It's the eve of Christmas Eve for me and I'm soon to head off to see family for a couple of days. Before I go I waned to say "Thank you" to the people who I've met this year - some multiple times - and have been solid fun. Thank you also to the people who reached out letting me know they were interested, but we just haven't met yet. The time is coming since I finally got my cat that automatic feeder.

Enjoy your holidays for the rest of the year and I'll see y'all in 2024. ✌🏾

Última edição em 23/12/2023 16:51 por synxiec; 6 comentário(s)
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Hey y'all 👋🏾 So if you were here last week, you would have seen me post a little meetup request with the note that these meetups were subject to availability because I was at a convention. With my obligations there vs. the amount of wrestlers in the area, the amount of responses quickly outpaced the amount of time I had to accommodate them.

In some cases, people checked in and I was able to let them know how things were. In other cases, I let people know I was in the area, but no firm plans were made and the communications took a hard pause which are easily read as a negative thing.

That's not necessarily the worst thing; sometimes people just ghost you on here and I understand that trying to separate me as an individual from the pattern of behavior we have here in general can be a lot in the moment.

If you kept it optimistic, wrote to me and asked what was up, know I appreciate you and I'll make sure you're the first people I see when I come back to Philly.

Next time, I'll have more wrestling time (but probably not a lot of wrestling space 😂).


Última edição em 07/12/2023 18:59 por synxiec; 7 comentário(s)
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Ayo ✌🏾 It's been a long time since the last entry so here's another one for the end of the year. Things are still going well around here. Did some wrestling, doing some traveling, and feeling better these days about being around people in general. That MIGHT mean planning some short trips for wrestling in 2024.

Additionally, if you've wrestled with me during this year or before now, I just want to let you know I appreciate you. Especially if it's been a while since we've spoken (it's been a long while for some of you). I have a special present for y'all, but it will take me about 4 months to put it all together. ✨

As you may have seen from the match request section, I'm headed to Philly this week. I'm mostly there for business, but have a bit of room for fun here and there. If schedules allow, I look forward to grappling with some of y'all.

See you all then!

Última edição em 30/11/2023 04:13 por synxiec; 4 comentário(s)
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Since We're Here

I've been in the new spot for a few months now and so far? Some things never change (especially, meeting people for matches) XD

It's been a good time. I'm okay. My cat is okay. I have good people around me. In terms of meetups, it's been people from out of town more often than not, as you do. A constant refrain, but instead of frustration now, it's just wry chuckles followed by tabletop writing. However, it's nearly the end of the year, so I guess it's about that time to answer that question of "what about next year?"

Well, I have 58 matches now and I am going to have things sorted for licenses, rentals, and all of that jazz soon. After a couple of years, I'm also ready to consider flying as a travel option. So I'm laying the groundwork for a few things and seeing if we can make another 42 matches happen before the end of 2023.

Why? Well, why not.

That's about it, really; wrestling was light this year, but what I didn't get in matches, I made up for in moving, finding new friends, and enjoying this change of scenery. I'm gonna check on this stew, but if you're in the area, don't be shy. I only bite when requested.

Oh and I hope you're all having wonderful holidays and/or end-of-year however you enjoy them!

Última edição em 27/12/2022 05:30 por synxiec; 11 comentário(s)
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Happy New Year

Happy New Year. January is almost over and I thought I'd hit y'all up with a checkin. I hope everyone is getting whatever matches they can in safety and having the best of times. I'm living through you vicariously in GA...

...but only for a little while longer because I'm moving this summer. ✨

It's been a long time coming, but we're finally in motion. I've looked at a few places and as I'm growing and all of that, the things I want from the place I live and the community around me are changing, so we're gonna change locations. I'm looking forward to it and since I'll likely be living alone that will make it easier to host visitors 🎉

Huh, I might need to invest in mats this year 🤔

It's going to be a fun summer, I think. I'll try to make a few rounds before I move if I can. If I remember, I'll try to take some pictures and video; I think I'm due an update or few. ☺

Oh, I'll likely be editing some profile stuff to make the read a bit shorter, but also: I still expect y'all to read it. 😅

Última edição em 29/1/2022 22:18 por synxiec; 1 comentário(s)
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This week has been very interesting in having people – local people – reach out for matches in a direct manner. Direct as in “Hey, I wanna roll. Here’s a date and a time. Does this work? Cool, see you then.”

When I tell you that, given history, this was quite a shock…

To be sure, a pleasant one. Now I have weekend grapple plans and I’m looking forward to it. More of this, please. 🙏🏾

P.S.: While I’m here, fellas: I’m not the first person to say this but given this Pandemic! At The Disco we are having, if you ask me for a match and you’re in a different country or continent, I appreciate you and it’s unlikely I’ll see you before 2023 unless you video call me over WhatsApp at this point.

If you live here in the US on the other hand… these road-trips are about to be LIT.

Última edição em 02/12/2021 17:16 por synxiec; 4 comentário(s)
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So it's 1:06AM Eastern US and there's a meteor shower happening on Animal Crossing, so I'm wishing on stars and thinking about wrestling videos.

Over the course of time I've been home, I've found a couple where I'm like "I'd like these..." but as with most things, there's the struggle about cost vs value. Cost being "this thing is x amount of money" and value being "how many times am I going to watch and enjoy this in its entirety". Most of this you have discern from a 1-minute (or thereabout) trailer whether or not you'll enjoy the other 15-30 minutes of video content. It's taken a few years to finally see enough things to go, "Huh, this would be good. I should actually buy this.

Right after that is the issue of membership models. On the one hand, recurring revenue is great. The reasons this is a thing are obvious, but on my end of it is that consideration of value again – am I going to watch enough video (how many videos is that even) to make it worth paying that membership fee or would I be better served buying the few things I know I'll like the majority of watching?

The closest I've seen to a model that works for me is the type on BWN where they give you a week-long pass to watch whatever you want to. It gives me enough time to peruse and go "I really like a lot of matches here, let me just go ahead and be a full-fledged member" or "I like some of these matches, but only a few. Let me just get a new pass when I'm in the mood to watch them or just buy those outright and not worry otherwise." That was super nice and I think it's good for everyone all around. Especially people like me who will think about a thing for a long while before they buy it otherwise.

That's all for today. I wished on so many stars during the meteor shower in this game that I hit a maximum achievement.

Última edição em 28/11/2021 07:27 por synxiec; 3 comentário(s)
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