I finally spent the money on headgear. And wow, that gets attention on MeetFighters! HAHA I think views are mixed on the efficacy of headgear in preventing concussions and long term brain damage in fighters, but where I've heard it is good and the reason I bought it is to prevent black eyes. I'm one of those weekend warriors who hates having to explain bruises on my face, and my face bruises easily (see my photos!). I figure anything that gets me to spar more is good for my training journey. Let's see how that goes. Now I'm not doing an advertisement, but this is the Ringside Ultra Light that weighs about 10 ounces. I wanted cheek protection to protect against black eyes without it being intrusive to the point that it would blind me to uppercuts, because one of my favorite sparring partners loves getting me with punches on the inside. I have plans this Friday evening, so I won't be doing sparring at the gym just yet. We'll see the reaction I get, since nobody else wears headgear when sparring at my gym!

Última edição em 03/2/2023 05:03 por wldct1998
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Ironbull (96)

03/2/2023 14:37

Some people say that headgear is counter productive because it gives you confidence to spar harder, and that offsets any additional padding.

I know that if I take a punch or two through my gloves when my guard is up, I still get bruised.

Personally I hate most headgear because I'm shorts and it blocks my up vision. The exception is my Top 10 headguard which is made of some kind of gel which is less bulky.

But the best defence is well regulated sparring and lots of technique. That's the theory anyway..


wldct1998 (4 )

03/2/2023 16:03

(em resposta à...)

All good reasoning. I used to spar with headgear long ago. We will see how it feels now. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
