A Change of Mind

I had this one on my list of to-dos for a while, so here we are with a late night musing.

Summer has gone well, I think. I did a bit of traveling as it rounded off and got to finally have that one match with RNC23 that was far too long in the making while on my way to Indianapolis. I enjoy long distance driving; it's scenic, quiet, and gives you a lot of time to think. One of the things I've been thinking about lately is how some things that I thought I wasn't or wouldn't be into are less about preferences and more about trust.

I watched a lot of wrestling videos and whatnot during my downtime and one of the things that came up was, "Oh, looking at it, [move/tactic] is kind of hot. Huh..." It was with all sorts of things, but for the sake of example, let's use something like CBT or high impact moves in pro or whatnot. So much of this when people have described it to me or asked was like, "Nah, I don't know if I'm into it" only to then see or experience it in the moment and think, "This isn't bad. This is actually kinda nice. I should do this more."

You'd think things like trust or even general emotions wouldn't mean as much as they do, but they do.

I'm also thinking that, as long as it proves worthwhile, I might do some more of these long distance drives, visit some people, and roll a bit. It's gonna take a lot of planning, but it would be worth it. Especially since I work remote.

Alright, bed now. 😴

Última edição em 09/10/2021 06:35 por synxiec; 4 comentário(s)
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I have an evening free for some rolls if anyone wants to read the ol’ profile and hit me up as I’m in Atlanta this evening and tomorrow.

I would have just posted a match request, but they don’t let you post same-day requests so you get this entry instead.

May the odds be in our favor.

Última edição em 28/3/2021 00:17 por synxiec; 2 comentário(s)
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Not Much New 🍀

I really did write a whole entry, but then closed the tab before I posted, so we're gonna try this again.

Hi, I write entries and I save them most of the time excepting today. Things haven't changed much since our last entry in terms of wrestling meetups and that's OK. I'm still ready to roll (and I might get to soon), but getting to that place just takes a lot. Mostly things like:

  • Are you masking up and minimizing your going out?
  • Are you behaving like there's a panopticon* happening?
  • What kind of precautions are you taking during this promenade*?

On the other hand, I have more than enough time to play games, write stories, and talk about various issues and interests I have. In fact, I might get to be involved with something special that might end up floating around here soon. I've also had a lot of time to think about the kind of things I want to do and surprisingly, wrestling is still in the top 5 of those things. Come 2022 when I feel like flying is feasible, I'm pretty sure I'm coming straight to Europe to see some of you.

Most of the people I want to meet up with have been great about safety and I look forward to battle and a bit of beer and thinking about that keeps my spirits up. Until that time, I'll enjoy reading up on all of you doing your various things and try to stay out of trouble.

I've also finally sorted out a number of things I'm actually giving to people when I wrestle them. Most are green and I'm okay with that; the things I don't want as much will have better homes with people who do want those things. There's a lot of brief-styled things in here and one pair of socks. I would rather have red or black or yellow.

Mostly because I'm not wearing the gear regularly enough to warrant keeping it, ya know; if you're gonna have gear, it should be things you look forward to wearing.


Note about the *s: We like using substitute alliterations for pandemic in these parts.

Última edição em 18/3/2021 06:11 por synxiec; 1 comentário(s)
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A thing I commonly find myself wondering about are people who create a profile, delete it, then remake it and specifically on a frequent cadence.

Particularly when it is posted with nothing changed except the name and no explanation as to what happened to the last one. Like three times in like two months. I don’t know if this is a peculiar phenomenon in the southeastern US (where I observed it) or if it is something more like a form of witness protection.

Who knows? Maybe some random man flying about through space and time in a phone booth from Cardiff will tell me, but then again, if that happens I will have other questions that take priority.


Última edição em 22/1/2020 05:20 por synxiec; 6 comentário(s)
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2019 was quite a time for growing and learning in a lot of ways. I did a lot of traveling and not as much wrestling as I would have liked except for right around the holidays. In particular, I got the chance to meet with some people I honestly was NOT expecting to in the most random places and times.

For those, I am thankful. In particular, I felt ... growth? It's one thing for you to be out and trying to get the matches you can as they come and all of the things that go along with that, but there's also something to be said about actually getting better at everything.

After meeting up with the people I've met up with this year, I come into 2020 feeling a bit stronger and having that strength recognized by, frankly, the last people I would have expected it from. It was a happy, but solemn moment. This year, I want to lean into that in all the ways I can and see what comes of it. I'll start with a regular walking habit and see how it evolves.

Also? I have always believed myself a more playful person on [insert wrestling platform] here and have said as much on my profile. One of the people I met up with this year initially didn't know if we'd be a good match up because of that descriptor, but then upon meeting had a change of heart. It was interesting for both of us and we talked about it for a bit.

Although I don't think about it much, I try to match my opponent's energy and give what I can to the match. Does that make me competitive? I don't know. Not to the degree that some might be, but maybe moreso than even I would give myself credit for. Someone once said to me that the warrior spirit is developed little by little with every action and thought if we're open to it and maybe that's what nearly 6 years and 43 matches have done. Who knows?

Maybe I should update my profile but then that means some of you will expect more from me and I am honestly just wrestling for the cookies and ice cream you'll feed me after I win. :P

Here's to hoping I meet more of you and more matches and fun for all of you everywhere. Here's also to hoping I somehow wind up near Bowling Green, KY or something.

Última edição em 06/1/2020 03:07 por synxiec; 3 comentário(s)
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