hboxer's blog

Senior Boxing Championship

Combatants for this title fight are Punisher Challenger (hboxer) vs Mauler Champion (Canton75)
Title match will be 15-2 min rounds with a minute break
These Alpha Males have met twice with a win each
Mauler is the Champion which Punisher Challenger has said he will dethrone the Champion
Date has not been set but will keep y'all posted, would like to find a ring so members can watch if interested
We are hoping to find cornermen, referee, and maybe 3 judges

Última edição em 31/10/2022 12:37 por hboxer
Link Permanente



tonyfigur (5)

30/10/2022 20:22

Keep me posted want to be there!


hboxer (14)

31/10/2022 03:37

(em resposta à...)

I will keep u posted. I still want to face u in the ring as well


Jay Chakraborty (0)

03/11/2022 04:52

(em resposta à...)

how to watch your matches at mobile


Ynotwrestler (3)

03/11/2022 00:29

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Being there would be great, but being in the preliminary bout before the main event is even better!


tonyfigur (5)

03/11/2022 01:14

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Dude, I'd love to be on the undercard with you. Let's plan on it. Tony


Canton75 (1)

24/12/2022 03:40

(em resposta à...)

Tony do you still plan on attending and fighting on the under card


Canton75 (1)

24/12/2022 03:43

(em resposta à...)

Tony do you still plan on coming and boxing on the under card


schwergewichtsboxer (1)

30/10/2022 22:19

Sounds great, unfortunately I am too far away


Mixedboxing1983 (2 )

31/10/2022 07:30

Keep me posted I'm really interested


TOROSO (12 )

02/11/2022 13:10

Definetly interested to see. Putting my bets on a new champ. 💪🥊


hvywght blk bxr (7)

02/11/2022 23:26

There are rental rings in CA, FL, and DE. Think there are a few in NY but haven't seen a post about them in years.


Canton75 (1)

03/11/2022 01:18

The Punisher want’s to dethrone me and take back the title I won from him, it is not gong to happen the way he wants to. I will beat him again and keep the title and belt. We trying to find a ring to hold this fight and need 2 corner men a referee and a couple of judges. We would also like to some fans to do if you can help us out let one of us know


hboxer (14)

03/11/2022 01:30

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Mauler enjoy the title and belt while u can for I will be taking it from u. I will be wearing the belt after this match is over


Boxerman 123457 (0)

07/12/2022 19:16

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Canton you are a very handsome guy. I would love to work your corner or hboxers corner. I can't at the moment though .


Canton75 (1)

08/12/2022 17:09

(em resposta à...)

Can you make it in Jan would like you to be in my corner


hvywght blk bxr (7)

08/12/2022 22:24

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I guess things got too real for him.


Canton75 (1)

03/11/2022 01:48

As I said the way you want this fight to turn out is not the way is it is going to. I will defeat you again and keep the title and belt


hboxer (14)

03/11/2022 11:30

(em resposta à...)

Yu can think that Mauler only I know different u will be defeated by me. There will be a new Champion at the end


Canton75 (1)

03/11/2022 14:32

Well find us place to hold this fight and we will settle who is the real title holder


hboxer (14)

03/11/2022 15:13

(em resposta à...)

In the process of looking for a ring for we do need to settle this. We both claim to win so this match needs to happen big time


Canton75 (1)

05/11/2022 14:18

Yes this fight need so happen so for once and for all I can prove to my opponent that I am the true Champion and that he can beat me


Canton75 (1)

05/11/2022 14:57

the only way my opponent can win is i do not show up


Boxing will (0 )

05/11/2022 16:36

(em resposta à...)

Fight the winner


Boxing will (0 )

05/11/2022 16:49

(em resposta à...)

I want to fight the winner


hboxer (14)

06/11/2022 01:26

(em resposta à...)

Mauler if u show up it will be a disappointment to u cause u will be losing to the Punisher. Punisher will have title and belt at the end. Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.


Canton75 (1)

14/11/2022 21:09

(em resposta à...)

If I recall you said you i would not take the title and belt from you, I think you need to review the fight video again you di d not beat me and I now have the title and the belt. I also will be keeping them both. You are losing to me again.


Canton75 (1)

25/11/2022 15:04

(em resposta à...)

I will show up and will keep the title and belt you are going down in defeat again at hands of the Mauler


Canton75 (1)

10/11/2022 23:55

the title fight has been tentatively set for 28 January 2023 in Delaware ,we will be posting more information late on


Canton75 (1)

15/11/2022 13:37

Thanks yes it will be an awesome fight we our both claiming to be victorious and we both know that there can only be one winner. We have a 1 and 1 record between us this fight will break the tie.


viper (77)

17/11/2022 06:51

I hear its gonna be a public fight and a date is set in January?

Who is the bookie, cause I want to put a bet on Mike kicking ass and keeping his belt...and Mike is a great guy. I hope a big crowd shows up to cheer Mike to victory. So when is the date and location announced?


hboxer (14)

17/11/2022 14:04

(em resposta à...)

Yes, Viper its to be a public match, members are welcome to view the Title Fight. Match is to be January 28,2023 final day Mike will have the Belt and Title, ring is at Delaware.
As for u putting your money on Mike is your choice but a losing one.


Canton75 (1)

18/11/2022 01:40

Well if you are betting person your money needed to be put on the Mauler AKA mike . Pete is telling everyone that your money should be put on him. States he going to be the new title holder once again he is wrong. I beat him and took the title from him he wants it back , but that is not going to happen.


viper (77)

18/11/2022 06:49

(em resposta à...)

Preach it Mike, now go kick some ass. You can do it.
January 28 at the Delaware ring, pubic fight, lets turn out and support this great fighter and Pete


hboxer (14)

18/11/2022 13:14

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Viper appreciate u boosting the fight which I hope there will be a crowd to see Punisher punish Mauler.

As for Mauler kicking ass thats to be seen for Punisher will destroy Mauler


Canton75 (1)

22/11/2022 19:50

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Viper I will win this one for you and kick his ass


hboxer (14)

18/11/2022 13:10

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Mauler, u are wrong if I'm telling everyone to bet on me I will be consider the underdog while u are the Champion which will change come January 28. U say that it will not happen which I know it will for u have belt and title that I want


Boxing will (0 )

18/11/2022 14:47

$$$ on the Punisher


Canton75 (1)

18/11/2022 19:46

(em resposta à...)

Go ahead but you are go to lose it


hboxer (14)

18/11/2022 19:50

(em resposta à...)

Thanks Boxing Will u are on the right path


hvywght blk bxr (7)

18/11/2022 18:51

You two keep it up and you may need an under card.


hboxer (14)

18/11/2022 19:49

(em resposta à...)

There might be a possibility that there will be a bout before title match


boxingjohn (9 )

19/11/2022 02:11

Very good match coming 🥊
Great rivalry, good luck for this awesome event


hboxer (14)

22/11/2022 21:13

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Yes, guy it’s an important match between us. There is a rivalry between us.


Canton75 (1)

23/11/2022 15:20

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hboxer is right it is a rivalry between us and come 28 Jan it will be be settled


Boxing will (0 )

23/11/2022 17:34

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Who is fighting on the undercard?🥊


hboxer (14)

24/11/2022 15:39

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Yes it will be settled on who will be the Senior Champion


Canton75 (1)

26/11/2022 16:43

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Yes and the new Champion will be the current one and we both know who that is


hboxer (14)

27/11/2022 12:23

Mauler u can think that it will end in your favor its not happening


Canton75 (1)

28/11/2022 13:36

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it is happening and once again you are going home with out the Title and belt


hboxer (14)

28/11/2022 13:40

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Only way its happening is in your mind for when its over Title and belt will have a new home which will be in Texas


Canton75 (1)

28/11/2022 14:42

well we both are claiming to be victorious I guess we will just have to wait see after 15 rounds of boxing who is bringing home the Title and Belt.


hboxer (14)

28/11/2022 20:13

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True, we both claiming to be victorious only there will be one winner. I know it’s going to be a tough match which I want to make my win more deserving.


Canton75 (1)

01/12/2022 14:48

More deserving yes but that win will be mine once again, I will be retraining the Senior title and belt


hboxer (14)

02/12/2022 11:46

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One thing preventing that win which is Punisher he will be victorious over u!!!!!


Canton75 (1)

02/12/2022 19:33

there is some thing that will prevent the Punisher from winning and is that the Mauler will defeat him once again. He can talk all the trash he wants to but the result be as the same as our last fight. Mauler winning and the Punisher going home with nothing but another lost to the Mauler.


hboxer (14)

03/12/2022 13:13

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Only way Mauler will defeat Punisher is him dreaming about it. Punisher does not speak trash its facts he will defeat Mauler Punisher will be walking out of the ring with belt around his waist and the title.


Canton75 (1)

12/12/2022 22:55

(em resposta à...)

the only one dreaming is the Punisher if he thinks he will be walking out of the ring with the Championship belt around his waist. The Mauler is going to be keeping the Title and the belt, beat the the Punisher once again.


hboxer (14)

14/12/2022 13:29

(em resposta à...)

Mauler face it Punisher will defeat u again like in first meeting. Punisher is prepared and is confident he will be victorious.


Boxerman 123457 (0)

07/12/2022 19:15

Both are good looking guys.. They both have one win , I believe that h boxer might edge him by a smidge . It will be a hard fought battle .


Canton75 (1)

14/12/2022 21:17

Punisher if you think you can defeat me you taken to many hits to your head . The Mauler is keeping the Title and belt and sending the Punisher to defeat once again.


hboxer (14)

15/12/2022 12:23

Mauler, Punisher does not think he will defeat u he knows it for a fact. Only place Mauler will send Punisher is to road to Victory for Mauler will lose to Punisher once again


Canton75 (1)

17/12/2022 03:15

In the world that the Punisher is living in he might beat the Mauler in their upcoming title fight. Now in the real world everyone knows that the Punisher is going down in defeat again. he can say that he is going to be new Senior Champion but that is a dream of his that is not coming true.


Canton75 (1)

17/12/2022 15:41

Punisher is Delusional in his believe that he win his title and belt back he only fooling himself if really thinks he can beat the Mauler. The Mauler is going to toy with the Punisher for a few rounds and then go wild on him . If you think he has a chance of beating me then you are just as Delusional as he is.


hboxer (14)

24/12/2022 14:42

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Mauler need to face reality Punisher is defeating u when match happens. Punisher knows he is capable of beating u expects a tough match for he wants his win to be a deserved one .


Canton75 (1)

24/12/2022 20:14

Yes it will be tough fight and the Mauler knows that the Punisher wants to get the title and belt back , but it will not happen .The Mauler is training harder and determined that he will not lose his title to the Punisher
we both are determined to win and we both know that there is going to just one winner, no draw and that winner will be the Mauler. The fight will 28 January in Claymont and we some people to be judges and we need a Referee


Canton75 (1)

25/12/2022 14:24

That is Claymont Delaware and we could use some help in staging this fight


Canton75 (1)

23/1/2023 22:49

Sorry to report but the big fight between the Mauler and the Punisher has been postpone until a later date this spring. We both wanted this fight to happen and we will make sure it


Canton75 (1)

13/2/2023 15:38

the latest up date on the big fight between the Punisher and the Mauler is that a date has been set and the fight will be held on 26 August 2023. Both fighters have agreed to an 3minute rounds and an 8round fight. Both fighters have been trash talking claiming to be victorious time will tell who will win. If you are a betting man I would put your money on the Mauler he is the current Senior Champion odds down favorite to keep the title and belt.


Boxing will (0 )

13/2/2023 20:44

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I want the winner and the belt


boxingjohn (9 )

13/2/2023 20:50

(em resposta à...)

I would like to see this one happening too


hboxer (14)

14/2/2023 13:50

As Mauler mentioned he is current Champ which will change when they face each other. Punisher is
determined to win and take title from him. The match will be a war between them for its a score that
need to be settle.


Canton75 (1)

14/2/2023 16:02

The Punisher is right about it being a war it will be a war and that we have something to settle and that is that Mauler is current Champion and will remain the Champion after the fight. The Punisher may think he can bet the Mauler but the Mauler will prove him wrong again. he did it in the second fight and will do it again. The fight is scheduled for 8 rounds and the Punisher will be lucky if he last's all 8 rounds if it does the Referee will be raising the Mauler arm in victory over the Punisher


hboxer (14)

14/2/2023 16:38

Mauler is over thinking himself stating he will be victorious over Punisher. Match set for 8-3 min rounds Punisher plans to punish Mauler is the 8 rounds if he can last that long. At the end Punisher arm will be raised at the end


Canton75 (1)

14/2/2023 19:36

the mauler is not the one over thinking this fight it is the Punisher is doing it . He is so sure that he can take the Mauler in 8 rounds and win the title back. He says he is going to punish the Mauler for 8 rounds . Well once again is going to be wrong and disappointed because the Mauler is going to pounded him for 7 rounds and in the last round finish him off .


hboxer (14)

15/2/2023 13:58

Seems like Punisher has to knock some sense into Mauler for he will not be winning. Punisher will knock him
around the ring he will not know where he is at. punisher is coming out to win the belt and title!!!!


Canton75 (1)

15/2/2023 18:14

it has been said that there are some people who never learn from past mistakes it seems the Punisher is one of them. he says he is going to knock some sense into the Mauler and win back the Title Belt back. That he is going to knock the Mauler around the rings so hard that the Mauler will not know where he is. The Mauler has news for the Punisher the only one being knocked around is himself. not only will the Punisher not win the title and belt back after going 8 rounds with the Punisher he regret ever getting in the ring with the Mauler.


Boxing will (0 )

15/2/2023 20:29

Big fight , $$$ on punisher, ko in the 3 rd


Canton75 (1)

15/2/2023 21:38

Boxing Will go ahead and waste your money on betting on the Punisher to knock me out in the third round. The fight is going the distance and I am going to pound the Punisher all 8 rounds.


Boxing will (0 )

16/2/2023 02:15

(em resposta à...)

Great then your mine


hboxer (14)

16/2/2023 11:53

Boxing Bill your bet is correct one Mauler will be destroyed by Punisher. Mauler thinks he will retain
his Title is wrong.


Canton75 (1)

16/2/2023 22:40

So the Punisher thinks he can destroy the Mauler well the Mauler has some bad News for the Punisher he is going down in defeat for a second time. He thinks he can take the Mauler in an 8 round fight wrong again. He will not make it out the 6 th round


hboxer (14)

17/2/2023 12:08

Only Bad News Mauler will see and hear is his defeat and losing belt to the Punisher. As for Punisher not coming out for the 6th round that
what Mauler is hoping for.


Canton75 (1)

17/2/2023 17:06

Once again the Punisher living in his fantasy world telling everyone he is going to defeat the Mauler in upcoming title fight. The reality is that once again the Mauler is going to crush the Punisher and keep the title and belt. The Mauler wants the Punisher to go the whole 8 rounds so he can crush him .


Boxing will (0 )

17/2/2023 19:04

(em resposta à...)

I then fight the winner


Canton75 (1)

17/2/2023 19:56

Well when I win you will be my next opponent


hboxer (14)

18/2/2023 13:05

Mauler u can dream about taking on boxing will in your dreams for u will be in dreamland for Punisher will be holding
belt and title


Canton75 (1)

19/2/2023 00:01

wow talk about talk about dreamers The Punisher is dreaming if he thinks he going to beat me in out upcoming title fight. Punisher wake up and smell the coffee you are going down again .


hboxer (14)

19/2/2023 13:57

Mauler I will be your worst nightmare when u step in the ring against me. I'm going to beat u reclaim the belt and title.
My goal is to win which I will succeed.


Canton75 (1)

19/2/2023 15:27

Punisher you will never be my ware nightmare because you are going down in defeat once again. The belt and title are stating with me. You are going to regret ever getting back in the ring with me. You think that you are going to be successful in getting the belt back you could not be more wrong. The belt and title our mine and it is going to stay that way. Looking forward to the 26th August and beating you for 8 rounds in the ring .


Boxing will (0 )

19/2/2023 17:24

Get it going , Fight ,


Canton75 (1)

19/2/2023 23:07

Boxing Will I would like to but our Boxing group set the date and we both agree to it.So you and I just have to until then so iI can pummmel the Punisher and shut him for good


hboxer (14)

20/2/2023 13:44

Mauler is still in lala land for he is arranging a match with Boxing Will when he has no title. Punisher is taking it when
in next bout.


Canton75 (1)

21/2/2023 14:09

The only one in LaLa land is the Punisher if he thinks he can stop the Mauler from having an match Boxing Will, The Mauler has the title and the belt and is going to be keeping them.


hboxer (14)

21/2/2023 14:12

Mauler, Punisher will be one facing Boxing Will for the title. To be a fair Champion I will take pic of the belt so u can have a memory of what u had


Canton75 (1)

05/3/2023 16:46

the only thing the Punisher is going to see facing is canvas face down when I knock his butt out in our title fight.


hboxer (14)

08/3/2023 13:13

(em resposta à...)

Mauler, sorry to let u know u will be one hitting the canvas, losing belt, title. My goal is to take it from u which I will succeed


Canton75 (1)

08/3/2023 13:43

Keep dreaming Punisher it is nice that that you have a dream of winning the belt back but the reality is that never go happen.


hboxer (14)

08/3/2023 14:16

(em resposta à...)

One who needs to stop dreaming is Mauler for Punisher knows that he will take the title and belt from u


Canton75 (1)

12/3/2023 15:55

Punisher is hoping he can take the title and belt from me but I am going to prove him wrong , he said after he won the title in our first fight I would be able to beat him I beat him in the rematch and will beat him in tie breaker match


hboxer (14)

12/3/2023 17:27

(em resposta à...)

Mauler its not hoping its reality. I will defeat u regain the title and belt and will own it again. As for u winning the 3rd match u are dreaming for it will not happen


Canton75 (1)

13/3/2023 17:45

Ok Punisher you want to talk about reality so let's talk reality there is no way you are getting the title and belt back i beat and I will beat you again. Face the fact that the belt will be around my waist again after our 8 round fight. You will have the look of disappointment that you had after losing our last fight.


hboxer (14)

13/3/2023 19:08

lol Mauler I like the way you imagine things. The fact is u will be defeated like u were in first match, it was an off nite for me when we had title fight.
I trained and will be coming after the belt and title which I will succeed


Canton75 (1)

20/3/2023 13:25

Yes you might have had an off night in our last fight, but the fact is you lost. I am the Senior Champion and will be keeping the title and belt after our next fight. I had an off night in our first fight, and you won. That why we are going to meet up in the ring once again to settle this. You say you are training well I am training to and plan on being in shape to fight too. we have both been doing alot of trash talking. Come the 26th of August we will see how been training the hardest!.


hboxer (14)

21/3/2023 13:31

Yes, thats why we having a 3rd match to settle this grudge. U are the Champion for now but come August26 that will change. We both have been training for this match we will see who wants it more


Canton75 (1)

27/3/2023 15:56

We both want a win in this third title bout between us and we both have been trash talking to each other. The Punisher aka pretty boy Pete will not be so pretty after going 8 rounds with the Mauler. The Mauler's plan is let the Punisher go the distance and finish him off in the 8 round


hboxer (14)

27/3/2023 19:54

Call me what u want and think u will do to me only u are wrong. My plan is going the distance have u get punish by the gloves of the Punisher at the
end Punisher will be raised !!!!!


Canton75 (1)

02/4/2023 19:28

yes raised from the canvas after the Mauler puts you on the canvas in the 8th and final round.


hboxer (14)

06/4/2023 23:44

Dream on if anyone being pick up from the canvas will be Mauler after punishment Punisher will be giving to him in the match


Canton75 (1)

10/4/2023 00:04

The date has been set for the title fight between the Mauler and the Punisher is 26 August at Spring City Pa, both have a win over the other one. this will be the tie breaker. The odds favor the Mauler to keep the title and belt in a hard fought fight and go the distance. Both are claiming it is going to be a battle to end and each claiming to be victorious.


hboxer (14)

11/4/2023 12:23

As Mauler has mentioned the date of the battle has been set. Only mistake Mauler made was that the odds favor him which he claims cause he has the belt only that will change when we step in the ring to battle it out, which Punisher will be victorious


Canton75 (1)

20/4/2023 14:06

Latest update on Fight between the Mauler the Senior Champion and the challenger the Punisher is now going to be a ten round 3-minuteround fight. Both fighters have agreed to a ten-round fight . Both are claiming to be victorious with the Mauler stating that he does care how many rounds or how long they are that he will be keeping the belt and title with another win over the Punisher. It does not matter how many or how long they are he will defeat the Punisher once again.


hboxer (14)

21/4/2023 13:15

(em resposta à...)

Mauler claims he will be victorious over Punisher only its not happening for Mauler will be lucky if he can last 5 rounds with Punisher. Both have been training for this title fight which Punisher knows his training and ability will give him the win


Canton75 (1)

22/4/2023 15:04

Mauler does not claim to be victorious, he will be victorious and the Punisher will be lucky to be one who makes to the fifth round. The Punisher can train all he wants but it will do him any good he is going down in defeat once again at the hands of the mauler.


hboxer (14)

24/4/2023 14:11

August 26 will be day who will be walking out of the ring with belt and title. Both warriors training to be title holder, will be a war which will be
10 rounds of punches exchange may be even few knockdowns


Boxing will (0 )

24/4/2023 21:14

(em resposta à...)

I’m ready take on the winner


Canton75 (1)

24/4/2023 23:58

.Then be ready to take on the Mauler, because the Punisher is going down once again.


hboxer (14)

26/4/2023 11:11

Boxing will anyone u will face in the ring will be Punisher, Mauler will lose his belt and title.


Canton75 (1)

04/5/2023 15:43

So, the Punisher thinks that he going to take my belt well all I can say is that that is what he said the last time we met in the ring he was wrong then and will be wrong when we meet in the ring on the 26th of August. We both have been trashing talking to each other and claiming that we will be victorious. It is going to be 12 rounds and 3 minute rounds. He can talk all the trash he wants but he cannot back it up. I can and will and prove him wrong once again the title and belt are staying with me.


Boxing will (0 )

04/5/2023 16:23

(em resposta à...)

Can’t wait to fight the winner


hboxer (14)

05/5/2023 14:03

Mauler u know that u will be beaten for I was not at my best. Come August 26 it will be different I will play with u like a cat plays with a mouse come 12th and final round u will be on the canvas, being counted out. Yes, we talking trash which I will back up when we step in the ring. I will show no mercy get what I went after meaning belt and title!!!!


Canton75 (1)

15/5/2023 16:13

So, you were not at your best when I beat you, well you better be at this time because I am bringing mine A game and you are going down in defeat once again. You say you going to put me on the canvas in the 12th round wrong answer. If anybody going down in the 12 it will be you. You are not getting my title or belt.


Canton75 (1)

18/5/2023 20:51

this fight has gone from 15 rounds of boxing with 2 minute rounds to 12 rounds of boxing with3 minute rounds. It does not matter to me how many rounds it is. You are going down and the title and belt are staying with me. The Mauler will remain the Champion and defeat the Punisher once again.


hboxer (14)

19/5/2023 11:17

(em resposta à...)

Does not matter to me how many rounds fight is I just know that Mauler will be losing to Punisher. Punisher will be ready to take what belongs to him show no mercy to Mauler


Canton75 (1)

28/6/2023 03:08

This fight is now set to be held on 16 Sept and it will be an 8 round 3 minutes rounds. The Punisher says he will take what belongs to him and show me no mercy. The tile and belt are mine and I won them by defeating him. I plan on retraining my title and belt and if he wants them he will have to earn them. Something I will not let happen.


hboxer (14)

28/6/2023 12:41

(em resposta à...)

Yes, match is set for September 16 at Delaware ring for 8-3 min rounds . Mauler thinks Punisher will not defeat him he is up for a rude awaking Punisher will have his arm raised at the end of the bout.


Canton75 (1)

29/6/2023 20:16

The only way Punisher will have his arm raised is when his conner man helps up ff the canvas after losing another title fight to the Mauler. the fight is schedule to be an 8 round fight and after 8 rounds the Mauler will still be
the Champion and the Senior Champion belt around his waist as he leave's the ring.


Boxing will (0 )

30/6/2023 00:38

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Let’s go I. Ready for the winner


hboxer (14)

30/6/2023 12:30

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Seems Mauler is in dreamland for Punisher will defeat him regain the belt and title. Mauler can think that he will win only its not happening !!!!!


Canton75 (1)

01/7/2023 00:20

Big News break for the Punisher you are not taking the title or belt from the Mauler. this upcoming fight is the third time that we will meet in the boxing ring. You won the first fight and I won the rematch and will win the next rematch. You can preach all you want that the title is yours and you are taking it back, but it will not happen. I stopped you in our second fight and I will stop you again in our third fight.


hboxer (14)

01/7/2023 00:49

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News break is that there is a new Champion Punisher from Texas. True that I Ewing the first for the title and belt. U won the rematch beat me with boy outcome will be different Punisher will regain belt and title!!!!


Canton75 (1)

01/7/2023 15:03

So the Punisher thinks he can the take the title belt back from the Mauler, I really hate to disappoint him , he can think believe hope wish but is not going to happen.


hboxer (14)

02/7/2023 11:27

Mauler, Punisher knows he will defeat u belt and title belong to him which he will take back September 16


Canton75 (1)

06/7/2023 04:37

So the Punisher thinks the title and the belt belong to him, well once again he is wrong. He did earn the title and belt but then lost them to me. If he wants them back,which is something he will not do he will have to earn them back.


Canton75 (1)

14/7/2023 16:25

Ok if anybody has been following this Blog you that The Punisher and the Mauler Have been trash talking about this title match for along time. Well it is finally to happen on 16 Sept in Claymont Delaware the location and ring have been reserved and anybody males in the to come and watch. If you like we could also use some help we need cornermen and Judges. If you like to us let me.


hboxer (14)

19/7/2023 12:36

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As much as I dislike writing this the match which was schedule for September 16 at the Claymont ring has been canceled. Due to problems that came up which could not be avoided, with this being said will have to look for another ring to have this title match.
If anyone has any suggestions please contact me or Canton75.



tonyfigur (5)

20/7/2023 00:23

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I'm glad I didn't make flight reservations. Please keep me posted. I'm beginning to think neither of you are serious about this. Be men and fight!


hboxer (14)

20/7/2023 11:52

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Tonyfigur, we both want this match to happen we have other things going in our lives more important. Not sure what u mean by stating glad u didn't make flight reservations for I nor Canton heard from u other than when my blog first came out. If u can find us a ring that's not a problem to get to and rent we will be there to have this match


Canton75 (1)

20/7/2023 18:43

we are both glad that you did not make reservations. We had no control in canceling our fight or postponing it postponing it the person we were renting the ring soled it and we did not find out about it until 2 days ago. We want to have this fight and we will when we can find a place to hold it . This the second time that this has happen to us.


BluePrismArt (0)

04/9/2023 21:54

I feel Hboxer may reign king in this
