Wrestling Beast's blog

Big Guys Can be Fun too

Unfortunately, not all of us can be fit and trim. I admit I don't exercise regularly, but its hard when the only physical activity I love requires other people. I would be happy to box or wrestle every day, and if I did that I would undoubtedly lose pounds like the big banks lost money in 2008. I would gain strength and stamina too, as I would be trying to shift a large and bulky weight.

Still, I don't completely lack stamina and I am no weakling. Okay, I may need an extra break or two or a longer one, but you won't be wasting your time with me. I don't expect an opponent to go easy on me and I won't go on him. I can absorb lots of punishment and can dish out hurt as my opponent allows. I am not wholly unskilled and this isn't some fad activity for me.

I have mass, you probably have speed or skill, so it would not necessarily be a squash match. Wrestling is one of the ultimate contact sports, with lots of skin to skin, so I can offer lots in that department. If you haven't seen a big gut in action, you may be hypnotized by the way mine moves. You will get a workout in trying to move me, take or knock me down, and we will both break a sweat.

Attitude is the most important aspect of an opponent. If he is into the same kinds of physicality that you are into, you will almost certainly have a good experience even though you may have nothing in common and would otherwise look like the Odd Couple. If he isn't, then the reverse is almost always true. I have lots of fun with my smaller opponents because they share the love of the same wrestling styles as I do.

I think I am not unique among larger wrestlers. All I ask is that you give us bigger guys a chance. Not too many of us can be real choosy. And to my fellow bears and big fellas, don't be ashamed of your weight. It can serve both as offense and defense, and I hope there are plenty of guys who will welcome you into their holds.

Última edição em 15/6/2012 00:20 por Wrestling Beast
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Mighty Mongo (46)

16/6/2012 18:07

Thank you for this! I'm in the same boat buddy.
