This was an awesome fight. Rhinebeckbeef was a hot slab of hairy muscle and I loved fighting him. He definitely gave me a run for my money. Enjoy 👊🏼👊🏼

rhinebeckbeef: older bull stud wearing tight black fight trunks, asic boots; big 53 year old frame solid with mix of muscle, gut and sweat

Rex: enter the basement wearing a tight silver boxer jock, my youthful frame highlighted by the jock... barefoot and shirtless as I move on to the mats

rhinebeckbeef: take in a breath seeing the boy; youth and muscle packed into jock … admire the kid before i trash him nodding my approval

Rex: can feel a tingle run through me as I take in your hairy, solid body... muscled... broad chest and shoulders, nice bulge in the fight trunks... shoot you a grin as I look you up from toe to head

rhinebeckbeef: kid half my age, barely … sending a jolt through my core with that once over… i grin too … as i slowly nonchalantly start a wide circle shaking out my thick limbs

Rex: I smile broadly as I circle out to meet you, keeping light on my toes, eyes locked on you

rhinebeckbeef: close in … raise my arms up flex my back … as i lunge in to you for tie up surging my bulk as i do ... I raise my arms and throw myself into you for the tie up, gripping my fingers into yours as we collide.

rhinebeckbeef: chest to chest grunting in each other’s ear, my legs digging in behind for anchor as our hands mesh, arms shaking to overpower each other … kid is strong for his size damn .. using my weight

Rex: can feel your weight pushing into me, digging in as I stand my ground, pushing back against you...

rhinebeckbeef: stunned this guy is stalemating me … arms shaking but not moving … sweat dripping

Rex: as I stand my ground I can feel you starting to gain a slight edge over, your weight and height bearing down on me… I grit my teeth and push back, trying to keep you at bay

rhinebeckbeef: my momentum slowed to a snail’s pace … grunt loudly and surge into you forcing you back a few steps … heaving … sucking in air to sustain my assault … laughing in your ear as i grunt

Rex: trying to fight back, sweat starting to bead on my back... arms start to go back...

rhinebeckbeef: grunt and surge forcing your hands back in a curl

Rex: Fuuuckkk

rhinebeckbeef: snapping u to your toes as i curl violently … then slowly force u to a knee

Rex: wincing hard, sucking in air, I drop to one knee, the pain shooting through me...

rhinebeckbeef: pour the pressure on using all my force … to bend u to another knee .. sweat dripping down my face and chin

Rex: drop to both knees, my head bobbing slightly as I take the pain and try to put it out of my mind, starting to groan slightly...

rhinebeckbeef: can feel myself thicken slightly as i see your muscled youth panting, crumbling … I rear back my leg .. then ram a knee and thigh into your chest … again .. again.. again … again … then release your hands and toss u away to the mats

Rex: my body jerks violently under each knee you plow into my tight chest.... grunt hard as each blow hits... finally hitting the mat with a THWACK as you throw me to the side like rag doll... I roll onto my back a moment, sputtering slightly as I try to clear my head...

rhinebeckbeef: stalk u … then … jump up… drop a knee into your lower gut

Rex: UMPH!!! fold up as your knee hits me, my face contorted as the pain engulfs me, coughing... try to roll over to my side...

rhinebeckbeef: sit on my side pull you back between my legs .. slam my arm across your throat as i side scissor you .. locking my feet and squeezing ..
holding you down my with arm across your neck

Rex: AARGH! can feel the pressure across my body as you tighten your squeezing...grab at your arm as it presses into my throat, trying to free me from the pressure...

rhinebeckbeef: laughing in your ear … playing with your hair with my free hand then tweaking your nipple … flex my back butt and legs and SQUEEEEZE … enjoying this punk?

Rex: UUUNNGH!! ... fuck you!! .. grasp your arm again, and start to pull it away you from my throat

rhinebeckbeef: damn dude is doing it ...strong ... my scissors loosen as I focus on my arm

Rex: I continue to pull at your arm, trying to break your grip so I can breathe properly again...
rhinebeckbeef: arm suspended inches off you ... try to push it back but cant ... open scissors to readjust ... body heaving for more energy your scissors open, I can feel the pressure move from my body... I drive my elbow back into you... striking hard...

rhinebeckbeef: uughhhhHHGHHH .. fall back releasing my grip ... sputter ... panting ... propped on my side with my elbow holding my gut

Rex: jab back a second time as I feel your falling away from me...BAM

rhinebeckbeef: UUGH second one flattens me ... on back ... moaning try to find air

Rex: I roll away from you, making it to my hands and knees as I suck in air, catching my breath, my body still on fire from the squeezing you gave.. fuuuck... clearing my head....

rhinebeckbeef: roll on mat slowly try to keep distance while i force a recovery fast ... push up to my haunches wobbly

Rex: I get to my feet, body drenched in sweat as I turn to see you... walk over to you and grab a handful of your thick, dark hair... then slug you across the jaw with a hard right...CRACK!

rhinebeckbeef: propped into place then UUGHHHHHHHHHHHH .. body swings with head ..slam into padded wall ... hang there dazed jaw throbbing .. eyes unfocused momentarily stunned

Rex: I grab you by your shoulders, turning you around and pressing your chest against the padded wall... I drive my knee into the small of your back...1..2...3...4 times

rhinebeckbeef: UUGH... UUGH.. UUGH!! UUGH!! UUGH ...uughhhhhhhhhhh .. jesus ...body shaking against wall slumping with each knee

Rex : I throw you down to the mats, my chest heaving, covered in sweat...

rhinebeckbeef: FUCK .. got to revive... back in pain.. leaving a sweat trail as I crawl on mat ... kick back with empty kicks try to keep u at bay uggggh

Rex: I manage to side step your kicks, avoiding any damage to my shins, and as you crawl across on your hands and knees, I leap astride your back, mounting you like the sweaty bull you are

rhinebeckbeef: ughh ... feel your solid thighs on either side of me ... your weight... i try to buck u off

Rex: hold on to my position, planting my feet solidly on the ground as I clasp my hands under your square chin, pulling back..

rhinebeckbeef: UUGHHHH ... yanked up neck aching ... chest thrust out ... back hard into your crotch and thighs ... arms reaching out uughhh ... look up see you over me

Rex: pull back harder, straining your neck and opening your hairy chest...

rhinebeckbeef: OOOWOWWWW ... arms out to sides ... chest heaving ... bowed back

Rex: I release you and slam you to the mat, getting up and walking over to the other side of the mats as I wipe the sweat from my face and hair..

rhinebeckbeef: ughh

Rex: look down at the bulge in my boxer jock and realize that I have to adjust it, starting to get thicker as the fight progresses..

rhinebeckbeef: struggle to feet slowly neck aching weak ... gut panting chest heaving ... eyes blurry from pain try to shake it out

Rex: watch as you get to your feet, my fists raised, eyes locked onto you

rhinebeckbeef: totter up ... focus then turn to see you ... panting I slowly raise my fists

Rex: the site of you standing there with your fists raised sends a tingle through me and I can feel my dick throb... circle out to meet you

rhinebeckbeef: stagger out weakened but able ... see your hardening jock thickens me more ... panting i step in to you

Rex: I move in closer and throw out a right jab, catching you in the jaw... again ... again

rhinebeckbeef: uug uugh head snaps back

Rex: almost toying with you as I hit you with my big meat hooks

rhinebeckbeef: each hit dazes a little more ...confuses ...ughh ... take a dumb wild swing

Rex: duck under your wild swing as it passes over my head... rise up and hit you with a left hook, my fist smacking hard into your square masculine chin...

rhinebeckbeef: UUGHHHHHH ... fall back ... arms keeping me up ... back hits wall ... room stops spinning ... uugh

Rex: I move in again, planting my feet firmly on the ground as I fire my fists into your hairy gut, rights and lefts pummeling hard...1...2...3...4...5...6 times

rhinebeckbeef: UUGHHHHHH ... ughh ... body held up by hits ... then slumps to knees ... air pounded out panting ... gut on fire

Rex: as you drop to your knees I hit you again with a solid right to the jaw, snapping your head hard to the side in spray of sweat and spit...CRACK!!

rhinebeckbeef: UUGHHHH slam into wall ... fall to hands and knees ... jaw nearly broken ... room spinning wildly

Rex: take a step back... have to put my hands down my boxer to adjust my hard meat... fully turned on by the hits I gave you... watch you drop down to your hands and knees...

rhinebeckbeef: moaning ... try to rise to one knee ... feel queasy ...hand goes up weakly to keep you

Rex: I throw my arms under yours, wrapping them around your body as I pull you to your feet..... as you rise up, I feel your thick meat brushing against mine.... I moan slightly as I pull you up

rhinebeckbeef: uugh feel your hard young sweaty muscle on my fur then the hard young cock pressing my body and my cock as you pull me to my feet

rhinebeckbeef: unsteady ... try to pull away

Rex: keep you close to me, not letting you go... turning you around, putting your broad back against mine...

Rex: I reach back, and again grab you by your chin, pulling you back as I bend over, pulling you into a hangman as I bounce you on my back

rhinebeckbeef: OOOW ... NOOOOO ...NOOOOOO ... oh fuck fuck fuck ... 230 pounds used against me ... body hanging inverted by chin ... teeth clenched neck straining ... arms to side hanging legs hanging ... jesus ow wo ow ow ow

Rex: keep you on my back as I hear you moan, see your arms drop to the side, your legs hanging...

rhinebeckbeef: boy like a rock under me ... my moans fill the small hot mat room ... begging for mercy

Rex: I finally let you go, dropping you to the mats...

rhinebeckbeef: ughhhhhhh ... slide down your slick body ... shaking in pain ... hard to move without pain ... neck on fire

Rex: I survey the damage I inflicted on you, watching you move slowly, trying to recover from the hangman... without even thinking of it I start to massage my cock through my boxer jock as I watch you...

rhinebeckbeef: body filled with pain ... throbbing ... big bull barely managing to stay on his haunches ... neck and shoulders in painful shape ... with a grunt of pride i push up to a knee then to standing bent out of natural shape due to pain

Rex: again put up my fists as I turn to face you, ready to go a third round with you...

rhinebeckbeef: my brain seizes at the realization of another round ... fucker blocking the door only recourse i have is to slowly raise fists ... blink sweat out of my eyes ... gut and chest heaving

Rex: will need to strike hard and fast if I am to take you down... I lash out and hit you with a right left right combination to your jaw, rocking your head back and forth...

rhinebeckbeef: uugh ... uugh ...uugh ...head snaps one way then the other ... arms drop ... body sways ... your smell in my nostrils my vision blurry

Rex: see you're still standing... hit you again with a second right left right... rocking your jaw with my thick hard fists

rhinebeckbeef: fall to my side ... head hits hard into padded wall ... as my body bounces off ... and hits the mat hard ... body collapses ... moans where am i ... barely hanging on

Rex: I grapple with you, pulling you back to your feet... line you up, then hit you with an uppercut, slicing hard through your jaw...CRACK!!

rhinebeckbeef: uugh body hoisted up ... steadied ... then ... GUUUUUUGHHHHH ... jaw fractures ... body slams back into wall ... slides down ... unconscious

Rex: this time I see that you don't move... that you are finally down...

rhinebeckbeef: and out

Última edição em 28/9/2021 23:58 por Cyber Jaw Breaker
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bigtuffguy (10)

14/5/2019 12:40




Mortner (0)

20/6/2019 15:55

Hot HOT HOT fight between two HOT studs!!
