"Have you had any good matches lately?"

It would be awesome if this answer were "yes" more often, but it isn't. I'm more of an analytical mind, so I like to understand why things are as they are and work as they work. This ended up with some funny situations.

SCENARIO 1: "Hello, Mr. Bond"

A person asked to meet up and such. They are nearby, so that's cool. However, they don't want to share anything about themselves for any number of reasons. I could list them, but it doesn't matter. What does matter is that, in the end, I can't bring myself to meet up with people that can't share things about themselves.

There's a lot of things I'm willing to be wild about, but every kid knows about "stranger danger". The fact is that a meetup here is a physical thing and when I am meeting up with a person from this site, that I have never met before, where will have to travel a distance to meet each other and probably alone, there is no margin for mistrust, so I don't bother with it.

For the reasons, above, I wouldn't ever. I salute you, Mr. Bond, but if we are going to lock up, trust is a must. End of.

SCENARIO 2: Vaporized

I simply don't know what happens with these people. We write for a while, get off on good footing, then they disappear. When I go to check on them, their account has been temporarily disabled or removed altogether. I just have no idea sometimes. Good thing I went through my inbox a time or two or I would think I hallucinated the entire conversation.

SCENARIO 3: "Somewhere over the rainbow"

You're just far away whether it is states or countries. Meh. We'll meet eventually one day and I look forward to it, but knowing that doesn't help me when I have days like yesterday where I wanted to wrestle until I was exhausted.

I swear it's the only time I ever find myself frustrated by not owning a car. I suppose planning could easily get around any transit issue, but then we go back to SCENARIO 2.

SCENARIO 4: You scare me

This is a tangent to the first one, but every now and then I run into someone that unsettles me. Sometimes, because of appearance, other times because of approach. Either way, no. Just no.

A lot of this stuff doesn't seem to matter even in terms of distance. There are four people in my city and hundreds - literal hundreds - within 60 miles of me and of those hundreds (plus four), I have met *one* from that radius and one from someone that actually lives several hundred miles away.

I don't even know.

I want to figure out a way to make this stuff happen more often, but until then, you can deal with my humorous writing about my frustrations because it doesn't and the gear I'm grabbing.

Oh wait, I didn't mention that, did I?

GRINDING GEARS (because I like creative titles and innuendo)

A few months back, I bit the bullet and decided to buy a jock to try. They're great, so I bought another two. There are so many situations where all I can think is, "If someone knew I was wearing this, omg lol", but meh. One day my friend stumbled upon one in my laundry basket and almost had a heart attack. I had a nice, hearty laugh at that. I still do.

This month, I bought my first singlet. I plan on buying another one soon since I have a dash of extra cash on me. It should be equally fun and enjoyable to try on. I need to wear it more to break it in, but so far, it feels great when I wear the one I bought and I'm curious about what I'll look like when I get the other.

They are both solid servings of "Get yourself in shape, son", so the encouragement is nice.



One more thing

Dear people that write me here or otherwise from this site: I appreciate you.

Thanks for putting things I can enjoy in my inbox from suggestions on what to buy to just encouragement to hang in there until we can meet up, I enjoy all of the messages I get and try to reply to all of them when I can. At least one of you [*cough* Scott *cough*] have moved out of just "hey we want to wrestle" to being more akin to friends and I'm enjoying every minute of that.

Keep it up.

Also, if you are writing me after reading this whether directly or via comment: (1) thank you, too. It's good to know that someone reads this stuff. It's long. (2) I like feedback, so write all you want to.

Take care, guys.

Última edição em 05/2/2015 17:56 por synxiec
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