There will be upcoming boxing battle in December 2,2023. Boxers will be Champion Mauler against Challenger Punisher. Will Mauler Champion retain his belt or will Challenger Punisher become the new Champion and title holder. Who will win this grudge match votes can determined winner by motivating the boxers

Última edição em 05/8/2023 17:54 por hboxer
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ShadowBoxer (13 )

05/8/2023 19:24

Let the best man win


Canton75 (1)

16/11/2023 03:29

(em resposta à...)

that means Mauler will retrain his title


Happyguy59 (1)

05/8/2023 19:34

Good to know it’s back on.


Canton75 (1)

05/8/2023 20:19

Yes, it is back on and we are both looking forward to breaking the tie. There has been a lot of trash talk by both of us and it t will be abe settled on the evening 2 December. Punisher and I are both claiming to be victorious, and we both know that only one of will be winning the Title Championship belt. It will be a slugfest.
like the first 2 were.


Happyguy59 (1)

05/8/2023 20:35

(em resposta à...)

I will vote for Pete as he seems to be very determined to win.


Jmatwrestle (4)

06/8/2023 02:09

(em resposta à...)

Agreed. Pete’s in better shape. Ko for Pete.


hboxer (14)

06/8/2023 11:28

(em resposta à...)

Mauler is correct it will happen for we want this match bad due to the face we want to break the tie. There has been lots of trash talk between us which will be confirmed on December 2 who will be the Champion and title holder. This will be best one yet for the other 2 have been slugfest which 3rd match will be same.


Canton75 (1)

05/8/2023 21:32

You can vote for Pete, but I would not bet on him to win because you lose your bet.


Jmatwrestle (4)

06/8/2023 02:13

(em resposta à...)

Pete is in better shape. Ko for Pete!🥊


tonyfigur (5)

05/8/2023 22:33

I want to be present but I need to be sure the match is on. It's been postponed before. If I'm going to purchase airplane tickets, I need to be sure it on and will not be rescheduled again.


hboxer (14)

06/8/2023 11:25

(em resposta à...)

I can understand why u want to make sure its happening which it will for we want to box each other. Times its been canceled was not by us but the guys who had the ring so was something that we could not have control of.


Boxing will (0 )

06/8/2023 17:30

I want to fight the winner , Punisher, Pete


Canton75 (1)

06/8/2023 22:28

(em resposta à...)

If you next opponent is Pete you will not be fighting the winner because Mauler is going to beat him in DEC


Boxing will (0 )

07/8/2023 21:08

(em resposta à...)

I’ll fight you


MIch64 (0)

07/8/2023 23:42

I think this trilogy ends with the championship belt returning home to Texas.


Canton75 (1)

08/8/2023 16:22

(em resposta à...)

Think what you want but the title and belt are coming back to Kentucky with me. The Punisher also thinks the title and belt are going back to him. He is going to be disappointed when he returns to Texas with out them. He won the first fight and I won the second one and will win the next one.


hboxer (14)

09/8/2023 00:16

(em resposta à...)

Mauler u can think or believe what u say only u are wrong Punisher will be taking the belt and title back to Texas.
As u said I won the first and u winning the second match which u were lucky. I will win the 3rd match breaking the tie!!!!!


Canton75 (1)

09/8/2023 01:44

Punisher you believe that it was luck that I beat you in our second fight., but we both know the truth and it was not luck. I out boxed you and you know it. I will beat in our next bout to, and it will be skill not luck.


hboxer (14)

09/8/2023 11:20

Mauler come December 2 will see who is the Champion, will not underestimate u only I'm stepping into that ring to be winner have my arm raised at the end. I know it will be a tuff match which I want to say that I earned the win big time


the prize (3)

12/8/2023 16:57

Two sexy dads fighting!!


Canton75 (1)

13/8/2023 02:46

Punisher you can say you want to earn the win big time, but that will not be happening so are going to lose again just like the last time we met in the ring.


hboxer (14)

13/8/2023 11:21

Mauler I will win get title and belt back, u are a tough opponent but I am tougher will show u and crowd I am the CHAMPION!!!!!


the prize (3)

13/8/2023 14:55

(em resposta à...)

I love the trash talk!


Canton75 (1)

13/8/2023 21:42

Punisher is a trash talking fool I just tell it like, come to the fight and see for yourself.


the prize (3)

13/8/2023 21:42

(em resposta à...)

I would love to watch you two go at it!


hboxer (14)

14/8/2023 00:00

Mauler u do trash talking as well cause u think u are good at it but its debatable. Yes would be great if members of meetfighters could be there to watch the fight to see a great match to see Punisher beat Mauler big time.


the prize (3)

14/8/2023 00:03

(em resposta à...)

💪😍it will be a great fight!! Two strong men going at it!


Canton75 (1)

14/8/2023 15:44

(em resposta à...)

You are right that it will be a great fight and you should come watch and watch it live , Punisher thinks he can take the title from me and I say he will not . Punisher says he is going to beat me big time well once again he will eat his words .


the prize (3)

14/8/2023 15:47

(em resposta à...)

I should come and watch. I admit I would be very excited.


ShadowBoxer (13 )

14/8/2023 15:52

(em resposta à...)

Only one way to find out, and that is letting the punches do the talking
Wish you both good luck.
Cant watch it live but if you record that share it with us 🥊


boxat50 (2)

15/8/2023 05:01

I think Pete will win the match and it will be a great match.


Canton75 (1)

15/8/2023 14:05

boxat50 what makes you think that Pete will win it will be a great match and we both are claiming to be victorious and we both know that only one of us will be.


OldrFtr (12)

17/8/2023 12:20

I'm glad that the fight is back on. Should be a great match-up. Thinking that Pete's gonna walk away with the belt


Canton75 (1)

17/8/2023 14:07

you are thinking wrong just like boxat50 Pete is going to win .I am going to prove you both wrong and that the belt and title are staying with me. do not believe them come and watch the fight on2 Dec.


hboxer (14)

17/8/2023 14:10

(em resposta à...)

Mauler, they are right for I plan on winning its going to be a tough boxing match which at the end of the match ny arm will be raised


Ks fyter1959 (0)

17/8/2023 20:08

What little I saw of the previous match, looked to me like HDBOXER had the edge over his opponent. Predicting HDBOXER to take the win


tarmocuir (5)

19/8/2023 12:06

I vote for Pete , he is the best fighter 🥊🥊


Canton75 (1)

21/8/2023 16:38

(em resposta à...)

how do you know this have you seem any of his bouts


hboxer (14)

28/8/2023 15:35

Punisher and Mauler have been training fir their upcoming title fight in December both claim they will win the match. Who do u think will come out the winner, pics of last 2 fights between them Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.


Happyguy59 (1)

28/8/2023 16:25

Punisher will win


Canton75 (1)

28/8/2023 18:47

(em resposta à...)

News Flash you are wrong the Punisher is going down again in defeat. I beat him in our last fight and I will do the same in the next one.


tarmocuir (5)

28/8/2023 20:19

You are going down Mauler, Punisher will be the winner of this fight


OldrFtr (12)

28/8/2023 22:05

Great pics. Punisher is looking good!


Canton75 (1)

29/8/2023 02:11

To tarmocuir and all the others how are going for the Punisher you are going to be dis because he is going down again.


Canton75 (1)

01/9/2023 16:51

The Punisher is living in a fancy world if he thinks he take my Championship title belt from m. He will find out on 2 Dec just how much he is out of touch with the real world.


hboxer (14)

02/9/2023 00:13

(em resposta à...)

Mauler if anyone need to face reality is u, not only do I think I will take the belt know that I will. Once it happens u will face reality and leave the fantasy world u are in.


Canton75 (1)

02/9/2023 04:44

We will see come 2 Dec who living in the real world and who is living in fancy world.


hboxer (14)

02/9/2023 12:17

(em resposta à...)

Yes, December 2 will be the day that we will see who is in the real world. Punisher will enter the ring with one thought on his mind which is to come out the winner!!!


tarmocuir (5)

07/9/2023 11:46

No doubt , you will be the winner Punisher🥊🥊👊🏼👊🏼


Canton75 (1)

13/9/2023 23:09

To bad you live so far from where the fight is going to be held. I would like you to there and watch me destroy Pete the Punisher in the ring


Canton75 (1)

19/9/2023 15:56

this message is for all the of followers of the Punisher and believing that he has a chance in hell of ever being me in our 2 Dec fight. I invite you come and watch the fight and see me pummel your man. The fight it is a charity fight and the cost is $30,00 which includes dinner. It will be a hard fought 4 round fight and we both are claiming to be victorious and win by a knock out. There maybe a knockout but it will not be by the Punisher he is going to lose again to the Mauler and in a grand way. So come and see your man get pummeled once again by the Mauler.


hboxer (14)

20/9/2023 11:24

Mauler there u go again running your mouth I will win Dec.2 hope that follow me will be able to make it to see how bad u will be beaten. I will not let them down for they will see me giving u the beating u deserve my win will be a grand one.


Canton75 (1)

20/9/2023 15:46

Yes Punisher I am running my mouth because I can back up what I say something you cannot and you and all your followers will see on 2 Dec when I give you the beating of your boxing career. I will show you no mercy and pummel you all four rounds and have my arm raised in victory and you will not be able to stop me.


hboxer (14)

21/9/2023 11:31

(em resposta à...)

Running your mouth will not get u the victory only in dreamland. If my followers do attend the match not only will they see me maul u to a KO but will see me demolish u the 4 rounds. I will show no u slack for its my goal to win and beat u


Canton75 (1)

21/9/2023 14:42

So your followers are coming to see somebody get knocked out well I give them what they want when I knock you out in the 4th round after they watch me pummel you for the first 3 rounds. The only thing to be demolished is the idea that think you can win.


hboxer (14)

22/9/2023 11:47

(em resposta à...)

My followers are coming to see me win, punish Mauler ref will step in to stop the punishment. U thinking u will score a knockout in the 4th is the joke of the year. The match will go the distance for simple reason Punisher is enjoying the punishment he is giving u all 4 rounds.


Canton75 (1)

23/9/2023 14:59

If your followers are coming to see, you win they are going to be disappointed because you are going to lose just like the last time, we met in the ring. You say you going to punish me for 4 rounds. That will not happen either and I will pummel you for 4 rounds and the joke of the year is you thinking that you will win.


hboxer (14)

24/9/2023 01:02

(em resposta à...)

My followers will not see me lose but give Mauler the beating of his life. If I say I will punish u for 4 rounds that is happening as for u pummel me for 4 rounds is a joke, me winning is reality thta Mauler needs to face up to.


Canton75 (1)

25/9/2023 15:37

The only wat they will not see you lose is if you do not show up


hboxer (14)

26/9/2023 12:15

(em resposta à...)

Seems u want me to not show up for u know u will lose. I will beat u and have my arm raised at the end


Canton75 (1)

26/9/2023 15:15

I most definitely want you to show up so I can pound you into the ground and once and for all prove to you that I am the true champion .


hboxer (14)

27/9/2023 00:16

(em resposta à...)

I will show up anyone going to the canvas will be Mauler only thing u will prove is that u were a tough opponent making my victory a worthy one.


Canton75 (1)

12/10/2023 22:27

Do show up because I going to put the end the Belief that you can beat me in the ring. It is a 4 round fight, and I am going to pound you all 4 rounds. At the of four rounds I will be victorious once again.


Boxing will (0 )

13/10/2023 00:46

(em resposta à...)

Let’s go 🥊


hboxer (14)

13/10/2023 11:27

(em resposta à...)

I will show up its not a belief its reality which u will face up to it when u are beaten. Consider yourself lucky its only 4 rounds for if more u will be punish even more by the PUNISHER!!!!


Canton75 (1)

13/10/2023 13:36

Please show up because I want another chance to prove to you that will lose to me again. You will be lucky to make it to the 4th round. You say you are going to punish me. I am going to maul you all 4 rounds and be declared the winner by the Judges. Punisher prepared for a beatdown once again by the Mauler.


Canton75 (1)

13/10/2023 13:36

Please show up because I want another chance to prove to you that will lose to me again. You will be lucky to make it to the 4th round. You say you are going to punish me. I am going to maul you all 4 rounds and be declared the winner by the Judges. Punisher prepared for a beatdown once again by the Mauler.


hboxer (14)

15/10/2023 12:27

(em resposta à...)

I will show up be your worst nightmare. I not only say I will punish u it going to happen will win every round ! Punisher arm will be raised at the end so face up to it.


MIch64 (0)

16/11/2023 00:09

Both camps have been quiet for about a month now. I hope the prep is going well for the match up that is less than three weeks away.


hboxer (14)

16/11/2023 11:25

(em resposta à...)

Yes, Mich64 Punisher has been training will be ready to give Mauler a tough match My arm will be raised at the end.


Ynotwrestler (3)

23/11/2023 01:14

Any update on rematch location?


MIch64 (0)

07/12/2023 00:14

So any results to report? I believe the fight was scheduled for this past weekend.


tonyfigur (5)

07/12/2023 00:35

The fight was never held. I don't think these dudes are serious.


MIch64 (0)

07/12/2023 02:34

(em resposta à...)

They have fought twice. I know that were to travel a distance to venue where the fight was being held.


hboxer (14)

07/12/2023 10:49

(em resposta à...)

Tony reason match did not happen is because I was sick, so U are saying that reason is not a reason to cancel it that makes us not serious about this match. We have been planning for this match long time we found 2 places to have this match sadly they canceled for reasons known to them. These cancelations are out of our hands which we cannot control.


Canton75 (1)

09/12/2023 20:41

This match will happen some time next year, Pete was sick and could not make it so we had to postpone it .The result will be the same as the last time we met in the ring the Mauler being the winner.


Canton75 (1)

09/12/2023 20:45

Mauler is willing to meet the Punisher in the ring and once again with a stoppage like he did in their last fight.


hboxer (14)

10/12/2023 13:02

(em resposta à...)

Mauler Punisher will face u in the ring in fighting shape. He will not lose for his determination and skill will defeat u.


Canton75 (1)

10/12/2023 16:16

You said that before in the last time we fought and your fighting shape skill and determination did not help you and it will not help you next time we fight.


Canton75 (1)

12/12/2023 14:35

Punisher glad to hear that you want to face me in the ring because I want you in the ring to. As you being in fighting shape and determination and kill to beat is some thing you will have to prove to me when this fight takes place.


hboxer (14)

17/12/2023 12:46

(em resposta à...)

Mauler, I do want u in the ring to break tie between us. I'm stepping in the ring to prove to u that I'm the Champion so enjoy it while u can. I'm not expecting it to be easy for u are a tough opponent but at the end I was tougher.


Canton75 (1)

19/12/2023 02:54

I am enjoying being the B.B.B Federation Senior Champion, and will enjoying be the champion after we have another title fight. You can dream about being the Champion but it will never come true. You are tough opponent but I am tougher and you are going down in defeat once again.


hboxer (14)

19/12/2023 12:10

(em resposta à...)

Mauler this is not a dream of mine its reality which u will face up to it and finally admit I'm the true Champion.
At the end we will see who is toughest one between us. Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.


Happyguy59 (1)

19/12/2023 03:01

Pete is a tough fighter. Are you sure your ready for him or just a lot of smack talk?


Canton75 (1)

19/12/2023 04:28

yes Pete is a tough fighter but so am I we have fought 2 times and we each have a win so this next fight will be the tie breaker. There has been a lot of smack talk by both of us and yes I am ready to take him on.


Canton75 (1)

23/12/2023 20:12

we are trying to have this match in April or early May either one of us want to travel in the winter months. We are trying to find a ring to use and if anybody know a place we can hold it let us know .


hboxer (14)

24/12/2023 11:30

(em resposta à...)

Yes, Mauler is right we are trying to find a private ring to have this match nude. We would appreciate it if anyone can direct us to a ring where that match can happen. We are also hoping to have a crowd to cheer us on and witness this grudge match .


OldrFtr (12)

26/12/2023 02:39

(em resposta à...)

Did you check out the ring in Santa Ana?


tonyfigur (5)

26/12/2023 02:17

I really hope the rematch happens and I would really like to be there and cheer you on. i would also like to be on the under card. Any takers?


Boxing will (0 )

26/12/2023 13:09

(em resposta à...)

Right here I’ll fight ya


Boxing will (0 )

26/12/2023 13:09

(em resposta à...)

Right here I’ll fight ya


Boxing will (0 )

26/12/2023 13:09

(em resposta à...)

Right here I’ll fight ya


Canton75 (1)

02/1/2024 15:07

Now that it is a New Year maybe the Punisher will actually show up for our fight this time


Boxing will (0 )

03/1/2024 03:20

(em resposta à...)

I’m ready bro 🥊


hboxer (14)

03/1/2024 11:08

(em resposta à...)

Mauler with the new year comes a new CHAMPION which will be Punisher.
I will show up to take belt and title so enjoy it while u can. Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.


Boxing will (0 )

04/1/2024 02:50

(em resposta à...)

Let’s go I’m ready tonight to fight


hboxer (14)

14/1/2024 12:22

Title match for "Senior Championship Belt" has been set for May 18, 2024 at FT. Lauderdale Area.
Mauler current Champion will depend his title against Punisher challenger. It has been set for 10-2
min rounds.

We are hoping there will be a referee, cornermen for each fighter, possibly judges. If u would like to attend please contact either hboxer or canton75 on meetfighters. Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.


OldrFtr (12)

14/1/2024 12:39

(em resposta à...)

Glad you finally found a venue and set a date!


hboxer (14)

14/1/2024 13:05

(em resposta à...)

Thanks, hopefully we can get .cornermen, and a referee for the event!


Canton75 (1)

21/1/2024 14:07

es the date has been set and if you would like to be part of it we are looking for a referee and cornermen. This fight will be the tie breaker between since we both have a win over each other. We both have been trash talking but I will be keeping the title and the belt.


hboxer (14)

22/1/2024 11:14

As former Champion Mauler as posted Title Match has been set which will be tie breaker. If any local guys would like to witness this
Title Match up are welcome to watch or help out in being a cornerman, referee, and judge. Thanks Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.


Canton75 (1)

22/1/2024 13:20

Punisher is right we have set a date for our title match and it will be 18 May 2024. Weare looking for some help with it . WE need a referee and two cornermen if you would like to help out contract one of us. Punisher did refer to me as the former champion in which he is wrong. I am the current champion will be the champion after our next fight. I took the title from him in our second title match and we have not met in the ring since then. So if you want see me defend my title get back with me .


Canton75 (1)

22/1/2024 15:15

I need to also add that the Punisher is telling every one that he coming to Fort Lauderdale to take back his title and belt. Well once again he is wrong the Mauler is going to destroy him in the ring once again.


Canton75 (1)

23/1/2024 02:25

The Mauler with his Championship belt after stopping the Punisher in the end of the third round in their second title fight. They will meet in the ring again on May 18 in Fort Lauderdale Fl. They are goth claiming to be Victorious and win by a TKO or KO. IF you are in the area on 18 May come and see who will be taking belt and title home. This the tie breaker match because the Punisher won the title in their first match stopping the Mauler in the second round. WE are looking for people who like to help us by being a cornerman, referee or Judge. Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.


hboxer (14)

23/1/2024 11:05

(em resposta à...)

Mauler is good u have a pic of u with the belt for next match it will be changing hands.
Match 3 will be intense and action packed for both claim to be victorious by KO or TKO. Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.


Canton75 (1)

24/1/2024 20:01

Punisher I am not worried about having a picture of the belt to remember it, because it will not be changing hands at the end of our 3rd fight I am not losing to you' You dream all you want about winning it back, but it not happen. Even if I do not score a TKO or KO you will be taking. my belt from me.


hboxer (14)

25/1/2024 11:45

Just saying that u will have a memory of what u had. Punisher is stepping in the ring to win belt and title.


Canton75 (1)

03/2/2024 14:37

No need to have a memory of my title and belt because they are staying with me. You may step in the ring to win but it will not happen. Because I am stepping in the to ring defend my tile and belt and will be victorious once again just like our last meeting up in the ring.


Canton75 (1)

04/2/2024 19:47

It seems that Punisher forget that I stopped him the last time we met in the ring that the Punisher has a memory problem so I will him remind by beating him again on11 May. Once again, the Mauler and the Punisher will be battling it out in the ring once again. The result be the same as the last time the Mauler stooping the Punisher once again.


hboxer (14)

05/2/2024 11:30

Mauler u may had stopped me in last match only outcome in this 3rd meeting will be different. Mauler will be facing defeat on May 11 and there will
be a new Champion!!!! Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.


Canton75 (1)

10/2/2024 04:59

No Punisher the next time we meet in the ring the result will the same as last fight I will be the winner. It will be a hard-fought fight and go the distance. The referee will be aising my arm in victory once again.


hboxer (14)

10/2/2024 10:44

Mauler, u can think that only u will be disappointed. True what u say that it will be a hard-fought match going the distance.
At the end the decision will be a new Champion.
