So I come up with an endurance/strength challenge which I believe will be difficult for the two muscled dudes as they are visible exhausted from the back and forth action of the last 30+ minutes. The stud that completes the challenge will be declared the champ.
The challenge will consist of 3 basic exercises:
100 situps, 100 pushups and 50 pull-ups, performed simultaneously to my count, the title will be awarded to the one that completes at least 2 of the exercises, in other words best of 3.
They both agree to the terms and shake hands.
I begin to count slowly 1......2.....3.....setting the pace 75.....76......78.....both men grimacing in pain as they feel their abs burning and I can see beads of sweat on their tightened six packs 98.....99.....100.
Both men complete the first challenge with relative ease.
I begin to think this challenge may not be difficult enough.
Again I begin the count slowly to pace them and make it more difficult. The two musclemen are completely silent and concentrating on completing the challenge. At 80 I begin to hear grunting as they both are beginning to show signs of struggling. At 95 it appears they will both achieve this segment successfully. 100 done!
Both men's chests are heaving and they are breathing heavily as they stretch out their arms for the third and final challenge. Both know they must complete this segment or lose the competition.
I am confident that their arms must feel like wet noodles and this will be the deciding exercise.
We pull up #30 I begin to see John struggling, could this be it? Will John fail the last challenge?
I am thinking that Paul may have an advantage as his arms are shorter and has to pull himself up a shorter distance to reach the bar. At #39 Paul begins struggling as well. Both men wishing the other would give up and drop from the bar. 48.....49.....50!
Both men collapse on the mat, but both men completed the 3 challenges and are totally spent, soaked in sweat and breathing extremely heavy.
John says "No fucking way, still no champ." "Now what ref????" exclaims Paul.
These 2 muscled hunks are truly evenly matches physically as they have arm wrestled, rolled on the mats for more than 30 minutes and completed 3 grueling exercises, so I really need to come up with another way to determine a winner once and for all.
Stay tuned to see what I come up with....

Última edição em 22/6/2017 20:23 por sisuperman
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