
nikeWr3stlr é recomendado por Mike86 (14/11/2012)

Brian is strong, big, and has a good skill base. He's definitely a lot of fun on the mats. Definitely recommended.


mattz4fun é recomendado por nikeWr3stlr (14/11/2012)

this guy is one of my favorite wrestlers to roll with. dominant, knowledge of varying styles, and knows how to toss around someone on the mat (I however kept him in line!). highly, highly recommended and want another match!


Mike86 é recomendado por nikeWr3stlr (14/11/2012)

this dude an absolute beast. wrestle him... I dare you. I double dare you to beat him! either way, great time, has mats and a super nice dude to hang out with. when in chicago, meet up with him... (don't think I have to tell many that!)


PHLBoxer é recomendado por ChiBox (14/11/2012)

I've boxed Steve a number of times over the last 10 years and it's always been a good experience. Steve is a skilled boxer who moves well, hits hard and throws crisp combinations. He can stand in there and bang hard with experienced boxers and also tone it down and work on technique with new boxers. Looking forward to gloving up and climbing into the ring with Steve again!


lutte dij é recomendado por neolutteur75 (13/11/2012)

puissant, technique, endurant, sympa.. j'ai vraiment beaucoup apprécié cette rencontre. je le recommande vivement et j'espère bien lui redonner encore un peu + de fil à retordre une prochaine fois :)


neolutteur75 é recomendado por lutte dij (13/11/2012)

ne vous laissez pas surprendre, il est très fort et a une sacré poigne de fer! avec davantage de technique, il sera redoutable...très sympa et fiable. N'hésitez pas à le rencontrer!


carolina wrestler é recomendado por mwm2wrestle (13/11/2012)

If you're looking for a fun, safe and sane get together, then Tom is highly recommended. Deceptively strong and loves a good give/take exchange of holds. Look forward to meeting again when he returns on a future visit.


RingerBln é recomendado por Tomkat44 (13/11/2012)

Das Treffen mit RingerBln war ein echter Glückstreffer für mich. Wieder bin ich auf einen versierten und technisch besseren Ringer getroffen, der mir sowohl meine Grenzen aufgezeigt als auch meine eigene Entwicklung voran gebracht hat. Als Trainer habe ich von ihm viele Tipps und Tricks beigebracht bekommen. Auch neben der Matte ein sehr angenehmer Gesprächspartner, der mit beiden Beinen fest im Leben steht. Freue mich auf eine Revanche mit hoffentlich mehr Chancen auf einen Sieg.


daniellibra1986 é recomendado por Fighter Gary (12/11/2012)

Daniel is a great guy to know & wrestle. He is strong, good guy & lots of fun to wrestle. He is also reliable if you plan a meet!


Fighter Gary é recomendado por daniellibra1986 (12/11/2012)

I have a nice time rolling with him, a nice gentlemen to meet as well, looking forward to our meet next time
