I have wrestled in the last 8 years probably over 200 guys in most likely well over 1000 matches. This would include any grappling and rolling I've done at Systema and BJJ classes. There are several wrestlers that I have rolled with numerous times over the years who have influenced me in this pastime more than others. Those who have influenced me for the better include Rassle4fun, Wrestling Beast, Twisterman, Average Joe, DG Duffy, JRRugby53, Kevinj8664, and Jiminmaine. But I would say the one wrestler that I want to acknowledge as coming closest to being a mentor to me it is Pecs44. Some of you have probably seen the many wrestling matches we've recorded. They are genuine and not staged in the least. We never decide in advance who is going to win and who will lose. So, it's all real.

Anyway the reason I am addressing the issue of mentoring is the differences this past with my mentor and a match with a young wrestler, who is on this site but I will call "Mike", that I am mentoring. I began wrestling with Mike last November, He came to my house and admitted that he had very little wrestling experience to speak of. Our first match was at my house in the basement. I noticed right away that as we were rolling that he had the stamina and a good amount of strength, but I was able to bring him down without much trouble. Why was that you may ask? He could be taken down because he didn't really know much about moves. He told me he really wanted to learn because he enjoyed wrestling. He had the tools, he just needed to learn to use them. So I agreed to wrestle him in the future with the understanding that I would show him how to be more effective as we wrestled. Well, 7 months later, we've wrestled 7 or 8 times and I can say that with my helping him, he's improved dramatically. This past match was especially interesting because I tapped 4 times while he only tapped twice which brings me to the point of this blog.

The question is whether or not to tap in a situation. You see, "Mike" had gotten me in several holds where I was having extreme difficulty getting out of. But 3 out of 4 of those situations, I probably could have gotten out of. But seeing he is learning very well, using things I taught him, I would usually give myself about a minute of being stuck before I tap. But, also, this past week, I wrestled with Pecs44 as well. If Pecs had gotten me in any of those holds that Mike did, then I would have given every ounce of strength I had to get out of his hold then do my best to nail him back. I CANNOT let Pecs get the best of me. Has he ever taught me holds? Actually he hasn't. But what he has taught me is vital. Pecs always taught me not to waste my energy when it's not necessary. AND he always taught me to keep going. I can't tell you how many times he'd have me pinned then if I'm lying there enjoying his chest in my face, I would hear him tell me "come on Ray, do something! Get out of this!" He always pushed me to the next level. He taught me not to give up. This doesn't mean I never tap out with others. It does mean I always give it my all in a rough competitive match. Even recently at BJJ class, I was rolling with one of the instructors. While I couldn't submit him to save my life, he told me that he noticed that I don't give up. Well, I have Pecs to thank for that.

So now back to Mike. Do I apply the exact same standards to Mike that I do to Pecs? No, not yet anyway. While my first motive to wrestle Mike is because I enjoy brawling with this young man, I have a secondary motive as well. I agreed to share with him what I know about wrestling. If I had acted the same way I with Mike when Pecs nails me...I could have injured him. And as one wrestler once said to me..."we don't want to break our toys". Plus, I want to make him know what he's done right and encourage him further. When Pecs has me nailed, I just HAVE to give my all to take him down. It's what he wants and it's definitely what I want. There's different circumstances in tapping, you gotta consider your opponent and the circumstances. Being mentored and mentoring someone else are 2 different ballgames.

Pecs did mentor me in ways that are priceless and I just want to pay it forward if I can. Plus maybe I can someday say about Mike what Pecs44 said about me on several occasions. He has said "I've created a monster!". Hopefully I can say that about Mike. Oh and "Mike" if you're reading this and want to identify yourself, feel free. Peace out and God bless.

Última edição em 01/7/2019 03:26 por RhodyRaybo
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GrapplerFL (11)

01/7/2019 16:16

Man , great post - this is awesome
