Sparrhawk's blog

I have one friend who is married with a child. We met through work but only worked together for six months. He's also a wrestling fan, and I've notice that he likes to text me threats like, "I'm going to punch you in the face this weekend," or "Are you ready to submit to me?"

Most of these "threats"replace the usual greetings where other people would say, "Hey, what are you doing this weekend?"

Sometimes when we hang out, he tends to reach out and pinch my nips. He plays it off as teasing. I've tried to initiate a wrestling match, but we're never in a good place for one, i.e. a restaurant or bar or the movies. He never comes to my place without his family.

I wondered if anyone else had these type of friendships and what do you think of friends like this?

I'd be more than happy to wrestle this guy, but he always keeps it as a "conversation piece." I think he secretly wants to wrestle but hesitates due to social perceptions, especially those of his wife.

I'm interested in any input.

Última edição em 26/7/2019 02:37 por Sparrhawk; 5 comentário(s)
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I got home a half hour ago from a night out with two buddies. The night started with the three of us and then more friends got involved until we had a total of 8 people in the group. We hung out, drank and went dancing with some girls until 1am.

It should have been fun. It was a good time, but something felt lacking. Over the course of the night, one thought kept returning, "I'd rather be wrestling."

One part I love about wrestling is the intense one-on-one connection.

I've never been a group person. I've always had one or two very close friends. Being part of a loosely connected group does nothing for me. I'd rather have one guy friend to wrestle every weekend than 10 friends to hang out with on Saturday night. Every other activity pales in comparison to how much I want to wrestle.

Última edição em 22/7/2018 08:10 por Sparrhawk; 1 comentário(s)
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I'm unsettled by a number of so-called wrestlers from the site who have talked to me for lengthy periods of time only to turn silent when our matches get close to reality.

For more than a month, I have discussed meeting a specific member for a match. He's been on the site over a year but has no reviews. This made me suspicious, but he returned all my messages and expressed an interested in finally getting a real-life wrestling session under his belt.

I did all the legwork: found a place to wrestle halfway between us, offered various dates and times that would work, etc. We discussed it several times. Last week, he specified that he could meet me for a match March 25th. That's coming right up, so I was psyched!

Today, I sent a message asking him to confirm our meetup. His response was to block me with no explanation. I'm in a small area of the country with very few opponents, so when this happens, it is a huge disappointment. I wish there was a way to warn other guys of members who are only "teases" with no intention of ever meeting.

Última edição em 21/3/2018 12:06 por Sparrhawk; 9 comentário(s)
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How long do you correspond with a guy to set up a match before you quit taking the invitation to wrestle seriously?

Right now, three separate guys have been talking about meeting me for a a match for the last six months, but none of them can pinpoint a day or even a month to meet. It feels like I'm being strung along.

I think my expectations for this site were far too high when I signed up. I had no idea how many guys would pretend to want to wrestle but then ghost me once a match date is set.

Última edição em 07/2/2018 03:31 por Sparrhawk; 7 comentário(s)
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Northern New England feels like a dessert when it comes to meeting guys who want to wrestle. When I first signed up for this site, I was excited to meet some brothers to grapple and practice moves. Unfortunately, what I've fond is a lot of fake profiles. If my area is a dessert, the profiles are mirages.

When you scroll though the profiles of guys in New Hampshire and Maine, almost none of them have opponents or recommendations. Many guys have been on the site for years and are not willing to meet up for a match. If that's the case, why have a profile at all?

Última edição em 05/2/2017 04:27 por Sparrhawk; 11 comentário(s)
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