Guysmiley's blog

Do you ever get ahead of yourself?

I did this past week. It had to do with my healing and recovery phases from my surgery. You see, I had a note from my surgeon earlier on in the summer that mentioned that at sixteen weeks out from my surgery date, I should be able to begin resuming my NORMAL activities. I took that at literal translation and because of some upcoming travel plans and holidays, started booking some events. Now my normal activities include training in Krav Maga, of which I'm a black belt, six days a week, doing HIIT, high intensity interval training, 3 days a week, strength training 3 days a week, time on the mats grappling and sparring ... well, I think you get the picture. After 4 months of off time, I was more than ready to begin, even if slowly, to resume those activities.

But then logic got the best of me. While I knew my surgeon was aware of my proclivities of over achieving, and knew my activities, I thought it best to send him an email asking for clarification on just what his earlier email meant.
His reply was less than desirable for me. He insists waiting a minimum of 60 more days, into the month of October before I begin any of my former activities. In fact, he further says we will assess my condition at my next appointment, 30 Sept, and go from there. Yes, I was TERRIBLY disappointed in reading that email. Almost wished I hadn't sent it.

But then a dear friend, my Krav Master, who I told of this news said, "Remember, you've just had massive upper neck and cervical surgery and the risks were inherent and explained as well as the time to heal and recuperate up front. I believe this is great news and the impact should remain at a minimum. Remember, you did this surgery to improve the rest of your life. Six months to a year is nothing in the grand scheme of it all and the results you are already achieving in both mobility and strength are simply astounding and amazing. You sure don't want to suffer a set back by doing something stupid at this point."

You gotta love friends who are honest with you, and friends who forgive you for cancelling planned activities. Thank you all for your patience as my healing and recovery continue. I promise some really good match ups once I'm allowed.

Última edição em 04/8/2014 16:10 por Guysmiley
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socalwrest (32)

04/8/2014 18:32

Great blog post. I went through the same thing. I was sparring 10 rounds 3 days a week, doing bjj, lifiting weights etc. Then my body gave up. Hated training as my elbows were trashed, my back ached, etc. Took 7 months off and ready to get back to it refreshed. Just ignoring the body would of made things worse. Keep your spirits up, the rest will do you wonders, and when you are ready we are close enough hopefully we can meet up for a match someday


Guysmiley (41 )

04/8/2014 18:36

(em resposta à...)

Thanks SOCAL, appreciate the encouragement.


Guysmiley (41 )

06/10/2014 16:20

Saw the surgeon again on 30-Sept-2014, but this time I went in with no expectations, so less likely to be disappointed. While my healing seems to be going well with none of the new hardware popping or coming loose, he would still prefer me not engaging in wrestling or my self defense, anything that would cause impact, at least for another 4 months. I will continue striving to be a good boy so that the end result is optimum and I don't do something stupid to set myself back.

Thank you all for your encouraging notes and I look forward to hitting the mats with you again soon.
