Wrestling Beast's blog

The Joys of Space in your Own Place

The last time I met my wrestling buddy, we met again at a Motel 6. This was a different Motel 6 than the one described in my previous blog entry. Unfortunately, the bed was screwed into the wall, requiring us to wrestle on the bed and box around it. It was just a little disappointing as a result.

I had never hosted a match at my house but I had a good sized unfinished basement which was relatively uncluttered. I had obtained some interlocking workout puzzle mats some years before but never had been able to use them for their intended purpose. However, the stars aligned and I was able to have my buddy over my house and host with little cost to me and him yesterday.

My workout puzzle mats were arranged in a 4x4 square with edge pieces, almost 8' per side and 1/2" thick. Wrestling on this mat was no difficulty, even for two big guys like me and my opponent. We did not have to reset even once. I have a heavy bag in the basement and we took turns working on it while the other held it, a nice workout.

Next came the body boxing, which is always a part of our matches. We started bare fist and I was not really pulling my punches at his big chest and gut. Before too long we switched to MMA gloves. Then after a while I switched to boxing gloves and allowed him to remove his MMA gloves.
No matter the handicap I was not the one covering up. He said "You don't even flinch" as he threw a punch into my gut. Finally I took off my gloves and had him put them on so he could batter my form with them for a while. Every so often I would slap his flesh or throw a knee into his gut to keep him alert. We had to have been going at this off and on, mostly on, for twenty five minutes.

One of the odder things we were able to try was a bit of impromptu sumo at the end. I suddenly had an idea to rush at my opponent and smash my chest and belly against his. I love the sensation when two big guys clash bodies, so we did it a few times and then I locked my arms around him and tried to force him off the mats. Between the two of us there is 600 pounds of flesh and bone coming to an impact when we smash our bodies together. When I did I said something to the effect of "We have to try this again." So we went to the opposite corners of the mat, and at the count of 1,2,3 we rushed at each other, grabbed each other and tried to force the other off the mats. While you can win a sumo bout by throwing or forcing your opponent to his knees as well as forcing him out of the ring, due to the concrete floor around the mat that was not going to happen. We both refrained from the slapping prevalent in sumo. I think we did it about five times and I felt like I had exerted myself to perhaps the greatest extent during out time together. I know this is only a mockery of the true sport, but I had fun doing it and he agreed with me that it was fun.

Última edição em 01/12/2015 04:52 por Wrestling Beast
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