
robroyscotland é recomendado por MEGRAPPLE (07/4/2013)

Robroy looked the part, boots trunks and a body to wrestle for. All his years of experience and skill made it a great wrestle. With a great sense of humour and cheeky determination throw in for free, I would highly recommend this north of the Border wee chappy filled with porriage oats, and would love to meet again.


wrestlersp é recomendado por 27bcd (07/4/2013)

Strong wrestler. Fun and nice on and off the mats.


xantar é recomendado por wrestfun (07/4/2013)

Débutant peut-être mais avec de bonnes techniques quand même. Sa force et son physique de guerrier en font un adversaire redoutable sur le tapis.
En dehors, c'est un gars cool et très sympa.
Hautement recommandé!


sydneyheel é recomendado por Mark uk (07/4/2013)

Excellent excellent fun. This little can really heel. Even us big guys. Def recommendation


27bcd é recomendado por wrestlersp (07/4/2013)

A lighter Wrestler with good moves and skils for all afternoon.
Habdsome and much friendly!


wrestlersp é recomendado por ulises007 (06/4/2013)

this fighter came to my country and have a very good time together ,he is very strong and nice people ,hope to meet him again during his stay here ,


ruffnhard é recomendado por zz9zza (06/4/2013)

Tough and strong - I thought my size advantage would count for more but he was easily up to the challenge. Great bloke too! Looking forward to more matches...


Toughwrestler é recomendado por robin75 (06/4/2013)

super match ! apres plusieurs mois de connaissance
Sensuel et endurant ,à refaire


wrestle boy é recomendado por romandiewrestler (06/4/2013)

Very good wrestler, killing legs and strong arms. We had a good fight. He's also very friendly off the mat (not so much on the mat!), good-looking too. Highly recommended!


LukasHuber é recomendado por colluctor (06/4/2013)

Ein Gegner, der mich nach zwei Tagen immer noch einen gewaltigen Muskelkater spüren lässt, bekommt man nicht oft zwischen die Finger. Doch er hat es geschafft. War ein anstrengenter, aber sehr guter Fight. Aufgeben musste ich natürlich mehrmals, aber nach einigen Runden und nach ersten Einschätzungen des Gegners verlängerten sich die Runden nach und nach. Wer die Chance hat gegen ihn zu fighten sollte das nutzen! Durch seine langjährige Fighterfahrung durfte ich einiges dazulernen.
