Cyber Jaw Breaker's blog

Fight with NHBcyber (the final conflict)

The third in a trilogy of fights with NHBcyber. He was defeated in the first two. Will he finally get his victory, or will he once again suffer a vicious beat down? 👊🏼👊🏼

NHBcyber: ring match small crowd.....basement of a bar dimly lit...... steel gate surrounding the outside of the ring to separate the crowd KO only . black squares and boots heading toward the ring

Rex: i enter the room from the opposite end wearing blue board shorts and boots... head toward the ring, climb in

NHBcyber: in my corner stretching flex my biceps to the crowd fists up and face ya.....on my toes

Rex: as i enter the ring i look over to you... see you flexing your cep... slip off my shorts to reveal a tight blue speedo stretch out, slapping my hairy pecs see you raise your fists... raise mine and circle out toward you...

NHBcyber: move toward the center circling you


NHBcyber: move in fast and shoot a left-right jab to your stomach then a forearm to your jaw

Rex: umph! feel your fists sinking into my gut.. hitting hard.. then my head snapping to the side as you crack against my jaw with your forearm... stumble to the side a moment... catch my balance.. look at you, a grin on my face... tug at my thick bulge, raise my fists and circle back toward you

NHBcyber: move back in....charge and dive low slamming a shoulder into your stomach

Rex: ummph! wind is almost knocked out of me as you connect... driving me back against the ropes.. i clasp my fists together and bring them down like a club onto your upper back, right between the shoulders... BAM!!

NHBcyber: aghhhh your fists slam me hard between the shoulder blades dropping me to my knees and then to all fours....i make a fist and slam a left to your right knee

Rex: unhh!! pain sears through my knee... drive a hard right down against your jaw, powering down with all my strength... CRACK!!

NHBcyber: see you coming down fast toward me and GNNGHHHHHH my head snaps violently sideways...spit flies and i drop to my side onto the canvas holding my jaw and rolling away...fuckkk

Rex: as you roll away I move a few steps away... shaking out my knee that still hurts from your punch.... tug at my bulge again, aggression churning in my nuts, and move toward you, fists raised

NHBcyber: i grab at the ropes pulling myself hand rubbing my jaw as i get up and put my fists back up

Rex: swoop in and drive a hard uppercut into your side, under your ribs, hooking hard and deep THUNK!!!

NHBcyber: UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i buck hard.....raising up from the shot then onto all fours with one arm around my side groaning damnnn

Rex: throw my leg over you and straddle your sweaty back...grab a handful of your hair and pull your head back...

NHBcyber: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Rex: CRACK!! strike you across the jaw from behind... knuckles connecting hard

NHBcyber: OWWWWW fuckkk body bucks under you....i drop down a bit as u straddle me hair still in your hand holdin my head up

Rex: keep a tight grip on your hair.... drive my other fist into your upper back..1..2..3 times... ramming down hard like a jackhammer

NHBcyber: AGHHH AGGHHH AGHHHHHHH my body shuddering under you.....bucking from the shots and struggling to keep you up...each time i drop down your fist tugs as my hair......gahhhhh

Rex: i get off your back... my hairy chest matted with sweat, heaving...pull you up to all fours by your hair...

NHBcyber: ahhhhhh rise up my body pouring sweat now, glistening head to toe

Rex: get in front of you....put your head between my legs... the bulge in my speedo straining....hook my fingers under the band of your trunks... with a loud grunt I hoist you up...

NHBcyber: oh shit whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Rex: legs in the air... head pressed against my bulge...

NHBcyber: aww fuckkk noooo hanging upside down trapped

Rex: i look at my buddy Jeremy who's watching the fight.. mouth, "This is for you!!" and drop you down in a piledriver... the ring shaking as you drive down.. BAAAM!!!

NHBcyber: GNNNGHHGHHHHHHHH head drills the canvas hard...the entire ring body drops to the canvas twitching

Rex: I throw my fists in the air.. pound my chest as I play to the crowd... my body glistening with sweat in the dim lights...speedo now way too tight...

NHBcyber: groaning on the mat....bucking every few seconds and rolling side to side holdin my head

Rex: i grab onto the top rope pulling on it... roaring at the crowd...

NHBcyber: i roll away to the ropes now....holdin my head and pulling myself up

Rex: turn around.. see you getting up thought that pile driver would have taken you out.... surprised as fuck to see you still have some fight in you... but after our other fights, i should have known you'd have been able to take it....

NHBcyber: i charge toward u hard iwth a clothesline

Rex: grrrk!! clothesline hit hard, blasting into my throat... i'm knocked off my feet and crash down on my back... grabbing at my throat and bucking... arching my back in pain...

NHBcyber: i shake out my head a bit more from the piledriver...i run off the opposite ropes...jump into the air and drive an elbow down onto your chest

Rex: UMPH!!! can feel my heart jarring as your elbow crashed down.. pain sears through my chest as i groan out...again arching my back as I moan...

NHBcyber: YEAAAA . i jump up.....grab you by the hair and pull you to your feet

Rex: get to my feet as you pull me... slightly dazed from the clothesline and the elbow...

NHBcyber: as u rise i drive a knee into your stomach HARD

Rex: UMPH!!! bend over you knee as you crash in... groaning in pain from the blow... oh fuccckkk....

NHBcyber: i grab your shoulders holding you down and bent over and bring up another knee slamming it into your mouth

Rex: FUUCCKKK!!! my head snaps back as your knee uppercuts into my jaw... spit and sweat fly as I reel back from the impact before falling chest and face first into the canvas... moaning and moving from side to side...

NHBcyber: CMON BITCH! i taunt as i walk around ya

Rex: i slowly move.. dazed.. blurry.. i get up on one arm, then the other and manage to drag myself to all fours, trying to clear out my head...

NHBcyber: i stand beside you as you start to get up grab ur head

Rex: struggling.. sweat pouring down my back and face...

NHBcyber: throw my leg over the back of ur neck as i steady ur head then drop...slamming ur face back into the canvas

Rex: BAMMM! my face hits hard... can feel my brain rattle from the impact... starting to go black.... try to crawl away...

NHBcyber: thats it! i grab ur hair

Rex: still moving.. not going out....

NHBcyber: and pull back hair..yanking you up

Rex: ackk!!

NHBcyber: grin at ya pull back and slam a fist to your right eye WHACKK!!

Rex: my head snaps violently to the side... punch so hard it spins me over and I land on my back...twitching... groaning...

NHBcyber: can dish it by ya can't take it!!!! taunting you

Rex: fuck... you... i mumble

NHBcyber: stomp ur gut as i walk around ya

Rex: umph!! pain searing through my gut...

NHBcyber: grab ya by the hair AGAIN . slowly pulling ya up

Rex: i move up with you.... weak...

NHBcyber: i backhand ya CMON!!

Rex: take you backhand knuckles stinging my face ... stay on my feet...

NHBcyber: i laugh and grin flex a bicep in front of ya . then i pull back my fist.....lining you up

Rex: watch you flexing.. wobbly on my feet... the crowd cheering for you as you beat me good...

NHBcyber: and fire a straight shot right to the nose

Rex: the impact from the punch snaps my head straight back....lifts me an inch or two off the mat... and i crash down on my back...hitting the canvas hard... dazed... barely conscious... slowly moving back and forth on the mat... trying to hold on....

NHBcyber: i raise my fist in the air and parade around the ring for the crowd

Rex: moan on the mat... coughing... gripping onto the canvas... trying to stay conscious...

NHBcyber: i stand in front of you as u lie on the mat we're not done yet bitch!

Rex: I hear you yelling at me... your voice ringing in my ears as I try to get to all fours....

NHBcyber: i reach down for ya again...pulling you up once more

Rex: get with you as you pull me up... can't resist...

NHBcyber: i pull ya to the center of the ring

Rex: stand there... wobbly.... trying to come back...

NHBcyber: i grin at ya again . then reach back and swing a left hook to your jaw

Rex: CRACK!!! my head snaps hard....and I fall back to the canvas.... smashing hard.... body barely twitching....

NHBcyber: i signal to the crowd that its over....i draw my thumb across my throat as i strut around the ring its over punk! i yell down ya then FLEXXX for the crowd

Rex: parading... flexing... giving me time...sucking in air...

NHBcyber: i strut over to ya....grabbin a handful of hair again

Rex: feel you grab my hair, twisting in your fingers... as you bring me to your feet i shoot out my fist and catch you in the gut, right below the navel.. THUNK!!

NHBcyber: ughhh doubles me over...i release ur hair

Rex: as you release me I stagger over... catching my breath... clearing my head.... need to get it together... see you doubled over... swing down a hard right to the side of your head, clubbing you hard.. BAM!!!

NHBcyber: gnnnghhh takes me down to one knee . shake out my head and start to get back up shocked by the comeback

Rex: stand back.. move into you and strike you with an uppercut as you try to get to your feet... slicing hard against your jaw... CRACK!!!

NHBcyber: gnnnghhhh spit flies and my head snaps back...i fall back against the corner holdin myself up on the ropes FUCKKK unbelievable power as your adrenaline pumps

Rex: my eyes are on fire... push you back into the corner...grab the top ropes for stability and drive my knee into your gut 1..2...3...4 times

NHBcyber: UGHHH UGHHH UGHHH UGHHHHH doubled over hard in teh corner....gasping for air grabbin at the middle rope to hold myself up

Rex: grab you by your hair.. hold your head steady... CRACK!! hit you across the jaw with a hard right...


Rex: steady your head again... CRACK!!! hit you with a second right

NHBcyber: head snaps sideways hard...spit flies into the crowd . GNNNGHHHH head snaps again...gettin wobbly now and knees weakening as u pound me relentlessly

Rex: see you stand there, wobbly on your feet... switch hands... steady you again.. CRACK!! CRACK!! hit you across the jaw with two lefts...

NHBcyber: OWWWWW head snaps sideways and as it returns to the front...GNNNGHHHHHHHHHH jaw flies sideways again.... spit some blood out onto the canvas

Rex: put my hand on your muscular, sweaty chest... steadying you... clench my fist and swing it up, hitting you with an uppercut...CRACK!!

NHBcyber: OWWWWWWWWWWWWW lifts me a few inches off my feet.......a tooth flies outta my mouth onto the floor outside the ring with spit and blood...i fall back to my feet and fall forward clutching you and spitting blood over ur sweaty shoulder my sweat soaked body sliding off yours as i clutch onto you to hold me up

Rex: i grab at you... keeping you on your feet... straighten you up...steady you again... and strike you again with another uppercut...CRACK!!!

NHBcyber: UNNNNNNNNNNNNGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH lifted off my feet a second time......spit and sweat fly....head wobbly as i stagger forward

Rex: you fall against my hairy meaty pecs... i push you back up...

NHBcyber: eyes startin to roll back a bit at this point staying conscious but wobbly

Rex: "TAKE IT, BITCH!" I taunt you... and hit you with a third upper cut... snapping your head back hard...CRACK!!

NHBcyber: GNNNNNNGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH . my body presses back into the ropes from the head reels back again...spit and blood fly.......teeth rattling in my mouth....fuckkkkkkkk weak in the knee...almost out on my feet

Rex: can see that you're still conscious... not sure how much more you can fucking take... slam you back onto the ropes unleash a torrent of brutal punches LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT six unanswered fists to your jaw grunting with each blow as I snap your head back and forth without mercy the room echoing with the sound of my knuckles battering your jaw

NHBcyber: GNNGHHH! GNNGHHH! GNNGHHH! my head and body jerk back and forth from the force of the beating .... then I slump down collapsing to the mat twitching as i lie there ... eyes rolled back out cold

Rex: i step back as you drop to the canvas I stand over your battered body ... tugging on the huge bulge in my speedo.. chest heaving.... fucking OUT ...

Última edição em 29/9/2021 02:11 por Cyber Jaw Breaker
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