After some trash talking, Josh and Jack decided it was time to walk the walk and slug it out. They met in the old ring in the back room at the gym. Josh stripped down to his red speedo, and Jack down to his dark blue speedo. The fight started off intense, with neither holding back, each taking punches to the jaw, clinching, and grappling for the dominant position. The first round ended in a draw, neither being able to get the upper hand in the fight. There is a slight break in the fight as Josh and Jack catch their breath, bodies covered in sweat and speedos bulging from the intensity of the struggle. We pick up the fight at the beginning of round two… 👊🏼👊🏼

Rex: I brush my sweaty bangs out of my face and adjust the thick bulge in my speedo. I go on the offensive, swing out with a back handed left to your jaw, then a solid right.

Jack: making me stumble back into the ropes, making good on trying to wipe the dimple outta my chin

Rex: Then when you hit the ropes, sink my fist deep into your gut 1..2..3 times

Jack: ungh, ungh, ungh... taking the shots, hunched over from the hits to my sweaty abs, keeping em tight.

Rex: Push you back up and hit you a right hook.. and another… then a left hook… I pause a moment to catch my breath, then hit you with another right… snapping your head back and forth, the sound of my knuckles hitting your jaw filling the ring

Jack: taking too much abuse, finally lifting my arms up to defend myself against the shots to my face, after i take multiple brutal shots to the jaw, slamming me back to the corner

Rex: Get in close, my sweaty hairy chest pressing against yours and I knee you in the gut…

Jack: UNGH! take the knee, hunched over it... my left hand instinctively leaning on your right shoulder so i don't go down

Rex: As you hunch over I drive an uppercut into your abs

Jack: almost lifted up off my bare feet, hearing that THWACK from the shot to my tight abs … while i'm hunched over, reach up above me, grab your head by the back of your neck, and slam your chin down into the top of my skull

Rex: GNNNGH!! My head bounces off yours and I release you, stumbling back a few steps to get myself together… fuckkk!!

Jack: looking up, smiling like a maniac, hoping i made you bleed... rush in with a quick left right combo to your jaw

Rex: As I’m trying to catch my breath your punches take me by surprise, each lands hard and with a loud grunt my head jerks back and forth from the impact, knocking me back a step

Jack: shaking out my fists, i grab you by the back of the head, yank your hair, and slam my right fist into your jaw

Rex: GGHHHG!! My head snaps back hard and I lose my footing, stumbling and and hit falling to the canvas… I lay for a moment moaning slightly, trying shake out the cobwebs…

Jack: i drop an elbow down into your abs, slamming hard and making your barefeet fly up and slam into the mats

Rex: I double up from your elbow, coughing and sputtering… fuuckk… I try to roll to my side…. I don’t make it and roll back onto my back, my red speedo bulging and pointing up

Jack: seeing how much you're loving it is like an invitation... i look down at that bulge and open palm slap it hard

Rex: I moan out loud and struggle to get up… Trying to get my head back in the fight

Jack: i grab you by the ears and slam your skull back into the canvas once, twice, three times, keeping you dazed

Rex: My eyes rattle inside my skull as my head hit the canvas hard…. Move my arms and legs weakly as I try to move, roll over or get to my feet… something so I can fight back…

Jack: i sit down on your chest schoolboy style, and unload punches to your head, left, right, left, right... no holding back

Rex: Feel you mounting my hairy chest.. I make a weak effort to push you off, but then the fists hit, one after the other, pounding my jaw and snapping my head from side to side like a rag doll… My arms and legs fall to the side as you rock my jaw with 8 unanswered punches… I moan and make one last feeble attempt to get you off, refusing to stay down, knowing that the end is near

Jack: i pause then pull back far with my right, and slam it into your jaw, feeling your head slam to the side with no response

Rex: As your fist connects my slams hard, my body seizes slightly under you, then I go limp and spread eagle… KO… god damn… fucking OUT

Jack: i look down at you not moving, then stand up to my feet. adjust my bulge, put my foot on your hairy chest and hit a double bi as the bell rings

Última edição em 28/9/2021 23:51 por Cyber Jaw Breaker
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