I got home a half hour ago from a night out with two buddies. The night started with the three of us and then more friends got involved until we had a total of 8 people in the group. We hung out, drank and went dancing with some girls until 1am.

It should have been fun. It was a good time, but something felt lacking. Over the course of the night, one thought kept returning, "I'd rather be wrestling."

One part I love about wrestling is the intense one-on-one connection.

I've never been a group person. I've always had one or two very close friends. Being part of a loosely connected group does nothing for me. I'd rather have one guy friend to wrestle every weekend than 10 friends to hang out with on Saturday night. Every other activity pales in comparison to how much I want to wrestle.

Última edição em 22/7/2018 08:10 por Sparrhawk
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Spruceman (55 )

22/7/2018 21:05

Agree 110 percent. A weekend without some wrestling can be somewhat empty. Add to that is the fact so many guys have competing and compelling obligations making it difficult at time to find rasslin' mates then – the exception being those events held in a small number of areas.
