Blog de wrestlinaddict

Never Wrestled Before

Hello everyone. So from what I can gather, most people around here already have some solid knowledge In wrestling/bjj or at least have some experience on it, prior to join this website. Or at least I got that impression, correct me if I am wrong. What’s the best option for someone that has never wrestled in his life (only have experience in boxing, which is not really relevant here)? Do people here meet with fighters without any prior experience for the first time? I obviously already watched some wrestling videos explaining holds, but that doesn’t really give me any practical experience.

Did any of you guys learnt to wrestle here having no prior knowledge? Or did you learn beforehand and are just meeting here to improve. Oh and this should be obvious, but I am also new to this whole website.

Última edição em 18/11/2020 11:35 por michal23
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HairyNerdIt (14 )

16/1/2021 16:24

I watched ufc and pro wrestling and I learned from there


Belligerent (18 )

30/11/2020 22:45

Hardly anyone on here has solid wrestling/bjj knowledge. A long opponent list on here doesn't mean one has good knowledge either. Most people here are chasing a fetish and have no training. Many don't even have a basic level of fitness.


wrestlinaddict (72)

01/12/2020 16:59

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What do you mean as fetish? Do you mean like people enjoying applying holds in an erotic fashion? I find hard not be aroused or enjoying wrestling because it's an extreme contact sport. But even if its a "fetish" fight, wouldn't you need to have some knowledge to fight back? I take it many people do enjoy it in a sort of erotic way, but don't they have any wrestling knowledge? Haven't they actually done it before on high school or had wrestling lessons?


Belligerent (18 )

11/12/2020 00:42

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Do you not have working arms & legs? Use them to grab your opponent and get hold of them! You won't be brilliant at it without any training but you do not need any training to try. Many on here don't even want to fight back.


legflexxxer (31 )

30/11/2020 23:00

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hahah hardly anyone... but not all ;-)

bring it on!


H16111960 (14)

19/11/2020 17:48

Interesting issue!
I made -as boxer- the expierence, that most or at least very many overestimate their knowledges. In boxing, guess in wrestling too, it is necessary to find an expierenced opponent who knows how far he may go. Beginners don't.
If I were in Your place I would be prepared for fighting, since otherwise You could get a dangerous, ie. unexpierenced opponent and of course loosing for meetings in the next 5 years maybe not Your idea of having fun.


yonkerswrangler (196)

19/11/2020 15:08

just do it


legflexxxer (31 )

19/11/2020 13:04

No many really experienced guys on here at all. Far and few between are real submission wrestlers and bjj guys. Those that are are the best to learn from.

Most are into erotic and pro on here.


ChiFight (6)

18/11/2020 22:41

Any fight style is relevant here and will have people interested in it who are available. There are plenty here who aren't intro wrestling at all, but love other styles. That being said, everyone has a first time except people who have no intention of actually doing it.

The best way to learn anything is to do it, and if you have no experience, odds are anyone real will have more. So a total novice will have to be prepared to lose for a while until their skill level goes up, unless they are just hunting for other novices. Unless you are willing to pay for lessons for years, there is no other way to jump up the experience ladder, other than just jumping in and doing it. Just have to decide if that's really want to you want. I've seen some guys who sign up listing themselves as beginners with zero past opponents, who 10 years later are in the same boat, because they are just too worried about not doing well, but it's one of the only ways to learn.


wrestlinaddict (72)

19/11/2020 10:38

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I see, I asked this question because I don’t know if any opponent would be interested in fighting someone who has no experience for the first time, as It would be a completely one way match which I wouldn’t mind at all, but my opponent would, probably. I mean would he like to fight someone who wouldn’t fight back much, except but minimally defending himself? I mean maybe they do, and if so, I’d be happily in. I just hope that matches at least let me improve my skills.

That thing you said about beginners remaining as so for 10 is sad. So fuck it! I’m gonna jump right in into it. I’ll try to go for more experienced fighters, to learn something and also to minimize the risk of serious injury. Might look into private lessons if necessary, but it wasn't really my first option.

Thanks for the reply and that warning about not worrying too much.


yonkerswrangler (196)

18/11/2020 17:05

just say you are beginning and want to learn how to wrestle safely


vonsueno (8)

18/11/2020 08:38

When it comes to meeting members on this site, the words of Goethe do not apply, namely: "There is nothing more frightening than ignorance in action." :) Seriously! In my humble opinion, it is enthusiasm that makes for a good match. Your inquiry to some may seem as if there is a bit of trepidation in your words; to me, not so much. If you accept at the outset that you actually might make an ass of yourself, and still can laugh, then I suggest you come a long ways, and the subsequent experience and skill you gain will carry your forward a goodly distance. Be bold!

There are any number of members who you will find, having been in a similar situation, will demonstrate a remarkable degree of generosity in showing you the ropes; of course, maybe they'll wait until they submitted or pinned you, I suspect. :) I can almost promise you it will not be the school of hard knocks in the extreme. Really!

If there is a touch of---to be perfectly frank---sadism, or a preference for a squash match, or even having you assume the role of a jobber, then I think it might be wise to wait a little before engaging such an opponent. To that extent, look for someone who will do rough housing in a mild to moderate degree or a person who will abide by a give and take approach in the match. And, don't be afraid to acknowledge your inexperience, your desire to learn holds, and insist that any opponent will abide by the mutual rules/limitations that are critical to you. I dare say, you definitely would do well to avoid someone who is into chokes and sleepers, at least for a while.

So, don't be shy. Use the "Members" and the subsection of "Location" to find members who may be close to you.

Best of luck. Oh, and try not to make your opponents look too bad. :)


wrestlinaddict (72)

18/11/2020 09:15

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Thank you for your answer. I ask this because, I was wondering how can I put a wrestling fight if I dont know how to wrestle. I don’t mind losing or wining or even making an ass of myself, as long as learn something.

I was just curious where most people learnt how to wrestle. So that I could be more prepared, but I guess I’ll accept your advice.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

18/11/2020 07:48

Actually there's quite a few on this site who box and some who only want to box. Some come here with previous wrestling experience. Some don't. Some will meet with those without experience. Some won't.
I wouldn't assume that most members have wrestled prior to joining the site. When I last checked in April, 62% of the members here had met 2 opponents or less. 46% had met no opponents. Less than 20% have met 10 or more. Experience varies widely among the members.
