
ChiBox é recomendado por PHLBoxer (29/9/2012)

I've known Mitch for several years now and have sparred with him many times. He's tough and aggressive, but respects limits and is just out to break a good, honest sweat. Looking forward to "lacing them up" with him again soon.


PHLBoxer é recomendado por btler (29/9/2012)

though its been quite a long time, PHLBoxer and I both enjoyed a hot gym spar. He's strong, experienced with good skills and ring generalship and keeps it sane. Suspect he a good coach for rookies as well, so recommend him to most everyone. Also a gentleman and great to hang with after a good tough workout. Highly rated in my books.


Rough Edge é recomendado por PHLBoxer (29/9/2012)

Been far too long since I last sparred with this stud. He's built, he's tough, and he's hot. Can't wait until I am across the 'ring' from him again.


btler é recomendado por PHLBoxer (29/9/2012)

Sad to say that it's been almost 20 years since my one and only sparring experience with Frank, but I still recall it as one of the best I've had. He's skilled, tough, and crafty, but also respectful of limitations / boundaries.


redlandguy é recomendado por PHLBoxer (29/9/2012)

Have only known Evan for a short time, and had two sparring sessions with him, but can't wait to mix it up with him again. He's tough, strong, and hits like a mule; but also very respectful of limits / boundaries and will adjust his intensity in real time.


FrBoxer é recomendado por PHLBoxer (29/9/2012)

Has been years since I last sparred with Fab, but he's a great boxer, knows how to throw – and take – a punch, and is a great guy overall.


NYboxer é recomendado por PHLBoxer (29/9/2012)

Roy is a tough and very game boxer. Hoping to glove-up with him again soon.


Boxer VA é recomendado por PHLBoxer (29/9/2012)

Has been WAY too long since I last gloved-up with Coleman, but he's definitely worth arraging to meet. Hoping to see him across the "ring" from me again soon.


GrapplingHB é recomendado por Tomkat44 (29/9/2012)

Ein absolut fairer und starker Ringer und Grappler. Als Trainer ist er sehr geduldig und er kann Anfängern einiges beibringen! Es macht viel Spaß mit ihm zu kämpfen. Äußerst netter Typ und Gastgeber außerdem! Wer nicht gegen ihn antritt, hat selber Schuld. Highly recommended.


ILFIGHTER é recomendado por PHLBoxer (29/9/2012)

This stud is one of the best "natural" boxers I've ever had the pleasure to glove-up with. And a damn nice guy to boot. He knows how to throw – and how to take – a punch.
