A sultry Kentucky afternoon, a hot, stuffy barn... Eric is a hot slab of country beef looking for a fight to KO and I was glad to provide one for him. 👊🏼👊🏼

Eric: It didn't take long after I connected with Rex to know we needed to throw down. I invited him out to my friends barn in rural Kentucky; where we wouldn't be interrupted or bothered by anyone. The weather is still hot inside and it's even hotter in the barn, I've already stripped down into a small red speedo, my semi hard cock already straining the material, as I grunt and climb over the chest high bales of hay that have been placed to form a 10x10 area for fights. My bare feet hit the dirt as I start to stretch and throw some shadow punches, sweat already on my pale skin, waiting for Rex to arrive.

Rex: I enter the barn and see you warming up in the make-shift ring. i'm immediately impressed by the big slab of country boy meat in front of me and I can feel the heat building up inside of me. I peel off my shirt and toss it to the side, then kick off my pants. I smirk at you as I stand there in a red speedo. "At least this guy's got good taste." i think to myself. I brush the bangs out of my face, sweat starting to bead on my forehead. Very hot in this barn as I climb over the bales of hay to face you. As I get closer to you I can feel my cock stirring, staring to stretch out my bulge.

Eric: I turn as as I see you drop down into the ring and I smirk. I stride forward, meeting you in the center of the dirt floor of the ring. "So, you ready to get pounded?" I ask, pressing up to you, pec to pec, bulge to bulge.

Rex: My hairy chest touches your smooth chest and our bulges meet. I can feel your hardness pressing against me as your bulge gets a little bigger from the tension between us. "I'm ready to pound your jaw to KO, punk."

Eric: I feel my own hardness grow as our bulges press; the scent of sweat already hanging in the air. "Well see about that soon enough..." I reply before I bring both hands up and shove you hard, backing off a few steps myself as I bring my right handed guard up.

Rex: I fall back a step or two as you push me. I quickly gain my footing. I see your speedo tenting even more and I have to adjust my bulge... I put up my fists, moving back toward you, "Let's do this, man."

Eric: I smirk as you bring up your own fists. It's on. No bells or any of that kind of bull shit. Just two men going to war. I approach, looking to test you early as I pop to fast, sharp right jabs at your face.

Rex: your test punches hit my jaw... I take them easily before swinging out a right and then a left at your jaw...

Eric: Your right swings in and pops me in the jaw, knocking my head to the side. I snarl and get my right arm up in time to block your left. Forcing your arm away, I step in and try to drill you with two right hooks to the ribs.

Rex: I wince and grunt as your hooks hit my ribs, slightly bending over your fists... swing up a second right for your jaw....

Eric: My head snaps roughly again as you pop me in the jaw. "Fuck" I mutter as my guard comes up, not wanting to keep taking those shots early as I throw a right jab at your mouth, followed by a left hook to the jaw.

Rex: I block the right as it comes at me... the left connects hard... my head jolts to the side and I let out a loud grunt... I spin back to hook a right into your side..

Eric: I come up on you, thinking you're reeling. "IUGHH" I grunt as your right digs into my ribs. The blow forces me to back off, throwing a straight right at your face to keep you back as I get some space.

Rex: GNNNNGHH!! The right hits hard and knocks me back... I see you across the ring, your chest heaving as you catch your breath from that opening clash... I again push my long bangs out of my face. Sweat is staring to mat down the hair on my chest... I wipe spit off my lips... I turn back to you. "Round two, man, let's do it."

Eric: The open salvo showed both of us that neither is going to be backing down here. I shake my sweaty shaggy red hair from my eyes and bring my fists back up. "Bring it." I say as I come in, throwing a hard left at your ribs and following it with a right uppercut to the chin.

Rex: Not expecting the hit to the ribs, taking the hit and thinking about my next attack when your uppercut slices through my jaw... GGGNNGH! my head snaps back hard and I fall back a few steps, my back hitting the haybales.. FUCKKK!!... I see stars for a moment as I try to focus on you... the bulge in my red speedo throbbing hard from your punch ...

Eric: "Gotcha you now" I spit out as I stride in, my speedo barely able to hold in my throbbing cock as I look to take advantage of you being stunned against the hay. I turn my ihps into a hard left to your body, followed by a right hook to the jaw.

Rex: UMMPHH!! I tense my abs as I see your fist coming in... I take your hit and immediately my head my head snaps to the side in a spray of spit and sweat... CRAACCCKKKK!! I grunt loudly as I grab at the hay bale to stay on my feet...
Eric: I reach in with my left hand, grabbing yoru arm and pulling you so that you are back to facing me again as I look to clobber your jaw with another right hook.

Rex: I manage to get it together just in time to dodge the right hook at it comes at me... your fist hits the hay bale just to the side of my jaw... I hook my fist under your ribs, hitting hard and deep..

Eric: My fist hits the hay, which doesn't hurt that much, but it has me off balance an open. "IUGHHH "I grunt, spittle flying from my mouth as I stagger back, doubled up slightly, not ready for that body blow.

Rex: I turn to face you, swinging out a back handed right fist at your jaw...

Eric: My head snaps violently, spit and sweat flying as your back fist slams into my jaw. The blow staggers me and I end up stumbling to one knee, guard up at my head as I try to shake my head clear.

Rex: I pull you back up, standing you in front of me.. I hit you with a right left right, backing you across the make-shift ring with each punch, rocking your head back and forth, the sound of my knuckles hitting your jaw echoing in the barn..

Eric: My head snaps from side to side as you take full advantage of my stunned state, punches driving me back into the hay. Hurting, I know I have to fight back, and as my guard tightens around my head, I try to pop out a sharp right jab to your nose in hopes of backing you off.

Rex: I go to swing out another left when your right slices through and hits me in the nose... UNGHHH!! your fist stops me from continuing to pummel you and I hold my nose, groaning... again there's a moment of space between us as we each collect ourselves, catching our breath.. my speedo barely contains my swelling cock, my body drenched in sweat... my eyes narrow as i check you out and stare you down..

Eric: It was what I needed, and I straighen up and shake my head clear. My cock is peaking from the waist of my speedo at this point as I stare you down as well. "Round three, fucker." I say as I bring my fists up and come in. I pop another right at the cetner of your face, trying to distract you from the left hook aimed at your lower body, looking t nail yo in the liver.

Rex: I circle back out to meet you, my fists raised high, my cock stretches past the waist band and points up, dripping in pre-cum... I block the right as it comes at me, protecting my already sore nose.. I wince as your fist hits my side, trying to attack my liver... I counter with a fist to your gut, hitting you just above the belly button ..

Eric: My liver shot doesn't hit flush but I flex my abs as you go low. I grunt out, the fist hitting my slab with a meaty thwack, but I keep in with you. I look to counter with a right hook to the jaw, followed quickly by a left to the other side.

Rex: GNNGHH!! GNNNGHH!! my head snaps back and forth as your fists connect hard... after I take your second punch I swing out another backhanded fist, aiming for you jaw, trying to knock you back and get you off me..

Eric: your backfist comes in and knocks my head sharpy to the left. "Fuck..." I grutn, but rather than back off, I push in. I clinch up with ou, our bulges grinding as I try to body you back up aginst the bales.

Rex: I grapple with you, my throbbing cock rubbing against yours... feeling the heat of your body against mine... I can smell your manly scent as my arms wrap around you to control you.. With a grunt I twist and shove your back against the bales.. I draw back and drive my fist deep into your gut.. THUNKKK!!

Eric: "UGH "I grunt out as your fist slams intom y gut as you take control of the clinch and push me back into the bales. Hurting and knowing I can't stay trapped here, I try to nail you with a quick, short right uppercut to the chin.

Rex: UNGHH!! uppercut hits hard... my head knocks back.. as I come back center, I swing a second right to your gut..

Eric: You push off the bale and am just able to side step your right, swinging around with a hard right of my own aimed at your jawline.

Rex: my fist punts a deep dent into the hay bale as you avoid another punch.. GNNGHH!!! the right hits me hard... I stumble back... I catch myself and regain my footing as I glare at you... I smirk at you as you lean against the hay bale to catch your breath, both of us beaten, hard, and not backing down...

Eric: I glare back, our bodies drenthec in sweat, cocks swollen and leaking pre openly. I reach down and with a few tugs, strip off my speedo, allowing my thick manhood to be free. "Strip down, finish this man to man."

Rex: "Fuck yeah, bro!" I say, and in a second the speedo is tossed to the side and I am naked, my throbbing dick stretching along my abs, thick and hard, my thick, dark pubes drenched in sweat.. can feel the heat on my naked body... I put up my fists.. "Let's go, dude!"

Eric: I look your hairier, naked body up and down and lick my lips. I then come in hard, dipping down at the last moment before trying to dig two hard rights low in the space between your navel and your cock.

Rex: Your hits are hard, making my cock bounce from the impact... I back up... my fists up, checking out the damp mop of red hair, that sexy body... a take a moment to notice that the curtains match the drapes... I swing a hard right at your jaw before you rise up to your feet..

Eric: They do, my big cock framed by sweaty red pubes. I grunt as your right smacks into my had as I straighen up, throwing me back a step as I twist into a right backfist of my own aimed at your jaw.

Rex: I block your right as it comes for my jaw.. I bring up my fist in an uppercut, slicing toward you jaw..

Eric: My head snaps up sharply, spittle and sweat flying as your uppercut nails me in the jaw. My body staggers back and I hit the hay, groaning, dazed.

Rex: I move in, working your gut with a right... left.. right... left.. slow, deliberate punches slamming hard and sharp

Eric: "UGh.....Ugh....Ugh....Ughh....' I groan out loudly as your blows dig into my absm breaking odwn the muscle and knocking the wind out ofme as my body dobles up, coughing.

Rex: I grab you by the chin and pull you back up, centering you... I hit you across the jaw with a right... a second right... and then a left, my fist bouncing off your jaw with fury...

Eric: My head snaps violently with each shot, my guard completley broken as I'm dazed badly and you're working me good. I finally fall foward, our hard cock smacking into eeach other as I try to clinch up, putting a lot of weight on you as I struggle to get my mind back.

Rex: I hold onto you as we clinch, feeling the heft and girth of your cock rubbing against mine.. I moan softly.. my cock throbs and gushes precum as I feel you against me... I grab your shoulders and push you back against the hay bales... I launch my fists at you, hitting you across the jaw with a right, left, right, left... rocking your head back and forth with each punch, my knuckles slamming hard..

Eric: You're able to shove me off before I can really get my wits back. My head onces again smask from side to side, sweat flying from my hair with each blow. Finally, your left smacks into my jaw and my body gives out, my legs going limp as my body falls along the hay and to the dirt floor with a THUD.

Rex: I watch as your head jerks hard to the side... then your eyes roll back as you slide down the bale until you hit the floor, rolling onto your back and laying there spread eagle, your cock jerking and throbbing... I look down at you.. KOd... I put my foot on your chest and double bi flex in triumph...

Eric: I groan, knocked out, head lulling around, cock throbbing and flexing.

Rex: I climb out of the ring, walking out of the barn naked... leaving you there on your back, knowing we will have a re-match very soon.

Última edição em 28/9/2021 12:21 por Cyber Jaw Breaker
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