luttefrance's blog

Russia's invasion one year on

It still seems almost unbelievable that Russia launched its unjustified war on Ukraine a year ago (to say nothing of Crimea and Eastern Donbas). Since then, Russian media have been ever more heavily censored and repressed, and the government has crushed any visible opposition within the country. Meanwhile, an estimated 1 million Russians have fled - mostly among the better educated and more highly skilled. The population appears largely supine in the face of state propaganda claiming that the invasion is a response to alleged western aggression, and that Russia is under attack from NATO.

To us in the west, with our free media and global outlook, Putin's narrative is clearly just as false as that of the communist era. One of the great aspects of this community is its international reach, and our ability to share our common passion across borders and continents. This war is changing the shape of Eurasia for generations, creating new barriers between east and west and threatening any real future for Russians outside the narrow confines of their few allies.

I've engaged with Russian friends on here, trying to explain that their leaders are lying to them and sending Russian soldiers to die for no reason. Some have concerns about border disputes and ethnic and cultural representation, but these issues in no way justify the invasion and can be settled peacefully, as they have been elsewhere.

Meetfighters doesn't have a large Russian membership - only 55 as of today - but if you have any contacts there it may be worth reminding them that while we may hate what Russia is doing in Ukraine, we don't hate Russians, we understand that they may have little access to accurate information about what's happening in Ukraine, and we hope that one day normal relations between us can be restored.

Última edição em 24/2/2023 16:46 por luttefrance
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DomSquashMatch (8 )

24/2/2023 20:20

Russians living in UK know whats going on indeed I have a Russian friend in London. But still speak to them as we are not at war with the Russian people unless of course they are murdering Ukrainians. Its said Putin is such a despot not living in the real world. I do hope that we in the UK need to break the ice and send Fighter Planes so that Ukraine can end the war Russia started. Its gone on long enough and we should have done this long time ago. In and out SPEEDILY thats how the UK won the Falklands war even though we were thousands of miles away.

President Zelensky has shown the world that there are still AMAZING INSPIRATIONAL LEADERS and he should be commended for rallying his people. But now a year on these other world leaders need to send PLANES and SOON before it turns into a war of attrition.

Anyone interested in how corrupt Russian money infiltrated London I highly suggest the drama MCMAFIA leading character is James Norton from Happy Valley thats been on lately. McMafia is a true story and led to the McMafia laws been brought in the UK which meant UK could seize cars, watches, cash, property, yachts until they could prove how they paid for it., no one has succeeded in showing where the money has come from, we all know its Russian corruption. A lot of people believe that a % of the Oligarchs money is PUTINS. Lots of Oligarchs have left Russia as they realise Putin has lost control and will loose the war.

There are more people in Russia aware that Putin is loosing and whats going on than I thought. These tend to be younger. Its the older people who watch state tv that will never be persuaded. I dont think this should be regarded as political, but about HUMANITY and Nato has been slow to react as usual. Each life lost there are parents and loved ones. WE NEED AN END TO THE WAR..... SLAVA UKRAINI


hardpunch (17)

25/2/2023 00:17

(em resposta à...)

I agree. The younger generation needs to figure out how to save their country from PuKin. Fly the blue and yellow to support Ukraine!


Theszlou (0)

25/2/2023 01:26

(em resposta à...)

Are you still living in the flat overlooking the sea ? Lovely spot.

I remember our match there but could not understand your motivation.

Still thanks for your hospitality and stay well.


dimitri ontar (6)

25/2/2023 01:33

Europe grew Putin up and the united Europe will end with him. What Russia will be considering those citizens who were under propaganda machine these years and who easily send their children to kill neighbours - that's the question.


Handsonman (1)

14/9/2023 20:01

It is very encouraging and spirit-lifting to see that Meet Fighters can also be a platform for important issues and that there are people still with integrity and high values and a conscience who recognize evil and speak out against it. Putin ranks with Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Kim Jong Un, and all the other ruthless despots in some African and Asian countries. No concern for civilized standards, no concern for other human beings. One can only hope that some day he is dragged in front of the World Court and receives the justice he so rightly deserves. And soon.
