ThisIsTeal42's blog

The Set Up (Cyber Match!)

Foe: Marco1111. Everyone else's tag is for this site.
Background Story: Dave was trying to get me to cyber wrestle with him, however i wasn't in the mood to take him on, however Marco was in the chat and he's always a good time; so Dave told him that i would be wrestling him, but it ended up he was stepping back into the ring with me.
ALSO! Do not repost or take this from this website; you do not have our blessing to try and claim it as your own, and if you wish to share it; just link it to this blog post.

Dave_Squeezemaster> hey evening stud
ThisIsTeal42> Hey Dave, waiting on Marco?
marco1111 enter the room
ThisIsTeal42> there we go
@Dave_Squeezemaster> there he is
[ThisIsTeal42> i had to resend the location to him
marco1111> hello.
marco1111> ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
marco1111> so whats up big bois, whos askin for a beatdown
@Dave_Squeezemaster> well marco time for u to face him huh
ThisIsTeal42> I believe you were asking for one
marco1111> oh jeez............ waita sec now
ThisIsTeal42> Yes?
marco1111> I thought u n dave were, well gonna go...this isn't my plan. need a day or 2 more to lick my wounds
Dave_Squeezemaster> whia,why?
ThisIsTeal42> Why do i see an image of you ina corner rubbing your finger on the ground holding your knees when you say that
marco1111> oh fuk
@Dave_Squeezemaster> LMAO
marco1111> this is a fukkn trick
ThisIsTeal42> Blame dave
@Dave_Squeezemaster> u are right marco, this dude is cocky
ThisIsTeal42> I was kewl with chilling
marco1111> I aint ready............ oh fuk
[21:59:05] <ThisIsTeal42> I can start again, like i did earlier today, remember?
@Dave_Squeezemaster> well just play with him
marco1111> listen, enuff....................
marco111> BRING IT
marco1111> I AM READY, FUKKR!
ThisIsTeal42> Count down please Dave
marco1111> oh fuk
@Dave_Squeezemaster> count wat
@Dave_Squeezemaster> ok
marco1111> fukkn massive teal
@Dave_Squeezemaster> 3.....
marco1111> again
@Dave_Squeezemaster> 2......
marco1111> oh no
@Dave_Squeezemaster> 1........
@Dave_Squeezemaster> ding ding ding
ThisIsTeal42> Front rush, arm grab, toss onto ground, and arm chock
marco1111> lemme outta here!!!!!!!!!!
marco1111> fukkkkkkkkkkkk
ThisIsTeal42> wrap legs around torso
marco1111> in my fukkn smoking hot silver poser
ThisIsTeal42> pull his arm and squeeze his thighs
marco1111> huge legs wrappin tight
ThisIsTeal42> lock my ankles and keep squeezing him
marco1111> stompin my feet, strugglin
@Dave_Squeezemaster> fukkkkkkkkkkkkk, hes fast!
marco1111> dude................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Dave_Squeezemaster> looking at them thick thighs
ThisIsTeal42> move down to wrap both arms around your neck and tighten
marco1111> oh fuk
ThisIsTeal42> I squeeze you like a fresh orange in teh morning
marco1111> head bein pushed down to my chest, 220 pounds squeezing
@Dave_Squeezemaster> damn he's done for!
marco1111> cryin out
marco1111> muffled
@Dave_Squeezemaster> no way out
ThisIsTeal42> I smack you onto the mats, flip you onto your stomach, FULL NELSON!
ThisIsTeal42> I shake and shake you
marco1111> BIG BOI ON ME
ThisIsTeal42> side to side
@Dave_Squeezemaster> fuk now a laying full nelson
marco1111> full nelson my hot bod, crushed,breathin hard
ThisIsTeal42> I pull us up, both of us on our knees, I put your face under my arm pit, and beat on your chest
marco1111> fukkn balls n cock crushed into the mat
ThisIsTeal42> Crotch grab!
marco1111> fukkn face in yer pit, pecs slammed
ThisIsTeal42> squeeze!
marco1111> aaarrgghhhhhhhhhhh
marco1111> my thick 8 inches on display, archin up
@Dave_Squeezemaster> looking at marco s big crotch
marco1111> body squeeezed
ThisIsTeal42> "Dave, stay back." *evil glare*
marco1111> not human, this boi is fukkn animal
ThisIsTeal42> I throw Macro back onto the mats, face first
marco1111> awwwwwwwwwwwww
ThisIsTeal42> I go into boston crab
@Dave_Squeezemaster> go easy on him man
ThisIsTeal42> and keep moving back
marco1111> oh no, oh no, no,noooooooooooooooooooooo!
peterthelegend joins the spectator seats.
marco1111> body on fire
ThisIsTeal42> I sit down onto your back, put both legs under my left arm, and grab your neck and stretch it back with my right arm
marco1111> god damn.................................. no relief
@Dave_Squeezemaster> awesome move man
marco1111> moanin for dave, gotta get help...!
ThisIsTeal42> "Stay away Dave, or i'll make it a lot worse"
marco1111> oh fukkkkkkkkkkk
@Dave_Squeezemaster> bending him like a pretzel
marco1111> common.......too far...............................
ThisIsTeal42> I let go of the hold, sit on Marco and go into camel clutch
@Dave_Squeezemaster> "wat u mean stay away I aint interfering"
marco1111> fukkn camel clutch
marco1111> u r fukkn relentless...........................
marco1111> moanin
ThisIsTeal42> *glares into dave's eyes* "Don't mess with a hunter and his prey"
@Dave_Squeezemaster> "dude don't keep provoking me then" u hear
marco1111> my body all bea\t uo
ThisIsTeal42> I lock my arms behind marcos neck and bend him upwards
marco1111> just bein put in 1 hard hold after another....................
peterthelegend> Such a good jobber, and such a brutal heel
marco1111> ahhhhhhhhhhhh godddddddddddddddd
marco1111> beyond pain
ThisIsTeal42> "I warned you mate," I wisper in Marco's ear "I'm a one of a kind man."
marco1111> this new rassler, more a machine!
marco1111> no mercy!!
ThisIsTeal42> I drop macro onto the mats. I stand on his head for a brief moment and walk back to his legs
marco1111> one of a kind torture machine
ThisIsTeal42> I get ready, for the surf board
marco1111> no
marco1111> please...............................
ThisIsTeal42> I lock our legs together, i bend back, your arms in my hands
ThisIsTeal42> we're getting higher
marco1111> noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!
marco1111> noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!
marco1111> no, teal, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ThisIsTeal42> "cause you're on!" Lifts him high into the air!!
@Dave_Squeezemaster> fuk a suspended surfboard
marco1111> feel the huge man lift me like I was nuttin
marco1111> a piece of meat to gnaw on and play with.
ThisIsTeal42> To gnaw on, what a good idea for later...
@Dave_Squeezemaster> "dude just give up to him"
ThisIsTeal42> I toss macro aside
peterthelegend> Sign this guy to a fed
marco1111> huge bulge showin my hurt
ThisIsTeal42> I stand up, and go over to him
marco1111> roll into the corner, on to my knees, sweating, body aching
peterthelegend> Oh dear, this is only going to get worse...
marco1111> grab the middle rope to lift myself
ThisIsTeal42> "Big mistake, marco" Rush claw into marco's throat and slam him against the corner
marco1111> look at dave,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ThisIsTeal42> chops across the torso, right chop
[22:12:43] <marco1111> ARRGGHH!
ThisIsTeal42> left chop
ThisIsTeal42> hold on to rope and chock him with my right foot
marco1111> big foot cutting off my air,feet stompin
ThisisTeal42> Drop the foot, and body slams into macro
marco1111> 220 in to me..........................
marco1111> jesussssssss @Dave_Squeezemaster> "marco what you looking at man?! Just give up to him and he will stop the pain, man!"
marco1111> crumble
marco1111> start to tap, 1...............
ThisIsTeal42> "hehe" Close lines!
marco1111> somersault......landin on my neck.............................
ThisIsTeal42> body slams onto macro's torso
marco1111> BOOMMMMMMM
ThisIsTeal42> lays out Marco, and does a spread eagle for all the boys to see
marco1111> my lean sexy body spread, huge man on top
marco1111> no way out now
ThisIsTeal42> I wrap his head in my arms, and move my feet under his knees and strat screching him
marco1111> aarrggghhhhhhhhhhhh
marco1111> muffled "please stop, stop,awwww"
ThisIsTeal42> "Stop? Are you sure?"
marco1111> spread wider
marco1111> grunt........p u s s y...fuk u................
@Dave_Squeezemaster> "dude hes giving up"
marco1111> no mercy...none
ThisIsTeal42> i sit on marco's chest, i use my legs to keep his pinned, and i put my middle knuckles onto his temple, and apply full pressure, noogies
peterthelegend> Nasty, nasty!
ThisIsTeal42> "What did you say now?!"
marco1111> head, tryin to shake off the knucks, putting me in a fukkn daze, pain shootin
ThisIsTeal42> "don't try to pass out now, mate!"
marco1111> f f f fuk u
ThisIsTeal42> Removes knule and starts pounding on macros' chest! Full force right and left strikes.
marco1111> big fists slammin into me
marco1111> ooooffffffffffffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marco1111> knockin the air outta me
@Dave_Squeezemaster> k men, seen enough kinda of going over the top, have fun. Cya! Besides, marco should have given up a long time ago...
marco1111> the life outta me
ThisIsTeal42> put my right hand on marco's neck, and full slap with my left hand onto Macro's chest
marco1111> AAAARRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!
ThisIsTeal42> "Oh? Later dave! Have fun!" I wave
ThisIsTeal42> "Well now, what do to with you now?"
marco1111> OH MAN. Finish me, please, but..... lemme cum for ya
ThisIsTeal42> Finish you? let's see what you do, when I'm a little bit, hungry
marco1111> I'm so boned

Última edição em 26/2/2016 17:52 por ThisIsTeal42
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