Blog de wrestlinaddict

Hello everyone. So from what I can gather, most people around here already have some solid knowledge In wrestling/bjj or at least have some experience on it, prior to join this website. Or at least I got that impression, correct me if I am wrong. What’s the best option for someone that has never wrestled in his life (only have experience in boxing, which is not really relevant here)? Do people here meet with fighters without any prior experience for the first time? I obviously already watched some wrestling videos explaining holds, but that doesn’t really give me any practical experience.

Did any of you guys learnt to wrestle here having no prior knowledge? Or did you learn beforehand and are just meeting here to improve. Oh and this should be obvious, but I am also new to this whole website.

Última edição em 18/11/2020 11:35 por michal23; 0 comentário(s)
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