What makes for a good profile? There are a lot of profiles out there, and some are not likely to get many signs of interest.

I have no interest in people who put a profile up just because they feel like it. I have seen profiles with little to no effort attached to them. The first issue I have is with profiles with no photos. I don't judge a potential opponent by any measure of physical attractiveness, but I would like to know that what I am seeing is something close to the stats given. No photo really shows a lack of motivation to meet and wrestle. Good photos can really help work up enthusiasm for a new opponent.

The second issue I have is with short introduction. I do not mean to say that an introduction needs to be fancy like mine with lengthy paragraphs and bullet points. However, a few lines about what you like, what you want to do and what you do not want to do would go a long way to letting people know whether they should make the effort to contact and try to meet up with you.

A lengthy introduction entry can go some way to a lack of photographs. I get it that not everyone is technologically inclined, but a one line description and no photos tends to suggest a fake or uninterested profile.

Lastly, one thing that annoys like no other is profiles that have been on this site for some length of time and have no opponents to show for it. Unless the member's profile states that their sole interest is in cyber or watching, there is little excuse for going 2-3 years from joining without at least one confirmed opponent, especially in well-populated areas.

Última edição em 21/1/2015 23:17 por Wrestling Beast
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Kevin93 (14)

21/1/2015 23:25

I believe you cant judge a profile by what is or isn't in it. I have seen profiles that go on and on, and yet they dont show up, or stop communicating. I have met with guys who didn't have a photo, or a "one line profile" and they turned out to be very good and in very good shape.

Some people just come on here to wrestle, I can't speak for people, however, I will say I have wrestled a guy that has had 1 photo up for the last few years, doesn't make him any less active than a person that has 30 photo's up


Oofmystomach (0)

14/6/2015 17:12

I just signed on, I'll have photos up as soon as I can, unfortunately I live in a poorly populated area, I have gut punching sessions, but the people are not on meet fighters! I'll try to make a video if I can, oof! I wish you were in florida, I'd love to trade shots with you, we have similar bellies, mine is not as big, but very punch able!
