wldct1998's blog

Matt's training journal 1-29-23

For some time I've journaled after training sessions, so I thought why not blog on here? I don't know that anyone will read it, but here goes. Sometimes I journal so I remember the names of my training partners that I meet. :) Yesterday in Muay Thai we worked on lean backs to evade kicks, and I paired with Jeff, a lean young guy who brought his infant in a car seat. I didn't catch the infant's name, but the babe (actual babe, not Jeff) was impressed watching us! Jeff would go talk to his son (daughter?) between rounds as the infant took a bottle. Most of the year, we complain about training in Phoenix's extreme heat, and our gym isn't exactly climate controlled (in extreme heat, 110 degrees+, our Kru will turn on the swamp cooler for a short time). With no heat in what has been a cold (for Phoenix) winter, I realized how hard - and important - it is to warm up my hips, lower back, and everything else, especially for some hard kicking. In addition to lower back and hips, my obliques are really sore today. I also notice training in the cold that it's harder to get a grip on the mat with my feet. In the heat, my feet just melt to the mat; I never fear I'll fall when delivering a kick! I enjoy Saturday morning classes, though I often have other commitments at that time, because they are pretty chill and we get to work in a smaller group on technique. But yesterday was also an excellent cardio workout. :)

Última edição em 29/1/2023 22:26 por wldct1998
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TakeThePunchesAI (13)

31/1/2023 13:32

Thanks for sharing man, Muay Thai is my favorite martial art. So how did you get into that? Also, on this day, just on average I suppose, what do you guys workouts consist of and how much time is spent on what?


wldct1998 (4 )

31/1/2023 16:01

(em resposta à...)

Hey, nice to have a reader/commenter! Thanks. I remember seeing kickboxing on TV as a kid, then the movie Kickboxer with Van Damme, and after many gyms (some of which closed down), I’m finally settled at a good one. Training usually consists of pairing with a partner and working a technique or series of combos for an hour.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

31/1/2023 16:46

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Right, but I heard Cardio is a big component as well. What do you do for the cardio part? Or is it a little different?


wldct1998 (4 )

31/1/2023 22:37

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Really the intensity and speed of the combos is the cardio. We also warm-up with jump rope, and sometimes we do push-ups or lunges or squats between rounds.


wldct1998 (4 )

31/1/2023 22:38

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Also, I should be doing additional cardio outside of it, but I don’t lol


wi23combat (19)

24/2/2023 00:59

Sounds like a productive hard day of training which is always the best. How many years have you been in Muay Thai training for?


wldct1998 (4 )

25/2/2023 06:32

(em resposta à...)

Hey I started training in the late 90's and had a few stints. I most recently started right before the pandemic, then kinda got back into it about 2 years ago.
