Rex and Denis agree to meet in the park for a naked bare knuckle brawl to KO. Who will be the victor? 👊🏼👊🏼

Denis: I hit you up to meet at the park after dark in the grass off the parking lot. Waiting for you in my shorts and t doing some shadow boxing as i warm up ... 5'9 170. My hard cock bouncing in my shorts waiting to see if this guy shows up for a nude brawl

Rex: I walk through the park until I find you, seeing you there in your shorts. Moe than excited to take you on in a naked bare knuckle fight.. I am wearing just a pair of gym shorts and a wife-beater, kind of hot outside. I watch you as you warm up, shadow boxing. Makes my cock jump. "Glad to see you made, man."

Denis: "Likewise bro." I look at you up and down before locking eyes with you and nodding my head. I peel off my shirt and shorts. My young trimmed body and short blond pubic hair not much body hair. Sweating from the muggy air. Cock at full attention dripping pre as my balls sag. My fists up ready to fight

Rex: I follow suit and take off my shirt, revealing my hairy chest and treasure trail that runs down my abs. I take off my shorts. My thick cock spring out, jumping on its own, a thick crown of dark pubic hair spreads across my crotch. I put up my fists as a gush of pre cum oozes out. "Let's do this!"

Denis: 8x6" cock pointing at you and slapping my abs as i move forward to you. I throw out a left hook and right uppercut with another left hook all aimed at your head.

Rex: I block the left hook as it comes for me... left open for the uppercut to hit me... GGNNNGGH! head bounces back hard from the hit... I barely have time to think as my head comes center before your fist hits me with the other left hook... I stumble a step or two to the side before catching my balance and turning around to face you.. I smirk at you, raising my fists... "That was good, bro." I move in and swing a right for your jaw...

Denis: My opening combo lands 2 out of three. You didn't go down like a lot of posers so i know you are legit. I smirk back at you with my guard up. I nod at your comment which puts a smile on my face. Itry to read your body but you come at me with a right that connects with my jaw making my head snap and I take a few steps. You know how to hit too. I bring my hands up and throw out a left jab to your head and a right uppercut to your gut

Rex: I dodge the left jab as it comes at me... UMPH! I moan out as your fist hits my gut... I fall against you for a moment... I strike you in the side with a sharp, hard right..

Denis: i nail your soft gut causing you to fall into me as our cock heads touch then BAM a sharp right hits my head and I let go but still on my feet. I step to my left and right hook into your gut

Rex: Can see that I wasn't able to get enough power behind that hit... distracted as my cock rubs up against yours... I grunt as your fist sinks into my gut again... my cock bouncing from the impact... I fall back a step, catching my breath. I push back my dark bangs, sweat beading on my forehead... I shake out my head and come back for you, eyes locked on your body... Guy knows how to fight, I think to myself... I feign a left and then swing out a right for your square jaw..

Denis: As you push back I too am dripping in sweat. A drop of pre falls from my cock to the ground then before slapping back up to my abs. My fists up both of us relying on strength over speed. You come at me and fainting a left a bring my head back only to be tricked and WHAM right hits my jaw just right and i fall to my knees as the crumple under me. FUCK! My bell rung as i struggle to get back to me feet with my guard up

Rex: as you get back to your feet, I hit you across the jaw with a back handed right fist, then a right hook, snapping your head back and forth... as each fist hits I can see your cock jump and gush pre cum.. mine does the same, throbbing hard...

Denis: fuck fuck fuck in trouble now as i am getting weaker on my feet with each concussive blow. I desperately reach in and clinch up with you. Our sweaty bodies against one another as our cock press and fight pushing out pre. I take my left fist and drive it into your jaw

Rex: Our bodies clash in a tight clinch, my hairy chest pressing against yours as we grapple, our cocks grinding against each other.. I grunt slightly as your fist hits into my jaw... I keep the clinch going... hitting into your sweaty back with my right fist..

Denis: You keeping me in my daze as i can't recover enough from the shots to throw a proper combo. I bring my waist back and drive two left uppercuts into your gut. Giving us some space as i try to get back on top of this fight

Rex: UMMPH!! UMMPH!! I take your hits into my sore gut... I put my hands on your chest and shove you back, creating some space between us to catch our breath.. sweat covers my body, matting down my body hair... I put up my fists again and move out to meet you..

Denis: My nearly smooth body getting pushed away from you as my head starts to clear up. My fists back up as i bob and weave my head with sweat dripping down. I come in close and fire a right cross to your gut and overhand left to your jaw

Rex: UGHHH!! another fist hits my gut and then the over head punch comes out of nowhere and as my head snaps to the side from your left, I am carried over and drop to one knee for a moment... fuckkk... my bangs hang over my face as I try to clear my head..

Denis: My punch lands hard on your jaw forcing you to take a knee. I come in over to you and slap my cock on your face. My pre leaving a mark on your cheek. I lift you back up to your feet and then take my fight fist and drive it below your naval, then a hard right uppercut to your chin as I grunt out with each punch

Rex: can feel the precum sticking to my beard... You pull me back up.. UMPPHHH!!! I fold over your fist as it sinks deep into my gut... I grab onto your shoulders to keep from falling over as I suck in air, sputtering and coughing from the gut push me back up, and your uppercut slices through my chin... GOD DAMN!!.... my head rocks back hard as I stumble back... half out on my feet as I finally get my balance, standing in front of you, my fists back up, slightly weaving..

Denis: Now I got him on the ropes so to speak. My head finally clear from the hits you gave me earlier. I come at you and fake a right to your head and instead go low with a nasty liver shot with my left and then come back up top with a follow up left hook to your jaw. My cock slaps my thighs with each punch putting my hips into the force behind the punch. Spraying spit with each breath out

Rex: I grunt loudly as your fist hits my liver, wincing in pain from the impact... and then the left hook hits... my head snaps to the side in a spray of spit and sweat... I come center, staring at you with glazed over eyes, my fists still up... not going down...

Denis: Grrrr you still standing. I drive a left jab to your face followed by a back handed right fist to your jaw and two left uppercuts into your gut, one into your solar plexus as I grunt out with each blow giving all my strength to knock you down and out

Rex: I stand there like a big slab of meat... the jab knocks my head back and the back hand hits hard against my jaw.. CRACCCKKKK!!!.. I stagger back a step and then your fists land into my gut... I hear your grunting as you pummel my body, my cock jumping hard... I fall against you, grabbing at your body to keep on my feet... starting to see double with my blurry vision... my hand reaches down and grabs at your dick, feeling the heft and thickness.. I am barely conscious on my feet..

Denis: I jump a bit as you reach down grabbing my dick. As you lean into me i reach and grab you by your hair with my left holding you upright for a heavy right uppercut to your upper gut, then i drive two straight rights into your face BAM BAM. Then I swing my arm back and haymaker right across your jaw with a vicious crack, again grunting with each punch as i knock sweat and spit from your head

Rex: you hold me still to land the final blows of this fight... My body shakes hard and crumples under your fist as you hit my gut again with your heavy right... my head jolts as the two rights hit hard.. can barely hang on.. and finally that haymaker makes contact... GGGNNNGHHH!!! my head snaps to the side, nearly taking my head off my shoulders.. the grip on my hair breaks, and the force of the punch twists my body and I fall to the ground, landing with a THUD!! on my back, spread eagle on the grass, my dick sticking straight up... finally knocked unconscious ...

Última edição em 28/9/2021 23:50 por Cyber Jaw Breaker
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