punchpignyc's blog

Scott MacNeil lived in Halifax and Scott MacNeil had a passion for boxing which was in equal parts erotic and serious. It was hard to find willing opponents to fight and explore the erotic side of boxing in Halifax but he did manage to find one hot man with whom he was able to sustain a long term series of ring wars and he became adept not only at punching but keeping it a turn-on for both of them. He enjoyed a life as a fully ‘out’ gay man in Halifax and was actively involved in progressive political activities. Apparently through Meetfighters he flagged me down a long time ago but there was little chance of our traveling between New York City and Halifax and we stopped being in close touch. Then suddenly in the summer of 2018 he contacted me again and asked if I’d be willing to receive his massive collection of boxing gloves. I was overwhelmed at his generosity and the largesse and I asked him why he wanted to get rid of them, and why me? He then confessed he had ALS disease and wouldn’t be able to use the gloves and he could think of no one close to him who would appreciate them. Because of all my erotic fight videos and wide rep as a passionate aficionado in this realm, he said he could think of nobody else he’d rather give them to. Humbled by all this I said yes, of course I would be happy to acquire them and, at his own expense, he packed his enormous collection ranging from 6 oz to 14 oz Reyes, Everlast, Spalding, etc (you name it ) vintage to brand new boxing gloves and fight appurtenances into huge cardboard boxes which I received a week later. It was a spectacularly magnanimous gesture and to this day I’m stunned by his generosity. I heard less and less from him & then nothing at all not long after this. Sadly, I just learned that he succumbed to ALS disease in October 2019. I shall never forget him.

Última edição em 13/11/2020 20:13 por punchpignyc; 6 comentário(s)
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Haven't posted a blog for a while but got some nice response to my video with Slugfest - really fine time with him - he's editing the second video and we'll post that when it's ready. Man on recon told me he wanted to learn to take a punch as enthusiastically as I do, and I found myself writing this back to him.

"To me, it's not about pain it's about intensity. You don't even feel pain. Your whole being kind of galvanizes - nothing more gratifying & exciting. I assume you saw my video on Meetfighters? Had to delete the second one because my partner wanted to edit it. It'll be really hot when we get to see that. What you don't see is me working him over. Which I did with equal focus & passion. It's the intensity of a punch that matters. Throwing a punch & taking one become almost the same thing. After a while you love both. Crucial for me is that punching and getting punched teach you how to get better at both. I know now exactly what a sharp left jab to a man's right cheek feels like when I throw one. After a while, with the right man, every punch thrown or taken becomes an act of love."

Very aware that this is MY take, and that this scene is dicey enough, and personal enough, not to expect that others are going to share my take, but this sort of nails it for me, so I pass it on here. Meanwhile, attached to this blog, you'll see 3 frames with 4 stills apiece of me taking slugfest's punches to the face. Damn we had a good time. Of course I dished it out very nicely too. Just don't have pics of that. Guess that also brings up how important it is to me not to show pics if the other guy is uncomfortable about it. Trust is the name of this game.

Última edição em 25/1/2017 17:48 por punchpignyc; 0 comentário(s)
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ok I should lead off by saying of course I know that a lotta guys aren't into getting punched in the face, especially not bare nux, but like I've said in other blogs it's actually easier to control where a bare nuck punch lands and therefore you can, because you have to, pick your shots. In other words you can keep it hot but safe. Lump up but know that it'll fade in a day or two. It won't surprise you that it's a helluva lot easier to find guys who wanna punch a dude in the face than guys who want to take it - even if taking it is the major fantasy. So since I just want the intensity of a punch - I don't care whether I dish it out (tho that's a preference) or take it - I got lucky & hooked up with a very receptive smart muscular young dude who came over this morning. I taught him how to pick his shots & where to aim them: sharp, short, aimed at orbital & cheek bones, lip, bridge of the nose, hook to the jaw - he got real good at it. Main thing that always amazes me is how hard it is to mark a man up. (Easy to give him a fat lip however. ;-) ) The lumps & bruises you see on me (which again will be pretty gone by tomorrow) took more than an hour of punching to create. Faces are tougher than you think. But if you're into it, like I am, there's no greater thrill than absorbing short hard shots. Almost as hot as throwing them.

I'm open to teach anyone in NYC how to be on either side of a punch. Especially interested in the art of bare knuck shots.

Última edição em 23/7/2016 21:41 por punchpignyc; 2 comentário(s)
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playing around with this guy a few days ago he asked me how to mark a man with one punch. I said, pick yr target & do it bare nux - make the knuckle 'cut' the skin on the cheekbone. I invited him to try. He did a nice little job.

I love how a punch like that stings. wakes u right up. kind of a turn-on. (strike "kind of")

Última edição em 27/6/2016 12:07 por punchpignyc; 0 comentário(s)
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Basically all u gotta do is make sure there's no doubt where his face is gonna end up.

Última edição em 11/4/2016 22:07 por punchpignyc; 1 comentário(s)
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