
99087 recommendations

Jmichaels is recommended by slowsubs (27/7/2024)

Yet another meet up where as accurate as his profile is this guy is even more impressive in person. We had been chatting for a few weeks before meeting and I had commented just before we met that I was so comfortable already with him that meeting was gonna feel more like reconnecting with an old buddy rather then a first meet up. Gotta say, I NAILED IT! So easy to get along with and we just clicked from the first moment we met. Hit the mats after a little chit chat and gotta say, i was taken back a bit when he stripped down to his briefs. Dude is in great shape, muscular and powerful. Hes got a disarming face that lulls you into a sence of complacency right up until you lock up and realize that his muscular and powerful looking physique isnt for show. We spent nearly 6 hours together and I feel like its the warmup. Im sure we will meet up again and consider myself lucky to have found another local buddy to call friend.


Jaywr is recommended by blondbud (27/7/2024)

I've had a lot of back-and-forth banter with Jaywr over the past year, and it was incredibly fun to finally lock up with this scrappy cute guy at WrestleFest Canada! We went at it for a few hours, neither of us tiring or willing to give in as we tried to prove who was the better man.....and I think he knows (wink). There's nothing hotter than us little guys going at it and I highly recommend this super nice and fun wrestler if you get the chance to meet!


nywrestler is recommended by Boxhard (27/7/2024)

Met up with nywrestler for a good rough boxing session in 14 oz vintage boxing gloves. He hits hard & takes them rough in return. Thoroughly enjoyed it & would love to go even rougher next time! Recommended definitely.


Dakota Skye is recommended by blondbud (27/7/2024)

I had the pleasure of meeting Dakota Skye and can confidently say - he is the total package. With his handsome looks, muscled bod and awesome personality, this hot wrestler is a must meet! Highly recommend!


Boxhard is recommended by DaveStillWrestles (27/7/2024)

The moral of this story is, if you are going to trash talk an opponent, be sure you can back that talk up! Or you will pay the price, and man, did I PAY THE PRICE! Once he found out my weakness (my defense) he zoned in on his target and did not miss. Boxhard and I have been chatting for a couple of years, but we never had the chance to meet. I can say without hesitation that the meeting was GREAT. From the staredown, to the trash talk, to the fight! I was overwhelmed by his barrage of punches–all which found their mark, while my attempts to counter were met by his deft sidestepping, and more trash talk. It was great fun, and I hope to train to the point that I can give him back as much as he gave to me. Highly recommended!

The moral of this story is, if you are going to trash talk an opponent, be sure you can back that talk up! Or you will pay the price, and man, did I PAY THE PRICE! Once he found out my weakness (my defense) he zoned in on his target and did not miss. Boxhard and I have been chatting for a couple of years, but we never had the chance to meet. I can say without hesitation that the meeting was GREAT. From the staredown, to the trash talk, to the fight! I was overwhelmed by his barrage of punches–all which found their mark, while my attempts to counter were met by his deft sidestepping, and more trash talk. It was great fun, and I hope to train to the point that I can give him back as much as he gave to me. Highly recommended!

DamianGP is recommended by hobigulat1 (27/7/2024)

Wrestling him was a joy.
Really enthusiastic & brave enough to roll with bigger wrestler like me.
He's also friendly, polite, & open to discuss more about wrestling and gut punch (his specialty).
I have amazing time spar with him & can't wait for next match.


DaveStillWrestles is recommended by Boxhard (27/7/2024)

Had an intense MMA match that ended up being mostly a stand up boxing slugfest & loved it! Good hard hits & we went at it rough. He dished it out well & certainly took hard hits in return. Recommend for sure!


lcguard is recommended by Sam (27/7/2024)

I'm proud to introduce lcguard to Meetfighters matches. He should get many more, I know I'd like a rematch. I thank him for driving to my mats, and keeping in touch throughout. He's a fun guy to wrestle, and great to talk to.


DenverWrestler is recommended by Punjabimunda (27/7/2024)

Denverwrestler is a friendly person who enjoys wrestling and my match with him was an impromptu as we planned on having 1-1 but was cancelled because of my work. Glad I met him in open mats and I really enjoyed sparring with him. He is fun safe and is an experienced one as you can see from his profile as he has the maximum no of opponents under his belt. Thanks bud for few rounds.


Punjabimunda is recommended by Bone saw (27/7/2024)

Punjabimunda is a great guy to wrestle. Really enjoyed my time on the mats with him. He is just starting his journey into BJJ, training just 1.5 months, but he moves well on the mats and has a great attitude. Honored I got a chance to spend some time on the mats with him. In a couple of years he will be a force to recon with!

99087 recommendations