Paul's Primer: How to Meet Wrestlers and Make Friends

Upon the conclusion of relevant research, I have compiled a list for your review of the steps necessary to meet a wrestler and start a potential friendship.

  1. The wrestler must be out of state. Even if you eventually meet them in your state, it must start with the belief that you and this person will have to travel to meet. This is true 99% of the time.
  2. If possible, go for the other 1%.
  3. Take an interest in this person. You'd be surprised at how fun and exciting people are outside of wrestling. Invite them to a dinner. Have a drink or two or ten.
  4. Be persistent. After all, squeaky wheels get the grease eventually. They will eventually run out of things to be busy with and respond. Or not. But hope, right? Right.

Congratulations if you've made it to this point, but the war is far from over, friends. Keep calm, and carry on with these instructions.

  1. Respond. When your potential new wrestling victim... erm.... friend... writes back, respond with enthusiasm.
  2. Pick a pub. Beer and food are good combinations.
  3. Reveal your stalker side. Remember when I mentioned taking an interest in the person? That is serious work. Meet their friends. Meet their lovers. Find them on facebook. Yes, I managed to do all of this. Better yet, I did it accidentally. This will open new avenues of conversation, most of which will start with "How did you even know ____?"
  4. Mention your food allergies. This will lead to fun conversation. Very fun. Afterward, you will manage to have an inside joke that would be mortifying to almost anyone.
  5. Laugh a lot and often. If you're not laughing with this person, you may not long be friends.
  6. Ask questions. You probably know the answer from your extensive studies, but just do it. You might learn something anyway :P
  7. Ask about the whole wrestling thing. Likes, dislikes, experiences. Find out what you can and share what you can. By this point, you've been talking for hours, so more talking can't hurt. Bonus points for segue and pondering about people you know in common.

Congrats. You should have a new friend and a potential appointment for ultimate destruction.... erm... wrestling in the near future.

Última edição em 11/7/2015 06:50 por synxiec
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Medboxer (4)

11/8/2015 01:16

Good stuff. ice cold Fat Tire ale might be the ticket.😎


synxiec (74)

11/8/2015 04:20

(em resposta à...)

Sounds about right. Thanks for reading.


Chris55 (2 )

11/7/2015 21:48

Very interesting blog and good points made which i am sure willl be helpful.


synxiec (74)

11/7/2015 22:23

(em resposta à...)

Thanks for reading!


rslnishot12 (9)

11/7/2015 21:11

Good first entry in the blog, have had some good luck with the 1% in state folks---guess I have been lucky :)


synxiec (74)

11/7/2015 21:46

(em resposta à...)

Count me among the jealous lol


Just Dan (7)

11/7/2015 12:21

That's good advice for just about any relationship.


synxiec (74)

11/7/2015 14:03

(em resposta à...)

I would say so. I hope you enjoyed!
