punchpignyc's blog

like I said, it's the INTENSITY of the punch that's a turn-on

buddy of mine on this site says he gets off on seeing pics of me lumped up and then imagining me going out and totalling the guy who did it to me. Total turn-on here, too. And that can happen in a planned-out scene. I love teaching guys that they can get lumped up like this and have it fade away in a day or two - but totally get into the extreme of it. Been telling other guys who've contacted me asking me how to like punch a nose w/o breaking it, etc. What I always say is, meet the man, glove up, give him the ground rules - which for me means no wild punching - pick & choose yr shots like a surgeon - start out finding the target and then - short, sharp - amp it up. You'll be painting the guy's face with yr punches. This really is possible to do. Which I am glad to show anybody on either end of a fist. take or receive. Still really looking for a "you throw one, I throw one" scene with somebody willing to take it & lump up & bleed from it. Anyone in NYC wanna try that with me? Has to be controlled. But oh, man, will it ever be hot. But yeah, be choosy about who you hook up with. This may sound like crazy shit, but to make it work you can't do it crazy. Lust & precision. The intensity of a PUNCH. here's some more pics of me lumped up, and a pic of one my fave brave friends who went as deep with me as anyone has gone. He's lovin' the shiner I gave him here.

Última edição em 10/3/2016 14:24 por punchpignyc
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geezerbrawler (0)

10/3/2016 15:15

Looks like your friend did a decent job on your face, but where's the promised pic of his shiner ?


punchpignyc (11 )

10/3/2016 16:05

(em resposta à...)

see if I can find that one.


punchpignyc (11 )

10/3/2016 16:07

(em resposta à...)

keep prompting the forward arrow, man - 2nd pic is my boy who got a shiner because he wanted it.


HarborFighter (53 )

10/3/2016 15:44

It's so good to be back in contact with you, Guy, ya HOT PUNCH PIG. DAMN but there's NOTHIN' that feels as good as hitting a guy square on the nose, especially with a solid straight right. I come in with a jab and follow it up with that almighty cross and it feels fuckin' fantastic when it lands dead center face! OH YEAH. There is an electric charge that runs all the way through my body when I punch a guy. It connects me to the center of the earth and I'm all-powerful when that happens. And the guy getting punched feels that power and is bonded to me for good! I can also honestly say that I get an awesome feeling when I GET punched, as well. You see, I like to fight a guy who is gonna make me know I've been in a real fight. The trading of punches, the exchange of power, the physical connection, the connection and combining of the guys' souls is damned SPIRITUAL. I've been with countless guys in the ring and have been extremely lucky to experience the incredible rush of total manhood in my body, in my blood, and in the core of my being, through the sport of boxing. I still very much want to meet you, Guy. I'll definitely go deep with you...OH YEAH!


punchpignyc (11 )

10/3/2016 16:14

totally fukkin hot, harbor fighter. and yes, fuck yeah.


HarborFighter (53 )

10/3/2016 16:19

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DAMN I'm horned up for a fight right now. I'ts almost 2am here early Friday morning, and I wish you could beam yourself here, studfucker. I spent two weekends in a row with a guy who wanted this very thing...the trading of power through the exchange of punches. We started with body punches and did many rounds. Then we agreed to go to the head. We stood in the corner and took turns on each other, getting harder and fiercer and more intense. We basically spent both weekends shirtless and gloves...even sleeping in the gloves.

I want that right now with YOU.
