ThisIsTeal42's blog

Foe: Marco1111. Everyone else's tag is for this site.
Background Story: Dave was trying to get me to cyber wrestle with him, however i wasn't in the mood to take him on, however Marco was in the chat and he's always a good time; so Dave told him that i would be wrestling him, but it ended up he was stepping back into the ring with me.
ALSO! Do not repost or take this from this website; you do not have our blessing to try and claim it as your own, and if you wish to share it; just link it to this blog post.

Dave_Squeezemaster> hey evening stud
ThisIsTeal42> Hey Dave, waiting on Marco?
marco1111 enter the room
ThisIsTeal42> there we go
@Dave_Squeezemaster> there he is
[ThisIsTeal42> i had to resend the location to him
marco1111> hello.
marco1111> ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
marco1111> so whats up big bois, whos askin for a beatdown
@Dave_Squeezemaster> well marco time for u to face him huh
ThisIsTeal42> I believe you were asking for one
marco1111> oh jeez............ waita sec now
ThisIsTeal42> Yes?
marco1111> I thought u n dave were, well gonna go...this isn't my plan. need a day or 2 more to lick my wounds
Dave_Squeezemaster> whia,why?
ThisIsTeal42> Why do i see an image of you ina corner rubbing your finger on the ground holding your knees when you say that
marco1111> oh fuk
@Dave_Squeezemaster> LMAO
marco1111> this is a fukkn trick
ThisIsTeal42> Blame dave
@Dave_Squeezemaster> u are right marco, this dude is cocky
ThisIsTeal42> I was kewl with chilling
marco1111> I aint ready............ oh fuk
[21:59:05] <ThisIsTeal42> I can start again, like i did earlier today, remember?
@Dave_Squeezemaster> well just play with him
marco1111> listen, enuff....................
marco111> BRING IT
marco1111> I AM READY, FUKKR!
ThisIsTeal42> Count down please Dave
marco1111> oh fuk
@Dave_Squeezemaster> count wat
@Dave_Squeezemaster> ok
marco1111> fukkn massive teal
@Dave_Squeezemaster> 3.....
marco1111> again
@Dave_Squeezemaster> 2......
marco1111> oh no
@Dave_Squeezemaster> 1........
@Dave_Squeezemaster> ding ding ding
ThisIsTeal42> Front rush, arm grab, toss onto ground, and arm chock
marco1111> lemme outta here!!!!!!!!!!
marco1111> fukkkkkkkkkkkk
ThisIsTeal42> wrap legs around torso
marco1111> in my fukkn smoking hot silver poser
ThisIsTeal42> pull his arm and squeeze his thighs
marco1111> huge legs wrappin tight
ThisIsTeal42> lock my ankles and keep squeezing him
marco1111> stompin my feet, strugglin
@Dave_Squeezemaster> fukkkkkkkkkkkkk, hes fast!
marco1111> dude................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Dave_Squeezemaster> looking at them thick thighs
ThisIsTeal42> move down to wrap both arms around your neck and tighten
marco1111> oh fuk
ThisIsTeal42> I squeeze you like a fresh orange in teh morning
marco1111> head bein pushed down to my chest, 220 pounds squeezing
@Dave_Squeezemaster> damn he's done for!
marco1111> cryin out
marco1111> muffled
@Dave_Squeezemaster> no way out
ThisIsTeal42> I smack you onto the mats, flip you onto your stomach, FULL NELSON!
ThisIsTeal42> I shake and shake you
marco1111> BIG BOI ON ME
ThisIsTeal42> side to side
@Dave_Squeezemaster> fuk now a laying full nelson
marco1111> full nelson my hot bod, crushed,breathin hard
ThisIsTeal42> I pull us up, both of us on our knees, I put your face under my arm pit, and beat on your chest
marco1111> fukkn balls n cock crushed into the mat
ThisIsTeal42> Crotch grab!
marco1111> fukkn face in yer pit, pecs slammed
ThisIsTeal42> squeeze!
marco1111> aaarrgghhhhhhhhhhh
marco1111> my thick 8 inches on display, archin up
@Dave_Squeezemaster> looking at marco s big crotch
marco1111> body squeeezed
ThisIsTeal42> "Dave, stay back." *evil glare*
marco1111> not human, this boi is fukkn animal
ThisIsTeal42> I throw Macro back onto the mats, face first
marco1111> awwwwwwwwwwwww
ThisIsTeal42> I go into boston crab
@Dave_Squeezemaster> go easy on him man
ThisIsTeal42> and keep moving back
marco1111> oh no, oh no, no,noooooooooooooooooooooo!
peterthelegend joins the spectator seats.
marco1111> body on fire
ThisIsTeal42> I sit down onto your back, put both legs under my left arm, and grab your neck and stretch it back with my right arm
marco1111> god damn.................................. no relief
@Dave_Squeezemaster> awesome move man
marco1111> moanin for dave, gotta get help...!
ThisIsTeal42> "Stay away Dave, or i'll make it a lot worse"
marco1111> oh fukkkkkkkkkkk
@Dave_Squeezemaster> bending him like a pretzel
marco1111> common.......too far...............................
ThisIsTeal42> I let go of the hold, sit on Marco and go into camel clutch
@Dave_Squeezemaster> "wat u mean stay away I aint interfering"
marco1111> fukkn camel clutch
marco1111> u r fukkn relentless...........................
marco1111> moanin
ThisIsTeal42> *glares into dave's eyes* "Don't mess with a hunter and his prey"
@Dave_Squeezemaster> "dude don't keep provoking me then" u hear
marco1111> my body all bea\t uo
ThisIsTeal42> I lock my arms behind marcos neck and bend him upwards
marco1111> just bein put in 1 hard hold after another....................
peterthelegend> Such a good jobber, and such a brutal heel
marco1111> ahhhhhhhhhhhh godddddddddddddddd
marco1111> beyond pain
ThisIsTeal42> "I warned you mate," I wisper in Marco's ear "I'm a one of a kind man."
marco1111> this new rassler, more a machine!
marco1111> no mercy!!
ThisIsTeal42> I drop macro onto the mats. I stand on his head for a brief moment and walk back to his legs
marco1111> one of a kind torture machine
ThisIsTeal42> I get ready, for the surf board
marco1111> no
marco1111> please...............................
ThisIsTeal42> I lock our legs together, i bend back, your arms in my hands
ThisIsTeal42> we're getting higher
marco1111> noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!
marco1111> noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!
marco1111> no, teal, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ThisIsTeal42> "cause you're on!" Lifts him high into the air!!
@Dave_Squeezemaster> fuk a suspended surfboard
marco1111> feel the huge man lift me like I was nuttin
marco1111> a piece of meat to gnaw on and play with.
ThisIsTeal42> To gnaw on, what a good idea for later...
@Dave_Squeezemaster> "dude just give up to him"
ThisIsTeal42> I toss macro aside
peterthelegend> Sign this guy to a fed
marco1111> huge bulge showin my hurt
ThisIsTeal42> I stand up, and go over to him
marco1111> roll into the corner, on to my knees, sweating, body aching
peterthelegend> Oh dear, this is only going to get worse...
marco1111> grab the middle rope to lift myself
ThisIsTeal42> "Big mistake, marco" Rush claw into marco's throat and slam him against the corner
marco1111> look at dave,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ThisIsTeal42> chops across the torso, right chop
[22:12:43] <marco1111> ARRGGHH!
ThisIsTeal42> left chop
ThisIsTeal42> hold on to rope and chock him with my right foot
marco1111> big foot cutting off my air,feet stompin
ThisisTeal42> Drop the foot, and body slams into macro
marco1111> 220 in to me..........................
marco1111> jesussssssss @Dave_Squeezemaster> "marco what you looking at man?! Just give up to him and he will stop the pain, man!"
marco1111> crumble
marco1111> start to tap, 1...............
ThisIsTeal42> "hehe" Close lines!
marco1111> somersault......landin on my neck.............................
ThisIsTeal42> body slams onto macro's torso
marco1111> BOOMMMMMMM
ThisIsTeal42> lays out Marco, and does a spread eagle for all the boys to see
marco1111> my lean sexy body spread, huge man on top
marco1111> no way out now
ThisIsTeal42> I wrap his head in my arms, and move my feet under his knees and strat screching him
marco1111> aarrggghhhhhhhhhhhh
marco1111> muffled "please stop, stop,awwww"
ThisIsTeal42> "Stop? Are you sure?"
marco1111> spread wider
marco1111> grunt........p u s s y...fuk u................
@Dave_Squeezemaster> "dude hes giving up"
marco1111> no mercy...none
ThisIsTeal42> i sit on marco's chest, i use my legs to keep his pinned, and i put my middle knuckles onto his temple, and apply full pressure, noogies
peterthelegend> Nasty, nasty!
ThisIsTeal42> "What did you say now?!"
marco1111> head, tryin to shake off the knucks, putting me in a fukkn daze, pain shootin
ThisIsTeal42> "don't try to pass out now, mate!"
marco1111> f f f fuk u
ThisIsTeal42> Removes knule and starts pounding on macros' chest! Full force right and left strikes.
marco1111> big fists slammin into me
marco1111> ooooffffffffffffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marco1111> knockin the air outta me
@Dave_Squeezemaster> k men, seen enough kinda of going over the top, have fun. Cya! Besides, marco should have given up a long time ago...
marco1111> the life outta me
ThisIsTeal42> put my right hand on marco's neck, and full slap with my left hand onto Macro's chest
marco1111> AAAARRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!
ThisIsTeal42> "Oh? Later dave! Have fun!" I wave
ThisIsTeal42> "Well now, what do to with you now?"
marco1111> OH MAN. Finish me, please, but..... lemme cum for ya
ThisIsTeal42> Finish you? let's see what you do, when I'm a little bit, hungry
marco1111> I'm so boned

Última edição em 26/2/2016 17:52 por ThisIsTeal42; 0 comentário(s)
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Foe's stats: 38, gay, 5'9" (176), 154 lbs (70kg)
For sake of Blog, we'll dub Foe's Dialogue with the letter D.

D: Sexy Sleeper
I Choke you out

ThisisTeal42:I force my arm into your sleeper, break free, put your head under my armpit sleeper and beat on your chest

D: Ahhhh... I Would Be in Big Trouble... I feel hurt

ThisisTeal42: Drop you onto the ground, smash your face into the ground and then lock your head between my thighs as i sit on your upper back

D: Groan......
I try to Break free... Punch your Body uncoordinated, Hope to hurt you

ThisisTeal42:i tighten my squeeze, bend back grab your legs, pull them up and lock them under my armpits.
(I am sitting on your upper back, with your head between my thighs, you are on your stomach, and i now have your legs under my arms.)

D: Argggg... Brutal Boy...
I am locked, weakened, i Gasp for air, cant fight back... I feel massive power by your legs

ThisIsTeal42: "Got you now, boy! Beg, tap, surrender; this'll only get worse!"
I lean forward, bringing your feet closer to your head applying more and more pressure to your back and keep on the squeeze on your head, making it start to turn red and purple

D: I Never give up, Looser!!!

I feel as If you Break my back, Screaming in agony, i cant fight back any more, i just try to Defend myself...

ThisisTeal42: I lean forward enough to start drop onto the mats, I now have your body in the air, your face between my thighs, and your legs still trapped in my arms. Spine is bent upwards now

D:Aaaaarrrrrrrggggg.... You Break my nack!!!!
I feel i am near to be bd put out

ThisisTeal42: I let go of your neck with my thighs, let go of your legs from my arms, and let you fall to the mats. I roll you onto your back, and set you up for this humiliation pose (see photo at top)

D:I am totally done, cant react
My Arms and legs spread-eagled...
Just waiting for an end of this humiliation

ThisisTeal42: i rub my cock against your face, and drop you. leaving you laid out.

D: Am humiliated, But still Alive

ThisIsTeal42: I'm not going to kill you; i still want to wrestle you again.

Última edição em 26/2/2016 01:18 por ThisIsTeal42; 1 comentário(s)
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