At BJJ this week I asked this really skilled guy that I absolutely love being beaten up by if he was coming to class the next day. He told me he couldn't Friday mornings because of his Thursday night men's group. I asked him what the group was about and he told me that it was a bunch of guys that rent a middle school gym every Thursday and just "beat the s*** out of each other". Stunned, I was going to ask him the details but I figured I would just ask one question, so I did. I asked him "is there ever any blood?". He responded "sometimes". I said ok, and ended the conversation. Bloody battles are not my thing and pretty much not the thing of anyone I've met on any of the wrestling sites. Nobody wants blood drawn. Sometimes guys get injured, but we try to do wrestling/boxing/grappling without injuring each other, even though it does happen from time to time. But this sounded like they attempt to injure each other. Well, that's his thing, not mine. But my mind was blown that a real life "Fight Club" is right in my own neck of the woods. Though I have no intention of ever joining such a group. Man to man grappling and BJJ class is just fine with me. Peace out gents.

Última edição em 27/10/2019 02:40 por RhodyRaybo
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nhgrappler (19)

27/10/2019 04:12

Totally agree Rhody! Well said!


Tynesider (84)

27/10/2019 19:49

Each to their own. I would never do that (I'm ugly enough already) but if two adults want a full on fight it is their choice. If it wasn't for that type of man there would be no boxing, MMA etc.


maccabi (24)

29/10/2019 15:41

you should go someday... just to watch... men's only enviroment is full of TESTOSTERONE... and maybe you found a "rival" who fancy to try... hehe... make me remember the fight club's rules of the movie... my favs: "no shirts, no shoes...", "only 2 men at a time"... and the cliclé "you don't talk about fight club"...


Jimmy Elijah (76)

29/10/2019 16:31

I wouldn’t even go to watch it because I would be so turned off, in terms of what I look for in a match. But kudos to those gents for having their camaraderie.

“To each their own,” but I’m juuuusst fine here with you gents.✌️


ikf (23 )

03/11/2019 01:00

Grain/pinch of salt.

What was the most serious injury you ever saw him come to class with? Don't you think if this indeed was a "fight club" as depicted in the movie of the same title, in a school gym, in the most litigious - and by extension risk-averse - countries of all places: the US, it would have been shown the door by now? Then: if you spar boxing, and you get a medium strength but clear hit to the nose, even in gloves, chances are your nose will bleed. Now there is blood, and this is, technically, consistent with his answer to your question. In fact the very fact he did not answer "always" or "oh, all the time", but merely "sometimes", does suggest a very different - much safer and much more controlled - atmosphere from what is depicted in the movie. Unless you see physical signs otherwise, consider the expression "beating the shit out of each other" to be male exaggeration for an enthusiastic and intense sparring match, where nevertheless there is no violence (malevolence), but a high level of respect and self-control and safety and consensuality in mutually enjoying assisting each other in the efforts of enhancing the physical performance boundaries of ones' body. Actually injuring your training/sparring partners is a bad strategy (both in the short and in the long term), because you keep losing them as sparring partners (losing out on fun fight time), and if you injure them out of neglect or malevolence, they will even (rightfully) sue you. (Yes, there are bad apples occasionally, but if the group is stable, those bad apples have already been eradicated.)

Think about that a bit.

I suggest next time you ask him whether he thinks you might fit in, and to describe to you the intensity of the matches in more detail, and share your worries about violence and injuries.


bigchicago (68)

25/1/2020 07:11

I find this hard to believe. The idea that a school would rent out their space for something like this is pretty preposterous, even just from a view of liability. Nice fiction though.
