Cyber Jaw Breaker's blog

Fight with Dustin

After my last three fights, I was feeling my oats in a major way. I mean, I had put down Eric, NHBcyber, and Javi with my fists. When Dustin issued his challenge, I knew I couldn't say no. Would I KO him with an uppercut and watch him drop to the canvas? Would I break his jaws like NHBcyber? Or did I bite off more than I could chew? 👊🏼👊🏼

Dustin: I hear from my buddy Ben that there is a new brawler in town, so of course I gotta go check him out, show him who the real Alpha fighter is in town. So I throw out a challenge to him, figuring that he will punk out. But sure enough, you stroll into the bar on a Saturday afternoon, not many guys around, and see me standing ringside in jeans, boots, and a wifebeater. I know exactly who you are, but I still say, "Can I help you with something?" as you walk up. 

Rex: I take the bait and walk up to you. Jesus, this guy is big… and hot as fuck… I can feel the adrenaline pumping through as I get to you. “I’m looking for Dustin.”

Dustin: I just smirk, "That's me. What can I do for you?"

Rex: “I got word that you’re the fighter to beat. The best in town.” 

Dustin: "You heard right. Oh are you Rex?" I look at you as if you are some punk. "OK man, sure, let's go. Get into the ring and let's see what you got!" I kick off my boots, then peel off my jeans and shirt. "You don't mind brawling naked do ya?" 

Rex: “Fuck no. Only way to fight.” I peel off my shirt, revealing my hairy chest and strip down, standing naked in front of you. I walk up to you, my chest pressing against your hairy pecs. “Show me where that ring is. I’m ready to knuckle up with you.” 

Dustin: OK, so this dude ain't no joke, and when you step up to me and press your hairy pecs into mine, we both feel my cock throb a little between us. I take a step back and chuckle,, "Follow me." We head to the back room, followed by ten guys who know there is going to be a fight. It is a crappy ring, rough ropes, and I hop over the top rope and flex for the locals who all cheer.. 

Rex: Electricity shoots through me as I feel your cock throb. Fuck, I need to concentrate on fighting this hairy slab of man meat… “lead the way, man” and I follow you to the back room. The ring that is there is worn down and used, with only a dim bulb overhead. I look at the other men who came to watch the fight. Not used to an audience, but I will give it everything I’ve got. I check you out as you as you flex to the local yokels.

Dustin: I turn to my corner and do a little shadow boxing, quick lefts rights to loosen up. Then I crack my knuckles and my neck, and put my fists up, eyeing you up and down, bouncing on the balls of my feet, looking for an opening 

Rex: I slip off my red speedo and kick it to the side, my semi hard cock flopping out and jumping. I climb into the ring, watching as you warm up and prepare for the fight. I roll out my neck and shoulders and stretch out my chest. As you put your fists up I do the the same, guard high and tight as I watch you circle in. The light overhead highlights your perfect frame… that hairy body, your thick cock as you move in…

Dustin: I can tell from your stance that you aren't just some sloppy fisted local, and it makes me just want to beat on you more. I feign a left hook to your head, then immediately go low with a hard left right combo to your hairy lower abs.

Rex: I have my eyes locked on you as we size each other up.. I go to block the left as it comes for me only to get hit in the gut THUNK THUNK… I bounce back wincing from the blows … fucking meat books on you will do some serious damage if I’m not careful…. I bounce back on my feet.. send out a right jab for your jaw… 

Dustin: I smirk at ya as my fists pound into your hard abs...gonna enjoy breaking those down...then POW solid right jab right into my jaw snaps my head back, and I shake my head to clear the cobwebs. Damn, this man can hit. Warier now, circling ya, guys yelling for me to hit ya. I step in and send my own right jab, aimed directly at your left eye 

Rex: I can see the effect my punch had on you… can hear the crowd cheering you on.. clearly this is your venue and you have your fans. Gonna give them a good show no matter what… as you step in to swing out the right, I step to the side, dodging your blow as it comes straight at me … I swing a right into your side, hooking under your ribs… 

Dustin: My fist sails over your head as you use your shorter height to duck under my punch and OOOOOF my core twists sideways as your knuckles slam into my ribs. I grimace but keep my fists up and send a quick left right punch towards your bearded chin

Rex: I hear you grunt from that hit… before I can bounce back you swing out your fists in quick succession… my head snaps to the side from each hit… i bounce back to put some space between us I clear my head … fuck.. . Wipe the sweat off my forehead, starting to get hit in here.. I put my guard back up and swoop on, sending a right hook to your hairy gut… 

Dustin: I smile as the sweat sprays off your body as I knock your head around, had the heat turned up since I arrived this morning. I come at you hard, not giving you time to recover, but you are a fast fucker and you launch a big hook into my fur covered abs, air and spit exploding from my mouth as I stagger back a bit from the punch, gasping for air 

Rex: As you stagger back I go on offensive, swing a right left right for your jaw 

Dustin: You come at me and I am able to block your first right, but the left comes right in behind it, knocking my head to one side enough for me to drop my fists and POW you pound the right one into my jaw, staggering me to the side. Give my head another shake, pissed that you are getting shots in, then bull rush ya, driving my shoulder into your hairy abs and slamming you back first into far corner. Machine gun lefts and rights into those hard abs, determined to break them. 

Rex: Your head snaps back and forth under my fists in a spray of sweat, your cock shuddering and bouncing from the impact of my fists… makes me get rock hard as I watch you stagger to the side.. you quickly recover and come charging at me… your shoulder hits me hard and I bend over you, feeling the heat of your body against mine, the scent of your sweat… I wince and grunt out as we hit the corner, my back slamming into the post… I cough and sputter a moment and just as I recover your fists start to drill my abs, striking hard, taking at least four or five, trying to tighten my gut as you pound it.. I push out of the corner and grasp you on a clinch, trying to push you back… 

Dustin: You grab ahold of me, and you can feel my cock throb against yours as the smell of your body hits my nose and your bearded face scrapes against my sensitive nips. We push back and forth, and I send a few fists up towards your face but we are too close for them to hit. So I abruptly push back and send a hard uppercut towards your chin 

Rex: We struggle against each other… grunting.. I feel your hard cock pressing against mine and I gush pre cum on your hairy abs… you try to strike at me but can't… then I feel your hands on my pecs as you shove me back and just as I regain my balance CRAAACKKK your uppercut sends my head rocking back… I see the ceiling as I stumble back, hitting the ropes and grabbing on to the top rope to get my balance… I see stars for a moment as I catch my breath, sweat running down my back, my cock throbbing… 

Dustin: The arc of sweat that flies from your head from the punch makes my cock throb, and when you fall back, holding onto the rope for support, I see my opening, and come in hard with another left right combo aimed directly at your nose

Rex: GNNGH! GNNNH!! each hit strikes hard, my head jolting back with each hit… i wildly swing out a back handed fist at your head, hoping to make contact… 

Dustin: Thinking I got you on the ropes (literally) I am totally unprepared for your back fist, SLAMMING into my head and staggering me back, teetering me on my heels, before I catch myself, stunned, head pounding, my rock hard cock spewing precum like a leaky faucet 

Rex: I move toward the center of the ring, catching my breath, holding my face for a moment… taking advantage of the distance between us to gather my strength… I can see that my fist caught you off guard as you stagger back… the light picking up the pre cum as it leaks between your cock and the ring floor… I come back at you, pushing your hairy chest against the ropes as I get behind you.. my hard presses against you as I send my right fist into the small of your back… 1..2…3 times

Dustin: You shove me back and spin me around so I am facing the crowd, stunned by your ferocious style and OOOOF OOOF OOOOF the guys watch up close as you drive the air from my lungs. Got to get back into this, so I push off the ropes into you, making you stumble back, then pivot and drop to one knee, sending a massive uppercut towards your hairy nut sac and thick cock 

Rex: I can hear the men cheering for you and encouraging you on as I hit you… you push off the ropes and shove me back, taking me off balance as I stumble away from you. I go to swing out a right hook when you drop to one knee, my hook zooming over your head… GGGNNNNNHHHH!! 
... Your fist connects with my junk… I moan out and drop down to one knee, the pain shooting through me … god damn… I grunt, trying to stay together, waves of pain and slight nausea rippling inside me 

Dustin: You drop to your knees across from me, and I can tell by the look of surprise and agony on your face that you ain't used to fighting dirty. I pull my head back and SLAM a headbutt right between your eyes, sending you back, then scramble to my feet and STOMP my size 13 bare foot into your cock and balls. "Welcome to the big leagues!" and the guys all laugh, some of them stroking to the action. 

Rex: I barely have time to completely register your punch to my nuts when my head slams back from the force of your head butt.. I grunt loudly and fall back, landing on my ass and falling back onto the canvas... I move groggily on the floor until your foot slams into my junk... I moan out loud, wincing in pain and doubling up before falling back onto the canvas... fuckkkk... I can hear the men in the audience laughing, cheering you on ... my chest heaves i suck in air, trying to stay together ... 

Dustin: I grab your head with both hands and drag you back to your feet, making sure my rock hard cock slaps you in the face on the ride up, then push your back and start sending hard punches to your pecs, left right left right, driving you back towards the corner 

Rex: I can resist very little as you pull me up... the girth of your cock brushing against my face and the scent of your maleness filling my nose for a moment... I stumble momentarily on my feet as you push me back... UNGH!!! UNGHH! your punches to my hairy pecs knock me back... each blow pushing me toward the corner... I tighten my chest as your fists hit, trying to absorb as much of the impact as I can... I finally hit the corner, grabbing onto the top ropes with both hands... feet planted squarely on the canvas... eyes staring right at you, sweat running down my face, my body drenched... taking in your every move.. 

Dustin: Your hands go the ropes, leaving your body and head wide open, and I take a second to look at you----fuck you look good, fur drenched in sweat, dazed, hard. Lick my lips and I pull back my right fist and aim it directly at your nose. 

Rex: As you swing out at me with your fist, I duck under your punch, and I am down on my haunches, send a right left into your hairy gut...

Dustin: Once again, underestimating the stud's ability to take punishment, I stagger as my fist flying over your head. You are down low and I barely have time to flex my core before your fist slams into my abs, still hurting from your previous shots. I absorb the shot and stagger back, mouth breathing hard, getting some distance between us. The guys watching all murmur their grudging approval of your speed and power. 

Rex: As you stagger back I bounce back up to my feet... my body is aching like a bitch right now.. I force myself to continue on, moving in on you and sending a right hook for your jaw.. 

Dustin: You get back to your feet and come at me, and I can tell that you are hurting but that doesn't stop you from sending a serious right hook to my jaw which snaps my head violently to the side, and I stagger back faster, have to plant my feet to keep from falling on my ass

Rex: I watch as your head snaps back, the sweat and spit flying from your face as you take the punch, the sound of your grunting filling the air... as you stagger back I rush at you, driving my shoulder into your gut and pushing you back to the opposite corner... 

Dustin: OOOOOF air and spit explode from my lungs as your shoulder PLOWS into my hairy abs, sending both of us flying backwards, not stopping until my back slams into the ring post, knocking the wind out of me. You take a step back to deliver more punishment when my right foot snaps up and catching you square in your hairy orbs, and as you double over, I stagger out of the corner and NAIL the side of your head with a right hook before staggering away, holding my abs, trying to suck in air 

Rex: As I am ready to slug on your hot hairy body I feel your foot again slamming into my junk... I grunt in pain as I double over, vision blurred for a moment... just as I am clearing my brain your fist slams into my head like a ton of bricks, your meat hook pounding into me... GNNNNNGHHH!!! I drop to one knee... then down to all fours, my body seizing slightly as I fight to stay conscious.. my cock throbs and gushes precum onto the canvas... I cough and sputter... fuckkk... 

Dustin: I take a few seconds to catch my breath, but you aren't going anywhere for a bit, cuz I can tell by the look on your face that my punch rocked you pretty bad. I stagger over to you and grab your hair and YANK your head up, forcing you to look me in the eye. "You got game, man, and on a different day you just might have beaten me. But that day is not today. Don't worry, by the time you wake up, I will already be in your ass, so you won't have to suffer the pain of my ripping your hole open. Sweet dream." I pull back my left fist, kiss it, then POUND it into your face. 

Rex: GGGNNNNGHHHHH!!!! your left hits my jaw and sends my head flying to the side.... my body is carried by the force of the punch and twists, following my head and in a moment I am on my back, spread eagle, arms to the side, my dick rock hard and leaking precum on my hairy abs... my body seizes for a moment, twitching slightly, and then I go limp, completely knocked unconscious by your vicious punch.... 

Dustin: I stand over you, fists up in case you decide to try to get back up, but everyone (including me), knows that you are out. Sweat dripping off me, I put my foot on your pecs and strike a double bicep pose, as the few guys watching all cheer, and I try to pretend that you are just another piece of beaten meat under my foot. But damn you are the toughest, hottest fighter that I have tangled with in a long time, and a rush of adrenaline rushes through me. I take my foot off your pecs, kick your legs apart, and drop between them, then throw your legs over my shoulders and shamelessly grope at your hairy body, doing whatever I want to your KOed body. I finally end with a few strokes of your spitting cock, feeling it throb in my fist in time with your heartbeat. I wipe up some of your copious precum and use it as lube, stroking my cock a few times before lining the head up against your pucker and SKEWERING your tight hole, tip to nuts, in one agonizing thrust. 

Rex: I slowly come to as you stroke my dick, the sensation of your hand on my meat making my body tremble... I look at you, feeling your hands on my hairy chest, my abs, my legs over your broad shoulders... I see the look in your eyes and in one fell thrust I feel your thick fighter cock enter my ass... filling me up, pressing into me... your thick bush pressing against my nuts... I moan out in agony and ecstasy as your cock skewers me... taking a pounding from this big slab of hairy man meat... I moan out... I clench around your cock, throwing my head back in a silent moan..

Dustin: I let out a gasp as your tight chute clenches my cock, sucking it deep into your hot, vicing it in its strong velvety grip. Awwwww hell, and give you an evil grin, grab your bearded face with hands and pull your head off the canvas, kissing you hard while my cock pounds into your prostate over and over, both of us dripping with sweat. I look over at the reflection of us on the mirror on the far wall of the room. FUCK we look good. 

Rex: I wrap my arms around your shoulders as you press your lips to mine, pulling down to me, our hairy chests touching as you fuck me like the champ you are... I run my hands over your sweaty back, feeling the tense muscles, the strength, the masculinity of your body... I moan in your ear... fuckkk.... 

Dustin: I pull away from the kiss, but keep our sweaty foreheads pressed together hard, staring into your eyes as I start jackhammering your hole double time, licking the sweat from your face. I abruptly push your head back to the canvas and grab your throbbing dick and use it as a handle to pull you onto my cock, over and over, stroking our shaft in time with my fuck

Rex: I start to moan loudly, my breath coming in gasps as you stroke my dick... my balls start to tighten.... the tension is building, I can feel the electricity shooting through me as you pound my ass, harder and harder.. I can't take it much longer.... 

Dustin: I know you are close and I am too, but I want that load. I stroke you even faster and aim your pulsating shaft right at my sweaty pecs. With my free arm, I do a bicep pose, your leg trapped in the crux between my forearm and my pumped up muscle 

Rex: Watching you flex is sending me over the edge.... that muscle, the hair under your arms.. looking at that sexy burly chest... I grunt like an animal... my nuts churn... and with a serious of loud moans my cock erupts, shooting a volley of cum that lands on your hairy pecs, followed by two more, each one hitting your chest and nipples... I continue to shoot my load, five more ropes that hit your hairy gut, bush, and my abs... awwwww... FUCCCKKKKKK!!! 

Dustin: I have an evil grin on my face as your cock coats my hairy pecs and nips with your hot jizz, and I grab your
legs and move your feet to my pecs, using them to smear the cum all around as I throw my last few deep thrusts into you. And when your toes brush against my sensitive, cum covered nips, I howl and SEED your hairy ass, a half dozen thick ropes of cum deep in your hole, and I keep fucking you for a solid minute after I finish shooting before finally slumping down on top of you, exhuasted.

Rex: I collapse under you, beaten and fucked... I feeling the weight of your hot body on mine ... I close my eyes and black out, completely drained and exhausted, having been defeated by you... 

Dustin: I finally push myself off you, and flop down next to you on the canvas, my cock making an audible POP when it comes from your tight hole, dripping cum onto the canvas. I lay there heaving, endophins rushing over me, content to lay here until you come to. 


Última edição em 23/2/2023 02:12 por Cyber Jaw Breaker
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