Tranquillo Time's blog

Mental health Monday- Avoiding being a Pick me Person

I have been trying to maintain not being a pick me person. A pick me person, will do anything to be chosen and deemed as worthy by others: Getting attention by putting others down to look cool, doing anything for validation of people, and begging people to meet up/be your friend. Don't give people the power to make you feel like crud, control you, and raise your anxiety by wondering if they choose you. If they don't choose you, it's their lose. Their are 7 billion + people on this earth. Move on, you will find someone who values your time and effort. It can be a strenuous task, but will be worth it, when you meet that person who does not put you in a pick me positon. Another thing to avoid, is people faking like they pick you, seems they will choose you when in all actually they are looking for their own selfish wants and desires. People will do subtle things like lead you on, to make it seem like they choose you, that fake friendship Benedict Arnold individual who hoodwinked you out of nowhere, will soon realize their actions of how they did you. Once they realized you are not theirs anymore, to be deceived and played with. Stay strong warriors! Treat others the way you want to be treated! Kind regards Tranquillo Time

Última edição em 05/6/2023 15:38 por Tranquillo Time
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