Cyber Jaw Breaker's blog

After some trash talking, Josh and Jack decided it was time to walk the walk and slug it out. They met in the old ring in the back room at the gym. Josh stripped down to his red speedo, and Jack down to his dark blue speedo. The fight started off intense, with neither holding back, each taking punches to the jaw, clinching, and grappling for the dominant position. The first round ended in a draw, neither being able to get the upper hand in the fight. There is a slight break in the fight as Josh and Jack catch their breath, bodies covered in sweat and speedos bulging from the intensity of the struggle. We pick up the fight at the beginning of round two… 👊🏼👊🏼

Rex: I brush my sweaty bangs out of my face and adjust the thick bulge in my speedo. I go on the offensive, swing out with a back handed left to your jaw, then a solid right.

Jack: making me stumble back into the ropes, making good on trying to wipe the dimple outta my chin

Rex: Then when you hit the ropes, sink my fist deep into your gut 1..2..3 times

Jack: ungh, ungh, ungh... taking the shots, hunched over from the hits to my sweaty abs, keeping em tight.

Rex: Push you back up and hit you a right hook.. and another… then a left hook… I pause a moment to catch my breath, then hit you with another right… snapping your head back and forth, the sound of my knuckles hitting your jaw filling the ring

Jack: taking too much abuse, finally lifting my arms up to defend myself against the shots to my face, after i take multiple brutal shots to the jaw, slamming me back to the corner

Rex: Get in close, my sweaty hairy chest pressing against yours and I knee you in the gut…

Jack: UNGH! take the knee, hunched over it... my left hand instinctively leaning on your right shoulder so i don't go down

Rex: As you hunch over I drive an uppercut into your abs

Jack: almost lifted up off my bare feet, hearing that THWACK from the shot to my tight abs … while i'm hunched over, reach up above me, grab your head by the back of your neck, and slam your chin down into the top of my skull

Rex: GNNNGH!! My head bounces off yours and I release you, stumbling back a few steps to get myself together… fuckkk!!

Jack: looking up, smiling like a maniac, hoping i made you bleed... rush in with a quick left right combo to your jaw

Rex: As I’m trying to catch my breath your punches take me by surprise, each lands hard and with a loud grunt my head jerks back and forth from the impact, knocking me back a step

Jack: shaking out my fists, i grab you by the back of the head, yank your hair, and slam my right fist into your jaw

Rex: GGHHHG!! My head snaps back hard and I lose my footing, stumbling and and hit falling to the canvas… I lay for a moment moaning slightly, trying shake out the cobwebs…

Jack: i drop an elbow down into your abs, slamming hard and making your barefeet fly up and slam into the mats

Rex: I double up from your elbow, coughing and sputtering… fuuckk… I try to roll to my side…. I don’t make it and roll back onto my back, my red speedo bulging and pointing up

Jack: seeing how much you're loving it is like an invitation... i look down at that bulge and open palm slap it hard

Rex: I moan out loud and struggle to get up… Trying to get my head back in the fight

Jack: i grab you by the ears and slam your skull back into the canvas once, twice, three times, keeping you dazed

Rex: My eyes rattle inside my skull as my head hit the canvas hard…. Move my arms and legs weakly as I try to move, roll over or get to my feet… something so I can fight back…

Jack: i sit down on your chest schoolboy style, and unload punches to your head, left, right, left, right... no holding back

Rex: Feel you mounting my hairy chest.. I make a weak effort to push you off, but then the fists hit, one after the other, pounding my jaw and snapping my head from side to side like a rag doll… My arms and legs fall to the side as you rock my jaw with 8 unanswered punches… I moan and make one last feeble attempt to get you off, refusing to stay down, knowing that the end is near

Jack: i pause then pull back far with my right, and slam it into your jaw, feeling your head slam to the side with no response

Rex: As your fist connects my slams hard, my body seizes slightly under you, then I go limp and spread eagle… KO… god damn… fucking OUT

Jack: i look down at you not moving, then stand up to my feet. adjust my bulge, put my foot on your hairy chest and hit a double bi as the bell rings

Última edição em 28/9/2021 23:51 por Cyber Jaw Breaker; 0 comentário(s)
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Took on AlphaDad: this morning. Was feeling my oats at the beginning of the fight, but by the end I was feeling something else. Enjoy the ride! 👊🏼👊🏼

AlphaDad: I hop in the ring, strip off, naked 8” cock raging shadow boxing while I wait

Rex: and I’ll enter from the opposite side, peeling off my shirt and slipping off my shorts, standing naked, thick cock bouncing as I stretch out, watching your form as you wait..

AlphaDad: My muscled 5’9 190lbs frame sweating from warming up, seeing you, my cock pulses hard as i check you out, thinking of breaking your damn jaw and ripping your ass open to claim you

Rex: can feel the electricity shoot through me as you turn to face me, heart pounding in my hairy chest, want to hit you so badly and make you mine

AlphaDad: Move in, arms up, guarding my face, searching for an opening as I throw a few jabs at your face
Rex: I raise my fists and circle out to meet you, my eyes locked on you... I block the jabs you send at me, testing your strength... I swing a right at your side, digging under your ribs..

AlphaDad: Grunt as you get under my guard and hit my ribs, I slam a wild left hook at your temple while you’re leaning in

Rex: UNGHH!! Fist hits hard and my head snaps to the side... I bounce back a step or two to shake it off.. put up my fists and move back toward you...

AlphaDad: my hit connnects, staggering you, my thick cock throbs as I see you come back at me and I duck low, going for your ribs with three quick punches before I dance back

Rex: UNGH! OMMPH! GNNNH! Each punch hits sharply... I wince from the impact.. as you dance back I come for you, swing a right for your jaw..

AlphaDad: Shit, trying to get my guard up in time as I come up from hitting your ribs, your fist catches my square jaw sending my head spinning as spit flies from me

Rex: Even as my ribs still smart, I take advantage of the moment and hit with you a left to the jaw as you back center, snapping your head in the other direction, watching your hard cock bounce from the impact. ..

AlphaDad: I come back from that right only to feel your brutal knuckles crack against my jaw again, sending my head spinning the other way.. my legs starting to feel heavy as my thick cock bounces from the impact.. this stud taking it to me.. I send out a massive haymaker at your skull with my left arm as I recenter, trying to take your head clean off your shoulders

Rex: GNNGHHHH!! My head jerks violently to the side in a spray of sweat as your hard fist connects... the blow carries me to the side and I stumble a step or two before regaining my footing... fuckkk!! My cock shuddering and throbbing from the punch... I catch my footing, turning to face you, fists up, sweating running down my back, matting the hair on my chest...

AlphaDad: My fist hits, sending you stumbling... as you catch you footing and turn I knock your guard down with my arm and LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT.. thundering my fists into your jaw..."looks like your ass is going to be mine man" I taunt as my huge 8" pulses pre in anticipation

Rex: GNNGHHH! UNNNGHH! The first left and right hit, snapping my head back and forth like a punching bag, .. before I have a chance to react the second left right hits, your knuckles connecting again with my jaw... GNNGH!!! CCRACKK! A spray of spit and sweat fills the air... I fall back with the punches, standing woozy on my feet, trying to shake off the brutal punches.. my thick cock throbs hard, leaking... I swing out a right, blindly trying to hit you...

AlphaDad: I come in hard, thinking you're fucking done for and your right slams my jaw, cracking it and sending me into a half spin to the ropes.. I shake my head, underestimating you... turn ready to finish you off

Rex: As you turn to face me, I sink a right uppercut into your gut, hooking hard and deep...

AlphaDad: OOMPPH you're on me, slamming my abs... didnt have time to brace them and that fist sinks in blasting the wind outta me in an OOMPPPHH as I double over

Rex: As you double over I put my hands together and being them down like a hammer between your shoulder blades...

AlphaDad: grunt as your hand hammer my shoulders, driving my muscled frame to my knees... coughing from those blows.. reaching out to try and steady myself on your quads y

Rex: As you do I grab you by your hair and pull your head back, line you up, and send a short, sharp right to your jaw...CRAACKKK!!

AlphaDad: feel your fist in my hair, pulling my head up.. my eyes wide then your fist cracks my jaw almost breaking it.. my head ripped from your grip as I spin and slam to the mat, groaning and drooling as I try and focus

Rex: My chest heaves as I look down at you, my cock throbbing and jumping, listening to your groaning... “Get up, punk!”

AlphaDad: reaching for the ropes.. pull up, testing my tender jaw, clicks but still ok... shaking my head as my naked body shakes while I rise

Rex: As you pull yourself up by the ropes I grab you by the shoulders and push your back against the ropes... my cock brushes against yours... I feel the heft of your meat.. I put one hand on your beefy chest to hold you and then send a straight right into your jaw...

AlphaDad: you spin me, hand on my hairy pecs... my thick 8" grinding your hefty cock.. then BOOM.. that right slams straight to my jaw, snapping my head back... my jaw almost shatters as my head hangs.... drool dripping from my mouth.. my fists send a few shots into your abs in desperation

Rex: I wince as you fists connect with my sore ribs... I hook your gut again with a right..

AlphaDad: my dazed head drops forward as once more your fist drills my abs... coughing... hands on your hips trying to shove you away

Rex: I punch your gut again, my fist lifting you up a little, hearing the air escape your lungs, watching as your big dick shakes from the force of the hit...

AlphaDad: my breath blasted out as you lift me with that gut punch.. coughing.. my huge cock dripping pre as it bounces... shaking my head.. trying to rise as I throw a desperate uppercut at your jaw

Rex: Seeing your cock dripping precum distracts me slightly... your uppercut connects and knocks my head back... with a grunt I stumble back a step or two.. not expecting the hit.. taking a moment to shake off the punch... shit...

AlphaDad: I rise.. red faced and shaking... come at you, wild swings.. know i dont have much left in the tank.. left right left again at your jaw

Rex: look up at you as you come for me... I throw up my arm and block the left as it comes for my jaw.. can’t move fast enough to block the other two... my head jerks back and forth as your fists hit...GNNGHH!!! BAAMMMM! My guard open as the left hits... I spin to the side slightly before slowly dropping down to all fours... sweat drenching my naked boy, my cock throbbing and jumping uncontrollably ...god damn.... chest heaving as I try to catch my breath...

AlphaDad: I grab your head.. pull it up.. raise my arm and brutally slam it down into your jaw... almost driving your head into the mat in the process

Rex: GGGNNNGGGHH!! My head jerks hard... my knees buckle slightly... I stay on all fours, shaky, trying to get it together...

AlphaDad: I lift my heel and CRACK it into your jaw sending you sprawling... eyeing off your fucking hot ass yt
Rex: FUCK!!! I hit the canvas hard... roll over onto my back... coughing, sputtering... my dick still throbbing... can feel the intense pain in my jaw from your kick...

AlphaDad: as you roll I kneel over your chest, straddling it.. grab your hair in my left hand and SLAM SLAM SLAM my right into your jaw... three hits... 4.....5......6.......7.....8......9.... then the 10th I wind up and hit so hard I'm sure I hear yor jaw break

Rex: Can feel your weight as you straddle my hairy chest, i try to struggle against you, but the combination of your weight and dominant position in my weakened condition work against me and I feel your mounting me, your big dick brushing against me as you do... I wince as you savagely grab my hair... I grab at your wrists, the sweat getting into my eyes... and then the carnage starts... the first three rights jolt my head hard... I grunt with each blow... I try to buck under you... then the other punches rain down on my jaw... by the time the 8th fist hits, my limp body just jerks with each punch like a rag doll... as your tenth right pounds into my jaw, my entire body seizes up for a moment, tensing, shaking, and then goes limp as I black out and go unconscious under you...

AlphaDad: I roar in victory as I literally punch you into unconsciousness.. flip you under me... slap your head until I hear you groaning then slide down your back, push my cock in your sweaty cheeks then RIP my thick 8" deep in your defeated hole

Rex: I come to as you roll me over, my dick sliding against the canvas as you do... I feel your sliding down my body... I wince and moan as your hard meat slides into me in a moment of pleasure and pain... I push back on your dick, allowing it to go in deeper, filling me up ... fuckkkk...

AlphaDad: start fucking you hard.. the heat of the fight and your tight ass makes my balls churn yt
Rex: Can feel the intense pounding from behind... I moan out as you take me...each thrust of your alpha cock makes me grunt...

AlphaDad: with a brutal roar my cock swells and I EXPLODE a massive load of cum in your defeated ass..... keep pumping you full until I pull out... roll you onto your back... draw back my fist... "goodnight fucker" then SLAM a final right hook into your jaw

Rex: Your alpha roar fills my ears as I feel your cock exploding... I collapse in a heap under you, unable to do anything... you turn me over.... I see your fist high and know what is about to happen... the final slug jerks my head clean to the side... again my body seizes up, then drops spread eagle and limp, completely KOd and dominated under you.

Última edição em 28/9/2021 23:48 por Cyber Jaw Breaker; 1 comentário(s)
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A few years ago I had a fight with my buddy, Jimmy - and this turned out to be the most brutal fight since my initial brawl with NHBcyber. Jimmy was an amazing opponent and so fucking sexy! Enjoy the fight! 👊🏼👊🏼

COMMENTATOR: Tonight is the night folks. The bare knuckle boxing championship will be given to only one man tonight. Fight will only be called when one man is out cold and the victor has his opponent's cock ring in hand

Jimmy: crowd is rowdy. i make my way to the ring pumping my arms in the air. blue robe on me. as i get closer to the ring it opens up slightly to expose my tight body and rock hard cock... metallic blue cock ring fastened around my rock hard 7inch cock. crowd roars as i climb in the ring, remove my robe and flex


Jimmy: waiting for you

Rex: I enter the ring area, wearing a red robe loosely tied at the waist, my hairy chest exposed as I a move down toward the ring. before climbing into the ring I take off my robe and flex for the crowd, showing off my hairy chest, thick back and ceps, and my 6.5 inch hard cock with a dark red cock ring at the base. Crowd goes nuts as I pose for them, then I climb into the ring to face you

Jimmy: stare hard at you. heart pounding. veins popping out of my biceps and forearms. start bouncing up and down. pecs and nips flex. i throw up a double bi pose as i continue to stare hard at you. my chest semi hairy all the way down to my happy trail and pubes. ”GONNA OWN YOU!"


Rex: turn to you and shoot you a grin as I flex back, rub my tight hairy abs down to my thick bush, then flex back at you, letting you see what you're getting into … can feel the heat building inside of me as I stare down your tight naked body.... impressed by it

Jimmy: i can't help but admire how muscular you are .. my pits sweaty. thick pubes shine with a slight sweat. pre cum already shines on my cock head … everyone exits the ring except us .. crowd going wild .. they know we're only seconds away


Rex: can feel the sweat start to glisten on my back as the lights beat down... the muscles in my neck tensing in anticipation... can feel my nuts churning

D I N G !! D I N G !!

Rex: my cock jumps as the bell rings

Jimmy: fists fire up. all i want is to rip your fucking head off with my fists. i come charging to take control of the center of the ring … crowd going wild


Rex: put my fists up and charge out to meet you … all I want to do is break your fucking jaw, punk

Jimmy: i reach the center, fists up. plant feet. NOT MOVING .. RIGHT LEFT jab cross combo immediately towards your jawline

Rex: tense my neck as I see your fists coming for me.... thick muscles tighten up as your fists slam into my jaw, punching hard...UNNGH!
UNGH!!....tight neck helps absorb the impact as you slug hard... swing out a right for your jaw....

Jimmy: i stand my ground with you as i feel my fists collide with your jaw … duck as your right comes for me… feet still planted … RIGHT UPPERCUT to the point of your chin!


Jimmy: my cock still rock hard as i attack

Rex: fuck, see you duck under my swing...GNNNGH!! head snaps back from the force of the uppercut, my thick cock bouncing from the impact.... my head comes back center as I keep my fists up... sweat starting to run down my back … grit my teeth and shoot out a straight right for you jaw

Jimmy: GNNGH!! head pops back. surprised instantly by your power. i don't move though. i try to hold strong to the center, not backing down. LEFT hook to your ribcage. RIGHT CROSS towards you eye socket


Rex: I wince as your left digs deep into my gut, hooking hard... as your right cross comes for me I raise my arm and block the blow... leaves you open for a moment.. swing around and hit you with a right cross to your jaw...

Jimmy: UNNGHH!! head snaps sideways. spit flies. crowd roars. i stagger back two uncontrolled steps


Jimmy: shake my head. rocked a bit by that. jaw aching immediately

Rex: move and dig two hooks into your gut, LEFT RIGHT...

Jimmy: UMPH!! UMPH!! … step left. RIGHT OVERHAND towards your mouth … left jab quickly follows

Rex: GNNNNGH!! overhead right stops me for moment as your fist connects... my head jerks to the side in shot of spit, a trickle of blood appearing on the corner of my mouth.... left jab catches me and knocks my head back in the other direction... I stumble to the side.... shake my head to clear it out... fuckkkk...


Jimmy: i come in after you. not holding anything back. RIGHT LEFT RIGHT heavy hooks towards your jaw .. the sight of blood and you hurt makes my dick leak pre cum to the canvas

Rex: your punches catch me off guard for a moment...UNGH! GNNGH! UNGH!!! my head snaps from side to side as each punch lands, cracking hard against my jaw.... I fall back another step... still trying to recover from the vicious hits you've been giving me....


Jimmy: my cock throbbing hard. come in. RIGHT UPPERCUT to navel, LEFT HOOK to jaw … your fans going crazy with anger … my fans loving every second

Rex: OOMPH!!! my gut burns as your fist pounds into it.... can feel the burn... I manage to duck under the left hook to my as it comes down for me.... spin to the side to catch my breath, my naked body drenched in sweat, my cock rock hard from the abuse ....swing out with the back of my right fist...

Jimmy: CRAACCKKK! head snaps back. i stagger backwards. crowd roars … shaking my head. blood trickling from my bottom lip

Rex: see that the backhand to your jaw slowed you down a moment... follow through with a right hook, followed by a left, swinging hard as I move in toward you...

Jimmy: get my arms up but not before your left slams into the side of my face sending bloody spit into the crowd. your right blocked but i'm rocked hard … LEFT RIGHT wild jab combo towards your face as you come in … crowd all on their feet now … my cock slowly limping out as i get rocked by your heavy fists

Rex: the left swings in and hits me... I grunt slightly as your fist connects.... the right I sidestep as you swing at me... throw up my knee and hit you in the side as your right moves past my head .. UNGGHHHH .. body bends

Jimmy: wince slightly. grab your shoulders and pull you towards me. i return the favor with a knee to your inner thigh, right below your manhood

Rex: feel the sting..... drive my fist into your gut, hooking you under the ribcage.... THUNK!!

Jimmy: UNNNGGHHHHHHH .. air forced out of me. wince in agony as you fist digs into my torso. eye tear up. fall to my hand and knees at your feet

Rex: reach down and grab you by your hair... pull you up slightly... CRACK!! hit you across the jaw with my right fist...

Jimmy: GNNNNNGH!! … bloody spit flies and i fall to my side on the ring floor … then roll to my back … ears ringing … vision blurry .. ”fff.ff.f.f.fuck”

Rex: as I see you hit the floor my cock jumps hard, pre-cum shooting out and landing on your chest as I watch you moaning on the mat.... I bounce back and watch you.... "get up! get up!"

Jimmy: my cock only at 50%. i roll over. it leaks pre cum to the canvas. i grab the ropes and pull up. fists back up. drooling bloody spit. wipe it away with my forearm … come back at you


Rex: can feel the adrenaline shooting through me, my cock raging hard and leaking... seeing you coming back excites me more..

Jimmy: i stagger towards you. cock rising up a bit more now… fake that i'm going to punch with my left, plant my feet, spitting right back fist towards your jaw

Rex: UNGHHH! fist hits hard, snaps my head to the side... can feel my nuts boiling... turn to face you planting my feet, and hit you with a hard right... CRACK!!

Jimmy: UNNNNGHHH!! jaw distorts. bloody spit flies. feet stay planted. shake my head. huge right hook back at you.... CRACK!!!!


Rex: GNNNGH!! another hard punch slams into me... god dammit!!.... club your jaw with a hard left...CRACK!!

Jimmy: PFFFFFFFFFT spit flies … i stagger back one step. shake my head. look at you. step back in. RIGHT CROSS to your jaw. CRRRACCKKKK!!!"


Rex: head jolts hard as your fist hits... FUCKKK.... reach out and grab you by your throat and hold you there.... drive my fist into your jaw....CRACK!!!

Jimmy: CHUDDDDDDD ... bloody spit flies… i see a flash of white. ears ringing. arms drop limp for a split second


Rex: shift my grip and hold you by your shoulder.... hit you you again with another punch to the jaw.... CRACK!!

Jimmy: CHUDDDDD jaw cracks. body goes limp. THUDDDD hit the ring canvas face first. cock completely limp under my body

Rex: when I hear your jaw crack under my punch my cock throbs and huge blob of precum shoots out, dripping down my cock, coating my thigh.... roll you over onto your back and gaze down at your thick meat as it loses its wood

Jimmy: limp and out cold. cock lays on my lower abs. balls sweaty and between my thighs. crowd is ROARING

Rex: impressed by the size of your limp cock... good piece of meat on you... reach down and pull you up to your feet, slumping against my shoulder.... carry you to the corner and put you against the ropes.....

Jimmy: ungghhhh … slowly coming to … body limp in the corner

Rex: not finished... haven’t had enough.... as I push you back into the corner I hit you with an uppercut, slicing hard through your battered jaw.... BAM!!

Jimmy: CRACKKKK … head snaps back. bloody spit flies. i let out a low moan as i lean limp in the corner

Rex: hit you with another uppercut... and another....CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK.... five unanswered uppercuts to your jaw, battering your jaw hard...

Jimmy: head snapping all over the place. drooling. the last crack slams so hard my jaw pops out of place, hanging loosely now … drooling … arms trapped over the top rope

Rex: can feel my cock ready to explode at this point.... as you hang on the ropes I reach out and claim my prize.... I grab your thick cock, feeling your hot meat in my hand as I take the cock ring.... can feel the tension shoot through me as I feel up your thick dick

Jimmy: cock ring removed and thick pre cum oozes from my cock head … your fans ROAR … my fans boooooo

Rex: i hold it up for everyone to see as you sag in the corner


Última edição em 28/9/2021 23:52 por Cyber Jaw Breaker; 1 comentário(s)
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Shane is a big slab of hot Southern meat, standing 5’10” and outweighing me by 30 lbs. He has a height and weight advantage, but sometimes that can’t win a fight. Enjoy this fast-paced, hard-hitting fight as he and I duke it out to KO finish 👊🏼👊🏼

Shane: Ring match, in my red singlet, barefoot.. jump on the apron and climb in.

Rex: I enter from the opposite side, wearing a high cut, tight light blue speedo that hugs my body, showing off my ass and firm bulge, barefoot ... pumped at the chance to finally mix it up with the big guy.

Shane: Come out slowly, circling you, sizing you up ... we meet and lock up collar and elbow, some pushing... and you end up with your back on the ropes ... I raise my arms for a clean break... your arms go up as well... then a knee to your belly... BAM!!

Rex: UMPH!! Grunt hard from your knee ... I catch my breath, wincing from the force of the blow, seeing the smirk on your face.... watch as you move out to the center of the ring... I shake it off and follow after you, circling, my fists raised...

Shane: Raise my fists to meet you center of the ring.. we both stat trading blows.. lefts and rights...

Rex: Slugging back and forth... each of us taking and giving hard punches.. the sounds of our grunts filling the air... you swing out a right and I manage to side step, feeling the wind as your fist flies by my face... I crack you in the jaw with a left hook... CRACKKKK!!!

Shane: FUCK!!! Surprised you connected... shake my head out... get my shit back together, circling... lunge in, my shoulder hitting your belly and pushing you into the corner turnbuckle.. grab the middle ropes for a series of shoulder blocks to your gut.

Rex Tighten my abs as you ram your shoulder into me .... I grunt from the impact, feeling the force of your shoulders hitting again and again... sputter from the force of your shoulder hits... I suck in my breath and drive my elbow into your beefy upper back... 1... 2 times

Shane: UNGHH!! Hits my back hard, elbows do some damage, and I drop down to one knee ... you still in the corner in front of me...

Rex: As you drop to one knee I line you up and slug you across the jaw with a hard right... BAM!!

Shane: GNNNGH!! Shakes my head, spit flies, dazes me slightly, holding the middle rope as I turn from you to get a standing position...

Rex: I grab you by the shoulders and pull off the roes, throwing you to the canvas... I straddle you, feet planted firmly on either side of you ... I drive my fist into your gut... right, left, right.. pounding hard, hearing your groaning as each fist hits. .. then I mount your broad sweaty chest... I hit you across the jaw with a right... another... and finally a third right before backing off a moment to catch my breath.. sitting on your broad chest, sweat running down my bare back...

Shane: Each fist to the gut makes me jerk upwards, kicking my feet on the mat... then the fist to the jaw over and over dazes me, a trickle of blood starts in my mouth, your backing off gives me a breather... I reach up and rake your eyes... Holding my fingers in your eyes, Gouging them like I’m going to them out...

Rex: I yell out as you grab at my face, tearing at my eyes... the pain shoots through me.. I drop a straight right deep into your gut..

Shane: OOOOMPHHH!! FUUCCKKK!!! Double up, grabbing my gut...

Rex: As you double up, I slam a fist into your jaw and knock you back onto the canvas...

Shane: Grab my jaw... I swear it’s dislocated... you still straddling my chest... I hold my jaw, trying to shield it from you...

Rex: I roll off of you, getting to my feet. I wipe the sweat away from my forehead.. readjust the swelling bulge in my speedo... I reach down and pull you up to your feet and slam you into the corner... I put your arms over the top ropes ... as you hang there for a moment, I move in and slice through your jaw with a right uppercut, snapping your head back violently ...

Shane: GNNNNGHH!!! My head rocks back hard...for a moment I see the ceiling... then finally come center as I try to focus on you.. I sense that you are slowing down the pace and going after my jaw... know that is your target... my arms are up over the to ropes, hardly standing, looking at you...

Rex: As you hang there, I UNGH you in the gut.. left.. right... left... slug you across the jaw... 1..2 times, snapping your head from side to side... pause a moment... then a violent left... your hold jolts to the side... I go back to work on your gut with four more punches... left right left right, each fist sinking in deeper and deeper, your body shaking from the impact of each punch...

Shane: OOMPPH!! OOOMPHHH!! OOOOMPPPHHH!!! Fists to the gut take my breath, my jaw rocked hard ... sweat dripping off my forehead... then back to the gut punishment, taking more of my breath, trying to tighten my belly to absorb the impact ...

Rex: I grab you by the shoulders to steady myself and drive a knee into your gut... then watch you drop to all fours... I move to the other side of the ring, my speedo bulge thick and round after giving you that beating.. I reach in and tug on my fighter dick a few times... I wipe the sweat from my forehead...

Shane: crawling on all fours toward the ropes, my cock huge in my singlet from the domination, my body rocked hard by your punches ...

Rex: Can see that you are wearing down... need to put you down... I grab you roughly by the back of the neck and pull you up .. shove you against the ropes... I hit you across the jaw with a right...a left, two rights.. a left.. you start to slump over.. “Not yet, buddy!” I say as I pull you back up... hit you with a left, then another left... two more rights... as you start to fall to the side, I straighten you up with a left.. grab you by the arm and pull you to the center of the ring... slug you with an uppercut... you grunt loudly as I watch you stagger on your feet, you head snapping back in a spray of sweat and spit, barely holding on ... then hit you with another brutal uppercut to the jaw...CRACKKKK!!!

Shane: FUCKK!! Everything goes black as your fist slices through my chin... go down hard in the center of the ring, falling on my back with a loud THUD, spread eagle .. knocked unconscious by your brutal punch ...

Rex: I stand over, planting one food on your chest and double bi flex in triumph. Big man went down HARD...

Última edição em 29/9/2021 00:00 por Cyber Jaw Breaker; 2 comentário(s)
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This was an awesome fight. Rhinebeckbeef was a hot slab of hairy muscle and I loved fighting him. He definitely gave me a run for my money. Enjoy 👊🏼👊🏼

rhinebeckbeef: older bull stud wearing tight black fight trunks, asic boots; big 53 year old frame solid with mix of muscle, gut and sweat

Rex: enter the basement wearing a tight silver boxer jock, my youthful frame highlighted by the jock... barefoot and shirtless as I move on to the mats

rhinebeckbeef: take in a breath seeing the boy; youth and muscle packed into jock … admire the kid before i trash him nodding my approval

Rex: can feel a tingle run through me as I take in your hairy, solid body... muscled... broad chest and shoulders, nice bulge in the fight trunks... shoot you a grin as I look you up from toe to head

rhinebeckbeef: kid half my age, barely … sending a jolt through my core with that once over… i grin too … as i slowly nonchalantly start a wide circle shaking out my thick limbs

Rex: I smile broadly as I circle out to meet you, keeping light on my toes, eyes locked on you

rhinebeckbeef: close in … raise my arms up flex my back … as i lunge in to you for tie up surging my bulk as i do ... I raise my arms and throw myself into you for the tie up, gripping my fingers into yours as we collide.

rhinebeckbeef: chest to chest grunting in each other’s ear, my legs digging in behind for anchor as our hands mesh, arms shaking to overpower each other … kid is strong for his size damn .. using my weight

Rex: can feel your weight pushing into me, digging in as I stand my ground, pushing back against you...

rhinebeckbeef: stunned this guy is stalemating me … arms shaking but not moving … sweat dripping

Rex: as I stand my ground I can feel you starting to gain a slight edge over, your weight and height bearing down on me… I grit my teeth and push back, trying to keep you at bay

rhinebeckbeef: my momentum slowed to a snail’s pace … grunt loudly and surge into you forcing you back a few steps … heaving … sucking in air to sustain my assault … laughing in your ear as i grunt

Rex: trying to fight back, sweat starting to bead on my back... arms start to go back...

rhinebeckbeef: grunt and surge forcing your hands back in a curl

Rex: Fuuuckkk

rhinebeckbeef: snapping u to your toes as i curl violently … then slowly force u to a knee

Rex: wincing hard, sucking in air, I drop to one knee, the pain shooting through me...

rhinebeckbeef: pour the pressure on using all my force … to bend u to another knee .. sweat dripping down my face and chin

Rex: drop to both knees, my head bobbing slightly as I take the pain and try to put it out of my mind, starting to groan slightly...

rhinebeckbeef: can feel myself thicken slightly as i see your muscled youth panting, crumbling … I rear back my leg .. then ram a knee and thigh into your chest … again .. again.. again … again … then release your hands and toss u away to the mats

Rex: my body jerks violently under each knee you plow into my tight chest.... grunt hard as each blow hits... finally hitting the mat with a THWACK as you throw me to the side like rag doll... I roll onto my back a moment, sputtering slightly as I try to clear my head...

rhinebeckbeef: stalk u … then … jump up… drop a knee into your lower gut

Rex: UMPH!!! fold up as your knee hits me, my face contorted as the pain engulfs me, coughing... try to roll over to my side...

rhinebeckbeef: sit on my side pull you back between my legs .. slam my arm across your throat as i side scissor you .. locking my feet and squeezing ..
holding you down my with arm across your neck

Rex: AARGH! can feel the pressure across my body as you tighten your squeezing...grab at your arm as it presses into my throat, trying to free me from the pressure...

rhinebeckbeef: laughing in your ear … playing with your hair with my free hand then tweaking your nipple … flex my back butt and legs and SQUEEEEZE … enjoying this punk?

Rex: UUUNNGH!! ... fuck you!! .. grasp your arm again, and start to pull it away you from my throat

rhinebeckbeef: damn dude is doing it ...strong ... my scissors loosen as I focus on my arm

Rex: I continue to pull at your arm, trying to break your grip so I can breathe properly again...
rhinebeckbeef: arm suspended inches off you ... try to push it back but cant ... open scissors to readjust ... body heaving for more energy your scissors open, I can feel the pressure move from my body... I drive my elbow back into you... striking hard...

rhinebeckbeef: uughhhhHHGHHH .. fall back releasing my grip ... sputter ... panting ... propped on my side with my elbow holding my gut

Rex: jab back a second time as I feel your falling away from me...BAM

rhinebeckbeef: UUGH second one flattens me ... on back ... moaning try to find air

Rex: I roll away from you, making it to my hands and knees as I suck in air, catching my breath, my body still on fire from the squeezing you gave.. fuuuck... clearing my head....

rhinebeckbeef: roll on mat slowly try to keep distance while i force a recovery fast ... push up to my haunches wobbly

Rex: I get to my feet, body drenched in sweat as I turn to see you... walk over to you and grab a handful of your thick, dark hair... then slug you across the jaw with a hard right...CRACK!

rhinebeckbeef: propped into place then UUGHHHHHHHHHHHH .. body swings with head ..slam into padded wall ... hang there dazed jaw throbbing .. eyes unfocused momentarily stunned

Rex: I grab you by your shoulders, turning you around and pressing your chest against the padded wall... I drive my knee into the small of your back...1..2...3...4 times

rhinebeckbeef: UUGH... UUGH.. UUGH!! UUGH!! UUGH ...uughhhhhhhhhhh .. jesus ...body shaking against wall slumping with each knee

Rex : I throw you down to the mats, my chest heaving, covered in sweat...

rhinebeckbeef: FUCK .. got to revive... back in pain.. leaving a sweat trail as I crawl on mat ... kick back with empty kicks try to keep u at bay uggggh

Rex: I manage to side step your kicks, avoiding any damage to my shins, and as you crawl across on your hands and knees, I leap astride your back, mounting you like the sweaty bull you are

rhinebeckbeef: ughh ... feel your solid thighs on either side of me ... your weight... i try to buck u off

Rex: hold on to my position, planting my feet solidly on the ground as I clasp my hands under your square chin, pulling back..

rhinebeckbeef: UUGHHHH ... yanked up neck aching ... chest thrust out ... back hard into your crotch and thighs ... arms reaching out uughhh ... look up see you over me

Rex: pull back harder, straining your neck and opening your hairy chest...

rhinebeckbeef: OOOWOWWWW ... arms out to sides ... chest heaving ... bowed back

Rex: I release you and slam you to the mat, getting up and walking over to the other side of the mats as I wipe the sweat from my face and hair..

rhinebeckbeef: ughh

Rex: look down at the bulge in my boxer jock and realize that I have to adjust it, starting to get thicker as the fight progresses..

rhinebeckbeef: struggle to feet slowly neck aching weak ... gut panting chest heaving ... eyes blurry from pain try to shake it out

Rex: watch as you get to your feet, my fists raised, eyes locked onto you

rhinebeckbeef: totter up ... focus then turn to see you ... panting I slowly raise my fists

Rex: the site of you standing there with your fists raised sends a tingle through me and I can feel my dick throb... circle out to meet you

rhinebeckbeef: stagger out weakened but able ... see your hardening jock thickens me more ... panting i step in to you

Rex: I move in closer and throw out a right jab, catching you in the jaw... again ... again

rhinebeckbeef: uug uugh head snaps back

Rex: almost toying with you as I hit you with my big meat hooks

rhinebeckbeef: each hit dazes a little more ...confuses ...ughh ... take a dumb wild swing

Rex: duck under your wild swing as it passes over my head... rise up and hit you with a left hook, my fist smacking hard into your square masculine chin...

rhinebeckbeef: UUGHHHHHH ... fall back ... arms keeping me up ... back hits wall ... room stops spinning ... uugh

Rex: I move in again, planting my feet firmly on the ground as I fire my fists into your hairy gut, rights and lefts pummeling hard...1...2...3...4...5...6 times

rhinebeckbeef: UUGHHHHHH ... ughh ... body held up by hits ... then slumps to knees ... air pounded out panting ... gut on fire

Rex: as you drop to your knees I hit you again with a solid right to the jaw, snapping your head hard to the side in spray of sweat and spit...CRACK!!

rhinebeckbeef: UUGHHHH slam into wall ... fall to hands and knees ... jaw nearly broken ... room spinning wildly

Rex: take a step back... have to put my hands down my boxer to adjust my hard meat... fully turned on by the hits I gave you... watch you drop down to your hands and knees...

rhinebeckbeef: moaning ... try to rise to one knee ... feel queasy ...hand goes up weakly to keep you

Rex: I throw my arms under yours, wrapping them around your body as I pull you to your feet..... as you rise up, I feel your thick meat brushing against mine.... I moan slightly as I pull you up

rhinebeckbeef: uugh feel your hard young sweaty muscle on my fur then the hard young cock pressing my body and my cock as you pull me to my feet

rhinebeckbeef: unsteady ... try to pull away

Rex: keep you close to me, not letting you go... turning you around, putting your broad back against mine...

Rex: I reach back, and again grab you by your chin, pulling you back as I bend over, pulling you into a hangman as I bounce you on my back

rhinebeckbeef: OOOW ... NOOOOO ...NOOOOOO ... oh fuck fuck fuck ... 230 pounds used against me ... body hanging inverted by chin ... teeth clenched neck straining ... arms to side hanging legs hanging ... jesus ow wo ow ow ow

Rex: keep you on my back as I hear you moan, see your arms drop to the side, your legs hanging...

rhinebeckbeef: boy like a rock under me ... my moans fill the small hot mat room ... begging for mercy

Rex: I finally let you go, dropping you to the mats...

rhinebeckbeef: ughhhhhhh ... slide down your slick body ... shaking in pain ... hard to move without pain ... neck on fire

Rex: I survey the damage I inflicted on you, watching you move slowly, trying to recover from the hangman... without even thinking of it I start to massage my cock through my boxer jock as I watch you...

rhinebeckbeef: body filled with pain ... throbbing ... big bull barely managing to stay on his haunches ... neck and shoulders in painful shape ... with a grunt of pride i push up to a knee then to standing bent out of natural shape due to pain

Rex: again put up my fists as I turn to face you, ready to go a third round with you...

rhinebeckbeef: my brain seizes at the realization of another round ... fucker blocking the door only recourse i have is to slowly raise fists ... blink sweat out of my eyes ... gut and chest heaving

Rex: will need to strike hard and fast if I am to take you down... I lash out and hit you with a right left right combination to your jaw, rocking your head back and forth...

rhinebeckbeef: uugh ... uugh ...uugh ...head snaps one way then the other ... arms drop ... body sways ... your smell in my nostrils my vision blurry

Rex: see you're still standing... hit you again with a second right left right... rocking your jaw with my thick hard fists

rhinebeckbeef: fall to my side ... head hits hard into padded wall ... as my body bounces off ... and hits the mat hard ... body collapses ... moans where am i ... barely hanging on

Rex: I grapple with you, pulling you back to your feet... line you up, then hit you with an uppercut, slicing hard through your jaw...CRACK!!

rhinebeckbeef: uugh body hoisted up ... steadied ... then ... GUUUUUUGHHHHH ... jaw fractures ... body slams back into wall ... slides down ... unconscious

Rex: this time I see that you don't move... that you are finally down...

rhinebeckbeef: and out

Última edição em 28/9/2021 23:58 por Cyber Jaw Breaker; 2 comentário(s)
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