Wrestling Beast's blog

Rolling around with another guy, maybe you're skin to skin, maybe you're crotch to crotch, or maybe you're as clothed as you would be in an ordinary MMA training center. Having wrestled with a couple of guys, one day you find strange fuzzy brown things on your crotch. Taking your tweezers to pluck one off, you find that it moves! A little research later and your worst fears are confirmed, you're infested with public lice, a.k.a. crabs! WTF, what do you do now?

Let me tell you, once you've found out that you have PL, the next two months are going to be some of the most uncomfortable of your life. I have acquired PL twice and have gotten rid of them both times, so let me give advice to anyone else who finds they have this problem as well. I am a very hirsute individual, so let me tell others like myself what I have found to be helpful.

When it comes to PL, it sucks to be hairy. PL can go anywhere where you have hair, they are adapted to attach to human hair with claws that will swing from hair to hair like Tarzan swings from vine to vine. If you think they are confined to your crotch, that is a total lie. They can go into armpits, chest hair, belly buttons, arm and leg hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, facial and even parts of the head hair. A hairy body is ideal for PL to congregate and breed, the hair does a great job of hiding them. If you are smooth-chested, then you are less likely to acquire and spread them, but most men do not shave their crotches.

The usual advice for any kind of lice infection is necessary to follow, the CDC is a good start : https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/head/treatment.html But don't stop at the treatments for head lice, they may not be totally comprehensive when dealing with PL. Don't rely solely on over-the-counter lice killing shampoos found in treatment kits, they give a false sense of security. Showering, bathing and hot tubs will not kill PL. Here are three things I recommend doing in combination to help with infestations for my hairy brethren :

1. Remove, or if that is impractical, trim the hair as much as possible. Your hair gives all the protection of the Amazon to lice. The first thing you need to do is to reduce the amount of material the lice can use to hide from you. Trim your hair at least, especially around the armpits, the chest, and the groin. When you have a lot less hair, then the lice are far more vulnerable. Trimming to the skin will make it very difficult for the lice to maneuver around. Waxing may be necessary for severe infections, but boy will it hurt. Using an electric razor can save time, but clean it very thoroughly afterward to keep lice and nits off it.

2. Use an electrified lice comb. These devices will kill lice on contact and can be run all across the hair. They are most effective on smooth areas like your chest plate, your arms and thighs and your head hair. They can be somewhat painful to use in the crotch area. Irregular skin can result in the contacts making contacts, giving you an annoying shock that feels like a pin-prick. You will encounter many false positives using the comb, but it will cut down the numbers especially in areas you cannot see. I use the LiceGuard Robicomb, which is relatively inexpensive and works well.

3. Pluck! Getting rid of nits is best accomplished with a pair of tweezers, once you know what to look for. When you think you have nits, pluck them away. They may be already hatched eggs, but one less nit is one less louse. Take time too look for live PL and pluck them too, squeeze them with your tweezers to kill them. Pulling a louse off your body with tweezers will require a little force, the louse won't detach himself from you willingly. Spend 5-10 minutes in the bathroom a day going over areas, especially those where you've found nits. You will go back to suspicious spots time and again on your body, but vigilance will grant you victory. When in doubt, pluck. You may think you have fully eradicated PL from a particular area on your body on day one, only to find a straggler on day two or three.

After a while, things may calm down. You may see neither PL or nits and think you are cured, but they may come back. Two weeks after you begin treating is the time to renew your vigilance. If you see more PL around this time, then nits have been hatching. There are places you may not be able to reach, like a hairy bum, so that is where they may have their last refuge. Do not despair and do not let up.

Social responsibility is an absolute must. Once you find out, you should tell your spouse or your recent sexual partner(s) so they can investigate whether they need to treat. Adult PL are about the size of a grain of rice, most people don't know what to look for. PL can jump to children and animals too, so they will need to be checked out. Also, no more wrestling, boxing, martial arts or combat sports for you until the infestation is gone. Body contact can spread PL, so do have some consideration for others and don't spread it. Tell your recent wrestling buddies that you have had a PL issue and advise them to check themselves. Everyone should check themselves a few days after a wrestling encounter, especially if it was a "hot" one. If you try to keep secret, you may become reinfected again.

There are lice-repellent shampoos you can use before a wrestling encounter to reduce the risk of infection and I would suggest using one. However, they only reduce the risk of infection like a condom, they are no true guarantee that the lice will not find a place to attach themselves onto you.

Última edição em 27/5/2019 06:14 por Wrestling Beast; 2 comentário(s)
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Next month I am planning to attend Thunderdome V, a wrestling event to be held near Taunton, Massachusetts. I been invited to the owner's property on several occasions and have wrestled five of the confirmed participants in the past. The owner, Joe, is a great host and I cannot thank him enough for his generosity in hosting this event (especially as his body doesn't want to let him wrestle as he should). I hope to wrestle many new opponents and perhaps even find a few guys willing to put on boxing gloves and go for a few rounds.

I remember the first couple of times I went to a wrestling meet, I felt a little awkward and rather shy at first. I was often the largest person there and not everyone was willing to wrestle me due to the weight difference. What if everyone else (except the people I knew) were so much better that they would put me to shame? Fortunately I always had one person, my friend Rhodyraybo, who would be happy to wrestle me all day long, so I wouldn't be just another "spectator in a speedo."

Wrestling events are not for everyone. Some men can only wrestle on a 1-to-1 basis. I know a couple of guys who could travel to the site without great difficulty and make a positive contribution, but cannot be convinced. The dynamic is different in a group, and for some men for whom wrestling is more of a fetish or a turn-on, they may never be sufficiently comfortable to enjoy themselves. The property is not completely secluded from the outside world and there will undoubtedly be photos and video taken. There should be tents pitched at this event, so those who do need to get away for a "private session" will probably have the opportunity to do so.

When I go to meetups these days I don't feel nearly as uncomfortable as I did the first couple of times. I look forward to meeting new wrestlers. I always appreciate the opportunity to revisit my old opponents. I also look forward to swimming in Joe's in-ground pool! I'll probably be a bit overenthusiastic and push myself too hard, too fast. As long as I am not forced to leave early due to family, there should be plenty of me to go around.

This event promises to have many, many more gentlemen in attendance than any event I have ever attended before. Of course I would love to fight everyone who comes and is willing to wrap up with me. The event is being held over the weekend and I may only be able to attend one day due to family obligations, so I hope to get in as much wrestling and fighting in with as many people as I possibly can. The month between me and the event cannot go by quickly enough!

Última edição em 15/6/2017 19:59 por Wrestling Beast; 3 comentário(s)
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When I was planning my next match with my friend, I was thinking about some changes to our standard routine of sumo, wrestling and body boxing. I made suggestions and he agreed to try them.

The first suggestion had to do with our sumo. I kind of felt that forcing each other off the mat really was often over too quickly. I felt we needed something with more impact. My basement is long but somewhat narrow, as you can see in my photos and videos. For our meetup, I decided to scrap the force off the mat rule. Instead we would try to see how often we could slam each other up against either wall and how long we could hold each other there. I timed it for 1 minute with breaks of 30 seconds in between. I thought I had recorded it with an intent to share it here, but it didn't record :( It was really a lot of fun and I think we will keep this format for future matches.

The second suggestion came later. Big guys like us tend to throw our weight around, so we did a variation of the football tackle. One person would stand about one tile from the edge of the mat and the other person would rush at them from the other edge of the mat and collide with their body. The rusher's job would be to move the defender off the mat but could not use his hands to push the defender. The defender's job was to brace himself and be moved as little as possible. Five times and then we would switch roles. This was also a lot of fun as a variant on our sumo routine.

The final suggestion was to add light head punches to our body boxing. When my friend and I put on the boxing gloves, we are competing against each other and throw punches wherever and whenever we can. It is not a controlled contest like one-sided or mutual gutpunching. Our object in body boxing is to go on until one of us gives up. Occasionally in prior matches there have been punches that have landed above the chest. We are guys and friends and can suck it up. Even in body boxing, there is always a risk of a head shot. This time I wanted to make it OK to intentionally aim punches to the head, and I was glad when he agreed. I made sure not to throw head shots too often or too hard and I think it added to the match significantly. We were not wearing head gear, so the punches were not as hard as they could be. We definitely had a fun time. I was able to video this match and it is available in my videos, dated for 08-06-16.

I had planned to post video of our wrestling this time, but about two minutes in I encountered a wardrobe malfunction. As I kept earning more and more submissions, my wardrobe was mysteriously increasingly failing on me ;p It quickly became apparent that no video would be available from this bout. Next time I hope to wear a more reliable wrestling speedo.

Última edição em 11/8/2016 02:20 por Wrestling Beast; 1 comentário(s)
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As you may know, I posted a new video last week. It seems to be pretty popular and has been viewed quite a bit. I love taking pictures and especially video of myself while wrestling or boxing, but if I cannot mask my identity, I cannot do it. I am glad to be able to post video again. When I used to post video, I was at a friend's house and had to use his mask. If I was not wrestling at his house though, I was out of luck.

Since that time I have purchased my own mask. I do not like complicated masks with lots of frilly things and shiny bits on them, so I opted for a simple "[Navy] Blue Demon" mask from an ebay seller. The mask came from Mexico, as all wrestling masks seem to come from there, and arrived about six weeks after I ordered it. I have no quarrel with the mask's material or stitching, but I apparently have a big head, so my jaw does not have a full range of movement when I wear it. I can still breathe in it. Despite the restriction, the mask gives me what feels like an incredible amount of freedom.

With mask in hand, my wrestling/boxing buddy had a welcome surprise for me since we last met in December. He obtained a pair of 16oz boxing gloves just like mine. Now we could fight against each other as equals, which we could only do previously with bare fists.

We met for the first time this year at a Motel 6. I wished we could meet in my basement, but I could not arrange it. This Motel 6 we wrestled at before and we could easily rearrange the room to get the bed out of the way. Not all Motel 6s are like this unfortunately. This room seemed a bit smaller than the last room we had at that location, but the space was workable. The focus of the camera was tighter than I'd like it, but you can see most of the action.

We went at it for four rounds. He is a genuine friend and a true gentleman, and outside boxing and wrestling we can appear to be ordinary friends. However, I love his willingness to put on the gloves, give and receive lots of gut punishment and fight until he has nothing left to give. He does not pull his punches and landing punches to his large belly is positively addicting. So when he called for a break at the end of the four rounds, I was satisfied, as always, that he did the best he could. Because we were using boxing gloves, there was the occasional head contact, but neither of us seemed to mind too much and it looks great on video.

My phone was recording double duty both to take the video and to act as a round timer. I used the app called Round Timer!, which is free in the Google Play store and works well for my simple purposes. I was able to record almost twenty minutes and even though I forgot my phone stand, the phone did not topple over.

I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to MF for the new video posting options. My opponent only has a smartphone and, like most smartphones, hates the Flash video player and refuses to work with it. With the HTML5 player, the video plays perfectly for his phone as well as my phone. My computer would play the flash video, but it would stall if you paused the video for any reason, even if you wanted to go forward or back. I believed he had as much right to watch the video as anyone, so I was hesitant about posting videos until MF adopted the new streaming option. I'm also glad that most other video contributors also have chosen the HTML5 player over the Flash player.

Última edição em 05/5/2016 22:37 por Wrestling Beast; 0 comentário(s)
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