They enter the ring and circle, like two tigers waiting to attack. John the taller lean muscled stud with slabs of muscled pecs and washboard abs raises his hands signaling Paul to lock hands. Paul's massive stocky muscles packed onto the shorter frame looking like an oak tree moves around the ring cautiously. Suddenly Paul charges in and wraps his mighty pythons around John in a bearhug squeezing with all his power. John grunts as he is squeezed in the vice grip. With his long arms he land punches into Paul's sides with each punch Paul grunts, eventually letting go. John immediately gets Paul in a headlock and drives him down to the mat and mounts Paul, pinning Paul's massive guns under his mighty thighs in a classic schoolboy pin. Paul struggles with all his might but to no avail as the two men are equally as strong. John yells "give up you are going nowhere" Paul says "never". John reaches back and lands a coupe of blows to Paul's abs which are now bright red from the assault. Paul yells out "I give".
"That's what I'm talking about" John says.
Round 1 John
They both retreat to their corners, breathing hard after this encounter which lasted about 10 mins. "You got lucky" Paul exclaims. "And I suppose I got lucky in the arm wrestle too" says John, "let's face it you are out of your league". Paul responds "We shall see, let's go".
Paul immediately goes in on the attack again this time lifting John in a fireman's carry and slamming him to the mat. He doesn't give John a second to recover and repeats the move this time slamming him across his knee in a classic backbreaker. John is in pain on the mat and rolls over on his stomach unknowingly setting the stage for Paul's next move. Paul quickly folds John's legs, pulls his well muscled arms back and perfectly applies a surfboard exposing his incredible abs and chest while stretching his arms to their limits which has John screaming "I submit, I submit".
Round 2 Paul
That was a lightning round win for Paul as the submission came in less than 5 mins. John knew there was no escape and gave quickly to limit the damage on his arm and shoulder muscles.
The two Alpha studs are ready to engage again. They apply arm bars, headlocks, full nelsons and scissors each other as they grunt and power out of each hold. Their bodies are glistening with sweat. This went on for approximately 15 minutes and I can see they were both completely exhausted. Paul deadlifts John over his head and slams his abs onto his knee and then pushes him face down on the mat. He sits on John's back, pulls his arms onto his knees and applies a camel clutch. John submits!
Paul releases the hold a claims victory.
Round 3 Paul
John says" Hold on Paul you lost the arm wrestle so we are still tied at 2 wins each"
They turn to the ref for a decision.
So I suggested that I come up with a strength test to determine the all time champ.
They both agree as I am the referee.
To be continued...

Última edição em 19/6/2017 20:35 por sisuperman
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