Wrestling Beast's blog

On occasion, I have had matches that did not go as planned. There are guys who just aren't going to show or aren't worth it if they do. I would like to mention a few things which may not be apparently obvious.

Meeting at another guy's house. Does this guy live alone? Is open and honest about his wrestling with the people he lives with? If the answer to the first question is "no", then you will not be truly safe unless the answer to the second question is "yes". I once arranged to wrestle at my friend's apartment in the Metro North area of Boston. He told me his wife had gone to visit her parents in Maine and he assumed she would be staying overnight. He canceled because he was feeling poorly. When he woke up some hours later, she was standing over him. If I were there, it is highly likely that she would have walked in on a situation for which she had no prior preparation.

So, if you want to meet at another guy's house and he keeps it a secret from his husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend or roommate, you may want to wait until they are on a plane. But I had another friend whose house I wrestled at several times. He lived alone but was divorced and had shared custody with his kid. He certainly was not going to plan anything until his wife had the kid. But his parents would come by his place whenever they felt like it, so there was always an element of risk to going to his place unless it was very late in the evening.

Your opponent may not be forthcoming about prior injuries. I have had two matches end really prematurely because the opponent had a serious prior injury which he failed to inform me. Unless you are truly desperate, do not wrestle with someone who has had back surgery or a broken rib recently.

What if your opponent had HIV, Hepatitis B, Herpes or even crabs or the clap? How do you know that he is really practicing safe sexual practices? It is possible that he may not even know that he has a problem because he received it from another partner?

Some guys like to record their matches, others do not. What if your opponent is recording your activities without your knowledge or consent? Then someday you see yourself on Youtube, Facebook or Tosh.0, and maybe your friends and family do as well? But even if you both consent to the recording, what happens when the recording is finished? Do you watch then delete? Its easy to make copies and if it gets online, its hard to get it off. People with weak computer protections may leave the contents of their hard drives open to hackers and their like.

These days, before I meet a new opponent, we talk. Not chat, not IM, I listen to his voice and he listens to mine. Talking to someone is the best way, outside of meeting up with the person, to gauge this person's seriousness and willingness to commit. Sketchy dudes will usually give themselves away. When one guy talked about bringing "poppers" to the meeting, I should have trusted my better instincts and canceled once I found out what poppers were.

Finally, if you have to travel, make sure you have a valid cell phone number for your opponent and he has yours. If something comes up, you need working contact. If you have fears that your opponent has your cell number and will call you 10x a day, then you probably should not have given it out in the first place.

Última edição em 20/7/2012 06:03 por Wrestling Beast; 2 comentário(s)
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I have found a wrestling buddy. This guy loves to wrestle as much as I do, can host, and has had lots of matches. He is a bit of a drive, but the trip is well worth it. I have met him three times and each time was better than the last.

When we meet, we usually have about three hours together. We wrestle in his basement, which while small has just enough room for our needs. He has a spare mattress and a futon cover which we wrestle on.

We have enormous respect and esteem for each other, so when after we strip down we hold each other tight in a long embrace. After some time, which allows me to relax after a long drive, we begin the struggle. Since his basement is small and the ceiling is low, we start on our knees or lower.

Since there has been no third person present, we wrestle for a submission. Also, I'm a very big boy and wrestling for pins would be kind of boring. When a good, painful submission is earned and some time has past, we relax in an embrace. Sometimes we talk, othertimes we just enjoy each others' presence.

We had our latest match in the late morning to early afternoon. It was in the early 80 degrees outside and his basement did not have air conditioning. I was glad for that, as the air conditioner should be the last resort. He brought a fan down in case we needed it. I really did not want to use that either, unless we had to.

My friend sweats buckets when he exerts himself. I wanted him to sweat so he could help me get slick too. I feel that I have to push my physical limits when I wrestle, and my friend is always game to help me out. Soon its as if I am wrestling a red hot kettle, and I bet I feel very warm to.

So we wrestle, embrace, wrestle, embrace, on and on. Because it is hot out and its my preference, we are clad in nothing but briefs. When we are getting close to the end of our three hour session, we start the grand finale. Up to this point, the matches have been competitive but almost all one-sided, as I am along bigger than my friend and I can heel.

Having nothing to prove, I allow to let my friend get in some licks. We are both pretty tired and really shiny from all that wrestling. So, we stand up and I let him punch my gut. At first, I let him pummel me without any response, but as that gets boring after awhile I go on the attack.

I try to take him down to the ground, and it is really hard to do. My friend is no lightweight, and my feet are on a pair of uneven mattresses. I need to take him down, but safely. I don't want to hurt him or me with a bad fall or by crashing into the furniture. Meanwhile he is resisting and continuing to tenderize my gut.

If I can get him to the ground, then it often is business as usual. Sometimes I don't go for a submission and we both get up after a bit. If I can't get him down, then I usually brace myself against the wall to help withstand the barrage that is coming. It may not look hard to a third person, but eventually those punches begin to hurt. If it gets too much, I will try to lock him up. Sometimes I bend at the waist and he will fire uppercuts into it. He will claw at my generous spare tire and sqeeze with both hands. He even likes to headbutt my gut, using his head as a battering ram.

After about ten to thirteen minutes, we are looking pretty ragged and feeling totally spent. Could I go on for longer? Sure could, but time has run out and we both have obligations tomorrow. I put a few pictures up in the gallery taken of this last part of the match. When we call it quits by mutual agreement, we have one last embrace, then I put my shirt, shorts and shoes back on and leave perfectly content. The memories will stay with me for a long time, and I hope that our next match will be just as good.

Última edição em 16/7/2012 00:49 por Wrestling Beast; 1 comentário(s)
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Wrestling nude can be a very polarizing concept. For some people, wrestling nude is a hard limit and they are not open to it or would never do it. There are wrestlers who have wrestled nude, did not like it and would never wrestle nude again. On the other end of the spectrum, some wrestlers prefer the birthday suit to the wrestling suit. But most wrestlers I believe would not wrestle just anyone in the nude, they require a certain level of comfort and trust with their opponent before going all out.

Unless you are wrestling and expect, want or demand that sexual activity involving the penis occurs, you have to know your opponent first. Wrestling is an incredible bonding experience, and going nude can enhance that experience, but not if there is no chemistry between opponents. Chemistry is that hard to identify quality that makes two people work together, whether as friends, lovers or sporting partners. Two great tennis players may not win a doubles match if they cannot get along.

Some opponents who are only interested in the sport, and that is fine. They want to wrestle and that's it. No bonding, no embracing and sometimes with as few words as possible. If you meet that person, accept that that is all they want to do and there obviously will be no nude wrestling, requests to do it or any hinting. Other opponents recognize wrestling as a great bonding experience, and they may be open to it.

Hygenine is a crucial part of wrestling nude. The genital area can produce some of the worst bacteria and other nastiness on the human body. Never wrestle nude if there are bad smells from that area or something seems just plain wrong visually. There may be an increased risk of transmitting an STD, so trust becomes more crucial.

Semen is another issue which must be faced. If you wrestle nude, chances are you will get some of the other guy's precum on your body. Typically it will be a very small amount and if you are sweating you won't likely notice it. If you notice it and it bothers you, then call a break and wash the area or towel off. When I have wrestled in briefs I have clearly observed darker wet spots on the fabric of my opponent, so to avoid it altogether a synthetic material should be worn.

Erections also should be addressed. Most wrestlers on these sites hopefully accept a "bulge" through the clothing as a fact of life. If it truly gets bothersome or painful, take a break. But just because an opponent has a hard on while you wrestle does not mean that he secretly wants to have sexual relations. Nor do you need to feel that you have to let your opponent relieve his hard-on through masturbation, at least in your presence. In that situation, bathrooms work. But there will be contact between the opponent's genital area and your body, so you have to be comfortable with that. If you do not appreciate having someone's junk in your face, there may need to be a position adjustment from time to time. If you are having an intense wrestling session, you may not have to worry about avoiding a "third leg" as your opponent's energy will be focused elsewhere.

When meeting an opponent for the first time, do not start wrestling in the nude. Get comfortable with your opponent first. If you have discussed wrestling nude with a previous opponent, do not start nude when you meet up the next time, get comfortable first. You may go nude after the first fall or try to pull each other's clothes off in a "rip-n-strip" match. Whatever else, never do it if you feel "forced" or your other opponent is giving signs of discomfort.

Make sure you communicate to your opponent your hard limits before you meet, especially if you agree to wrestle nude. If you request "hands-off", you should object if you feel your opponent's hand slyly or gradually approach that area. To me, hands off also means avoiding direct groin to groin contact.

So, after considering all of the above before trying nude wrestling, why would anybody want to? The Ancient Greeks usually wrestled in the nude as well as with most other athletic competition. Artwork from the Reinassance and later shows men stripping it all off when they enter the ring. These masculine cultures could appreciate the masculine form and physicality without necessarily wishing to have sex with it. Two men who know themselves and are truly comfortable with each other should be able to wrestle regardless of clothing. If you do it because it turns you both on, then enjoy yourselves.

Última edição em 07/8/2012 21:28 por Wrestling Beast; 2 comentário(s)
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Submission wrestling can be difficult to grasp for someone without previous experience. The object of the exercise is to submit your opponent, but how does a newbie learn to do that? Watching professional wrestling is somewhat helpful, but many of the common moves have no practical place in a competitive match or are way too dangerous. Amateur wrestling concentrates on pinning someone, achieving advantageous positions and escaping from disadvantageous ones.

Watching MMA fights can lead to some instruction, but unless you have some training, pulling off those moves can be dangerous or futile. A rear-naked choke is designed to slow down the blood stream so your opponent will tap out before he loses consciousness. It is not a breath/windpipe choke, and you must pay close attention to how it is applied and how your opponent reacts. True blood loss to the brain leads to brain damage or stroke, so you need to know how to use it.

Joining an MMA dojo is an excellent way to learn how to submit people and avoid it yourself. However, you may not have one near where you live, you cannot afford to join, or you just don't like the structure of a martial arts class. Japanese Jui-jitsu dojos are another option, but Judo is generally a standing up martial art. Any martial arts experience, such as Karate, is helpful.

So, how do you start to learn submission? By learning how you can make people submit. Think of ways to cause someone else pain within the parameters of the rules agreed upon. Most joints only go so far in one direction. Push and pull them to find out how far your opponent's go. If body blows are okay, then pound away. If you are fighting an experienced opponent, ask them to show you some moves. Bearhugs and body scissors look nice, but are not very effective unless you make contact with ribs or the spine. Head scissors should squeeze the neck or jaw. Nelsons can be very effective if you lock one in.

If you are a big guy like me, you can use your weight to control your opponent and make him give up opportunities. Obviously you need to be on top and stay on top of your opponent. Let him waste energy trying to squirm out from under you. A gut like mine can be used to slam opponents or to suffocate them. Keep an opponent in a hopeless situation long enough and they may submit just to get out of it. But the most important thing is to practice, preferably with multiple opponents.

Última edição em 27/6/2012 19:04 por Wrestling Beast; 1 comentário(s)
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Gutpunching is awesome, so why don't more big guys do it? Continuing from the theme of my previous entry, blows to the gut require a special amount of my attention.

Gut punching comes in many forms, from trading shots to wrestling with body punches, boxing and one sided beatdowns. But whenever I watch it, see photos of it or read about it, invariably the receiver has washboard or chiseled abs.

To me watching a washboard stomach getting punched is boring. I might as well watch someone punch a padded wall or jab at a heavy bag. There is usually no motion from the surface getting struck. Now a big gut like mine, that will move and shake with almost every blow. The motion can easily become hypnotic. Use boxing gloves for greater surface area contact, more movement and less force.

A big gut has lots of padding to absorb blows. There are plenty of places to hit too. I have tested my gut and found it can take lots of punishment. The bruises aren't so bad either. If you have stamina issues, prop yourself up against a wall. I have seen big guys glove up and box multiple rounds. Its awesome when they hammer away at each other's midsections.

I am strongly tempted to shoot and post a video showing how I take a fisted workover to show that it can be stimulating and appropriate for the big gutted to participate. I can give myself 20, maybe even 30 minutes of rhythmic blows from another man before I am forced to give up.

I love to give punches too. If my opponent is smaller, I can go less than full intensity. If we are using gloves, he may wear lighter gloves and I the heavier ones. Firing shots into another belly is intense, the bigger the better. And if it hangs down over the belt line, well an uppercut will lift it up.

Última edição em 15/6/2012 03:55 por Wrestling Beast; 4 comentário(s)
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