
Colossus Fire é recomendado por wrestlersp (12/9/2013)

my favorite chest to wrestle!


louisfight é recomendado por ATONMAN (12/9/2013)

11.09.2013 - Louis is a tenacious and tough opponent and I struggled to get the better. We fought with great commitment and satisfaction and hope to have more opportunity to meet him. Louis is also a nice and friendly person with whom you will spend pleasant momentio no doubt in&out of the mat ... challenge him!


niwrestler é recomendado por Guysmiley (12/9/2013)

If football does that for legs, then more fellows should play football. I absolutely loved being trapped in their power. Our time was cut short but he is certainly a contender despite his cheeky tone and sparring wit. We've become good friends through texting and am so glad we got to meet. I'm sure this won't be our last time.


ATONMAN é recomendado por louisfight (12/9/2013)

nice guy, very good fighter and so strong
he always beats me never mind
would like to meet him and fight vs him again and again


MatmuslFL é recomendado por lutadoromano (12/9/2013)

If you meet MatmusFL, be prepared for a good fight. He has a strong and hot body.


Atlfight é recomendado por Want2fight (12/9/2013)

Stan is a man who lives for grappling! He has a serious skill set, fantastic striking ability, and will take the match as far as you want to go with it!
He's absolutely honorable and respectful on the mats and a great conversationalist off the mats!
If you want a real assessment of your skills on the mat, for serious grappling, Stan is the man to grapple!


Want2fight é recomendado por Atlfight (12/9/2013)

Mike is the REAL DEAL - Tough, Strong, Skilled and Serious. If you are looking for an opponent who knows how to grapple then meet him on the mats!


Wrestle7 é recomendado por Davey716 (11/9/2013)

Wrestle7 is stronger than he looks...which is saying a lot, because anyone can see he is a powerful man. He's also a good man, and I definitely enjoyed my time with him. If you get the chance to meet him, you should...and make sure you arm wrestle with him! I really hope our paths cross again!


Big Guy é recomendado por BigRilesKS (11/9/2013)

Really great guy you can easily relate with and lose track of time just talking when you're supposed to be wrestling. In hindsight, more wrestling is needed next time.


ARG é recomendado por Bennyfighter (10/9/2013)

Die Kleinen sind meistens die Größten!
Und ihn sollte man definitiv nicht unterschätzen! Ausdauer, Kraft und den richtigen Kampfgeist hat er definitiv! Und dabei macht es auf der Matte richtig viel Spass.
Gäste wie ihn hat man gerne zu Besuch.
Und ich freue mich auf viele weitere spannende Kämpfe!
