luallavi é recomendado por Toughwrestler (23/6/2013)
Luis is just beginning wrestling and learning a lot... but he likes intense scrap and can give you a very good match !
interesting guy out of the mat : meet him if you are in the same place : NL or France.
looking forward our rematch
wrestlewanted é recomendado por Versus (23/6/2013)
Strong and nice guy. We met and had a good though fight. Highly recommended:)
Versus é recomendado por wrestlewanted (23/6/2013)
Very strong guy. Tough headlock, sleepers and fig 4. SOrry had to cut it short. Good fight and a nice guy.
musclefightsmuscle1 é recomendado por mattz4fun (23/6/2013)
This guy is tough, strong and fun on the mats. He pushes himself hard, and pushes you even harder. His strength surprised me. Even though I have some size on him, he made me work. And, if you like pec pounding, try your luck. He can dish and take it.
Zibi é recomendado por jonuk (22/6/2013)
I met Zibi yesterday and what a pleasure our matchup was . Zibi is a strong, skilled and proficient wrestler with a wide range of moves in his repertoire . A charming and friendly guy too. I'm sure we will meet again . Highly recommended .
Mark uk é recomendado por frenchprowrestler (22/6/2013)
real good wrestler and moreover in pro style. We met on the pro ring here and it was a very good match with such a wrestler. Definitely I want another match next time you are in Paris. On ring or on mats.
Très bon catcheur à ne pas manquer ! sur ring ou sur matelas il est vraiment très bon! Je veux le rencontrer absolument lors de sa prochaine visite !
Si puedes, encontra este luchador muy bueno tan en lucha libre pro que en sumision. Es muy fuerte asi que vas a tener que saber luchar...aunque se va poner a tu nivel !
TTG87auro é recomendado por frenchprowrestler (22/6/2013)
très sympathique jeune lutteur avec un bon avenir dans les rencontres de lutte et catch car il fait déjà mieux que se débrouiller. De bonnes cuisses qui vous ensserre si vous n'y prenez garde. A rencontrer dès que vous le pourrez ! Dépêchez vous car il s'absente sous peu.
Very sympathetic young wrestler to meet definitely. Even young he is already a very good match. Meet him as soon as you can as he may ot be available for some timesin Europe.
Vale la pena encontrar este joven luchador que sabe de lucha ya.
blacksocks108 é recomendado por SGZapas (21/6/2013)
Blacksocks is a really nice and friendly guy.
He is using his whole body during the match, which is really great. The strongest part of his body are his leggs. And he is really fast in using them!
Would like to wrestle this guy again!
Thanks for a great match.
Toughwrestler é recomendado por luallavi (21/6/2013)
Jai rencontre yann ce soir pour un match de lutte.Il est trop fort et il faut faire attention au force de ses jambes et pieds :). Jai passe un tres bon moment et cest quelqu'un tres sympa! Je dois me amelliorer pour le deuxieme match! Merci yann!
Zürich é recomendado por JasonOG (21/6/2013)
Es war einfach eine tolle zeit mit Zürich. Er hat die richtige Einstellung zum kämpfen. Geht zielstrebig vor und ist ein kräftiger Mann. Dabei bleibt er fair. Nicht nur das Kämpfen hat Spass gemacht mit ihm. Er ist ein sehr sympathischer Zeitgenosse. Ich kann einfach nur empfehlen ihn zu treffen und kennen zu lernen. Und wenn er technisch weiterhin so gute Fortschritte macht, dann werde ich beim nächsten Mal meine Kampfmaschine voll auspacken müssen...;-))