The big three wrestling personals sites all allow a member to designate other members as favorites. When someone would designate me as their favorite, I usually responded in kind. Then I thought, what is the point of designating a favorite on a wrestling personals site? My interest is in real matches, so how can I possibly call someone a favorite whom I have not wrestled? I am a reasonably friendly person and have had many pleasant and sometimes unusual yet interesting conversations. But you cannot really know a wrestler until you have met him in the flesh. So, I do not think I can designate someone as a "favorite [wrestler]" until I have met them.

Of course, I want to wrestle as many people as possible, and would like the lists of people I have previously wrestled to increase. So, for those sites with a "previously wrestled" category, those wrestlers are my favorites and I do not need to double list them in a "favorites" category. Consider that an endorsement if you will. If I have wrestled a person and did not enjoy the experience, then I would not list them in my previously wrestled category. Unless the site requires confirmation before listing a member as previously wrestled, if they list me there is nothing I can do about it. Of course, if I list someone and that person does not list me, check other sites as some people do not often log into all three sites. I would not maintain a link with someone who would prefer not to be associated with me in any way, shape or form.

I know that this site has a "fans" category and another site has an "admirers" category, and I interpret this to mean "I would like to wrestle this person someday." There are many people whom I would like to wrestle someday, but I would wait for them to contact me if they are going to be in my area.

For a particular site that does not have a previously wrestled category, at least for the non-premium members, then my favorites are those whom I have previously wrestled and would recommend to others for a match.

Última edição em 09/8/2012 04:32 por Wrestling Beast
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