Jow é recomendado por lutte95 (07/12/2013)
je vais avoir de belles courbatures !jow est un excellent lutteur tres muscle qui sait dominer son adversaire !j ai eu beaucoup de difficulte a prendre le dessus !un mec tres sympa et qui se la pete pas !hautement recommandé !
Forester é recomendado por oldscrapperderby (07/12/2013)
great guy, really enjoyable to wrestle, and looks great in gear, had a really good time and look forward to the next!
Shadow Knight é recomendado por keithobro (07/12/2013)
Iain gives it his all on the mats but is also charming and friendly off them.
ptitbrun é recomendado por maeterwr (07/12/2013)
Un combattant très endurant et expérimenté avec qui on passe de très bons moments. Par ailleurs, un hôte sympathique et un interlocuteur très intéressant! Meilleures recommendations!
ArmwrestleAndMore é recomendado por barryg (06/12/2013)
I have wrestled Marcus on a number of occasions and I have always enjoyed our very even well fought bouts. I look forward to out next bout. Bring it on.
maeterwr é recomendado por ptitbrun (06/12/2013)
Novato pero va a majorarse pronto! Tiene que aprender a usar sus piernas !
Me fue muy agradable hablar con él de sus pais y varios otros temas .
Débutant mais il va progresser rapidement s'il apprend à se servir de ses jambes. Après les combats ce fut très intéressant de discuter avec lui de son pays...A découvrir !
rassler 315 é recomendado por Virgowrestler (06/12/2013)
One great guy, fun and strong! Had a blast wrestling Grizz! Highly recommended for anyone who wants a good fun match!
WrestoBG é recomendado por Lugi (06/12/2013)
Always a pleasure to meet Pirgos, skilled and great wrestler, and great guy off the mats as well. I give my highest recommendations so far.
battlefox é recomendado por wolvejong (05/12/2013)
Great guy to wrestle, lean and fit and most of all fast with deadly leg scissors! (do make sure to keep away from those!)
Very hospitalble, patient, polite and a sporty by nature. Recommended for both experienced and beginning wrestlers.
imper é recomendado por Seb (05/12/2013)
Strong and experienced wrestler. You'll have a good match!