
rioman61 é recomendado por gures (20/7/2018)

Got a chance to grapple with this Brazilian BJJ master. It was a short match but intense. With his expert skill and technique he can make you tapout in no time flat. He likes to toy with his opponent first and then strike with his deadly submissions. I look forward to our next match. Hopefully it will be longer and even more intense. If you are in Lisboa or NYC don't miss your chance to get on the mat with this Brazilian Beast.

Ate a proxima vez Amigo.


marsupi é recomendado por LOTTENITALIEN (20/7/2018)

Has been my first time. He told me about his experience in this website and about his daily training at home and past fighting meetings. How he does usually douring his fighting meeting, and he teached me something about wrestling. Realy a nice person, very kind, correct and polite. We spend toghether about two hours or more fighting, and after that we have been outside in the city's center for a walk, siteseeing, and dinner. It has been a positive experience: yes, recommended !


rjp2620 é recomendado por Vinny (20/7/2018)

Have wrestled this man on a number of occasions. Not met for a while. Looking forward to another meet up soon. Our wives also wrestled on these occasions and probably gave better accounts of themselves than we did!
Always safe and Same. Excellent company on and off the mats. Highly recommended.


anujico é recomendado por abs2000 (20/7/2018)

Had a great Gut Punching session with Anujico, He is in great shape, and his Abs can take a good beating !

I very much look forward to our next meet. Highly recommend him.


TerryHK é recomendado por pro33225 (20/7/2018)

Terry is a very experienced and strong fighter. We wrestled for almost an hour non stop and he never felt exhausted. Very enjoyable to wrestle him. It's hard to unlock his hold. It's one of the best matches I have had. Off the match he is a great and gentle guy. Easy to chat with. Look forward to a rematch soon. Highly recommend wrestling with Terry if you visit Hong Kong.

You won't regret !

Thanks for the meet.


wrestlersp é recomendado por InicianteBrabo (20/7/2018)

Esse cara tem uma relação intensa com a luta que só ele tem. É justamente essa relação que torna qualquer rola com ele bom demais. A provocação já começa só na cara de folgado, no jeito que olha chamando pra luta. Na luta em si, te deixa com a sensação de que está em todo lugar, não importa pra onde vc olha ou pegue, o corpo dele estará lá, empostado. Essa foi a nossa terceira luta, e a terceira luta em que eu uso meu peso contra a força dele, e olha que ele tem bastante força (Aliás, não deixe ele te pegar principalmente nas pernas)...
O rola eh bom em todos os sentidos, primeiro por causa da pegada forte e segundo por causa da entrega que ele tem. Mais uma vez sai de lá já querendo uma próxima e sabendo que não se deve perder a oportunidade de lutar com ele.


Wresbear75 é recomendado por oursonlutteur (20/7/2018)

Comme l'ont signalé mes prédécesseurs ici, Wresbear est un lutteur plein d'avenir motivé, enthousiaste et sympathique. La relève est assurée, car il va s'inscrire au club de Paris et a tous les atouts pour s'y épanouir ! Merci pour cette séance sportive et positive !


normalguy é recomendado por Andrew83 (20/7/2018)

Petet is a great sporty guy, who like armwrestling, wrestling and domination. He was enthusiastic in fighting, and however he is a beginner, he could resist well. I really enjoyed a spent time with u, bud. Moreover, he is polite and generous. Higly recommend him


waterrescue é recomendado por boine (20/7/2018)

Had a great uncomplicated meet!
This guy knows how to fight!
Great sparky personality, fit, social and laidback, no ego!
Meet him!

Next time, its in water ;)


Zürich é recomendado por mec590208 (20/7/2018)

Je passe une semaine de vacances à Annecy et je n' ai pas hésité à me renseigner à propos des montagnes intéressantes à gravir dans la région. Je peux vous en citer une :Zurich .Cette montagne vous demande une très très grande expérience en combat avec de la force , de la puissance , de l énergie et de la technique. Je n'ai gravi aucune marche tant ce roc est incontournable .Je remercie ce roc qui s appelle Albert , aussi , pour cette longue et riche conversation ainsi que sa disponibilité pour un petit randonneur qui n' a rien eu qu'à admirer ce merveilleux paysage.Mille mercis à toi encore de m'avoir invité à te rencontrer....
