
Hardmatch é recomendado por Docklands Bear (23/11/2012)

Hardmatch is a good name for him, as that's what you get! He made me fight and work hard in an intense, rough but safe pro style bout.He knows his stuff and can go in as hard as you like.He looks really good in his pro style gear too. Watch out for his killer figure 4 head scissors !! Thoroughly recommended.


little Tony é recomendado por DomSquashMatch (23/11/2012)

Small enthusiastic, very fit guy. Not very experienced, but keen to learn and definetly worth a meet. Very brave taking on someone as big as me. So would fair much better against someone his own size. Recommended for a Meet.


Karl1955 é recomendado por g6fighter (23/11/2012)

Karl1955 ist ein leidenschaftlich starker Ringer. Gegen seinen harten Musclebody anzukämpfen hat mir doch sehr viel Schweiß und Kraft gekostet. Aber es hat mir großen Spass bereitet, denn er blieb immer FAIR und gab mir sogar einige Chancen, ihn einige Male in die Unterlage zu zwingen.

Außerhalb der Matte ist er ein netter Kerl, mit dem man auch über Gott und die Welt reden kann. Sehr zuverlässig. Wer auf starke dicke Muskeln steht, sollte ihn herausfordern. Highly recommended!


southerngrappler é recomendado por gamekeeper (23/11/2012)

Steve is a big strong bear of a man..with a lot skill and stamina..enjoyed our session and would recommend any one who wants a good strong opponent to meet him..he is also a great bloke off the mat..very friendly with good sense of humour.
We will meet up again..can t wait.


DomSquashMatch é recomendado por little Tony (22/11/2012)

Carl is a good host. Loves to dominate, especially us little guys, well he is a BIG guy.


gamekeeper é recomendado por southerngrappler (22/11/2012)

Met Rich for a shortt wrestling session this evening. he is a good stromg wrestler who know how to avoid being put in holds!!!

Recommended and we will be arranging another meet soon


varsityb é recomendado por flexiwrestler (22/11/2012)

Dean, is a great pro-heel. Met on several occasions over the years and always had a great time, safe, sensible but knows his stuff, and can recommend him highly especially to both beginners and experienced jobbers!


StrikeFighter é recomendado por Smallbutstrong1981 (22/11/2012)

I really would like to recommend this guy. He is a very friendly and easy guy to have a conversation with. On the mats he is a great fighter. I hope to meet him again!


Smallbutstrong1981 é recomendado por StrikeFighter (22/11/2012)

A lot tougher than he looks! And what a fun guy to hang out with. Easy to set up a match with, reliable, and he brought along a bag of gear and gloves – what more can you ask for? Definitely hope we'll meet up again.


yelp31 é recomendado por nickfight (22/11/2012)

Great wrestler, and big teacher of martial arts, we have a common base in judo !!
It was a pleasure fight with strong wrestler.
A nice boy also off the matt!
