
musclefightsmuscle1 é recomendado por wrestlesweat (24/9/2012)

Aggressive, real, hot and doesn't back down. Pec punching contest was intense... One of the hardest and hottest I've had.... Both had to check the temper or else... But the redirect to the cockfight was equally great outlet. Oh yeah - ask him who spewed first. ;)


mattz4fun é recomendado por Ricotewrestler (24/9/2012)

I met this AWESOME grappler a few years back. Our paths havent crossed yet;but we keep in touch constantly looking forward to meet again. He has astounding wrestling skill in various styles and paces of matches. Very well versed in grappling and on top of it all and incredible gentleman and reliable friend. I couldnt recommend him enough. if he contacts you to wrestle , feel honored hes the best out there in the underground wrestling scene!


Tomkat44 é recomendado por llama4711 (23/9/2012)

Das war ein echt spaßiges, langes und herausforderndes Match und ich kann Tomkat nur jedem von euch empfehlen! Tom ist nicht nur zuverlässig und unkompliziert, sondern auch ein absolut feiner Mensch mit dem man auch jenseits der Matte seinen Spaß haben kann - auf der Matte sowieso! :-) Freue mich schon auf zukünftige Matches wenn es ihn mal wieder nach Aachen verschlägt.

If you´re looking for a real guy, don´t hold back and challenge him, folks! Tom is a very gentle person and a real hard opponent as well and you really can rely on him.


wrestlersp é recomendado por carioca fighter (23/9/2012)

esse cara é lutador sensasional, tático, inteligente, realmente muito bom; nossas lutas sempre foram muito boas e gostosas..ñ percam a oportunidade d lutarem com ele, ele é do tipo dos q ñ dispensam uma boa luta...


1try2pinme8 é recomendado por wrestlingkit (23/9/2012)

We had a really good match some years ago...we,ve been in touch for a long log time but finally when we met all was even better than i thought...I met a real strong guy and also good wrestler on the mats...he makes me sweat a lot and i think he was also sweating :)
Off the mats is a really nice guy to share a drink for everything I,m waiting for a rematch and also to spend some more time with you mate, you know my mats are always open for you.
And finally if you live his area or only visiting...HE IS A MUST believe me, don,t doubt!!!!
hugs mate!!!


llama4711 é recomendado por Tomkat44 (23/9/2012)

Für meinen ersten Fight die richtige Wahl. llama4711 ist ein guter Gastgeber und zäher Kämpfer. Wir haben über vier Stunden gekämpft und uns nichts geschenkt. A lot of fun for both. Auch wenn er heute meistens unterlegen war, freue ich mich auf ein Re-Match. Ich glaube, er ist immer für eine Überraschung gut. Zuverlässig und hält sich an Absprachen.


wrestlingkit é recomendado por 1try2pinme8 (23/9/2012)

I wrestled Carlos in BCN a few years ago and can only repeat what everybody else is saying. He is a very strong and very skilled wrestler. On top of that he is very sexy and a charming and genuinely fantastic guy to spend time with. I had a fat grin on my face for the following week in Catalunia. Great great guy and a must meet in BCN. Hope to meet him again one day.


RuffTouch é recomendado por greekwrestler (23/9/2012)

Very strong guy for his size, nice guy, you must wrestle. I owe him revenge soon


mackemsub é recomendado por MEGRAPPLE (22/9/2012)

Wrestled "Britpro" earlier today. Had a real good wrestle. I had to think about gaining the upper hand and submissions. "Britpro" is strong and knows a few good moves, which when applied had the maximum effect. The man is safe and sane and loves to wrestle.


subscapuk é recomendado por daniellibra1986 (21/9/2012)

a good one hella strong lad! for whoever for up for the real hard bout, he is the one you should meet!
