yes, I was able to meet many wrestlers through AOL but I got fed up with the service. I've been on Global Fight, RECON, and Bearhuggers but NOTHING compares to this site! After 19 years of wrestling, I'm still meeting men to wrestle through MeetFighters. I am a happy wrestler/donor and will continue to wrestle as long as I can. I have to say that the guys I've met on here are genuine, legit, and TOUGH! But who said wrestling was going to be a Sunday afternoon picnic? Great site and kudos to the web masters, monitors, and whoever else is responsible. I get a little frustrated at times with the Peer Review as it doesn't often like my choices but then that's such a small part of this great website. I'd rather be wrestling anyway! Come on, guys, the mats are down and it's time to roll!


the natureboy (16)

24/7/2015 06:39

(em resposta à...)

Since G#####f#### charges for even the most basic of services and then claims the right to cancel a membership for any reason or no reason or just because they felt fey that morning and keep the money paid for the "membership" there is no choice as to who one would find better to belong to...



24/7/2015 07:50

(em resposta à...)

Can we please keep the testimonials pro-Meetfighters, and not con-G###whatever?



22/7/2015 11:41

This site is THE BEST ONE ! at the beginning is a site with gay males, in search of grappling/fight/wrestling partnairs, but now there are a lot of straight males, and even some couragous women, is SO GREAT to see that this site become universel... Love the idea... I wish the BEST for the BEST site ever of wrestling/fighting...


Churd (80 )

06/6/2015 11:43

In all the many years that I have been wrestling, making contact with other wrestlers has had its ups and downs. Web sites come and web sites go. Some good but many not so good. This web site is simply the very best we have ever had. As a web designer myself I understand the hard work that goes into creating a site. This is nothing when compared to the work that goes into maintaining a web site. I continue to be astonished by the obvious love and dedication of those responsible for this site. We are all very lucky and we should all be very grateful for all that you have given us. Not to mention that it’s free! Thank you.


ctrwash (43 )

26/5/2015 02:11

This site is, by far, the BEST internet web site I have ever used. Not only does it WORK, but you are committed to giving us the easiest and fastest connection experience we can get. I have met many good men on this site, and I believe your commitment breeds contentment. I can't praise you enough! I am not in a position at the moment to donate, but will be in a couple months. You deserve all the support we can give you as a community.


the natureboy (16)

03/6/2015 00:03

(em resposta à...)

I agree 100%



26/5/2015 12:34

(em resposta à...)

I might be blushing now. I'd check the mirror, but it's broken.


ctrwash (43 )

27/5/2015 07:49

(em resposta à...)

Blush all you want, man. I'm sure you DIDN'T break that mirror - you're a cyber saint! No kidding - I have never even worked with what is supposed to be a good corporate web site that works as well as this one does, and CERTAINLY HAVE NOT RECEIVED AS GOOD SUPPORT!! You are very dedicated to us all in your effort to provide excellent service, and we're incredibly lucky to have you.
OK - you can blush now, and take a selfie, then contemplate sending it to me privately sometime! LOL!


liftme20 (4)

30/4/2015 12:09

I've been donating to the site for a few years now and I will continue to do so. I've met some great guys through this site, some of whom are now really good friends. Keep up the good work.



01/5/2015 09:59

(em resposta à...)

Your kind words and support are much appreciated. Thank you!


the natureboy (16)

07/4/2015 15:16

I had found a bug and informed the admin abt it. After a brief misunderstanding caused by a small cultural difference between denizens on the opposite sides of the pacific ocean, it was fixed quickly and effectively. Ricotewrestler's comment of 2013 undoubtedly holds true of this site.



01/5/2015 09:59

(em resposta à...)

I do have an interest in keeping the site working well. Your help in doing so is appreciated. :)


Wrrstler 69 (0)

28/2/2015 01:09

Great and nice side .. Thank you because you give alll the people like play all kind wrestling in one group it is interested and I'm find too much wrestler here and wrestling


bostoncrab (16)

17/3/2015 10:36

(em resposta à...)

Yes thanks for meetfighters and what a wonderful site. I had thought about giving grappling away due to a bad shoulder but most guys understand that so I still manage to get some rolling in. Something is better then nothing.


worthlad (3)

17/3/2015 10:38

(em resposta à...)

yes would like to wrestle urself


Rollaround23 (4)

24/2/2015 18:13

Just want to say thank you for operating a brilliant site. I was recommended here and I have made many new friends through it and will continue to do so. I never knew there were so many like minded people and I am looking forward to meeting many more and improving my wrestling skills.


FitScot (38)

29/12/2014 22:10

Thanks for everything meetfighters - met some great folk, some of who have really helped developed my skills! More power to you.


tna fan (4)

20/1/2015 01:02

(em resposta à...)

I will the creators give all thanks for make this awesome site

i come here everyday and i like meetfighters


notnerb (3)

27/12/2014 01:15

A great site that does not think we should have to pay a monthly fee just to send a simple message to another person.... I am more than willing to pay my part to support a site that treats us like adults!

Also, as I use an iPad it is great to have a chat room that is able to run without Flash. It does not have all the bells and whistles of the Flash version but it works really well and that's what I am after.

Great work guys!


Ironbull (96)

10/12/2014 18:55

I realised recently how many good friends I have made on this site. It's the only internet profile that I have and I can't imagine why I would need another.

The culture is here is authentic, friendly, safe and open. Newcomers and experienced fighters alike can be confident that they will find their level. Gay straight and bi-curious can mix comfortably. Abuse is rare and quickly stamped on. Phoneys and timewasters are quickly spotted and flushed out.

The site is the best I have ever encountered at fostering a healthy culture such as this, but it is the people too who make it.

I can't imagine life without it.


scottimike (26 )

24/6/2015 16:14

(em resposta à...)

I tend to agree and may have to write my own testimonial .Many thanks for the high level of professionalism guys...Scottimike traveller from NZ.


worthlad (3)

06/3/2015 15:05

(em resposta à...)

hi there u well
me im fine shoulder is a bit better . not been on here as i didnt want people
to ask me to wrestle with my shoulder as it was
have u been wrestling the boys ?



06/3/2015 15:07

(em resposta à...)

Your shoulder might be better, but your brain needs a checkup :P


Ironbull (96)

06/3/2015 15:09

(em resposta à...)

Aw you are so-oo harsh.


MuscChamp (217)

05/12/2014 02:56

I have been wrestling submission in gay circles for almost 25 years! I have used the od paper Gillespie Directory, the frustrating AOL chat rooms, and many other sites still running today. But nothing in my quarter-century experience comes close to the efficiency, ease-of-use and multi-faceted features of this site. It is simply the best site to meet other fighters, understand their preferences, rate their compatibility to you, and set up a match. Its recommendations feature is simply the best! My personal, and our collective, thanks to the site administrator who, without any personal gain, has pulled off one of the very best gay meeting sites on the internet!


vonsueno (4)

05/12/2014 03:37

(em resposta à...)

The Voice of Experience speaks. Thank you MuscChamp. I hope that the many who have not yet found this site will somehow make their way to this Wonderland of Wrestling, Boxing and other forms of martial arts, whether gay or straight Indeed, for those who seek to know the immense thrill of the challenge of man to man combat, I have no doubt they will find their way because of this message, convinced of its authenticity and truthfulness.



Toughwrestler (398)

29/11/2014 22:13

Today is a special day to me !
Today is a special birthday.... 6 years.
6 years since i discovered this site...
the 29th of november in 2008... it was at this moment a very intimate site, we were not a lot, and the founder was experimenting a way to promote his passion... wrestling.
i think my life wouldn't have been the same without this site. it has brought me a lot of different experiences around wrestling and fighting.
I met a lot of guys, almost 300 on, a lot of them are real friends, i think i am ready to meet again almost each of them, i met a lot of them several times... every match has been different, every match has been for me a different way of being happy.
A very few times, less than 5 i think, i thought i had met a guy i would never accept to leave due to an incredible match i will never forget !
So the only thing i can say now is just Thanks for all of us, never stop this site...
thanks to permit us to meet fighters all around the world !


scissornpinmenow (0)

08/11/2014 07:47

I have been a member, on and off, for just over a year. I was directed to the site by a friend, and I am so pleased I followed up and clicked on its link. I particularly appreciate the international aspect of the site, and the ease with which I can contact like-minded wrestlers, grapplers, tusslers, wrestling-watchers, armchair enthusiasts and wrestling e-friends. And I get replies.
Great sites, lots of great pages and sections. Much appreciated, and long may MeetFighters continue.


1try2pinme8 (57)

28/10/2014 10:40

We're all very lucky that we are being provided with a great service that allows us to connect with like minded people all over the world, free of charge. What a great community you have managed to create. Many thanks!


TightSqueeze (99 )

06/10/2014 01:50

Thank you for providing a free site for all of us sharing a common interest to be able to meet and chat. Much appreciated!


vonsueno (4)

30/9/2014 14:17

Eureka! I've found it! The singular site that satisfies the inner craving to work out ones problems while engaging in a sport, using ones mind and muscle to master a challenge: another person who likewise is in the process of solving his. That is what Meet Fighters is to me and what it provides. Moreover, you can do it within a community of like minded individuals. They collectively label themselves "fighters." Some are novices; some have a modicum of experience; and, still others are masters of their respective mode of fighting, from wrestling to boxing to many of those styles referred to as martial arts. Don't overlook the best there is! Come, join with us and find the fellowship you never imagined possible! I know I have. Eureka! I have truly found it!


jimi b (7)

12/9/2014 18:19

Thought it was about time I donated after using the site for a good while. Money never better spent, and such a good site! :)



12/9/2014 20:18

(em resposta à...)

Thank you for your help and kind words!


IndyWarrior (39)

05/8/2014 13:16

Easily the best meet up community site for guys who love battle. Lots of great data, you can easily see which opponents suit you, which don't, which guys are reliable, which aren't, and communicate easily. And it's free, which is amazing. I've stopped using any other sites. MF is the champ.



05/8/2014 13:43

(em resposta à...)

We have an amazing community that supports us with enough donations to keep the site afloat. Thank you, everyone!


edscissors (31 )

28/8/2014 11:03

(em resposta à...)

Thanks so much for this amazing site. There is so much stuff to explore and so many good, interesting people to meet and exchange messages with. Great stuff - thanks!



04/8/2014 21:19

I started learning to wrestle bout 2 years ago and this site has been instrumental in making it possible to meet more experienced guys I can learn from all over the UK. Through the site I have met some great people, attended local events, made many friends and despite setbacks, have had enormous fun.

Without Meetfighters, none of this would have been possible. How otherwise could I learn or enjoy the experience of wrestling with so many great guys - all of whom have been patient and accommodating of my early attempts to learn the sport.

To the Creators and Administrators, thank you for all you have done and continue to do to assist us in pursuing our sport. It is enormously appreciated by us all.
Simon, York, England.



05/8/2014 10:53

(em resposta à...)

Thank you so much! :)



18/7/2014 20:05

While the boxing folks are not as numerous as the rasslers.. I find more legit fights via this site than others.

When traveling, this is the first site to check to make things happen.



colwrestle (7)

09/7/2014 13:38

A great site to follow this fascinating and exciting hobby. Special thanks to th organisers and those giving their time to update constantly making it better n better.


BigChris (9)

24/6/2014 15:28

I would just like to say that I am a fairly inexperienced wrestler but I do enjoy a safe sane match now and again. This site has been excellent at letting me make contact with guys and arrange matches. Much better than other wrestling sites it is easy to use and I would like to say abig Thnaks


Brown Bomber (152)

17/5/2014 18:45

thanks to Meetfighters I have met some great guys worldwide that love working this jobber over and in fact many have become friends. You can tell this by looking at my gallery. I especially love going to Europe.


latinopponent (0)

03/5/2014 19:14

wOW! The new style of the site is great! Thank you guys!
I hope that if I purchase a memnbership I can find larger size of photos.


Slookm (2)

28/12/2013 03:38

The MAN at Window #2, I can only add How Friendly and Helpful you are and the many guys that are now My friends and chat wrestling buddies. This IS the Best ! Many Thanks !!!


SecretBoy (2)

24/12/2013 01:46

On MeetFighters I met one guy who teached me a lot about this sites and about fights. We have a fight and i will visit him again and this time try win :-)... Thank you dear Admin for this expirience. Wihnout this websites, maybe i will never met someone with same hobbies.

User from Czech republic


ImtiazAli (198)

22/9/2013 11:58

A neatly created website - easy to navigate. I have briefly studied programming, so do appreciate how much effort has gone into this website, and as especially as volunteers (admin), without no major "Thank You", or formal term of appraisal.

I have met many great, and some-like mined people, of the underground fighting scene. I am a proud donor, and this website is truly a pioneer.

Thank you Admiration!


UKrenegade (86)

07/8/2013 14:24

I'm proud to have been a member of this site from the beginning. It is run with a unique interest and passion from 'admin'. In the UK it has enabled a huge community of like-minded men to meet, wrestle and develop an exceptional camaraderie. Echoing many others, the functionality and reliability of the site is exceptional. The relative ease with which 'timewasters' and 'fakers' may be identified reduces the problem of these 'guys' to a manageable level. I urge everyone to make voluntary contributions to 'admin', the least we can do to say a big thank you!


Hardmatch (100)

27/7/2013 08:51

This site is incredibly reliable to log on to and incredibly easy to navigate around. The ability to see who guys have actually wrestled and to read recommendations of prospective opponents is a very valuable feature. I get to the UK every year or so and this site seems to be especially popular amongst the Brits. I use it almost exclusively when I'm in the UK.


Thaiprowrestler (7)

10/7/2013 21:32

Thanks for this website. I found people who are into the same as me. Also thanks for mobile version that i can update with them all the time.


billwrstlr (40)

29/5/2013 15:01

I LOVE this site! I'm a big guy, not always in demand by a lot of wrestlers....but I get more matches here than anywhere else. I can't believe in these tough times its all free, with so many features and unlimited opportunity to contact others. (Not like some other global-site who cares only about the money and doesn't let you contact anyone unless you pay up.) For us wrestling junkies this is a dream come true. Thanks so much !!


yamchaken (16 )

04/10/2013 15:04

(em resposta à...)

yes Bill!!! hope to wrestle soon again.


Animal KingDom (19 )

01/5/2013 22:26

This site keeps evolving in good ways and its owners consistently show genuine interest in the membership, and are very proactive; it feels as if they are most likely end-users themselves, so they know first hand what an experience here is like. They also treat members like the adults they are, and don't try to impose all kinds of personal agendas and moral rules on us, unlike another to-be-unnamed chat site.

This site is really easy to navigate, and the few bells and whistles work well, and seems to understand the fact that simpler is usually better.



03/5/2013 14:56

(em resposta à...)

You summed up the principles of the site very nicely.

One thing to add: I do have a personal agenda. It is keeping the site honest. Sometimes I feel that it detracts from the site's popularity.


Animal KingDom (19 )

04/5/2013 04:11

(em resposta à...)

I'm curious as to how honesty could detract from its popularity!



04/5/2013 08:56

(em resposta à...)

It's a long story, and not really fit for this forum. I will, perhaps, write something in my blog about it one of these days. :)


Animal KingDom (19 )

04/5/2013 17:47

(em resposta à...)

Ok, one of those stories, understood!


Brown Bomber (152)

23/4/2013 07:48

thanks to Meetfighters I have been able to meet not only new heels and wrestlers in my home country but in other countries as well. I am glad I have the ability to go and meet these guys, wrestle, take pics and have fun. And more to come I assure you. If you are just checking out this site I urge you to JOIN it. You won't be sorry!


hugefan (79)

19/4/2013 00:56

I have a complaint, after a lifetime of being a wrestle fan you have turned fantasy into reality and I am now an addict. Is there a meetfighters anonymous out there? Seriously great site, so many fantastic features and so well used, all my favourites log in regularly, even if they ignore me it makes me feel close to them, ha ha. Thanks for setting this up, it really has given me more of a buzz than virtually anything in my first forty-four years, that may make me sad or you amazing. Lets go for the second!


knat (8)

17/3/2013 18:38

this is a great site and I will be telling all my friends to join and use this site exclusively from now on. it has the best layout, even when compared to other sites that charge money to be a member. The whole fighting community is in your debt: I will be making a donation as soon as I'm able to and I hope other people support you as well.


matslam (197 )

14/3/2013 14:42

I can't thank you enough for linking me up with some wonderful people/wrestlers not only from all over the world but locals,too! This is the site I log in first thing in the morning and before I go to bed on a daily basis.. Keep up the incredible world. Your loyal Greek fan...



23/2/2013 21:24

I've been here since July of last year and I should like to say thank you publicly for all that this site has given me: links to many friendly and supportive guys and opportunities for a newby to meet guys who are patient and kindly in encouraging me to learn to wrestle. Thank you for the enormous effort put in by the moderators and administrators, for listening to ideas, for developing the site and for putting in endless time and money into a site for the enjoymentment of others. This guy in York really appreciates it. Thank you all. Simon


Ricotewrestler (255 )

18/2/2013 18:28

Having been a monitor on Globalfight for some time I have to say that this site is perhaps the best and most rapidly growing there is! The fact that it is free is perhaps the biggest incentive to log into it, but I'd say that most importantly it's the good attitude and great vibes that it has towards all it's members. Very user friendly and accommodating without it being "big brotherish". For sure the site to check when visiting or contacting wrestlers in Europe specially! I myself am using this site to book my wrestling matches almost exclusively these days.Great work by the webmaster/s. Can't wait to follow its development!....thanks so very much for creating a worthy place for all of us who love wrestling or combat sports in their many forms!


scotsgrappler (117)

12/2/2013 22:48

There are various wrestling sites with various reputations and claims but only reliably and consistently helps to link up guys who actually get beyond chatting and messaging and wrestle,fight and scrap. If a guy is on here and has past opponents who in turn mark up recommendations he most likely is the real deal. Why settle for second best when you can outperform the rest? Form an orderly line there guys and, yeah, in Queue 2.


Jorgefighter (244)

11/2/2013 15:44

Spread the word! Meetfighters is Best site ever for the fighters community. Easy to use, practical, great feedback with the Admin and the wonderful chance of knowing who are real and who time wasters. I have meet plenty of people thanks to MF and made some friends. So, thank you for the effort behind it.


palmer (27 )

10/2/2013 15:46

To put it simple: best wrestling site ever. It's amazing what you've done, specially having in account that is free! You are a hero to many of us. Thanks a lot for your efforts!


StrikeFighter (74 )

08/2/2013 10:42

Over the past five years I've set up around twenty matches using this site, and I use it on an almost daily basis to keep in touch with opponents I've met or am still to meet. What makes this site great is the (relatively) high level of community involvement. But the best thing I can say about is that since it went live back in 2008, I haven't visited any other fighting site.


kevinc28 (0)

02/2/2013 05:40

i absolutely love this site, its a good site to meet new people


kapiri (0)

28/1/2013 11:04

Absolutely hooked on the site ! You deserve all our gratitude for your ongoing hard work, imagination and commitment. Thank you from one very happy punter. Best wishes.


Tanker (204)

26/1/2013 16:59

Great site, its free, its easy to use & reliable. You & it have integrity. Thank you for all the hard work and thought you have put into to make it what it is. You have enriched a lot of people's lives& brought them together. You should be proud of that.


Wrestleboyjoey (140)

26/1/2013 13:28

Kudos to the Administrator for dedicating his time, money and effort into making this site free! It is the Linux of wrestling personals. :) It helps in widening the underground wrestling community by making it easier for newbies to find matches. So to all the haters out there, no complaints please – you are not paying for the service! But suggestions are always welcome. :) Once again, thanks a lot to the Administrator! :)


Slookm (2)

26/1/2013 10:30

So many of us are electronically challenged , but for me it's a wonder I ever make it to the site. You have made this so easy to navigate to whatever our interest here. THANKS for that !!!!!
Seems to be a rule , No praise for hard work , just keep on working.
This is my go to site like many other guys.
Now , not to be an ingreat, but in your spare time, Will you Please get a Personal Transporter Up and running so to make traveling to meet as easy .
Thanks again.....


Hardmatch (100)

26/1/2013 07:36

This site is incredibly easy to use and is equally reliable. There are never any delays or problems with logging onto the site or navigating around it. The site was very helpful when I was travelling through the UK on my "wrestling road trip" in November as I had more connections through this site than any other.


readyforit (96)

26/1/2013 00:31

I really, really, really want to make you feel extra good (you deserve it). So here goes.

A chance wrestle last year at the Eagle pub in London with a wrestler who praised your site got me interested in finding out about it. Even as a technophobic luddite and much to my surprise I found your site extremely easy to use. Downloading pictures was also very simple. The fact that it is run by someone passionate about wrestling and is FREE and not just an anonymous money making business is astonishing (I am getting a Paypal account Just for you). Clueless as I am about technology I am amazed and thrilled by the brilliance of the site and the ease with which one can navigate it and make various connections.

I especially love its inclusiveness: open to all who love wrestling in all its various forms. Male, female, gay, straight, bi, young, old, novices,old hands, wrestling escorts etc, all are welcome to join in and revel in our shared passion.

Yes, your site truly brings me ,not just great pleasure meeting and wrestling with lots of guys, but actual joy .

A truly life enhancing site.

Thank you.


BattleBeast (12)

25/1/2013 21:31

Hey just wanted to say I'm also a programmer and have a background in HCI - and this site has an awesome layout, I can tell you've really thought about what people would and do want to use this site for and you're design towards that work flow has made it very easy for us to do those things. Also visually/graphically, the site looks amazing =] great job! It's awesome that you've put so much time and energy into this AND offer it free to your members!

I'm sure there are many people who appreciate the site even if they dont write it here. The fact that you have so many returning users is proof enough that the tool you've created is an effective one =] great job again man!



25/1/2013 20:09

Great work! Much gratitude for an excellant, free site! I only wish more of you men could travel here to wrestle me in the US!


BostonSleeper (0)

25/1/2013 17:34

Hey man!

This site is awesome, you've done a great job! Thank you to all who make this site happen!!!



boston kid (76)

24/1/2013 14:43

I'll be in queue 2 - thanks again!!!


Warkscub (83)

24/1/2013 12:23

A really great site - have had more wrestle meets from here than any of the other sites combined. Excellent features, chat room, recommendations (which are a great help) as well as local match requests etc. Always my first stop when online and looking for a meet up. Keep up the good work!! Cheers Neil


Midlands guy (7)

24/1/2013 17:49

(em resposta à...)

At the risk of repeating everyone else. Excellent site for like minded guys. Opened up a new world for me. Many thanks and keep up the good work!



24/1/2013 13:06

(em resposta à...)

Glad you find the site useful. Cheers!


boston kid (76)

16/1/2013 18:22

This is my 'go to' site now. Lots of uk guys and a great setup with recommendations which really help. Thanks for your selfless work in keeping this going ! Best wishes Mike



24/1/2013 13:05

(em resposta à...)

We did grow surprisingly strong in the UK, didn't we? :)


Sturdy (31)

16/1/2013 15:49

The Number One community site for fighters, whatever kind of match you are looking for. Totally free with members from all over the world, and a recommendations system that shows you exactly who is genuine and reliable. Plus groups, events, blogs and of course tons of pictures, this has everything you need, whether you're a newbie scrapper or a seasoned veteran.



24/1/2013 13:04

(em resposta à...)

Thank you Sturdy, your continued support is much appreciated.
