Cyber Jaw Breaker's blog

You know it had to happen! Here is my second fight with NHBcyber and he gave me a run for my money. A brutal back and forth! Enjoy 👊🏼👊🏼

NHBcyber ......: old ring....a single bulb hanging above the center....small crowd

Rex: a few guys hanging close together, waiting for us to go at it

NHBcyber ......: in black and white gym shorts and sneakers ... bare chested

Rex: I enter in, wearing a thin red pair of onion shorts and sneakers, bare chested. The shorts hug my ass, showing off my legs

NHBcyber ......: i eye you up as u enter... see your big thick body wrapped in those tight shorts ... showing off everything you've got

Rex: i have my eyes on you as i enter ... taller than I am, hot broad chest and back, your gym shorts filled out nicely ... impressive man

NHBcyber ......: crowd in a dull murmur as we enter and stare each other down

Rex: crowd can feel the tension and heat between us

NHBcyber ......: can feel the heat between us in the ring....the tension to just take the other down

Rex: both of us wanting it badly

NHBcyber ......: roll out my neck....bringing my fists up and bouncing lightly on my toes.... as soon as i get into a fighting stance someone in the crowd rings and old bell DING DING DING

Rex: stretch out my arms and chest and put up my fists as I hear the DING DING DING

NHBcyber ......: its on and not a single rule to be upheld

Rex: ready to take you on

NHBcyber ......: move in toward the center and start to circle

Rex: keeping my eye on you I circle out to meet you, keeping my fists up, seeing the battle lust in you

NHBcyber ......: i make the first move and swing out with a short right hook aimed for your cheek

Rex: i put up my left forearm and block your punch, sending in a hard right straight at your jaw CRACK!

NHBcyber ......: ur thick forearm takes the shot and stops me cold then GNNNGHHHH my head swings back hard as ur thick muscled body lays into me iwth the shot...i reel.....

NHBcyber ......: knowing i have to keep on you...i return firing a left right combo of jabs to ur chin

Rex: i move as the left swing at me and I feel your fist rush past me... the right hits me hard, jolting my jaw to the side as your fist connects.. UngH!!!

NHBcyber ......: grin as i feel my second fist connect with u......hear the crowd start to cheer as we exchange fall air rushing through as we fight

NHBcyber ......: i continue to move in....i send a left right under handed fist into ur lower stomach

Rex: UMPH! UMPH! both hits strike hard and back me up a step as your fists sink in deep

NHBcyber ......: YEAAAAAA ... following ya......i swing a left hook this time heading for ur jaw

Rex: GNNGHH!! this time your fist hits me fucking hard.... hook snaps my head to the side as I grunt out loud
... stumble back a step from the blow...

NHBcyber ......: adrenaline pumping as i move u across the ring....the crowd roars as the shot hits

Rex: can see the effect it's having on you as gym shorts hang heavy ... I bounce back a step, trying to keep my head clear after your last punch

NHBcyber ......: i continue pressing in....not giving you any time....i swing a right hook this time to ur jaw rocking ur head

Rex: UNNNGH!! fucckkk!!! ... feel the taste of blood at the corner of my mouth, sweat flying from the force of the punch... stumble back another step as the crowd gets agitated, watchng you beat me

NHBcyber ......: crowd on their feet as i lay into you ... grinning big as i rock u........i move in....get in a fighting stance again with my fists up and off rabbit shots to ur chin and mouth...left left right

Rex: UNGH! UnGH!! god dammit!! my head rocked by the short blows ... seeing the crowd go nuts as you beat me hard ... sweat pouring down my back... matting the hair on my chest, soaking the thin shorts... chest heaving to catch my breath

NHBcyber ......: continue the punishment....i slam a left right hook into ur side at ur ribs

Rex: UMPH!!! bend over you fist, wincing loudly from the impact

NHBcyber ......: YEAAA CMON PUSSY! i grunt ... i take another jab at your mouth

Rex: this time your jab catches m off guard... my head jerks hard to the side, spit flying as I fall down to hands and knees

NHBcyber ......: watch u fall....crowd cheers loud....i take a moment to FLEXXX my biceps over ya and grin out at the crowd....then grab a fistful of hair and drag ya up

Rex: I come up with, trying to clear my mind from your punches...

NHBcyber ......: i grab ur broad shoulders as i bring ya up and SLAM a knee into ur stomach

Rex: UNGHHH!!! oh, fucckkk.... slump over you knee as you drive it in deep... christ.... grab onto your sweaty chest to hold on, keep from falling down....

NHBcyber ......: grab ur hair again...haulin u up .. TIME TO GET ROUGH PUNK! .. i draw back a fist smiling at ya

Rex: i grab onto your waist as you haul me up....

NHBcyber ......: unload it right into ur left eye

Rex: GNNNNNGHHH!!! my head snaps back hard with incredible force before lurching forward and falling against your sweaty chest... clutching at your hot body to keep on my feet, my head rocked hard... refusing to go down.... trying to stay on....

NHBcyber ......: clinch with u and keep my footing holdin ya up ..i shove ur chest to push u off

Rex: i stumble back a step... hitting the ropes and stopping, catching my breath.... seeing you in front of me... pumped up, cocky, gyms shorts swelling

NHBcyber ......: i come in toward... swinging a hard left toward ur chin as i step forward

Rex: had enough time to get it together... roll to the side as your fist swings and escape the blow

NHBcyber ......: fuckkk i sail past u....the momentum takes me into the ropes... crowd goes a bit quieter in anticipation as they see a change in pace .. i whip around quickly to face u and get my bearings from my missed shot

Rex: as you whip around I greet you with a hard right to your jaw... CRACK!!

NHBcyber ......: GNNNGHHH totally undefended the power of ur shot if incredible! my head snaps hard to the side..spit flying.....the crowd goes NUTS ...seeing a turn.....i shake out my head stunned a bit from the returned shot....i swing a right hook to back u off

Rex: throw up my arm and block your punch, leaving you open and hit you with a second punch to the jaw ... CRACK!!

NHBcyber ......: GNNNGHHHHHH my head snaps back hard....sending me stumbling a few steps...ur shots hard and rocking me bad....spit flies again...crowd on their feet

Rex: after the second punch I sink to my knees, catching my breath, needing the breathing space as I feel my nuts churning, watching you stumble from my punch...

NHBcyber ......: i shake out my head as i stagger jaw rocked hard from the shots....spit some blood down onto the mat

Rex: i narrow my eyes at you... feeling the heat in me rising... my heart pounding hard in my chest...

NHBcyber ......: crowd chanting for you as they can feel the fire from u ... i charge back in at you as your on ur knee.....aiming for a kick at ur chest

Rex: see you charging... raise up and catch you with a shoulder in your hot tight gut... THUNK!!!

NHBcyber ......: UMMPHHHHH i double over hard....almost falling to the mat but stay on my feet as i stagger away holdin my abs ...crowd cheering louder now chanting for u

Rex: get to my feet.... go to you as you hold your abs ... grab you by your shoulders... keep you bent over... drive my fist into your broad, sweaty back... 1..2..3 times, drilling hard...BAM BAM BAM

NHBcyber .....: AGHHHH AGHHHH AGHHHHHHH body bucking hard under ur shots.....i drop to my knees....back arched.....breathin deep and sweat starting to glaze over my body

Rex: as you drop to your knees i drive a right fist hard at your jaw....

NHBcyber ......: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH my head snaps HARDDD sending my jaw off center as i drop hard chest first to the mat bucking in pain

Rex: I get to my feet, drenched in sweat, shorts clinging to every curve and bulge as I watch you buck on the mat...

NHBcyber ......: start to press up off the mat...jaw on fire and shaking out my head

Rex: i bounce back a step, grabbing my bulge and tugging as I watch you starting to get up....

NHBcyber ......: slowly rise to my knees...grab the ropes to pull myself up..chest heaving

Rex: see you get up....holding onto the ropes to stabalize yourself...

NHBcyber ......: shake out my head again ... get my fists up and move toward you cautiously

Rex: i put up my fists and move out toward you...

NHBcyber ......: get close to ya and i go for a left right combo to ur jaw

Rex: I duck out of the way of your combo, your fists hissing past me as I hear you grunting with each swing ... i come back to center and hit you with my own combo... right left right...

NHBcyber ......: open from missing my shots and GNNGHH GNNGHH GNNGHHH my head snaps back n forth hard....i stumble a few steps ...head rocked a bit again... crowd cheering in the background

Rex: i keep swinging, left right left right.... each punch rocking your head from side to side as I back you across the ring, each punch sending a spray of sweat and spit as my fists connect brutally to your jaw...CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK

NHBcyber ......: GNNGHHH GNNGHH GNNGHH GNNN GHHNNNGHHH my jaw getting blasted hard...spit and blood flying from my mouht........jaw hanging loose and outta place from the attack...i feel my back hit the ropes....i turn my head and spit more blood onto the mat...crowd on their feet roaring as u attack ... head spinning

Rex: as you hit the ropes I hit you straight on with another solid punch, driving into your jaw... CRACK!!

NHBcyber......: GAHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKK.......feel my jaw break under ur fist...i let out a groan...some teeth in my mouth loosen from the impact....sinking deeper into the ropes ... the crowd screaming and chanting as they watch u

Rex: i pull you up as you sink into the ropes... push you back, exposing your broad chest ... drive my fist into your meaty pecs..

NHBcyber ......: UGHHHHHH i buck hard in the ropes and lurch forward as u drill my hard pec

Rex: you fall against me, chest to chest ... i hold you up, feeling your heat

NHBcyber ......: chest heaving.....jaw busted and on fire.... sweat pouring off me onto u as we clinch

Rex: keeping you in the clinch, I pull you out to the center of the ring... i pull you off me, standing you up on your feet... holding you in place by your shoulder... seeing how you have been rocked...

NHBcyber ......: follow with ya........

Rex: holding onto your shoulder, i keep you in close... club you in the jaw with a sharp hard blow... CRACK!!

NHBcyber ......: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH head snaps hardddd....a tooth flies outta my mouth onto the mat covered in blood.....fuckkkkk

Rex: keep you close to me... straighten you up... hit you with a left, holding onto you as your head bolts to the side.. CRACK!!

NHBcyber ......: ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH... head snaps in the opposite direction...blood and spit flying outta the ring...the crowd goes nuts as they watch u dismantle me ...fucking rocked and stumbling... jaw hanging slack and busted bad....face bruised up and red

Rex: keep up the punishment, striking you again, grunting hard as my fist connects to your jaw again... CRACK!!!
NHBcyber ......: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH another tooth flies...this time leaving the ring....i stumble knees starting to buckle ..: the sound of the shots make a sickening crack each time

Rex: knees are buckling but i keep you up, not letting go... hit you a fourth time, pounding your jaw with another hard left...CRACK!!!

NHBcyber ......: UNNGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH my head snaps once again...blood and spit flying and covering teh canvas around us......knees buckling more as u hold me up...head in a daze...fucking ROCKED

Rex: can see how dazed you are.... keeping you close to me, the electricity between incredible... hit you again and again, battering your jaw with sharp strong blows.. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK CRACK! ... pounding your jaw with my fists, rocking your jaw with raw brutality

NHBcyber ......: AGHHH AGHHHA GHHH AGHHH my head snapping violently wiht each shot...blood and spit flying as my head snaps side to side........on almost every other shot a tooth or chunks of tooth u punch me almost fucking toothless in the middle of thee ring

Rex: see how battered you are after eight grueling punches to the jaw... grab you by your shoulders and push your head down, exposing your hot back... drive my elbow into your upper back.. 1..2..3 times...BAM BAM BAM

NHBcyber ......: ARGGHHH ARGGHHHH ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH .. i collapse to my knees... chest heaving and dripping with sweat

Rex: "TIME TO GET ROUGH PUNK" i say, using your own words against you, and as you stand on your knees ... i let out a loud grunt and drive my knee into your jaw.... CRAA-A–AA-CKKK!!!!!

NHBcyber ......: GAHHHHHHHHHHH ... my jaws break and CRUNCHHHHH...chunks of tooth and a pool of blood hits the i collapse face first onto the canvas

Rex: after you collapse i plant my foot on your sweaty back and flex in triumph as the crowd goes nuts, cheering my victory

NHBcyber ......: DING DING DING

Última edição em 28/9/2021 23:34 por Cyber Jaw Breaker; 1 comentário(s)
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