
mr marcus é recomendado por southerngrappler (23/8/2012)

Had a great pro style match and really enjoyed it. A great guy both on and off the mats. Looking forward to round 2. Steve


vince 39 é recomendado por wrestlejd (23/8/2012)

Great guy, we've wrestled a bunch of times - highly recommend; tough, very strong, competitive with good skills but off the mat very friendly.


JasonOG é recomendado por fighter1977 (23/8/2012)

Unser fight war sehr cool. Hat echt spaß gemacht. Geschwitzt haben wir ohne ende ;-) Hoffe wir haben noch einmal die Möglichkeit zu fighten. Man kann auch einiges von ihm lernen. Gerne wieder!


fighter1977 é recomendado por JasonOG (23/8/2012)

Hatte einen ausgiebigen und hart umkämpften fight mit ihm. Hat mega spaß gemacht. Er will gewinnen und gibt alles, bleibt aber fair und sportlich. Hat auch technisch einiges zu bieten. Freu mich auf's nächste mal...


wrestlejd é recomendado por vince 39 (23/8/2012)

Nice wrestler with decent skills and lots of guts. Had him in the early rounds but couldnt wear him out, and he took that tough final round ::)


rawler é recomendado por Bennyfighter (23/8/2012)

It was great fun to try many different kinds of holds, which are often not so easy applied in a fight. And we had a bunch of nice scissor- and sleeperholds. But you can never know enough of them. :-)

He is a nice guy on and off the mats.

And he likes strong legs around his head squeeze him long and hard. He cant get enough of that! I enjoyed doing that to him as he did to me.


Bennyfighter é recomendado por rawler (23/8/2012)

I can only confirm what the others have said about this guy. He is a strong, creative and skilled wrestler, a nice guy and an excellent host. I enjoyed the time with him very much. 5 out of 5 stars.

do him a favor and squeeze his head very hard. he enjoys it as much as I did :)


Reilly é recomendado por JayDhoni (22/8/2012)

Really good opponent. Strong, skilled and has a lot of stamina. As his name suggests, headlocks are his speciality - get into one of them and it's impossible to get out. Nice easy going guy to talk too as well, taught me a few things and respected whatever limits we set.
Shame you'll be going back to Canada, but strongly recommended


jhivil é recomendado por Antton64 (22/8/2012)

Que fuerza en los brazos tiene este tio! Me diverté mucho luchando contra el, que es rapido, fuerte y no se rinde. Fuera de la pelea, encontré un chico muy majo y interesante! Espero que volveremos a luchar muy pronto!


Antton64 é recomendado por jhivil (22/8/2012)

Aún no entiendo por qué se sigue llamando novato cuando la experiencia no es el cúmulo de momentos vividos, sino el ser capaz de aprender de cada segundo. ¡Ése es él! En cada movimiento aprende para el siguiente y desea seguir luchando y forjándose en esta escuela. No logré vencerlo porque con su fuerza, su agilidad, destreza y técnica hicieron de mí un alumno en sus manos. ¡Tremenda velada! ¡Volveremos a encontrarnos!
